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Thread: The little things that piss you off

  1. #7021
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    So i just got out of the intensive care unit.

    I was riding with my wife to her dr's appointment in amarillo, and suddenly, i just started falling out. Like, nodding out to where they couldn't wake me up.

    She rushed me to the hospital; my pulse was in the thirties for like 24 hours.

    I was there for a couple of days. NOW. As most of you guys know, i have bipolar disorder with psychosis, panic disorder, ocd. So the first thing these idiots do is WITHHOLD MY FUCKING ANTIPSYCHOTICS. So, once i'm coherent, they're asking me how i'm doing, and i'm like, ummm, well, i'm fucking HALLUCINATING, for one, unless there are green veins growing through the ceiling tiles.

    They also lowered my panic medicine and my opioid maintenance/recovery medicine. I didn't sleep for the whole three days i was there.

    OH, and i also, normally, have an insanely high pulse, and high blood pressure.

    Their diagnosis was that i had overdosed on my heart meds. Except, i kept telling them, i hadn't even TAKEN the fucking heart meds yet that day.

    When i got home last night, i was still hallucinating, and my pulse was at ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY.

    I kept telling them that their diagnosis was wrong, but they didn't care.

    Both my wife and mother called and ripped their asses, and told them that if we received a bill, they would receive a lawsuit.

    And now, idk wtf to do. I've used breathing exercises to get my pulse down to 100. I'm 99% sure they were WRONG about the heart medicine, but, i'm still scared to take it.

    The hospital suggested i come back, but it's like, ok, i'm at home now, 100 miles away, and also, come back for what? The same lovely care i got while i was in there?

    I kept fucking telling them that i was pretty sure that i'd been having SEIZURES: partial complex seizures. My lips and tongue were covered in dried blood, from me biting them. Sounds like seizures to me. Oh, and, even though my mouth was full of dried fucking blood, they wouldn't let me have a drink of water for like thirty hours.

    So yeah. It was fuuuuucked up. I'm glad i'm alive. I legit thought i was gonna die, when my pulse got that low, and then, again, when i was afraid i was gonna stroke out because it was so HIGH.

  2. #7022
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    So i just got out of the intensive care unit.

    I was riding with my wife to her dr's appointment in amarillo, and suddenly, i just started falling out. Like, nodding out to where they couldn't wake me up.

    She rushed me to the hospital; my pulse was in the thirties for like 24 hours.

    I was there for a couple of days. NOW. As most of you guys know, i have bipolar disorder with psychosis, panic disorder, ocd. So the first thing these idiots do is WITHHOLD MY FUCKING ANTIPSYCHOTICS. So, once i'm coherent, they're asking me how i'm doing, and i'm like, ummm, well, i'm fucking HALLUCINATING, for one, unless there are green veins growing through the ceiling tiles.

    They also lowered my panic medicine and my opioid maintenance/recovery medicine. I didn't sleep for the whole three days i was there.

    OH, and i also, normally, have an insanely high pulse, and high blood pressure.

    Their diagnosis was that i had overdosed on my heart meds. Except, i kept telling them, i hadn't even TAKEN the fucking heart meds yet that day.

    When i got home last night, i was still hallucinating, and my pulse was at ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY.

    I kept telling them that their diagnosis was wrong, but they didn't care.

    Both my wife and mother called and ripped their asses, and told them that if we received a bill, they would receive a lawsuit.

    And now, idk wtf to do. I've used breathing exercises to get my pulse down to 100. I'm 99% sure they were WRONG about the heart medicine, but, i'm still scared to take it.

    The hospital suggested i come back, but it's like, ok, i'm at home now, 100 miles away, and also, come back for what? The same lovely care i got while i was in there?

    I kept fucking telling them that i was pretty sure that i'd been having SEIZURES: partial complex seizures. My lips and tongue were covered in dried blood, from me biting them. Sounds like seizures to me. Oh, and, even though my mouth was full of dried fucking blood, they wouldn't let me have a drink of water for like thirty hours.

    So yeah. It was fuuuuucked up. I'm glad i'm alive. I legit thought i was gonna die, when my pulse got that low, and then, again, when i was afraid i was gonna stroke out because it was so HIGH.
    Jesus Christ on a POGO STICK, dude, that's so scary... how are you feeling now?

  3. #7023
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    Fucking hell @elevenism I hope you're ok.

  4. #7024
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    Fucking hell @elevenism I hope you're ok.
    Thanks, guys. I really don't know wtf to do, or what is going to happen.

    My pulse is staying around 100. I'm scared to take my heart meds in case they WERE somehow fucking with me.

    I got a pulse ox machine here, and I'm checking it every few hours.

    My big fear is that there's something wrong with my HEART that's... I'm scared I'm gonna need a pacemaker.

    I had supraventricular tachycardia/heart murmurs as an infant. I also have a friend who drank like I used to, and she wound up with a pacemaker.

    Anyway, I'm gonna make sure I don't die.

    I'm checking my pulse and ready to call 911 if need be.

  5. #7025
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    People misusing the term "sample". No, a sample is not a cover. No, a sample is not a re-interpretation. No, a sample is not an interpolation. The term "sample" only refers to taking a part of something already recorded and using it in a song. The term is so misused, even by music journalists (who definitely should know better), that there are Wikipedia pages that use cited sources to say a song uses a sample when it's 100% original recordings. This pisses me off more than it has any right to.

  6. #7026
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    Jesus christ @elevenism , that's horrible

  7. #7027
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    I know this is Onion-esque but it reminds me of my last job. I was the lowest-paid person in the office but I was also the one responsible for planning office parties and getting reservations for events for my boss who was also the director. So we'd end up at these places where people who were making 95 - 135k could afford the $25 salads and I'm sitting there drinking water and looking at the appetizers and even then being like "what if I just leave early". And it was always like "hey, are you not hungry" come on man. you know I'm the lowest paid person here, you know my wife can't work, and you want to have dinner at one of the most bougie places in town.

  8. #7028
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Jesus christ @elevenism, that's horrible
    Yeah man. I'm honestly not fishing for sympathy or whatever: note that I didn't make a Facebook post about it, but I can't seem to catch a damn break in the health dept, like, EVER. I couldn't help but tell YOU guys about it, though.

    My wife managed to hustle some unemployment as an "artist," who can't work during the pandemic, which gave us income to claim, which made it to where we qualified for some ACA insurance, for cheepcheep, and, have a little money to pay for it.

    SO, I will get seen for this, and she'll most likely get the hep c cure. We were GONNA get a car, but it looks like we'll need all the money to stay alive instead.

  9. #7029
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post

    I know this is Onion-esque but it reminds me of my last job. I was the lowest-paid person in the office but I was also the one responsible for planning office parties and getting reservations for events for my boss who was also the director. So we'd end up at these places where people who were making 95 - 135k could afford the $25 salads and I'm sitting there drinking water and looking at the appetizers and even then being like "what if I just leave early". And it was always like "hey, are you not hungry" come on man. you know I'm the lowest paid person here, you know my wife can't work, and you want to have dinner at one of the most bougie places in town.
    Oh, dude. When I was in high school, working on the newspaper, we'd go to these like, five day journalism workshops at a nice hotel in Dallas. And, same shit: they'd always pick suave restaurants, and, of course, everyone could afford it except me and one other poor bastard.

    It was highly embarrassing, but, at least there were two of us. We were like, HEY. Take us to Wendy's or Hamburger King FFS, you bougie fucks.

  10. #7030
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    That's scary @elevenism Glad you're home now

  11. #7031
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    Back to the mail delay chat - my husband paid Express 3 day-shipping on our rent check on 12/19. It's still sitting in NJ to this day.

  12. #7032
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    Most of all, stupid people who impose their stupidity are enraged. I hate anybody's stories about intimate life. I believe that such moments should remain between two people, and not spread around the world. It irritates self-conceit when a person is completely confident in his righteousness and omniscience. It can spoil my mood.

  13. #7033
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    Please don't erase disabled people from history, social media (click through for the thread).

  14. #7034
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    I am... just very much over people telling me I need to be assertive and "put my foot down" in situations where I have no power, and where I know where that goes when I try. Especially angrily telling me that.... you know what happens when I get angry in this situation I'm in? Everyone yells at me and I'm a pariah until I'm forgiven. To hell with that "advice"

    At this point, fuck trying to even explain the situation or how frustrating and depressing it is. All that happens is I get an angry lecture telling me to do things I HAVE ALREADY TRIED TO DO. If there wasn't this pandemic situation completely scrambling the world, I would have other options. Right now, I'm basically just going to shut up and wait till this shit is over. I'm not going to get mad, or express frustration to anyone anymore.

    Oh really, I should "just GO!" Gee, hadn't thought about that option. Give me some other great advice. Where should I go? I can't generate any money right now, I can't even imagine what kind of job I could get that wouldn't completely negate everything I'm good at. If I "just go" I am going to live in a tent, literally, on the street. I can't afford an apartment in Los Angeles anymore, I can't do anything right now, I'm trapped in a ridiculous situation. "Just go?!" The only way I can "just go" is to sell everything I own and hope for the best.

    I just really guess I can't expect people to listen. Sometimes when you tell people "I'm fucked," they don't realize that you're not asking for advice.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 01-06-2021 at 08:04 PM.

  15. #7035
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    It sounds like you're venting to people and want to vent, when they perceive that you're asking for advice.
    This isn't uncommon, because many people are geared toward problem solving, and some people shut down their empathy chip and shift to "wow, that sucks why don't you...."

    I think at the heart of things, if you're not close with someone, it's difficult to sit with them in their pain/ frustration. And really, sometimes it's hard to do that even if you ARE close to someone.

    I think as a society, the US has a hard time dealing with discontent in life...a lot of times because we're fed bullshit of "oh just believe" or just "change x." If those close to your are giving ill results...maybe preface with "I need to vent." If they're casual friends...well...maybe don't expect much?

    To be fair...I was long in a profession where I couldn't explain my grievances, because those close to me couldn't understand the science behind it. In the end, I realized that no one understood what I was talking about, and I never felt any better about it. So I just gave up. I don't think it was the right approach, but I did abandon wasting time and energy going through the motions that didn't serve me. It did lead me to abandon that field altogether. So I would suggest finding a peer group that's impartial that could support you, if that's the course you wish to stay one.

  16. #7036
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I am... just very much over people telling me I need to be assertive and "put my foot down" in situations where I have no power, and where I know where that goes when I try. Especially angrily telling me that.... you know what happens when I get angry in this situation I'm in? Everyone yells at me and I'm a pariah until I'm forgiven. To hell with that "advice"

    At this point, fuck trying to even explain the situation or how frustrating and depressing it is. All that happens is I get an angry lecture telling me to do things I HAVE ALREADY TRIED TO DO. If there wasn't this pandemic situation completely scrambling the world, I would have other options. Right now, I'm basically just going to shut up and wait till this shit is over. I'm not going to get mad, or express frustration to anyone anymore.

    Oh really, I should "just GO!" Gee, hadn't thought about that option. Give me some other great advice. Where should I go? I can't generate any money right now, I can't even imagine what kind of job I could get that wouldn't completely negate everything I'm good at. If I "just go" I am going to live in a tent, literally, on the street. I can't afford an apartment in Los Angeles anymore, I can't do anything right now, I'm trapped in a ridiculous situation. "Just go?!" The only way I can "just go" is to sell everything I own and hope for the best.

    I just really guess I can't expect people to listen. Sometimes when you tell people "I'm fucked," they don't realize that you're not asking for advice.
    this is awkward, because you're not asking for advice...but that's totally a guy thing. Women have a like "top five thing that guys do that annoys them" and it's "fixing problems instead of just listening".

    I am sorry for you in this situation because as you say there's no easy option. I hope you find some peace in it eventually, especially considering how wild the world is right now.

    unrelated: An amber alert just came on. I'm in Washington State where some fuckwads tried to storm the governor's house, so hearing four phones go off at the same time with that God damn siren made me fear the worst. I'm still going to bar the garage door tonight.

    also I was picking up dinner and someone in a F350 with a supercab and full-size bed decided to park this piece of shit right behind my car. I put my food in the car, walked over to the truck and glared at the guy staring at his phone. Scared the hell out of him and he moved - barely, but he moved - so I could get out. I just felt like today was not the day to be trying me. I had chopsticks and I've seen John Wick. lol

  17. #7037
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    @Jinsai - i totally get what you're saying. It's why I didn't tell anyone that I was in an abusive marriage (first marriage) for so long. Because I knew they'd give me bad advise, like "you should LEAVE." Um, yeah, DUH. But, that's not as easy as you think when you're in a situation and you have to think things out logistically and plan them, etc. They mean well, but you have to do things your way.

    That's why, when I see you say you're miserable, I've always said you should find a way to ride it out. I had to move back home in my 20s when my building was sold, and it sucked. I stayed as far away from them in the house as possible, I was on a computer in the basement most of the time. We gotta do what we gotta do. But I totally get what you're saying. Maybe when venting to friends, come right out and say that you can't leave right now due to Covid and stuff, and then they'll "get" it?

    Hang in there.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-06-2021 at 10:47 PM.

  18. #7038
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    this is awkward, because you're not asking for advice...but that's totally a guy thing. Women have a like "top five thing that guys do that annoys them" and it's "fixing problems instead of just listening".
    Well, since I'm a guy who identifies as a male, I guess, well... I get it?

    But really, I get that. I'm bad at it... I feel like I instinctively want to tell people I love that I have good ideas for them to help them resolve what's wrong. I've found that, frequently, I've needed to check myself when I give people suggestions or advice, that I need to understand that it's frequently unhelpful, and I need to take a step back and maybe reconsider how "helpful" I am being.

    I guess I also get, that, really... people who are giving you advice care, and that's why they're telling you what they think you should do. It's important probably for me to remember that they care.

  19. #7039
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    this is awkward, because you're not asking for advice...but that's totally a guy thing. Women have a like "top five thing that guys do that annoys them" and it's "fixing problems instead of just listening".
    I like you & respect you allegate, truly.
    However I respectfully take issue with chalking this to a guy or girl thing.
    The idea that women "feel" and guys want to "fix" I find it to be an out-dated way of thinking. Some women don't "feel" and fall into fixing things, and visa versa. I count myself within those parameters. Let us move into a new way of thinking that perhaps we're just not understanding , and we fall into default coping mechanisms, rather than be bound by gender differences? the John Wick ref.

  20. #7040
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    fair, it's just the first thing that came to mind from Psych 101 from many moons ago. Or maybe Sociology? At any rate, it was more a memory of my own from a long-ago college course than trying to attribute it to either sex right now.

    My bad, and I continue to grow.

  21. #7041
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    well.. I guess I’ll just say I didn’t mean to open a can of worms about that general notion, and I say nobody meant anything shitty. I wish I could say that about most conversations I have had lately

  22. #7042
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    fair, it's just the first thing that came to mind from Psych 101 from many moons ago. Or maybe Sociology? At any rate, it was more a memory of my own from a long-ago college course than trying to attribute it to either sex right now.
    The funny thing is that my husband and I argue about this all the fucking time!!

    For me, the focus is how I got to solving the problem, not the solution itself (the journey, vs. the destination). My husband just cuts to the chase. Which is pretty typical of my guy friends and relatives. DGAF about the methodology or the process of getting to it, what’s the solution?

    And it IS a gender thing because we are socialized differently. Not think vs. feel, but having to do with how we were conditioned to communicate within our gender constructs. Gender socialization.

    Now, this isn't 100%. I did have a best friend guy friend who told the LONGEST STORIES ON EARTH about problem-solving, so it's not ONLY a chick thing. But, he'd also interrupt me and tell me how to solve things.

    But communication is what we're talking about, here. Like you, I took plenty of sociology and communication classes (I have a B.A. in Communication) about how we communicate as well as how we are socialized; teams vs. individuals, etc. Not the Mars / Venus pop science stuff.

    We also have these Myers-Briggs types. Colleges have you test in these so they can group you by M-B type to help with communication and problem-solving. I’m an INTJ. I have nearly zero tolerance for anything non-logical. I don’t want to hear personal stuff in a problem-solving story. I just like project management.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-07-2021 at 02:37 PM.

  23. #7043
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    I don't think it was a can of worms at all. I apologize for derailing your issue. My intent is to respond with positivity...for lack for a better term.
    I would suggest, maybe you can vent here, and we can hear that out. Maybe that would help?
    Last edited by Magnetic; 01-07-2021 at 07:57 AM.

  24. #7044
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    No, honestly I just did not handle stuff too well yesterday. Maybe I lost my shit with all that was happening on the larger scale of things when juxtaposed to my personal life issues... it was a rough day

  25. #7045
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    Not to pivot, but I just read this.

  26. #7046
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    You just gotta love the "deplorables." Basically they've adopted this tag to describe themselves in an ironic way but what they don't realize is that they actually are deplorable and stupid. "I just sit around all day, watch some Larry the Cable Guy, think about how hey Obama was the worst for reasons I am not really great at articulating, and I'm just tired of being called stupid"

  27. #7047
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    re: advice vs. listening - i've had this issue with my best friend (who is a gender-neutral woman) who will often give me unsolicited advice. so we've established a system where i say "hey, can i talk to you about something? is it ok if you just listen?" and other times "hey, i need some advice about something if you're willing." now, setting boundaries like that isn't easy with everyone, but if you CAN, before you start having a conversation where you're talking about issues, make it very clear what you need from the person with whom you're sharing that info. and if they don't respect that, find someone else to talk to who WILL respect that.

    it's all about consent. asking for consent to share/vent, and establishing YOUR consent for what their end of the conversation will be.

  28. #7048
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    @eversonpoe - That is a GREAT idea!!!! I LOVE that!!

  29. #7049
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    this is actually maddening. If you like manatees, or hate Trump, or anything in-between, this will more than likely piss you off too. But don't click if your day is somewhat free of stress right now.

  30. #7050
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    Went to the off-leash dog park this morning with my elderly German Shepherd and it was mostly a good time until we were near the end of the outer-perimeter path. A woman with a golden retriever who we regularly encounter on our twice-weekly visits waved me over and asked if I saw the two Huskies about 150 ft ahead of me/behind her (we were going opposite ways on the loop) and I confirmed I did. She said she thought they were abandoned.

    I realized there was no person around them and they had been sitting there for the entire time we were on that section of the path (about .6 miles long according to signs posted) but there were people further back so I just thought they had gone ahead like every dog does there. She said they were covered in ice and too skittish to come close but one had a tag. I put down my bag and gloves and got on my knees close to them, hands out in a welcoming, non-intimidating pose. They came timidly forward and the one without a tag got close enough to let me pet him. His back, chin, neck, and chest were totally frozen. I could see the other one was in a similar state. They had very clearly been there overnight (it was just before 7am).

    They were hungry, scared, and completely distrustful of us.

    This lady had treats and was trying to coax them over to her with them but the one with a tag on just would not let anyone get him. I was seriously half an inch from getting a grip on his harness while he was distracted with a treat but he got away and then refused to come near me again after shooting daggers from his eyes.

    The woman said had just gotten there and said she would keep trying to get them to come closer to get the tag and hopefully call but if not, would hopefully be able to tell a ranger, but neither of us knew when they actually show up to man the admission booth. The dog park opens at 5am and closes at 10pm and I've only ever been there once after 8am, on a weekend, and there was someone in the booth. Otherwise, it's the honor system with a automated kiosk to buy a daily/annual pass when there isn't anyone staffing the booth.

    They couldn't have been much more than a year. They were so tiny and cute, confused, frozen, and scared. It was fucking heartbreaking and there was nothing I could fucking do.

    Fuck whatever asshole(s) abandoned them and fuck anyone who abuses animals in any way. What a shitfuck way to start the day.

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