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Thread: The little things that piss you off

  1. #7891
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    Those Kevin Hart commercials.

  2. #7892
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    Those Kevin Hart commercials.
    I'll expand on that: ANY commercial featuring a celebrity that you know for a fact is making shitloads of money already pisses me off.

  3. #7893
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    35 minutes of trailers and another 5 minutes of ads after the trailers in front of Bad Boys 4. No wonder people are skipping theaters.

  4. #7894
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    Quote Originally Posted by raptors661 View Post
    35 minutes of trailers and another 5 minutes of ads after the trailers in front of Bad Boys 4. No wonder people are skipping theaters.
    I don't mind trailers, especially if I see something that I wasn't aware of, or a trailer is really well done, but the ads are the worst.

  5. #7895
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    The new Target commercial improvising the Michelle Branch song

  6. #7896
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  7. #7897
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    Really getting tired of having a "once in a century" storm every other week here in Vermont this summer. We had horrible flooding last summer and it's been happening over and over again this summer as well. Thankfully where my house is located it's unaffected by floods, but it still sucks to watch it happen to friends. Debby hit yesterday and while it didn't cause the flooding the last few storms caused, it did cause widespread power outages. Ours has been out for over 12 hours now, and there's a good chance it'll be out all weekend. I'm thankful we have a generator, but it's not ideal to run it all weekend.

    EDIT: After being off for 63 hours, our power finally came back on this morning.
    Last edited by otnavuskire; 08-12-2024 at 10:15 AM.

  8. #7898
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    @otnavuskire I feel your pain! Our area is so sensitive, the running joke is that even if someone sneezes we lose power! The longest we went without power was 5 days.

    Glad you got it back now.

  9. #7899
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    Thanks. Meanwhile something even more upsetting than that has been going down in the house for a while and it really came to a head last night. We had a new roommate move in about 2 months ago and while at first he seemed like a chill, quiet guy, it's quickly become clear that the opposite is true.

    To be clear about the living situation, it's a house that the owners live in (a husband and wife that I've known since before they got the house), and I rent a room from them. We've been here nine years now. There's another room that's over the living room (not directly over it, but up a staircase and off to the side) that was clearly intended as an office as there's a glass wall that overlooks the living room but they rent it out as well. This guy moved in two months ago and immediately set to complaning about anything and everything, including stuff we warned him about before he moved in. Rather than trying to make himself a part of the community that we've created in the house over the last nine years, he just complains because clearly he knows better than us. He has a super entitled attitude and wants to change all sorts of things that we don't want changed. He's also super passive aggressive and often makes disrespectful and sexist remarks to and about the one woman who lives in the house.

    It's been bothering us for a while now, and it all came to a head last night and a big argument ensued. He refuses to listen to reason and doesn't seem to comprehend or care how his behavior upsets the rest of us. I definitely said somethings I regret (the worst was saying "fucking passive aggressive prick"...accurate, but a bad decision on my part). My roommates asked him to look for a new place to live, but his lease isn't over until mid December. They'd happily let him out of the lease but it seems like he's determined to double down on the passive aggressiveness and make our lives miserable, based on how this morning has gone.

  10. #7900
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    @otnavuskire Ugh, that's terrible! I hope he decides to leave soon.

  11. #7901
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    @otnavuskire Ugh, that's terrible! I hope he decides to leave soon.
    Me too. This morning he was going through my entertainment center in the living room dusting it for whatever reason. I decided to not engage. Then earlier this afternoon I noticed my Nintendo Wii was missing. I actually have a picture of my dog that I took last night where you can see it on the shelf, so I could prove it was there.

    After several minutes of searching I finally found it and a bunch of other stuff from the entertainment center (including my Switch) in paper bags under a desk on the other side of the room.

    What the actual fuck?

  12. #7902
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  13. #7903
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    @otnavuskire Oh no, this does not sound good at all!

  14. #7904
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    @otnavuskire Oh no, this does not sound good at all!
    Yeah it's really fucking annoying. My roommate (the homeowner) talked to him and told him not to move anyone's stuff, ever. All we can really hope for is that he chooses to find a new place to live soon. Unfortunately in Vermont it's really hard to evict someone before their lease is up without them violating the rental agreement. So it's possible we'll just have to deal with him until then.

  15. #7905
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    well, a few weeks ago, i had a seizure and fell directly onto a drawer, which was in my floor (because, of course it was).

    This caused my humerus bone to like, break in in, one half was still in the ball joint on the shoulder, and the other half broke clean out.
    i also sustained another fracture, lower down on the same bone.

    this was shortly after my new RA doc told me i have literally the lowest vit d she had ever seen, and also, that my bone density was insanely low.

    she ALSO told me that my RA was extremely aggressive, (what up @chuckrh ,) AND, that she thinks i have a fucking COROLLARY autoimmune disease, AND that she wanna do a fucking biopsy on my salivary gland. OH. And she wants to do some kind of fucking DNA test, ffs.
    to top it all off, she said that the imaging suggests that there is something liek, bad wrong with my fucking HEART.

    so it's just been appt after appt, and, remember : we live 1.5 hours from most of these apptmts, and good GOD i'm losing my mind.

    thank god for my wife, who has cooked for me, helped me shower, get dressed, etc.

    so, that's where i've been. i'm typing with my left hand on a tiny keyboard.

    i hope y'all are ok

  16. #7906
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    Oooowwwww... ow ow ow.

    I hope recovery goes smoothly.
    Last edited by MrLobster; 08-16-2024 at 12:01 AM.

  17. #7907
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrLobster View Post
    Oooowwwww... ow ow ow.

    I hope recovery goes smoothly.
    Thx, man. I'm following all instructions

  18. #7908
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    well, a few weeks ago, i had a seizure and fell directly onto a drawer, which was in my floor (because, of course it was).

    This caused my humerus bone to like, break in in, one half was still in the ball joint on the shoulder, and the other half broke clean out.
    i also sustained another fracture, lower down on the same bone.

    this was shortly after my new RA doc told me i have literally the lowest vit d she had ever seen, and also, that my bone density was insanely low.

    she ALSO told me that my RA was extremely aggressive, (what up @chuckrh ,) AND, that she thinks i have a fucking COROLLARY autoimmune disease, AND that she wanna do a fucking biopsy on my salivary gland. OH. And she wants to do some kind of fucking DNA test, ffs.
    to top it all off, she said that the imaging suggests that there is something liek, bad wrong with my fucking HEART.

    so it's just been appt after appt, and, remember : we live 1.5 hours from most of these apptmts, and good GOD i'm losing my mind.

    thank god for my wife, who has cooked for me, helped me shower, get dressed, etc.

    so, that's where i've been. i'm typing with my left hand on a tiny keyboard.

    i hope y'all are ok
    Get better hermano, buena vibra!

  19. #7909
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    Have had you in my thoughts, reading all this is so troublesome to hear. I'm so sorry bro!

    I really hope things improve for you and you can live somewhat comfortably despite all that is plaguing you at this time.

    Love ya holmes!

  20. #7910
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    Have had you in my thoughts, reading all this is so troublesome to hear. I'm so sorry bro!

    I really hope things improve for you and you can live somewhat comfortably despite all that is plaguing you at this time.

    Love ya holmes!
    love u too, homeboy. thanks, and you, too, @henryeatscereal .

    man the other shit can wait. i'll be good- it just fucking blows breaking a bone like THAT.
    and then, i take that subooxone, so i can't take vicodin or anything (unless i wanna go through a month of suboxone withdrawal, which is hellish, and by the time i was done doing that, i doubt they'd give me anything, anyway).

    the weirdest part about this, is that i'm realizing how adaptable our minds are, you know?

    like, week 1, it was YAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! at all times.
    but now that i'm 3 weeks in, yeah, it fucking hurts, but it's as though my brain is more like "ok, that's there. hurts, can't use right arm."

    so, at least that.

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