Quote Originally Posted by Krazy View Post

Just say "no" to any political BS from musicians these days. Too many are doing it and it's honestly fatiguing. Visit cnn.com for the daily "What might happen if Trump might or might not do this?" drama.
lol this is the most absurd shit, I see it constantly. "Stay out of politics! Go back to [music/comedy/movies/TV/etc]!" Like wtf? All of a sudden, artists aren't allowed to be political or speak their opinion? Why doesn't this apply to everybody? Why aren't people going around to normal people on Facebook and yelling, "Stay out of politics! Go back to [plumbing/fast food/farming/whatever job you have]!"

Art has always been political. Artists have always been outspoken. And honestly at this moment in time, silence could easily be interpreted as complicity in what's happening. More people need to be speaking out. We need art and artists to create and speak out about this shit.

When we stop seeing art without a political stance, then we need to start worrying. That would be the worst thing that could happen to art.