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Thread: Sigil 04_: Welcome oblivion

  1. #211
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    Fernando, you seem to not care much about HTDA either, but you do still get angry when anything happens

  2. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheepdean View Post
    Fernando, you seem to not care much about HTDA either, but you do still get angry when anything happens
    So my opinion on what tracks are/aren't on a CD I haven't listened to yet is less valid than anyone else's? That's a funny way to look at things.

    This is the HTDA section where we talk about HTDA. I don't see a problem with it.
    Last edited by FernandoDante; 01-31-2013 at 02:44 PM.

  3. #213
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    So, two things I haven't seen posted yet:

    You can just download How Long? straight from HTDA's soundcloud as opposed to iTunes. And they seem to have uploaded another track by accident...

  4. #214
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deacon Blackfire View Post
    So, two things I haven't seen posted yet:

    You can just download How Long? straight from HTDA's soundcloud as opposed to iTunes. And they seem to have uploaded another track by accident...
    It's just How Long? twice, though I thought that too :P

  5. #215
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    Ah, damn! Haven't had a chance to watch the video yet so I didn't try giving it a listen.

  6. #216
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    Damn, you psyched me out with that extra song upload shit.

    Why is everyone throwing a shit fit over bonus tracks? You guys are acting like this is some sort of brand new marketing scheme that HTDA came up with. Bonus tracks have been a thing ever since CDs hit.

    So the two CD versions have different track listings. You guys heard of import bonus tracks? How about "deluxe editions" that just change the track listing around and tack on five dollars? Or are those unknown concepts here?

    If it really burns you that much, wait until March when that shit hits Pirate Bay and get it then. This is such a trivial thing to complain about.

  7. #217
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    With Teeth had an extra song in a few editions, no problem with that since every edition had the whole album, being "Home" just an extra (very good imo) track. And if you really wanted that extra track, you could always buy pretty easily the edition that included it.

    Now, just imagine 2 version of TDS, with the cd version lacking "Reptile" and "The Becoming" for no reason at all, songs included in the vinyl version. How does that make any sense? The only reason behind it would be to force the die-hard fans to buy the (much more expensive) vinyl version.

    Vinyl is an older format that has become fashionable again because of collectors, and cds can easily include 15 songs instead of just 13, this is not like when "The Fragile" had different songs on vinyl or cassette due to the limited number of songs that said formats could include on each side or for a better sequencing/continuity, this is just the same kind of rip off that Trent bitched about when he left Interscope.

    If I remember well, he said that releasing too many different editions of the same thing was just a blatant and insulting rip off, I don't remember if he was talking about the "WITT" single or about the usual different cd editions in Japan or Europe, but including extra tracks just in the most expensive format is exactly the same thing imho, and you just can't compare it to releasing a different edition on Japan or Europe because everybody could order those editions through a billion different stores, however the only way I can add certain HTDA's tracks to my physical collection of albums would be having to buy a format that was dated before many of us were born and which is also way more expensive.

    I don't doubt the coolness of the vinyl format, but I just don't see the reason behind excluding certain tracks from the cd version, the only reason I see is the higher price.

    And yes, everybody will be able to listen to those songs through TPB or ITunes, but then I don't see why they bother releasing the album as a cd. My album collection are just tons of cds, mabe not as cool as vinyls, but when I grew up almost nobody bought vinyls or vinyl players and I had not an IPod/mp3 player, that was the 90s, I just bought cds for my cd player, and I just would like to buy an album with all of its songs, otherwise I feel treated like a worthless customer.

  8. #218
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    Whaaa-mbulance to thread #1358, we have an emergency.

    I don't get the bitching, you're getting an extended version of the album on CD and with pretty vinyl packaging/artwork.

  9. #219
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    bitches gonna bitch

  10. #220
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    It seems very apparent to me that the two tracks were left off the cd version simply because they didn't make the cut, the comparison here to leaving Reptile and the Becoming off TDS isn't very apt. If they were good enough they would be on the cd, as it its they're just an extra treat for die hard fans. No point in getting so riled up about a couple of bonus tracks that you'll be able to download as soon as the vinyl rip leaks.

  11. #221
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    I buy CDs to up my cool points when my friends come over.

    Are you saying import editions aren't somehow more expensive? because that's just straight up not true. The pre-order for Welcome oblivion's Japanese edition is over forty dollars, if I remember correctly. You're actually getting more (i.e. the 2xvinyl) for less (probably 25 from the website) here.

    The extra tracks might have something to do with the sequencing of the vinyl, too. That was the reason for The Fragile's extras, after all - Trent didn't want to put those two tracks on, but he did to make sure the vinyl balanced out. It could be the same sort of thing here - those two songs probably aren't as good as the rest. Plus, the track list is in a somewhat different order for the vinyl, too, which adds credibility to my theory here.

    The point I'm trying to make is that we're getting more music than we expected, and I think we should just be pleased with that. Not to say that we should take everything we get at face value, but I don't think HTDA is trying to pull us a fast one or shake us down. In fact, they probably think that this is a good thing for us, considering most of us on this damn board would buy both even if the vinyl was announced to have just those two bonus tracks and absolutely nothing else on it. Completionism and all that.

    In any case, I think of the two tracks in the same sense that I thought of Home and RWIBv2 in - bonus tracks. Home was after Sunspots on the With Teeth vinyl, don't forget.

    But obviously you're entitled to your opinion and frustration and please don't think I'm trying to de-legitimize your complaints/concerns here. I'm just offering counterpoints that may or may not make sense.

  12. #222
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    Actually, I would put this very much in the same category as The Fragile on vinyl, or With Teeth on vinyl. Both albums had plenty of space on the CD versions for those songs. At the time The Fragile was announced, I recall Trent saying something about how the vinyl has extended versions and extra songs because it's special. It also has huge-ass artwork. And if you don't want to buy the vinyl version to have those two extra songs, I'll be happy to hear you whine after you've spent a decade chasing down the CD quality version of Butch Vig's remix of Last, or 45 minutes of unreleased Coil remixes. It's being put out on a CD. It will be on YouTube within minutes of the first fan getting their hands on it. You will hear the exclusive songs.

    I would also argue this is not the same kind of ripoff Trent complained about with Interscope. You've seen the tracklist of the WITT singles, right? That was bullshit, and I'm very fortunate that I had friends who got me those CDs as a gift, because I sure as hell would have a hard time justifying the price of them (although knowing what they later sold for, I might regret not having bought more copies).

    When it comes to Trent Reznor format-exclusive tracks, you don't even know what want is. Do you know how many years I went knowing that there were vinyl-only remixes of Happiness in Slavery and The Perfect Drug, but never hearing them? And the first rips that eventually made their way onto the internet were horribly compressed, played off terrible turntables. Rumors of a Japan-only remix of Reptile that never actually existed. "The Lost Fragile Tracks" photo, posted to, but never really followed up on. Nowadays, remixes leak that don't even make the official releases (Bill Laswell, where did all those remixes come from?) and with a label being involved, you're pretty much guaranteed to hear the album before your official copy shows up.

    Get the vinyl, or get the standard release, and then get over it (and get off my lawn)! <3

  13. #223
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    Quote Originally Posted by Final Destiny View Post
    The point I'm trying to make is that we're getting more music than we expected, and I think we should just be pleased with that. In fact, they probably think that this is a good thing for us, considering most of us on this damn board would buy both even if the vinyl was announced to have just those two bonus tracks and absolutely nothing else on it. Completionism and all that.
    Personally, I was thrilled to see separate CD and vinyl tracklists this morning. We're getting even more new music than anticipated! That alone excites me. Like Final Destiny is saying, a lot of us would probably buy the CD and vinyl versions even if they were identical, so it's pretty awesome that there's not only differing artwork, but also differing tracklists. I like owning vinyl simply for the added tangibility and larger artwork. The alternate solutions to layout often fascinate me, too, since the same art will usually be used but in a cool, different way for each medium. Sometimes I prefer the CD packaging, other times the vinyl packaging., I like that How to Destroy Angels are taking that a step further by making a different cover for each format, and offering alternate track orders. They're certainly not the first band to do it, but I always appreciate when that happens with artists I like.

    Now, if this was the 90s, and you couldn't Google or YouTube a song in seconds, then this bonus track business would be a bigger deal. Leviathant's post above is really making me grateful for the instant gratification we're used to today.

  14. #224
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    Granted, the artwork differences aren't nearly as radical as the ones for EP1 (and I actually like the design of the CD more), but that's another thing too. Sometimes I pull out my omen vinyl and just stare into the endless blue.

    Too much blue in that packaging. I'm glad there's more color this time around.

  15. #225
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    including a CD with the vinyl with the vinyl version on it is incredibly smart. why does no one else do this stuff? i'm tired of an industry built on not giving people what they want when they spend cash on your art.

  16. #226
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    Quote Originally Posted by seasonsinthesky View Post
    including a CD with the vinyl with the vinyl version on it is incredibly smart. why does no one else do this stuff? i'm tired of an industry built on not giving people what they want when they spend cash on your art.
    Bruce Springsteen did that last time around. Then again, he also did the bullshit "deluxe edition" with nothing but two extra tracks tacked onto the end of the album, which wasn't on the vinyl/CD included with it.

  17. #227
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    Ok, I'll stop whining after just one simple question: if those songs were weaker and included on the vinyl version for just some unknown reason regarding the technical differences between formats... why are they including a cd with the vinyl version of the album with the vinyls? Couldn't they just do the same with all the cds?

    I don't know, I'll wait till the album is out to see if my bitching is justified. XD But I'm still upset for not having the 2 tracks from An_Omen in a physical format because I like them, specially Speaking In Tongues, so if the 2 extra tracks in the vinyl version suck, the "better" (not really), but if they are great and improve the whole album, I'll be irremediably mad. XD

    About the price thing: you can buy tons of european cds in many stores like or amazon uk for a very reasonable price, maybe japanese editions are a different story, but those editions usually include just some extra remixes or songs from the singles b-sides and stuff like that, which is not the same thing for me. However, if an album like Year Zero included extra tracks on its japanese edition that were not available anywhere else, then I would be pissed too, but at least I could buy the damn thing even if I wouldn't understand the reason behind releasing an album with different tracklists. But in this case, I'm not going to buy the vinyls because I'll never play them, and everytime I listen to the cd I'll be missing 2 tracks if they are any good, if they suck I'll just better think that the cd version is the ultimate/best version and I'll not mind that much. XD

    But in my opinion every album should always have the same tracklist no matter the format. Then you can include some extra stuff AFTER all the songs or in an extra cd in a deluxe edition, I don't mind that too much, what I hate is when this is done with the proper tracklist of the album, is this a 13 tracks album with a couple of extras or is this a 15 tracks album with an inferior edition? When I mentioned TDS, I know that album has 14 tracks, period (and I know that there is a version with Dead Souls instead of Big Man, but that's not TDS for me), I know PHM has 10 tracks and the reedition included GDML's cover (which I love), but PHM is still a 10 tracks album no matter how many extras you want to include in different reeditions (btw, I HATED the lack of the Midnight Express sample in Sanctified, maybe I have some kind of mental problem XDDD).
    Last edited by Max Leo; 01-31-2013 at 10:06 PM.

  18. #228
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    you americans can justify the vinyl-exclusive thing nice and easy, nothing wrong there. you go into store, choose between all editions and maybe go out with both (or more) in your hands.
    but for those in other countries it's different. we get a "lite" version as if it is the one and only version without any alternative, in fact i very much doubt i'll see a local HTDA release here.
    i remember getting AATCHB. noticed the "CD1" on the spine and asked in the shop: what, there's more? they said: no idea. constant rip-off with straight face, that's what it is if you want an _original_ thing.
    importing vinyl is gamble because the sender may or may not have wrapped it safely and i'm not even mentioning the postage rates, let alone weeks (sometimes months) of waiting for a fucking hour of music

  19. #229
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    Quote Originally Posted by CANTCOMPLAIN View Post
    I don't know, I'll wait till the album is out to see if my bitching is justified.
    Hmm, there's an idea.

  20. #230
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    Album art is INSANE. It's definitely the prettiest, creepiest thing with Reznor's name on it that's ever been released.

    How is it that I always vacillate from "meh, I don't care" to "I must have this right now" with HTDA? These guys know how to work the hype just right.

  21. #231
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    Song's not doing it for me, having heard it 3 time now. Just a bit bland imo, and not even the instrumental brerak is particularly inspired. Now heard 7 songs from this project and like 4, not a great hit obviously rate, normally love about 90% of what TR releases - obviously I know there's more to this project than him though...

  22. #232
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    Quote Originally Posted by simonn View Post
    Song's not doing it for me, having heard it 3 time now. Just a bit bland imo, and not even the instrumental brerak is particularly inspired. Now heard 7 songs from this project and like 4, not a great hit obviously rate, normally love about 90% of what TR releases - obviously I know there's more to this project than him though...
    Just 7? What EP did you not listen to?

  23. #233
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheepdean View Post
    Fernando, you seem to not care much about HTDA either, but you do still get angry when anything happens
    you are aware he writes for antiquiet, right? does this attitude surprise you?

    super jacked for this album. the new track is great -- god, new Bowie and HTDA in March? Jesus we're spoiled.

  24. #234
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhoenixML View Post
    Just 7? What EP did you not listen to?
    by "this project" i think he meant "this current set of releases" and wasn't referring to EP1

  25. #235
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    It's good that the track is now on soundcloud for everyone and their dog to hear and/or download. I thought that I may end up having to delve into the world of iTunery to get the bugger.

    As for these extra album tracks, they sure do seem to have a few folk here in a bit of a tizz. Personally, I don't give two hoots whether I even hear them, though no doubt I will at some point. I'm just glad there is an album at all.

  26. #236
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    i really like that the cd and vinyl are different. for the most part i do not have time to sit down and listen to vinyl. i usually listen to music in my car. so having the vinyl be a different experience (not just the fact that it's vinyl) is great for me. it motivates me to take the time to sit and listen to it in that mode. plus i like to collect things, so i can buy both the vinyl and regular cd.

    does anyone else think the tracklist reads sort of like a concept album?

  27. #237
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    Quote Originally Posted by CANTCOMPLAIN View Post
    Ok, I'll stop whining after just one simple question: if those songs were weaker and included on the vinyl version for just some unknown reason regarding the technical differences between formats... why are they including a cd with the vinyl version of the album with the vinyls? Couldn't they just do the same with all the cds?

    I don't know, I'll wait till the album is out to see if my bitching is justified. XD But I'm still upset for not having the 2 tracks from An_Omen in a physical format because I like them, specially Speaking In Tongues, so if the 2 extra tracks in the vinyl version suck, the "better" (not really), but if they are great and improve the whole album, I'll be irremediably mad. XD

    About the price thing: you can buy tons of european cds in many stores like or amazon uk for a very reasonable price, maybe japanese editions are a different story, but those editions usually include just some extra remixes or songs from the singles b-sides and stuff like that, which is not the same thing for me. However, if an album like Year Zero included extra tracks on its japanese edition that were not available anywhere else, then I would be pissed too, but at least I could buy the damn thing even if I wouldn't understand the reason behind releasing an album with different tracklists. But in this case, I'm not going to buy the vinyls because I'll never play them, and everytime I listen to the cd I'll be missing 2 tracks if they are any good, if they suck I'll just better think that the cd version is the ultimate/best version and I'll not mind that much. XD

    But in my opinion every album should always have the same tracklist no matter the format. Then you can include some extra stuff AFTER all the songs or in an extra cd in a deluxe edition, I don't mind that too much, what I hate is when this is done with the proper tracklist of the album, is this a 13 tracks album with a couple of extras or is this a 15 tracks album with an inferior edition? When I mentioned TDS, I know that album has 14 tracks, period (and I know that there is a version with Dead Souls instead of Big Man, but that's not TDS for me), I know PHM has 10 tracks and the reedition included GDML's cover (which I love), but PHM is still a 10 tracks album no matter how many extras you want to include in different reeditions (btw, I HATED the lack of the Midnight Express sample in Sanctified, maybe I have some kind of mental problem XDDD).

    Well, you answered your questions yourself: Vinyl is again an up-and-coming format, because you can charge it at an "usual price" (the price you would have paid for a new CD a few years ago), and it brings several key benefits for the artist: It's hard to rip vinyl, they're better to present your artwork (and I think Rob & Rez learned that lesson making the Ghosts- and TGWTDT-LPs) and they're more collectible in a time when, as you mentioned, digital music ought to be free anyway.

    But, I'd be bitching too, if they wouldn't have promised to make a CD-version of the Vinyl available for free.

    Plus, you could argue that the Omen EP was as much as promo for the idea of NIN/HDA on vinyl as it was for the coming full record. Think of the exclusivity, it being catered to the old NIN clientel & the bonus promo-single for preorders on the official site.

    And the example of vinyl being a rip of was the "Capital G"-Vinyl Single, which was a thing the record company pushed. They released it, but never made it an official Halo for the reasons you listed.
    Last edited by Henrie_Schnee; 02-01-2013 at 11:16 AM.

  28. #238
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    As far as I'm concerned, they got it right with the very first EP: sell a cool physical product (either CD or vinyl or a T-shirt), and bundle a download with it that has the WHOLE THING in as high-quality a format as you want — even 24bit lossless, i.e. better than either physical format. I've no idea why that hasn't been offered since.

    I don't want vinyl but I want the extra tracks. Why force me to steal them? Just offer a decent physical product that comes with a download of the whole thing. Putting the vinyl version on this exclusive white-label CD is a terrible idea because you could just as easily make it available separately as a download and skip the middleman. As it stands, vinyl fans are going to have to rip one of the two physical media or steal it if they want to listen to their complete purchase on a non-physical media player.

    I'm not complaining, I'm just not going to buy the album direct from HTDA. I was a very satisfied customer at one point, and now they've turned me off.
    Last edited by botley; 02-01-2013 at 04:48 PM.

  29. #239
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    I also think it's cool how they bundle high-quality downloads with your purchase from their store. I would have waited to buy my CD from them if the download had the two bonus tracks on it -- would have been worth the high cost of postage from Topspin. But I'm not grumbly that the option isn't available. Maybe we'll be able to buy those two separately on iTunes. If not, we'll just "acquire them elsewhere." ::shrug::

  30. #240
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhoenixML View Post
    Just 7? What EP did you not listen to?
    Talking about Omen EP + How Long. Liked all of the 1st EP, except The Believers. So, including IYLSE, like 10 out of 14 tracks so far, about 70%. Can you tell I work with numbers!?

    Point was, I'm finding more to dislike about 'the new stuff'. To the point where it might but not be a given that I'd go out and buy it, which it was before The Omen EP came out.

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