This might technically fall under NIN Spotting, but the new interview with TROZ has been out for a few days, and the folks that frequent this thread would probably get more out of Trent talking gear and workflow, than just another spotting post...

A few of my favorite quotes...
My first real sampler was an Emax. I started working at a keyboard store in Cleveland mainly just to get discounts on shit - and also to be punished eight hours a day showing assholes how synthesizers work and stuff. The Mirage was the big breakthrough at the time, sounds like an Emulator, you know, for a 10th of the price. Anyway, I got an Emax and that was Pretty Hate Machine. It was pretty much all Emax and just figuring out every way to milk every bit of interesting stuff out of the limitations you had.

And another in the long long list of relatable quotes from our boi
A lot of times with modular it's leading me somewhere. I might go in with an idea, but it changes the path and I want to pursue that

And the creative persons struggles with, "is it done?", which we all know he struggled with back in the day
Synth History: How do you know when a song is done?

Trent Reznor: You know, that used to terrify me, because I've always felt that hard work equals... I felt like I can outwork you [the song], not you personally. Make up for any inadequacies by paying attention to details. It's not like mathematics where there's an end, you've solved it, when you know what's right. I've come to trust my instinct of recognizing when fatigue is part of it. Allowing yourself to realize that's really fucking good. Could it be better? [pauses] No.