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Thread: Synthlust! (Or, how to make music without your computer)

  1. #331
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    Anyone else going to take a crack at the Moog Circuit Bending Challenge? http://www.moogmusic.com/news/5th-an...ding-challenge

    I think it will be a fun project to bend one of my son's toys, and include him in the process

    Edit: I also wonder how "analog" the solution should be. For instance, I have an idea to run something through an arduino or raspberry pi to do sound shaping.
    Last edited by bgalbraith; 02-07-2016 at 03:36 PM.

  2. #332
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    Quote Originally Posted by bgalbraith View Post
    Edit: I also wonder how "analog" the solution should be. For instance, I have an idea to run something through an arduino or raspberry pi to do sound shaping.
    I think the concept is largely centered around the idea that the device, at its core, should be built from cheap electronic components that you find in a thrift shop, with the end result being something that people could follow along with and realistically build themselves if they could find the same components.

  3. #333
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackholesun View Post
    How great is Mutable Rings?
    I'm sure you saw this, but Rings just got a hell of a lot greater...

    There's a recently revealed "secret handshake" you can do with the device. If you dial in the knobs in a certain series of positions an then hold down the button, it opens a new secret mode... gives you an FM synth, a formant filter, a rhodes/Leslie emulation...

    It's like a Konami "Contra code" that transforms the module into a new device. Mind blown.

  4. #334
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I'm sure you saw this, but Rings just got a hell of a lot greater...

    There's a recently revealed "secret handshake" you can do with the device. If you dial in the knobs in a certain series of positions an then hold down the button, it opens a new secret mode... gives you an FM synth, a formant filter, a rhodes/Leslie emulation...

    It's like a Konami "Contra code" that transforms the module into a new device. Mind blown.
    I indeed saw it and have been playing with it. A deep module gets deeper.

    I added a second Rings a few weeks ago too. So many different modes and sound possibilities, it's become the center of my setup along with dual Clouds.

    Just added a Doepfer A-189-1 Bit Modifier in a trade today. Shit is awesome. Can do crazy glitch-y percussion or Fennesz-like textures.

  5. #335
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackholesun View Post
    Just added a Doepfer A-189-1 Bit Modifier in a trade today. Shit is awesome. Can do crazy glitch-y percussion or Fennesz-like textures.
    For some odd reason Doepfer modules at this point seem to get dismissed by a lot of the people into this "scene." I have theories.... but they make cheap brilliant devices, many of them are super creative and innovative... I think the backlash comes from some form of super-hipster bullshit that's infected the modular world. They invented the Eurorack format after all, let's appreciate that!

    I was planning on picking up a Doepfer wave multiplier I and pairing it with the Super Sawtor (from happy Nerding) that I'm buying tomorrow for bundles of unison FM awesomeness.

  6. #336
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    For some odd reason Doepfer modules at this point seem to get dismissed by a lot of the people into this "scene." I have theories.... but they make cheap brilliant devices, many of them are super creative and innovative... I think the backlash comes from some form of super-hipster bullshit that's infected the modular world. They invented the Eurorack format after all, let's appreciate that!

    I was planning on picking up a Doepfer wave multiplier I and pairing it with the Super Sawtor (from happy Nerding) that I'm buying tomorrow for bundles of unison FM awesomeness.
    Sorry for the late reply, but I agree with your theory. One could easily make a Doepfer-only modular system and be ahead of the curve in terms of modular synthesis. My own theory is that people tend to overlook them because of the plain look of their modules, especially compared to Make Noise or Mutable Instruments (though I've seen arguments from the opposite point of view with people damning the "exotic" looks the MN and Mutable modules have).

    I haven't expanded my setup lately because I lost my job, but I recently started something new and will hopefully be re-configuring later in the year. I'm considering downsizing the modular and going with some Elektron gear, but I haven't decided.

  7. #337
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    haven't been around in a while. looks like you're all up to some cool stuff.

    NAMM was fun this year. got to meet some great folks again. made some great connections. connected some great artists and makers to each other.
    Last edited by DVYDRNS; 07-20-2017 at 07:19 PM.

  8. #338
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  9. #339
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    Quote Originally Posted by DVYDRNS View Post
    Yeah... if this was an option on the table when we got the Tempest, I might have opted for that instead. Still love the Tempest though.

    My new studio setup has been a back-breaking money-vampire, but it's almost complete (for now). And holy shit, it's so awesome I almost feel guilty for having access to it. Only a bit frustrated that I can't really use it to its full potential until I put a few hundred more into cables. It's almost an all-or-nothing thing at this point.

    But soon, very soon... I will have the ability to patch all of my hardware synths and external effects into my Redco patch bay, which feeds line-level conversions to my modular setup and my 16 analog i/o 16 digital i/o interface... with the ability to rout CV signals around, all from the central workstation.

    This also allows me to use Silent Way software from Expert Sleepers to send CV signals into my modular at appropriate levels with this module I got from nw2s. So. Fucking. INSANE.

    I feel like I'm on the verge of the holy grail... pictures soon.

  10. #340
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Yeah, I saw that at NAMM. Beautiful, but it's going to cost $2000. Really though, my favorite part of it is the matrix sequencer, and there's much cheaper options to integrate a sequencing approach like that with CV outs for my modular.
    I'm curious to see what the Waldorf KB37 is going to cost, because that looks like it's more up my immediate alley.

    Thing looks so amazing

    Dude that thing is a great solution wow.

  11. #341
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    Reading about possible fw update for DSI Tempest, someone mentioned this:

    Quite good, I haven't seen this before. (sorry if mentioned already, not new video)

  12. #342
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    just ordered my first Neve preamps. and API Compressors. welcome to the world of 500 series producing.

    Hoping to entice some more locals into the studio. Nobody has anything like that around here.

  13. #343
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    Quote Originally Posted by DVYDRNS View Post
    just ordered my first Neve preamps. and API Compressors. welcome to the world of 500 series producing.

    Hoping to entice some more locals into the studio. Nobody has anything like that around here.
    Nice... I was considering picking up a small lunchbox enclosure and getting a Neve 1073 pre, some API compressors and maybe a pair of API EQs... At some point. I have the space on my patch bay. I'm currently waiting on my nw2s (io) to show up any day now. That will be the keystone that glues my current rig together. Sitting here waiting is some special torture.

    it's this beautiful thing...

    It basically routes as a level/voltage regulator/converter for Eurorack line signals and line level that runs straight into a DB25 d-sub patch bay. Hello send/return processing and recording of up to 8 voices from my Eurorack modular setup at once, and the ability to seamlessly send my other synths, drum machines, guitars, vocals, what-the-fuck ever through my modular (and from there to wherever). It's going to speedy up my workflow by tenfold, and make some things that would have taken hours of setup possible with a couple seconds of patching. This whole system is routable to a stack of guitar/bass amplifiers on the other side of the room for re-amping any signal I'm fucking with.

    Pure zen bliss.

    I also just invested about 40 bucks into an LED lighting system, and while I made the decision on a whim (silently thinking I was doing something cosmetic and stupid), now that I've hooked it up and my synth station looks like it belongs on the Nostromo from Alien... oh man. I thought I experienced what love was in the past, I thought I knew what love was... when I turned those LED lights on I wanted to drop to one knee and propose.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 05-10-2016 at 11:56 PM.

  14. #344
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I also just invested about 40 bucks into an LED lighting system, and while I made the decision on a whim (silently thinking I was doing something cosmetic and stupid), now that I've hooked it up and my synth station looks like it belongs on the Nostromo from Alien... oh man. I thought I experienced what love was in the past, I thought I knew what love was... when I turned those LED lights on I wanted to drop to one knee and propose.
    I know pictures of lighting are difficult to do well, but you can't post a paragraph like this and not include a photo of your new setup.

    LED lighting has come so far in the last year.

  15. #345
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathant View Post
    I know pictures of lighting are difficult to do well, but you can't post a paragraph like this and not include a photo of your new setup.

    LED lighting has come so far in the last year.
    My LED lighting rig is pretty basic at the moment, but I love the effect. I was going to wait until I had the space a little more tidy (it's still in "assembly mode"), but I'll take some pics tonight after I clean up a bit.

  16. #346
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    almost all the way setup... still some cleanup, need to install the sampler, commodore 64, and NES synth, and the interconnectivity module is coming tomorrow...

  17. #347
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  18. #348
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    Next week I will finish paying off a Roland crossover. it will be the first synth of any kind I will own. I will learn how to use it adequately, I hope.

    Okay running away now.

  19. #349
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    this is the first (mostly) computer-less thing I have done in almost twenty years:


  20. #350
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    So, affordable 12-voice polyphonic analog, right? I promised myself to not buy anything ever again, but this new Behringer/Midas thing looks interesting... :-)

    And Ali Behringer seems to personally respond on gearslutz forums and being truly passionate about this project.

  21. #351
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    Behringer's stuff has a reputation for poor build quality... but this seems like a new direction. I'm very curious. They've built some great kit in the past that's filled in some missing niches in the market. I loved their BCR and BCF controllers (though admittedly it did seem that the encoders were prone to fuck off at a certain point). Definitely hated the sound of their budget mini-mixers, and the component quality on those was a joke. They never should have even released those. Their new digital live mixer w/ iPad control option is great by all accounts.

    So I don't know. I wasn't really in the market for a new standalone synth, but this does sound fantastic, and I don't have an analog polysynth. What is the price on it?

  22. #352
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    Price is unknown yet, but at least we already know it's called DeepMind 12. :-)

    Update, first look visit at Midas:
    Price: it will be "competetive" and "affordable". :-) And connected iPad will have lots of functions.
    Last edited by Substance242; 07-29-2016 at 05:32 PM.

  23. #353
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    so i was supposed to cover knobcon for sonicstate... but with life stuff and etc etc etc... not gonna happen.

    shame because i was looking forward to that.

    oh well NAMM and Moogfest 2017 is still on the books.

  24. #354
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    So, DeepMind12 will cost $1000, and latest in the series of videos here:

    ...and Roland will introduce 30 (!) new instruments on #909Day (September 9th), including 5 synts, wow.

  25. #355
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    I'm on a spending freeze, but I'm pretty sure I will have to get me a Deep Mind 12.

    Also really curious about 909 day. It's totally stupid to say or think, but I'd buy a modern reproduction 909 over a T-8.

  26. #356
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    well as far as i can tell the new 909 sounds exactly like the TR-8.

  27. #357
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    Quote Originally Posted by DVYDRNS View Post
    well as far as i can tell the new 909 sounds exactly like the TR-8.
    Did you end up picking one up then?

    I'm actually a little torn - the sequencer on the TR-09 is more along the lines of what I want in a drum machine, but the TR-8's hands-on interface gives you greater access to sound manipulation. Flicking a slider beats turning a knob (although knobs stay cleaner than sliders, from a long-term perspective). The aesthetics of the TR-09 are much more appealing to me than the TR-8's. And of course, the TR-8 lets you use sounds from the 808 and 606. I don't really care about the 707/727 stuff, personally.

    None of this matters to me though :| I'm not going to own either of them unless I win one in a contest or find one in a garbage can somewhere. Gots me a theater to build.

  28. #358
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    I have a TR-8 and never really cared for it till i started jamming live with some projects. I haven't put the two side by side, but i played with a 09 last week. sounds pretty much exactly the same.

    With the ACB tech they have in these things, it would make sense that they would sound exactly the same...

  29. #359
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    I've been really good about not buying things.

    Yesterday, I traded my MS2000 for a JP-08 with the K25m.

    No regrets. This thing is heaps of fun, and just sounds lovely.

  30. #360
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    I'll leave this here.


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