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Thread: Random NIN Thoughts

  1. #13201
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    [Mod note: tour spoilers]

    Spoiler: Random thought #1: after playing Broken straight through, opening with SD into TDTWWA is such a brilliant troll job (if that was, in fact, the intention. If not...oops.)

    Random thought #2: The Perfect Drug. Live. It actually fucking happened. Fuck.
    Last edited by TheBang; 09-19-2018 at 04:57 PM. Reason: spoilers

  2. #13202
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    I'm not even seeing this tour, but can we have the spoilers a little more contained for the sake of the others?

  3. #13203
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    The appointment to get my Demon Seed tattoo is officially set! Picture to follow. I'm gonna set one up for Chicago when I'm there for the Aragon shows, too. SOOO EXCITED!!

  4. #13204
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    I think its a bit ridiculous the idea of avoiding spoilers for a tour that's going on till December.

  5. #13205
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    Agreed. Normally, I'd be very apologetic for breaking forum etiquette. But...I mean, it's literally a 400+ page thread of "Random NIN thoughts". I wholly expect to see any and all possibly NIN-related things in this thread.

  6. #13206
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    I think its a bit ridiculous the idea of avoiding spoilers for a tour that's going on till December.
    I considered waiting patiently. What's changing my mind, though, is the sheer amount of uniqueness that every show has had so far. Reading the setlists for the first two shows didn't really spoil a lot for me, they were so different from the second two shows. But it's still early. For all we know, the songs we've seen in these four shows are mostly what we'll get for the tour, just mixed up differently, but I'm sincerely starting to think that there's going to be a small level of uniqueness to every show of the tour. The band is talented enough, the list of cities is small enough, and the number of songs at their disposal is massive enough that I think they could make something like that happen.

    Edit: Random thought - Thinking about it while I listen, I'd REALLY like to hear that cover of "Zoo Station" played live. It'd be so well received by people, too! Being a U2 cover they did that really didn't get a whole ton of exposure? Maybe someday..
    Last edited by ImTheWiseJanitor; 09-20-2018 at 04:05 PM.

  7. #13207
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    So...just curious here. Photo credit is Kerry Asmussen.

    Who is a director of a number of live concert videos.

    Is something in the works?

  8. #13208
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post

    So...just curious here. Photo credit is Kerry Asmussen.

    Who is a director of a number of live concert videos.

    Is something in the works?
    "In the works" just like the Tension Blu-Ray and the Wave Goodbye footage

  9. #13209
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    Interestingly, Kerry Asmussen is the director of the Staples Center Tension concert. And, I believe, also the Dallas show from 2014.

    So, I think that just confirms that this tour is being filmed for a release that will never happen.

  10. #13210
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBang View Post
    Interestingly, Kerry Asmussen is the director of the Staples Center Tension concert. And, I believe, also the Dallas show from 2014.

    So, I think that just confirms that this tour is being filmed for a release that will never happen.
    He’s the one that posted that sad hopeful post about the Tension Blu-ray in a guns n Roses forum and he’s back for more frustration and disappointment with his work not seeing the light of day? Poor guy

  11. #13211
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBang View Post
    So, I think that just confirms that this tour is being filmed for a release that will never happen.
    I am still sort of holding out hope that all of this archival footage will be released in some huge documentary style set some day.

  12. #13212
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    I too have fancifully dreamed of the same. Hard to imagine it happening but I would be willing to pay a ridiculous price for it.

  13. #13213
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBang View Post
    Interestingly, Kerry Asmussen is the director of the Staples Center Tension concert. And, I believe, also the Dallas show from 2014.

    So, I think that just confirms that this tour is being filmed for a release that will never happen.

    If this is going to be the last tour ever, they should release a 20 dvd/blu rays box set with concerts of all the eras
    come on Trent you want this
    We want this
    this is a win-win situation

  14. #13214
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    the 1 good thing from an absolutely shitty week: yesterday i found a used copy of the "with teeth" tour edition. surround sound mix on 2nd disc. this one got by me when it came out. sounds fantastic. i had forgotten dave grohl played on the album. think i like the songs more now than i did when it first came out. lot of really good, strong material that has aged well. i saw the tour & it was fantastic. i've read about aaron north & how some shows it wasn't working with him. the show i saw he was fantastic. crazy but playing really well. i've watched beside you in time recently & its pretty amazing just how revolutionary the presentation was on that tour. much like roger waters, trent seems to have a deft touch with that aspect. when i saw NIN last october even though it was more stripped down, the "show" was still very effective. i have a friend in spain who is a visual artist & he was blown away by this year's set at mad cool. musically & visually. anyway, finding the surround sound mix was a much needed pick me up.

  15. #13215
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    Had a dream last night where i picked up a pretty hate machine CD at a street corner sale in an unfamiliar city. There was a crowd going that street so probably i was imagining going to a nin show. Not sure what to do with that CD, perhaps i was hoping to get a sig or something

  16. #13216
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    Apologies for the size, but I’m about to hit the road back home and don’t have time to make something smaller on the fly. Final product looks a little curved toward the bottom in the picture, but I assure you that’s just the angle of my arm. I COULDN’T BE HAPPIER WITH IT! I considered doing something TPD-related to commemorate the Red Rocks shows, but the plan is to get “2018.09.17-18” or something similar in a tiny font down on the very bottom later on, so that’ll be close enough. I’ve wanted this design on my body for a decade, after The Slip was released to us on my 18th birthday, May 5, 2008, so that’s why I went with this instead.

    Uploaded a third image because it looked really awesome and fitting with just the little bit of bleeding it did around the black. Probably gonna have real red added to it later down the line, but first, I’m gonna get a second piece done when I get to Chicago next month. HAPPY NIN SEASON, Y’ALL!

    (I guess the placement also makes me an officially marked member of ETS now, eh?)

  17. #13217
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    Okay so my memory is generally bad so I'm not able to be more specific, but around about now is my 25th anniversary of being a Nine Inch Nails fan. It has only just occured to me, but after seeing them in London earlier this year, and still enjoying the cuss out if new music, on top of following the current US tour online, well, I feel proud to be a fan after all these years. There were a few weird times when I lost touch a bit, but yeah, #ninforlife or whatever.

  18. #13218
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    new NIN tribute album, free download..

  19. #13219
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    I know this is nothing compared to fans that have been around since 1989-1994, but as always, man how time flies. To think that The Fragile was only 3 years old when I first became a fan, and now it's already 19, soon to meet its 20th anniversary. I also know that's life and all, but still.

    Anyway, I've always been, and still have been fascinated about the journey and overall experiences of Nine Inch Nails from 1994-2006. This isn't to say that the other parts weren't interesting or important either, but I'm always drawn to that part of his journey. (Perhaps because I can relate to some of it based on a few things Trent said in some of the interviews, aside from the music itself, or how some musicians end up to the point of no return with patterns like that, but he, especially as of right now more than defeated the odds and then some.) It has also somehow lead me to separate it into a story from The Downward Spiral to With Teeth.

  20. #13220
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    Has anyone got a group photo of all 10 Slip pieces (11 if you count the NIN design) assembled as tattoos across people? Seen a few Demon Seeds, LITS/CR, Disciplines and Echoplexes out there, was wondering if anyone's attempted a meetup

  21. #13221
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    my brain always tries to mashup "ahead of ourselves" with "letting you"
    For quite some time my brain also tried to do that with The Big Come Down [2:31]/[3:06] and Meet Your Master [2:36]/[2:59].

    As well as Gave Up [2:54] and With Teeth [4:19].

  22. #13222
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    I really love the aesthetic of Bad Witch and Not The Actual Events. Black/white/gray tones with unfriendly art.

  23. #13223
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    1 would thing that a surround sound mix of the fragile would be stellar

  24. #13224
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    Looking at the pay schedule for the next 3 months like:

    ”...You know...If I plan it right, I bet I could make it to at least TWO of the Los Angeles shows...”

  25. #13225
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    I think 2019 will see more from The Fragile in honor of its 20th anniversary. Possibly the 5.1 release finally, more than likely Still and And All That Could Have Been reissues. I would love to see Still and Things Falling Apart perhaps combined into some release with additional material. A cool collection of stripped down Still versions, remixes, and additional material.

    Things Still Falling Apart

    Eh? Get it, get it?
    Think about it, T

  26. #13226
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    Can't wait for the show I'm seeing

    now to avoid any further Tour spoilers, I've already heard too much

  27. #13227
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    So I know Year Zero was already a game of sorts, but my husband and I were musing today about how it would be cool if the YZ story was turned into a role playing tabletop game in the spirit of D&D, Shadowrun, All Flesh Must Be Eaten etc.

    Tabletop games have blown up in popularity lately anyway, so I think it would do well. Especially with Trent’s recent emphasis on in-person, community experiences. I feel like tabletop games are good for that. Since the show didn’t work out I’m just dying to see the story retold again in some format, be it a game or a podcast storyline or something. When I try to explain the plot to friends (or my husband who is just now getting into NIN) I find myself wishing there was another way to lay it out for them.

  28. #13228
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    Songs I would love to see come back to the live rotation: The Mark Has Been Made. I love the live ending they gave it on AATCHB and would lose my shit to get that live.

  29. #13229
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    I hope this upcoming Premier Guitar Rig Rundown with Alessandro and Robin is as detailed as the one they did with A Perfect Circle.

  30. #13230
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    This occurred to me when I was listening to Fear Factory again, and I was wondering how much of an influence Nine Inch Nails had on them, especially on the possibility of Broken and The Downward Spiral having such a tremendous impact on inspiring Demanufacture and Obsolete. I'm also aware that Burton C Bell and Dino Cazares are also fans of Trent Reznor, and it was also pretty cool to see Burton C Bell wearing a NIN cap while performing Pisschrist, especially when knowing exactly just how songs like Terrible Lie and Heresy also made me feel when performed live. (And this isn't to say that NIN is the only influence on FF either, but they seemed like one of the larger ones at the time, for sure.)

    I also didn't know why it took me until now to mention this, but the album cover on Obsolete also reminds me of Closure.

    Soul of a New Machine, as in the album art (Or even the album art on Demanufacture for that matter.) seems like it can go well with some of Pretty Hate Machine's artwork too, and has reminded me that both album titles have the word machine in it. I never really got to see Trent's opinions on Fear Factory though, and have wondered if there is also an immense crossover of NIN and FF fans. (Which I'm sure there is based off of what I've seen on the Internet. It's just that I don't really know that many rock fans, let alone fans of those actual bands in real life.)
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 09-29-2018 at 07:40 PM.

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