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Thread: Nine Inch Nails 2013 tour

  1. #1441
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    Quote Originally Posted by orestes View Post
    Stop acting like twats.

    Stop acting like you speak for Trent when we're talking about two grown-ass men who are professional musicians. Move on.
    If you read my love for Robin post on the previous page, you'd see that I have already moved on and am actually glad Eric bailed. Nor do I think I'm speaking for Trent and I said as much stating we'll never know how he felt about Avery's decision.

    I don't see why you have to get pissy because I don't particularly care for the bullshit way Eric handled things, or for thinking he is a very UNprofessional musician (not just based on this but based on his long history of this type of behavoir). If you disagree that's fine, but you can shove your high and mighty attitude where the sun don't shine as I do not appreciate being called a twat for expressing my opinion.

    Quote Originally Posted by sheepdean View Post
    the film work thing might imply he got a confirmation on a job that was up in the air when he agreed to it.

    But fuck it, he doesn't have to give US a reason, we're just the punters.
    Do you see how you went from he had good reason, to then something we supposedly could infer as a good reason, to not needing to give a reason at all? I simply asked why people thought he had a good reason to bail. I haven't read one yet despite the piling on here. If he did have one (and who knows maybe he actually did), to me it didn't come across in his "farewell" post is all. Maybe people know something I don't? Is it actually up for debate that Avery had no clue about a world tour in 2014, and just thought it was a few festivals and a fall tour? I don't believe it is, as we all pretty much knew what was in the cards for NIN before the lineup was even announced.
    I'm sorry if it bothers you that it bothers me that Avery bailed on a chance to do something special. As far as I'm concerned, it worked out for the best and I'm very happy about Robin being back in the mix, but that doesn't mean Eric gets a free pass for once again flaking on a project in my books. If he gets one in yours, good for you. If you or Orestes or any of the other people who facepalmed my post want to take issue with me for not feeling the same, that sounds like a problem on your end and personally I am unconcerned with that.
    Last edited by AgentofChaos; 05-17-2013 at 09:16 PM.

  2. #1442
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christian View Post
    Who is the guy on the chair? Roy Orbison?
    Nah dawg, gotta be Elvis Costello.

  3. #1443
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    Quote Originally Posted by AgentofChaos View Post
    I'm sorry if it bothers you that it bothers me that Avery bailed on a chance to do something special.
    Special to who? Not everyone thinks NIN is the best band ever, maybe he honestly thinks his other things are more special? Because they're, you know, his?

  4. #1444
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    It was obviously special to him otherwise he wouldn't have agreed to do it in the first place. It's not like the guy is a project whore jumping onboard anything he can.

    And if that was the case, i.e he had a chance to do a movie score he would have regretted not doing for example, then fine he could have just said he got another offer he couldn't refuse (and actually name the project if he could have, instead of being incredibly vague, even more so than the TR "soon" kind of way), and I would have respected that a lot more that using the tour dates cop out which is what he initially led with. It's all in his wording. Given that, combined with his past history of flaking and lack of released, thus I am lead to believe that using "other projects" was a pretty bullshit excuse. Maybe he will prove me wrong, and good for him if he does, but he doesn't have that kind of cred built up with me.
    Last edited by AgentofChaos; 05-17-2013 at 09:33 PM.

  5. #1445
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    Or maybe he's just mates with Trent and was helping him out because he's a decent guy? Not all musicians make everything they ever do an attempt at a magnum opus, sometimes guys just play cause they wanna play.

  6. #1446
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    Because Robin only just became available now and Avery was so drastically needed by TR, yeah that must have been it. Or Maybe he decided he wanted to move to the galapagos islands and live the turtles. Or maybe he has taken a vow of silence and couldn't handle the pressure of going on tour as a mute. Why don't we waste the rest of the night going back and fourth coming up with all the different maybe possibilities we can think of? Sounds like fun doesn't it? Ugh.

  7. #1447
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    Who cares? Why are people so up in arms about Avery leaving? Trent accepted his decision with grace so maybe the peanut gallery should do the same.

  8. #1448
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    Seriously, all of you are getting way too into this discussion. Avery left, he said it was because the tour dates were getting to be too much, that's the end of it. Robin's available on short notice, he gets called in.

    That, or the whole thing is a giant PR stunt arranged by Trent to fuck with the fanbase and make them turn on each other over why Avery left.

    That second one's starting to sound more plausible...

    By the way, how come this topic is still open when the same thing happened with the Eric Avery leaving topic, yet that one was closed after like four posts? It's the exact same situation here.

  9. #1449
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    Grace? In your last post you told me to stop being a twat. Look I'm not up in arms, and it wasn't until Sheepdean was apparently outraged that I further explained my stance on me perceiving it as being a dick move by Avery. I'm much more focused on the positive of Robin returning, so maybe Sheepdean can take the Eric Avery fanclub to the thread it belongs.

  10. #1450
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    And you told me to kiss your ass. Shall we move on​?

    Quote Originally Posted by Final Destiny View Post
    Seriously, all of you are getting way too into this discussion. Avery left, he said it was because the tour dates were getting to be too much, that's the end of it. Robin's available on short notice, he gets called in.

    That, or the whole thing is a giant PR stunt arranged by Trent to fuck with the fanbase and make them turn on each other over why Avery left.

    That second one's starting to sound more plausible...

    By the way, how come this topic is still open when the same thing happened with the Eric Avery leaving topic, yet that one was closed after like four posts? It's the exact same situation here.
    Actually, I was intending to merge topics into one discussion, so thanks for reminding me.

  11. #1451
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    I came home from my most horrible night in work to discover that my favourite guitarist is back. I fucking love Robin. I'm so happy right now.

    EDIT: I just saw the picture.. I still can't get used to Trent wearing those glasses. It's so strange. On a different note, has Robin aged at all since 1994??

  12. #1452
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    1 song into the first show of the tour and Eric Avery will be a distant memory......

  13. #1453
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    Quote Originally Posted by JamesCmuse View Post
    has Robin aged at all since 1994??
    He hasn't aged since the last time he was welcomed back, that's for sure.

  14. #1454
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    Robin photo bombing Trent, on his birthday, with glasses?...

  15. #1455
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    Hey guys, our favorite band is going to tour the world after a multi-year hiatus! WOO! YAY!

  16. #1456
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    Quote Originally Posted by sick among the pure View Post
    Hey guys, our favorite band is going to tour the world after a multi-year hiatus! WOO! YAY!

    Sweeet bro

  17. #1457
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    Haha, the tambourine era had its good run. No more tambourine. Please. No.

  18. #1458
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobochic View Post
    Haha, the tambourine era had its good run. No more tambourine. Please. No.
    He was still playing it for HTDA, I don't see why he'd stop.

  19. #1459
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobochic View Post
    Haha, the tambourine era had its good run. No more tambourine. Please. No.
    Noooo! The tambourine allows Trent to get all funky.

  20. #1460
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    It's not an "era", you can clearly hear the tambourine on many songs from The Fragile and the albums that came after. One of the very tambourine driven songs that I hope makes an appearance (but I know never will due to the nature of the song) is "I'm looking forward to joining you, finally" fantastic song, and the tambourine is the driving force beind that song. It's a fun song to "air tambourine" to. (I must be the first person on earth saying how awesome it is to "air tambourine" a song, lol).

  21. #1461
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    It's not an "era", you can clearly hear the tambourine on many songs from The Fragile and the albums that came after. One of the very tambourine driven songs that I hope makes an appearance (but I know never will due to the nature of the song) is "I'm looking forward to joining you, finally" fantastic song, and the tambourine is the driving force beind that song. It's a fun song to "air tambourine" to. (I must be the first person on earth saying how awesome it is to "air tambourine" a song, lol).
    Tambourines are great on albums, and the one on "I'm looking forward" sounds more like it's placed on the floor tom than Trent doing the "funky" dance. Much like the performance of "The Fragile" on MTV-music awards back in 99.
    Last edited by hobochic; 05-18-2013 at 04:25 AM. Reason: titties

  22. #1462
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaypayton View Post
    .....I have a feeling Belew will only last one leg or so into the tour, the dude is in his 60s and has never toured this hard a schedule before...Robin can handle all the guitar duties himself anyway....
    Sorry dude, don't compare Robin with Adrian as guitar player (putting them on the same line). It'd make feel Robin VERY uncomfortable.
    I'm afraid you didn't make your homework and you don't know where you're talking about.
    Respect please.

    Edit: just a reply to this comment and for the feeling I get, reading the last pages of this topic.
    Last edited by witte; 05-18-2013 at 04:36 AM.

  23. #1463
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    Can we have some new dates please?

  24. #1464
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    Yeah, where's the fucking Toronto date already?

    ps. I liked the 2009 lineup; this is now basically that, plus Ally and Adrian (AWESOME) and minus the Scientologist. "Reinventing itself from scratch" just means they're not necessarily using the same arrangements and backing tracks as last time. Good thing, too. These are all kickass players and the show will be very dynamic to watch.
    Last edited by botley; 05-18-2013 at 06:31 AM.

  25. #1465
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    Nine Inch Nails 2013 tour

    I really hope Adrian SINGS a lot! I just love watching him, too, he's so awesome. Baby Snakes!!!
    Last edited by allegro; 05-18-2013 at 07:40 AM.

  26. #1466
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    Nine Inch Nails 2013 tour

    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    minus the Scientologist.
    Seriously? We're going there? Don't make me start talking about beards (and Rob's dislike of them) again. There wasn't any point during JMJ's time with the band that he brought his personal beliefs into the equation.

  27. #1467
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    Nine Inch Nails 2013 tour

    Holy shit...

    NIN is back on tour and so many fans are already moaning and complaining like little bitches instead of being happy we'll be able to see them live again! I've even read people complaining (maybe not here) that now it means that in 2009 they wasted their money thinking that was gonna be the last NIN show they'd ever see... Does that make any sense?

    It's funny how some people talk about Eric Avery, as if they knew him, as if they knew how things developed since he was asked to join the touring band until he decided to leave...

    I was looking forward to see the band with Avery in it, he's an amazing musician (being the backbone of Jane's Addiction, Deconstruction, Polar Bear, solo work) and now I'll just have to GUESS how it could have been to have him in NIN.

    But it's great news Robin Finck is back! He has an amazing stage presence and to me he's the def. NIN guitar player.

    Reinventing NIN? GREAT! Whatever that means! It could be just bringing new members to the mix and play the old classics. Maybe it means they'll play new versions of the songs. Maybe it means they'll just play obscure songs of the NIN catalog... It's exciting nevertheless and I'll be there cause I've been to NIN shows and they're always fun, insane and intense. I've never been let down or left one of their shows feeling it sucked or that it could have been better.

    So, stop moaning and complaining for anything and everything, and enjoy the anticipation and the teasing.

    Last edited by tremolo; 05-18-2013 at 10:13 AM.

  28. #1468
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    Thrilled to see that Robin is back. That's two of my favourite guitarists sharing the same stage.

    I have nothing against Ilan, but only Josh Freese could make this any better. They can't kick off the tour soon enough!

    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I really hope Adrian SINGS a lot! I just love watching him, too, he's so awesome. Baby Snakes!!!
    They should perform "Titties 'n Beer".

  29. #1469
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    Has Robin learned to play The Big Come Down yet?

  30. #1470
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    Quote Originally Posted by slave2thewage View Post
    Has Robin learned to play The Big Come Down yet?
    I think he did a pretty good job performing TBCD during the Lights in the Sky Tour.

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