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Thread: Nine Inch Nails 2013 tour

  1. #1591
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    I hope they will be doing some London dates after or before Reading as at the moment I can't justify going to Reading just for NIN. Not keen on rest of line up for the Sunday

  2. #1592
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoodSoldier333 View Post
    Let the guy make his point without you all shitting on him. What's a forum for after-all?
    He's been making the same point endlessly for weeeeeeeeeeks

  3. #1593
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    I hope they bring the photoblog back. That was one of my favorite things about them going on tour.

  4. #1594
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    Quote Originally Posted by miss k bee View Post
    I hope they will be doing some London dates after or before Reading as at the moment I can't justify going to Reading just for NIN. Not keen on rest of line up for the Sunday
    Before Reading is no, LeedsReading are the only UK dates of the year (according to Reading fest)

  5. #1595
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanmcfly View Post
    I hope they bring the photoblog back. That was one of my favorite things about them going on tour.
    judging from the Destroy Angels tour, it seems we'll be getting something pretty similar.

  6. #1596
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaypayton View Post
    here is the fucking point I was making. whether you agree or not, NIN has always had an "image"
    Were you around when the ex-Marilyn Manson guy was replaced by a Scientologist with a Jewfro?

    Incredibly nice guy (oh no, that's not rock n' roll, that's not nine inch nails smashing up dressing rooms) who I think it's safe to say was the best bassist to perform onstage with Nine Inch Nails.

    It was fucking awesome.

    Your point about image is irrelevant. And you bring the Cure up, as if anyone is going to look more bizarre than Robert Smith up there?

    I'm not apologizing for Adrian Belew, but you really do seem to have a fixation on the guy. But hey, don't worry, he's not going to be touring with Nine Inch Nails! They got the guitarist from Guns n Roses instead.

  7. #1597
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    Lets put to bed the whole "reinventing" the songs live theory...Robin is back...the band are playing festivals...if anyone thinks the songs are going to be played in a subdued stripped down manner, they are kidding themselves...Its going to be a full on rock type show, no dif than before....Belew doesn't fit that mold. the end.....I subscribe to the theory that it actually matters who Trent has onstage with him. the days of Richard Patrick on guitar were epic. the lineup during TDS and Fragility with Robin and Danny were the best. Freese and Twiggy were great...Aaron fucking North did not belong onstage with NIN, he belonged onstage with some cock rock band like Van Halen or GNR running around twirling his guitar like an idiot......Justin had zero stage presence and did not belong in NIN..I went to a NIN show in 09 with at least 8 friends..Every single one said things like "who the fuck is that guy on bass, he looks like he's 15, who is this guy, he doesn't belong there lol".....and bottom line is, Belew would have looked just as out of place onstage....blows my mind people think a 65 year old guy who looks like Trent's dad wouldn't look out of place standing 5 feet away from TR while the band is blasting through songs like 'pigs' or 'heresy' or anything from Broken, and TR throwing mic stands *which he still does* and theres Adrian twirling his would look REDIC....none of this matters anyway because we are arguing over Belew, when the dude isn't even in the band anymore....
    Last edited by jaypayton; 05-29-2013 at 11:05 PM.

  8. #1598
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaypayton View Post
    Lets put to bed the whole "reinventing" the songs live theory...Robin is back...the band are playing festivals...if anyone thinks the songs are going to be played in a subdued stripped down manner, they are kidding themselves...Its going to be a full on rock type show, no dif than before....Belew doesn't fit that mild. the end...
    So, really, tell me what you think about Adrian Belew being in the NIN live lineup. I was wondering what your thoughts were on that.

    I just read through your entire post history. You seriously only come here to complain. It's kind of a drag. I liked that time you called MTV stupid for the editing they did on the AATCHB special that was actually done in-house by Nine Inch Nails. You crow on about how Trent was a better performer when he was fucked up, and then say Aaron North should be in a band like Guns n' Roses, and that Richard Patrick was a better live guitarist than either Finck or North. You seem to know exactly what would make NIN awesome, and everyone else just keeps fucking it up. Why doesn't Trent hire you to manage his image and his band? (I mention band because I've read all that stuff you've said about HTDA)

    1994 was nearly twenty years ago dude. I think all this ranting about how old people can't rock out like they used to can be chalked up to a serious case of projection.

    Anyway, if you've been following the jaypayton melodrama and are getting sick of it, I'll remind you that when you click on a person's profile, there's an "ignore" link in there. I'd forgotten about that myself, but just employed it. Consider using it!

  9. #1599
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    When has Trent said the new tour would be stripped down? I only recall him saying reinvented.

  10. #1600
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    Hey lets all just wait for July 26!

  11. #1601
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    Ah good ole rock and roll band drama. Good to see those times aren't behind us, even in the later years. Keeps things stimulating. Something fishy is definitely going on here as the trail of events don't particularly add up to making a lot of sense at this point.

    Obviously sad to see Belew go, regardless of the reason, as he obviously would have brought something unique to the lineup. I have no doubt he still could have brought it night in, night out. I'm confused why he isn't at least mentioned alongside Atticus and Alan in the statement from TR though, if he has indeed been contributing to the record, even if he was not going to be touring.

    That said, make no mistake, I am paying to see and hear TR, and him alone. Everyone else is tertiary at best, with the possible exception of Robin. I am a big fan of both Eustis and Cortini, and Ilan Rubin is talented as hell for his age, but they could all be replaced and on the night of the show it would likely make very little difference to me. I have complete faith in his judgement so whoever it is on stage with TR (unless it's a last minute replacement/fill in), I think it's safe to assume they are all going to be extremely talented musicians.

    So at this point I am still fully excited to see the lineup as it is, and I do think people are underestimating what Eustis will bring to the dynamic. But I've also hypothesized that the reason Belew leaving hasn't been officially announced yet is because rehearsals have gone on long enough now as a 6 piece, where TR is still looking at one other person to come onboard to fill that role instead of having to rejigger things, and would like to announce that at the same time to cancel it out. I also think presumably he wants someone with as much weight as someone like Belew would bring so he can trump any possible negativity associated with previous expectations. Said person or persons he is reaching out now probably have been given a window to see if their schedules can accomodate as it is a huge committment, so in the mean time we play the waiting game. Like I said I don't expect that to happen or will be dissapointed if it doesn't, but it's just a hunch.

  12. #1602
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    They should replace Belew with John Frusciante if they're looking for a guitar player with a bit more stability.

    Shame we're not going to be able to make any The Great Belew jokes, though.

  13. #1603
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    I mean, I'm just going to repeat what you guys have been saying for the past couple pages about Belew and that I was really looking forward to seeing him in regards to the live show. My friend who's a casual NIN fan was even more interested in possibly seeing Nine Inch Nails live finally this year because of the announcement of Belew in the group. Like AgentofChaos mentioned, I'm going for Trent and the music that he's written over the years. Sure, I have certain favorite incarnations of the group...and it would've been very cool to see a new era with new people playing all of the music I've grown up with and loved for so long...but we'll just have to wait till we hear an official announcement from the group and Trent I suppose. Either way, I'm still crossing my fingers that next month we'll start to see some fall US dates announced!

  14. #1604
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathant View Post
    Anyway, if you've been following the jaypayton melodrama and are getting sick of it, I'll remind you that when you click on a person's profile, there's an "ignore" link in there. I'd forgotten about that myself, but just employed it. Consider using it!
    oh, goodness...thank you...

  15. #1605
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    Recently read an interview with Ilan Rubin who said that the last track he listened to was Echoplex...
    Grasping at straws here. My internet's down and I miss being the exclusive bringer.

  16. #1606
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    Oh I'm sorry, but I'm someone who put down a nice amount of change and vacation time to actually see this lineup which is now being decimated left and right, so yeah I have a right to be upset, especially when now it all looks as if this lineup announcement was premature, which it was. Stupid face palming crap for merely having an opinion on something like this is ridiculous
    I didn't face-palm you for having an opinion. I face-palmed you for saying this tour is going to be just like any other simply based off the performers, and bitching about it. We don't know what Trent has planned. We don't know for sure what songs are being played, and how, and with what instruments, and by who. Hell, Ilan just posted a pic saying he was doing homework and seemed to be playing a fucking stand bass. We have a handful of very talented people rehearsing right now, all of them being well-versed with many things. They could all be playing synths, for all we know. Have an open mind. Speculation is well and good, until it turns into "I'M ANGRY BECAUSE WHAT I THINK THIS MIGHT SOUND TOO MUCH LIKE THE NIN I'VE ALREADY LOVED SEEING LIVE! I ALREADY SPENT MONEY NOW I'M GOING TO HATE IT!"

    See, this is why I simply face-palmed your post. Because I can rip someone a new one for being a dumbass in the forum, and make myself look like some angry douche, or I can simply click a button that speaks to how I feel about your comment.
    My bad for taking your flame bait and replying.

  17. #1607
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaypayton View Post
    Twiggy [was] great
    For someone who thinks all NIN bandmates need to be entertaining and energetic, idk how the fuck you think Jordie was "great" live. He was the most boring member I've ever seen with the band. I'm sure he played bass well, but I honestly couldn't tell you, because anytime I so much as glanced at his end of the stage, I was distracted by how "I don't want to fucking be here" he looked. He made it obvious when he was bored on stage. He would fold his arms and let his bass hang down, or try to balance it on his head because he wasn't playing a part. He stood in place nearly the whole show, every show I saw with him.

    Justin had zero stage presence and did not belong in NIN..
    Wait, you seem to be mixed up. The guy who rocked out while he played various instruments, screamed backing vocals, HE was the one with no stage presence?
    You know who Jordie was and who Justin was, right?

    I went to a NIN show in 09 with at least 8 friends..Every single one said things like "who the fuck is that guy on bass, he looks like he's 15, who is this guy, he doesn't belong there lol"
    So, too old looks bad. Looking young is bad (did your friends see the 20 year old drumming by chance?). Maybe Trent should hire you. Maybe then your friends wouldn't write someone off as "not belonging" instead of listening to the music and enjoying the show.

    I'm not going to turn the tour discussion thread into the fucking shit list. If you wanna keep bitching back, keep it to PM's.
    Last edited by sick among the pure; 05-30-2013 at 09:00 AM. Reason: quotes didn't format correctly...

  18. #1608
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    Quote Originally Posted by sick among the pure View Post
    I didn't face-palm you for having an opinion. I face-palmed you for saying this tour is going to be just like any other simply based off the performers, and bitching about it. We don't know what Trent has planned. We don't know for sure what songs are being played, and how, and with what instruments, and by who. Hell, Ilan just posted a pic saying he was doing homework and seemed to be playing a fucking stand bass. We have a handful of very talented people rehearsing right now, all of them being well-versed with many things. They could all be playing synths, for all we know. Have an open mind. Speculation is well and good, until it turns into "I'M ANGRY BECAUSE WHAT I THINK THIS MIGHT SOUND TOO MUCH LIKE THE NIN I'VE ALREADY LOVED SEEING LIVE! I ALREADY SPENT MONEY NOW I'M GOING TO HATE IT!"

    See, this is why I simply face-palmed your post. Because I can rip someone a new one for being a dumbass in the forum, and make myself look like some angry douche, or I can simply click a button that speaks to how I feel about your comment.
    My bad for taking your flame bait and replying.
    They had stand basses on the last two tours. They basically got a lot of the same musicians, with the exception of one, while we were told that there were going to be new guys in the band doing innovative things. Now, it's shit the bed and the tour announcement seems to be one of the most premature decisions Trent's done, not to mention the sporadic tour dates (I understand festival dates need to be announced by the organizers) have been very spotty. When With Teeth and the tours up until the last one had all the band members listed and tour dates announced in a timely fashion. This on the other hand seems like a bunch of shit thrown at the wall and seeing how it sticks while making it up on the fly. Nothing has been cohesive since this was announced, so I think people have a right to be worried about the state of things.

  19. #1609
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    Who is playing bass? Rolling Stone suggested that Finck was replacing Eric (Crazy right?) ; Then we see Eustis playing bass in the "Finck reveal" photo.

    My only wish is to have a single for the summer and see some images/textures/theme leaks over the summer. Set the mood & scene.

  20. #1610
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    Quote Originally Posted by miss k bee View Post
    I hope they will be doing some London dates after or before Reading as at the moment I can't justify going to Reading just for NIN. Not keen on rest of line up for the Sunday
    Same. No matter how desperately I want to see them play, I can't justify spending £95 on a day ticket for what'll probably end up being a one hour performance. Saw them at Knebworth in '09 and the experience just wasn't the same; I'd rather wait for a headlining date.

  21. #1611
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaypayton View Post
    TR while the band is blasting through songs like 'pigs' or 'heresy' or anything from Broken, and TR throwing mic stands *which he still does*
    I saw NIN at least 15 times (at some point I stopped counting) all over the U.S. and Canada during the With Teeth tour and a few shows in Chicago during LITS and not ONCE did I see TR throw mic stand. Or do anything other than stand there and play an instrument or hold a mic. Which is good. Because, in his 40s, he'd look ridiculous doing that shit from the 90s.. He's not a drunk high testosterone-driven kid, anymore, jumping around wrecking shit. Trent is old enough to be somebody's Grandpa and he's smart enough to know that jumping around throwing things would look really stupid. Instead, he's now relying on millions of dollars worth of lighting and visual technology to provide a good show.

  22. #1612
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    1) I was at the Tampa show and TR went apeshit during Terrible Lie and 2) NIN is TR..He can go on stage with a drum machine and I would be happy

  23. #1613
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    But if he goes on stage with someone who doesn't meet your predetermined "image" you'll complain about it for years...

  24. #1614
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaypayton View Post
    He can go on stage with a drum machine and I would be happy
    I'm pretty sure it's impossible for you to be happy, JP.

  25. #1615
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    It looks like Josh Freese has found the real reason behind Eric Avery's departure.

  26. #1616
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    ^^ etc...

    Iilan is watching (hans zimmer) & holding a Cello, not a double bass.

    I'm trained on both, for what it's worth I'd say he already knows how to play a cello... perhaps he learning a song or technique.

  27. #1617
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    Quote Originally Posted by sick among the pure View Post
    For someone who thinks all NIN bandmates need to be entertaining and energetic, idk how the fuck you think Jordie was "great" live. He was the most boring member I've ever seen with the band. I'm sure he played bass well, but I honestly couldn't tell you, because anytime I so much as glanced at his end of the stage, I was distracted by how "I don't want to fucking be here" he looked. He made it obvious when he was bored on stage. He would fold his arms and let his bass hang down, or try to balance it on his head because he wasn't playing a part. He stood in place nearly the whole show, every show I saw with him.
    I actually saw him clap along once, he must have been really excited that night.

  28. #1618
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    Quote Originally Posted by snaapz View Post
    ^^ etc...

    Iilan is watching (hans zimmer) & holding a Cello, not a double bass.

    I'm trained on both, for what it's worth I'd say he already knows how to play a cello... perhaps he learning a song or technique.
    Thanks for the correction, I'm not a big music buff. I just know it caught my interest when I saw Ilan (who so far has only played drums and keys with NIN) post a pic of "doing homework" with a string instrument.

  29. #1619
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    I don't wanna have this guy sit up on his high and mighty horse...
    Quote Originally Posted by jaypayton View Post
    I was at the Tampa show and TR went apeshit during Terrible Lie
    But he is right. TR will almost ALWAYS get into Terrible Lie and start hucking water bottles and/or at least 1 guitar in the song.

    Here is Terrible Lie from Tampa in the 2009 NIN/JA tour. Not sure if this is the song @jaypayton is talking about, but Trent DOES swing his guitar into the mic stand at the end of the song, snapping the guitar head and then chucking it.
    However, to describe the below show as Trent going "apeshit" is a bit of an exaggeration, if this is in fact the show/song you are talking about. Sure he has energy, but he's not hucking shit constantly through the whole song.

    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I saw NIN at least 15 times (at some point I stopped counting) all over the U.S. and Canada during the With Teeth tour and a few shows in Chicago during LITS and not ONCE did I see TR throw mic stand. Or do anything other than stand there and play an instrument or hold a mic. Which is good. Because, in his 40s, he'd look ridiculous doing that shit from the 90s.. He's not a drunk high testosterone-driven kid, anymore, jumping around wrecking shit. Trent is old enough to be somebody's Grandpa and he's smart enough to know that jumping around throwing things would look really stupid. Instead, he's now relying on millions of dollars worth of lighting and visual technology to provide a good show.
    This is from the [With_Teeth] tour that you saw 15+ times. (This is one of my personal fav TR moments of the last decade).

    And, that's just one example. I saw him in Toronto the same tour huck shit AND even jump into the mosh pit from the stage. (Yes, TR actually jumped INTO the Most pit himself, it wasn't Aaron North, it was the big man with a gun himself).

    Here is another:

    He does get mad and throw stuff still, I know he has toned down alot since the self destruct days, but his previous self still shines through from time to time.
    Personally, the shows where things fuck up and he freaks out are the better ones in my opinion. I don't care if the man is in his 40's or not, you are never too old to get angry and show emotion and huck some shit around, it's fun. You should try it one day.

    There are of course more examples, i'm just tired of combing youtube for them. There is one that pops out, that I cannot find. The one where the festival promoter fucks the band out of a proper power/light show and they basically have to play with nothing but the house lights on. It's from some festival in europe. I think the whole band joins in on the smashing on that one. If anyone finds it, feel free to post it.
    Last edited by ManBurning; 05-30-2013 at 02:28 PM.

  30. #1620
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    Quote Originally Posted by snaapz View Post
    ^^ etc...

    Iilan is watching (hans zimmer) & holding a Cello, not a double bass.

    I'm trained on both, for what it's worth I'd say he already knows how to play a cello... perhaps he learning a song or technique.

    If I see something like this at a NIN show I will pass out from the sheer awesomeness. And the silence from the audience! Fuck I know that will never happen at a "rock" show but god damn that was a beautiful and chilling performance.

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