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Thread: Destiny

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    Damn, an overstock of haterade in this thread.
    Ever since Titanfall I'm taking things by my own opinion and the hype factor for games will never effect me again. I liked the beta but Destiny's just another FPS.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tums206_BFY View Post
    I'm pretty sure this game will sell well enough to justify whatever Sony spent on securing content first (Funny to hear Xbox fans complain about that not talking about anyone here but in general from what I have seen around the various web forums). If anything who in the long run should be worried is Activision they are the ones who are footing the bill for most of the advertising and development of this game (according to rumors if you believe them somewhere in the region of $500 Million).

    I think the game is OK from the Beta. The moon map was definitely way more interesting than the other map. I'll wait to fully judge the game on it's full release version but the Beta didn't turn me off or get my overly excited about anything, kinda still neutral about things.

    -It is a bit disappointing to hear though that there will only be 22 missions. Granted what I played of the Story wasn't really too interesting to me they should have had at least a significant amount north of that.
    Which is sad, its selling solely based on the fact Bungie made it. I bet if another no name company made it, it wouldn't have half of the interest its getting. Maybe I'm used to their practices and what they did to Halo but this new universe is nothing remarkable to me that gears me up for excitement. Halo is held up by a great story, hence why I still squeeze out time for it. I'm not the biggest FPS fan for single player. Halo is like the only exception. hence why even though its just an FPS, it gets a free pass.

    I couldn't tell you about Destiny's story minus the Earth and humanity are near extinction and is guarded by a group called the Guardians. They fight "The Darkness" and search for Ghost remnants of fallen guardians in various places. Nothing grabs me in a big way story-wise with this game. The shooting mechanics work great but the game needs more than that.

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Ever since Titanfall I'm taking things by my own opinion and the hype factor for games will never effect me again. I liked the beta but Destiny's just another FPS.
    Why? what did the hype for Titanfall do to you?

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    Why? what did the hype for Titanfall do to you?
    I know you enjoy the game a lot but for me it showed how hype and excitement can be met with disappointment and boredom fairly quickly. Destiny reeks of this.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I know you enjoy the game a lot but for me it showed how hype and excitement can be met with disappointment and boredom fairly quickly. Destiny reeks of this.
    Well, i wanted to know how Titanfall specifically did this because isn't this just the nature of hype in general? Anytime something is hyped to a degree it can lead to disappointment for some.

    I'll say that I wasn't hyped at all for Titanfall, hell i'm not even that big of a fan of COD. So, i guess we can say i was pleasantly surprised with the outcome.

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I honestly don't care but I feel sorry for Sony dumping so much money into this game and its advertising. It's not going be the Godsend game people were wanting and hoping for the PlayStation brand. If it is, they're shallow and only kidding themselves.

    When the game drops, any fucker that rates it over a 7 is biased or full of shit. I'd give it a 6.5. 7 at most. I'm still buying it and gonna play it but it's not a game I need to play and if they wiped it from existence tomorrow, I could care less.
    It'll sell well, and it'll have a Metacritic average over 90%. If there was a Vegas betting pool for that, I'd jump on it.

    Everything you're saying here applies to how I've always felt about the Halo games. I'm not excited about Destiny, but this isn't my genre. Some of the online matchmaking stuff sounds fun to me, but I've been too preoccupied to even check out the beta. Whether or not Sony wasted money by securing some bullshit week exclusive to the beta? Not sure how much they had to spend for that, but I would assume it isn't anything that extreme. The Destiny ads they've been running double as PS4 ads.

    It's all about getting an install base though... and as far as this game goes, the Xbox user base is seemingly far more interested and invested. Going by Amazon's ranks, Destiny is being outsold by the upscaled rereleases of both The Last of Us AND Tomb Raider on their PS4 charts, while Destiny is number one on the XBone preorders.

    If sony was banking on this game being the system seller that would help migrate the Halo crowd to their platform, they didn't succeed at all.

  6. #66
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    i was really hyped for this game but the thought of intense FPS to the sound of the frog chorus is kinda troubling

  8. #68
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    I'm kind of hoping for something along the lines of The Fireman - Strawberries Oceans Ships Forest or Rushes
    Last edited by Frozen Beach; 08-17-2014 at 03:30 PM.

  9. #69
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    After wrestling with it since July, I am officially cancelling my pre-order. I can live without this game for a few months. I'll be lucky to pick it up for 20.00 or 30.00 on Black Friday I hope. If not, I'm sure there will be used or new copies for 30.00 a few months after release on Amazon. However, this is just going to be making my gameless summer even worse due to having to wait till the end of September for Middle-earth: Shadow or Mordor.

    The game has hit the Xbox Store and PSN Store:

    Xbox One - 18 GB
    PS4 - 17.4 GB

    I expected a bigger game.

  10. #70
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    What? The game will be bigger than any Halo. Question: Did you ever play Phantasy Star Online in the Dreamcast days? Cos that is Destiny, only bigger with delicious Bungie-refined combat.

    This is THE game for me. This is the game that made me rush out and buy a bone.

  11. #71
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    Thats actually less than half as small as most full games. Strange.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Madmya View Post
    delicious Bungie-refined combat
    Like Halo Reach? Cuz this is essentially what this game is with a dash of Borderlands thrown in. I"m perplexed by the hype to be honest. Bungie hasn't made a decent Halo game in my opinion since Halo 2, Halo 3 was passable. What do these guys know how to do exactly? Their controls are clunky, games run at 30fps, and everything moves at a crawl pace.

    I'm truly confused because isn't this the reason why Halo got crushed by the Modern Warfare series? Now they're releasing a multiplat game that has Borderland elements in it and you'd think they just broke the genre into new territory.

    Sorry for the hatorade but i'm truly confused by this one and i was a HUGE Halo fan.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    Thats actually less than half as small as most full games. Strange.
    But this isn't a straightforward FPS. Bungie has said this is far bigger than anything they've done. A Halo game would take 10-15 hours campaign-wise, there's no way you'll be done with this in that time unless you simply don't like the game. I keep going back to Phantasy Star Online as it has far more similarities than Borderlands, but it was also an online game with just four maps and they showed how you can cram in a tonne of gameplay within those few levels. I'm really surprised by the pessimism. It feels to me that people just don't get it but time will tell on that one.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    Like Halo Reach? Cuz this is essentially what this game is with a dash of Borderlands thrown in. I"m perplexed by the hype to be honest. Bungie hasn't made a decent Halo game in my opinion since Halo 2, Halo 3 was passable. What do these guys know how to do exactly? Their controls are clunky, games run at 30fps, and everything moves at a crawl pace.

    I'm truly confused because isn't this the reason why Halo got crushed by the Modern Warfare series? Now they're releasing a multiplat game that has Borderland elements in it and you'd think they just broke the genre into new territory.

    Sorry for the hatorade but i'm truly confused by this one and i was a HUGE Halo fan.
    Opinions, eh? I thought Halo Reach was miles better than Halo 2, with Halo 2 being the worst in the series. What do these guys know? Gameplay, gameplay, gameplay.

  15. #75
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    I would never go as far as to say Reach was better than Halo 2. Reach was possibly the worst in the series, with armor lock being so broken as to make the game unplayable. jet packs forced map design into a completely different space, away from the arenas and platformer-esque maps of the past. Run was designated as its own ability. it was a total disaster.

    Armor Lock was a game defining ability and there is nothing resembling it in Destiny as far as I can tell. Comparing it to Reach is silly. It IS a lot closer to Halo 4.

    This is basically the Halo MMO. And people are pssimistic because big budget gaming has been working hard to earn that pessimism and mistrust. Is it really that different from Halo? not at all.

    Halo and Modern Warfare are two very different series, Like super Mario and sonic the hedgehog. Although they have a similar control scheme and both feature a gun. Did Modern Warfare "Crush" Halo? No. That's ridiculous. There are tons of people that love Halo and Hate Call of Duty and vice versa. i for one much prefer Halo, because I think Call of Duty is all about getting the jump on people. You live or die depending on if who sees who first. A face to face show down in halo is far, far more intense. The shields give players time to make meaningful decisions in a one on one encounter that are not available when a single shot is all it takes to put someone down. The maps are more nuanced, because of the platforming element, and overall it just seems like it's a lot more competitive.

    That it is "slower" or "sluggish" and whatever framerate i seriously could not care less.

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Madmya View Post
    Opinions, eh? I thought Halo Reach was miles better than Halo 2, with Halo 2 being the worst in the series. What do these guys know? Gameplay, gameplay, gameplay.
    Well, your credibility just went out the window LMAO

    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I would never go as far as to say Reach was better than Halo 2. Reach was possibly the worst in the series, with armor lock being so broken as to make the game unplayable. jet packs forced map design into a completely different space, away from the arenas and platformer-esque maps of the past. Run was designated as its own ability. it was a total disaster.

    Armor Lock was a game defining ability and there is nothing resembling it in Destiny as far as I can tell. Comparing it to Reach is silly. It IS a lot closer to Halo 4.

    This is basically the Halo MMO. And people are pssimistic because big budget gaming has been working hard to earn that pessimism and mistrust. Is it really that different from Halo? not at all.

    Halo and Modern Warfare are two very different series, Like super Mario and sonic the hedgehog. Although they have a similar control scheme and both feature a gun. Did Modern Warfare "Crush" Halo? No. That's ridiculous. There are tons of people that love Halo and Hate Call of Duty and vice versa. i for one much prefer Halo, because I think Call of Duty is all about getting the jump on people. You live or die depending on if who sees who first. A face to face show down in halo is far, far more intense. The shields give players time to make meaningful decisions in a one on one encounter that are not available when a single shot is all it takes to put someone down. The maps are more nuanced, because of the platforming element, and overall it just seems like it's a lot more competitive.

    That it is "slower" or "sluggish" and whatever framerate i seriously could not care less.
    I made the comparison to reach because the abilities in each can't be countered. In MP none of the abilities as far as the beta goes could be countered in Destiny just like the armor lock couldn't be countered in Reach. An example of magic/abilities that work amazing and can be countered are in ShadowRun (360). Each ability in that game could be mastered but there was an equal counter against it.

    You don't find this in Reach nor in Destiny. It's obnoxious as hell, and I don't know why this is considering one of the main guys in charge of Destiny MP is the same guy from ShadowRun, that bearded dude Sage (this actually boggles my mind and leads me to conclude that those design decisions in SR weren't Sages' and actually the original Halo CE head designer John Howard) but anyways

    Halo has real sluggish controls, unlike Modern Warfare where everything feels so butterly smooth. This was actual design decisions in halo 3 and above where they inserted these obnoxious ideas of delays in ammo reload, limitations on gun switching, etc without any boost perk (which they ended up doing in Halo 4) when in actuality all they had to do was keep it at a nice, not frustrating as hell speed. And 60fps vs 30fps does matter, it matters A LOT in a competitive shooter.

    Truthfully, i'm not even a fan of COD. I much prefer the evolution of COD with Titanfall. Gunplay is better, movement is better, and it's not all about who sees who first most of the time. Anyways, I just don't know what 343i can possibly do to make Halo a modern mainstream MP success like it once was. Halo 4 fell hard, and i'm even at a loss for what can be done to salvage it.
    Last edited by Rabbit; 08-29-2014 at 04:06 AM.

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post

    Truthfully, i'm not even a fan of COD. I much prefer the evolution of COD with Titanfall. Gunplay is better, movement is better, and it's not all about who sees who first most of the time. Anyways, I just don't know what 343i can possibly do to make Halo a modern mainstream MP success like it once was. Halo 4 fell hard, and i'm even at a loss for what can be done to salvage it.
    He was talking about Call of Duty, not Titanfall. Regardless, in my experience it's still whomever sees the other first. You get a little more leeway on Titanfall than on Call of Duty though. Also on Titanfall, if you don't have the carbine as your primary weapon at medium to close range you might as well say bye bye. I liked Titanfall for what it was but it suffered from a lot of gameplay hindrances of Call of Duty. The frame rate really dipped in some matches and some lag was off the wall atrocious. I can piss and moan about any Halo game all day but I never experienced the consistent lag I had with Titanfall (talking 360 era).

    As for Destiny, I see it more than a paint swap than you and a lot are calling it. No, it's nothing great and it really is a Halo clone but it did have it's own identity when I played the Beta. I just think people aren't as in awe anymore since the FPS genre, sans a few titles like Far Cry and Bioshock, has been stale and a lot of the same stuff for the past 10 years. I'm not overly impressed with the shallow nature and mechanics of Destiny but it does work and seemed to be consistent. More I can say than Titanfall and Call of Duty: Ghosts on the Xbox One considering lag in respect, which is funny since Destiny I played was a beta.

    On topic of Halo, its the most stood out FPS series I've played that goes hand in hand with competitive gameplay. I know people hated Halo 4 but I truly enjoyed it. No, Bungie didn't spear head the game but A LOT of its team members joined 343Industries to make it and it somewhat shows. I had a lot of fun with it and the numbers that bought it didn't lie either: others liked it too. Yeah, a lot "hated it" and went back to Reach or whatever but I still think the game's campaign gave a huge breath of air. I think 5: Guardians will be an awesome game when it's released.

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    Well, your credibility just went out the window LMAO
    Are you for real? You must be primarily talking about PvP MP. I'm not. In a MP sense, Halo 2 is king. Shit, I didn't even touch deathmatch Destiny in the beta. It's not the main course for me. If that's good then it's a bonus. Reach on legendary was bliss.

    Destiny is a Halo clone only in the sense of movement. Nothing else about the game is like Halo. Fuck, what do you people want?

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Also on Titanfall, if you don't have the carbine as your primary weapon at medium to close range you might as well say bye bye. I liked Titanfall for what it was but it suffered from a lot of gameplay hindrances of Call of Duty. The frame rate really dipped in some matches and some lag was off the wall atrocious. I can piss and moan about any Halo game all day but I never experienced the consistent lag I had with Titanfall (talking 360 era).

    More I can say than Titanfall and Call of Duty: Ghosts on the Xbox One considering lag in respect, which is funny since Destiny I played was a beta.

    On topic of Halo, its the most stood out FPS series I've played that goes hand in hand with competitive gameplay. I know people hated Halo 4 but I truly enjoyed it. No, Bungie didn't spear head the game but A LOT of its team members joined 343Industries to make it and it somewhat shows. I had a lot of fun with it and the numbers that bought it didn't lie either: others liked it too. Yeah, a lot "hated it" and went back to Reach or whatever but I still think the game's campaign gave a huge breath of air. I think 5: Guardians will be an awesome game when it's released.
    Carbine got a slight adjustment, it's not as dominate as it was. It's still number 1 but up close the C.A.R is actually the better weapon without question. Even at mid range the C.A.R can do work. And at distance the Longbow kills the Carbine, all the time. The Carbine is just the utility weapon.

    Lag? Well i have no idea what the game plays like on 360 but on the One you get dedicated servers and if you are at least in the 50 ping range you're not experiencing lag at all. I have yet to experience any consistent problems, sure here and there but overall the experience has been nothing short of amazing. I've never had this with any of the Halo games. Host advantage is such a pain in the ass to deal with in games like Halo and Gears so i'm eager to see what those games will be like with the servers.

    Halo 4 sucked so bad for me i played maybe for a week? It was terrible. I went right back to ShadowRun.

    Quote Originally Posted by Madmya View Post
    Are you for real? You must be primarily talking about PvP MP. I'm not. In a MP sense, Halo 2 is king. Shit, I didn't even touch deathmatch Destiny in the beta. It's not the main course for me. If that's good then it's a bonus. Reach on legendary was bliss.

    Destiny is a Halo clone only in the sense of movement. Nothing else about the game is like Halo. Fuck, what do you people want?
    Going forward lets just say i'm always talking about MP. I could give 2 shits about campaign. I haven't finished a campaign since ummm halo 3?

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    Carbine got a slight adjustment, it's not as dominate as it was. It's still number 1 but up close the C.A.R is actually the better weapon without question. Even at mid range the C.A.R can do work. And at distance the Longbow kills the Carbine, all the time. The Carbine is just the utility weapon.

    Lag? Well i have no idea what the game plays like on 360 but on the One you get dedicated servers and if you are at least in the 50 ping range you're not experiencing lag at all. I have yet to experience any consistent problems, sure here and there but overall the experience has been nothing short of amazing. I've never had this with any of the Halo games. Host advantage is such a pain in the ass to deal with in games like Halo and Gears so i'm eager to see what those games will be like with the servers.
    I own/owned Titanfall on Xbox One, my 360 era talk was regarding Halo games on the 360.

    I have a good internet connection but the connection on some matches on Titanfall (the last time) were horrendous. You must be lucky to get as good matches because I get stuck with bullet sponges and warping enemies a lot of the time when I play the game. I'm not getting into another discussion about Titansnooze again since this is the Destiny thread. Both games were and are overrated.

  21. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    Going forward lets just say i'm always talking about MP. I could give 2 shits about campaign. I haven't finished a campaign since ummm halo 3?
    Well maybe I should trot out the line saying "Well there goes your credibility out the window LMAO" but I'm not an arrogant wanker. Destiny is so much more than bloody deathmatch, no wonder everyone is just saying it's halo re-skinned. Bloody hell, I feel like an idiot for even thinking we were discussing Destiny when we really weren't.

  22. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Madmya View Post
    Well maybe I should trot out the line saying "Well there goes your credibility out the window LMAO" but I'm not an arrogant wanker. Destiny is so much more than bloody deathmatch, no wonder everyone is just saying it's halo re-skinned. Bloody hell, I feel like an idiot for even thinking we were discussing Destiny when we really weren't.
    ok? Destiny is Borderlands 2.0 then, how's that?

  23. #83
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    Stick to your dudebro games.

  24. #84
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    Calm down, child.

  25. #85
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    Oh, Reach's campaign was great. My gripe was just about mp.

  26. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    ok? Destiny is Borderlands 2.0 then, how's that?
    That's great. I get it.

    This is the third or fourth time Elixir has changed his name. Maybe this time he'll at least admit it's him.

  27. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Calm down, child.
    Thanks for the save, Dad.

  28. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Madmya View Post
    Stick to your dudebro games.
    I didn't mean to offend you, all in good spirits here.

    But out of curiosity what is a "dudebro" game? Halo? Made by Bungie? That now makes Destiny? Orrrrr i'm confused, please tell.

  29. #89
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    I wasn't interested in this game really, but since this guy won't stop complaining about how much he doesn't absolutely love it, it's gotta be good. I've found that my opinion runs polar opposite to anything he has to say about pretty much anything, so now I'm excited.

  30. #90
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    One more week. The info they've released on the raids sounds pretty promising.

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