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Thread: Destiny

  1. #691
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    10 Post(s)
    Are you guys happy with it so far?

  2. #692
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Vancouver BC
    98 Post(s)
    It's alright. Only took a day to hit level 20 so not sure of the cap being so low, but enjoyed the campaign and the crucible so far. Seems like this time around, knowing that it'd be a game that has a lifespan of years, they're taking more time to lay everything on the table?

  3. #693
    Join Date
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    North Carolina
    161 Post(s)
    I'm enjoying myself so far. I decided to grind a bunch this weekend since on weekdays my time is severely hindered. I got a boatload of legendary shards for upgrades and XUR and that's about it. I rose up about 20 light levels but never managed to actually get anything I desired or would use. I literally could not get a new primary weapon. I got the same auto rifle you get from Zavala after a story mission and the Graviton Lance you got to choose after a story mission. I'm bored of my load out. I've had this set up since I got both weapons in my inventory.

    So, I said fuck it and farmed non-stop for 2 and a half hours on Earth in public events. I got an exotic engram and got Celestial Nighthawk (fucking helmet from the first game) which I didn't want but wore anyways. I then did some strikes and eventually got another exotic engram drop. I turned it in and got Young Ahamkara's Spine (fucking arms from the first game) from it. I rage quit so hard and wanted to throw the goddamn controller across the room. I want weapons not armor! If you're gonna give me armor at least give me new shit, not regurgitated crap from the first game I don't want. So frustrating seeing all your friends have new weapons and changing load outs and you get nothing when you waste the time for it.

    Otherwise I have no issues so far!
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 09-10-2017 at 10:40 PM.

  4. #694
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Long Island
    44 Post(s)
    So happy with everything so far. Story was solid enough and made the experience much more enjoyable. You feel even more connected with all of these characters that are fighting by your side and really cool to see everyone back at the new tower. The ending opens up so many new questions, and we finally get to see what the 5th race is going to be eventually with the tetrahedrons waking up in deep space at the end. Sound effects are stellar, soundtrack is amazing... this is what Destiny should have been. I can go into much more detail, but I don't have the time. Cannot wait for the raid and the DLC we will be getting in about 2 months. There is so much more to do here and I love it so far. I got the limited edition bundle and I am happy with every piece of content it came with.

  5. #695
    Join Date
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    North Carolina
    161 Post(s)
    So I managed to complete the Nightfall with a few friends. Managed to still have like 4 minutes or so on the clock. Last weeks was a nightmare and too hard but this one felt just right, you gotta play smart.

    My exotic engram/reward for a weapon is still in effect as nothing I got last night gave me a weapon! What the fuck!!

    Nightfall Reward - Exotic Legs
    Engram from Leveling Zavala - Exotic Chest
    Engram drop from strike - Exotic Helmet

    This is too funny and frustrating. It sucks so fucking much. It's pissing me off. I am so sick of armor.

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