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Thread: 2013.04.25 - Toronto, ON @ Sound Academy

  1. #61
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    The show really was magical. I absolutely loved every minute of it. I took a few friends who weren't that familiar with the music and they all raved about it.

    Everything sounded so tight. I was never all that attracted to Q previously but I was crushing hard last night not gonna lie. Her curves, her moves, her pipes. She oozed sex appeal all night long. She was confident, but honest, passionate, and vulnerable. She really powered through and brought the house down at some key moments.

    The visuals were a perfect accompaniment. Unique and stunning. There was always something going on.

    The set list had something for everyone. They had the bass pounding dance tracks, crunchy glitchy drone sessions, and stripped down organic mood pieces. Felt paced very well.

    It was a shame Too Late, All Gone didn't make the cut, but that can be a little nugget to look forward to next time around. It will be very interesting to see where this band goes now with NIN on deck for the foreseeable future. I don't know if I am just on a high from last night, but I would prefer TR's main focus to stay on HTDA instead of touring endlessly with NIN in 2014. Feels like this group are just having a ton of fun together and I'd very much like to see where they go with their next record. I'd be crushed, even NIN album or otherwise, if we didn't see or hear from them for a few years. Hopefully that's not the case.

    - And the Sky Began to Scream. When TR's brings it home at the end as the screens opened up, I was fucking floored.
    - Between the Spaces. KILLER remix. Worked so well to bring that song alive in a live setting. It was a very cool way of putting their "secret weapon" into action. You could feel Ally all over it.
    - Believers. The visuals here will trip you the fuck out and I thought it translated live in a very cool way.
    - Parasite. Just because I love this track.
    - Welcome Oblivion. Was on the fence about this track and the live version took it up several notches.
    - The Loop Closes. Epic.
    - We Fade Away. Bad ass closer.

    Even songs I wasn't crazy about originally fit beautifully into the set list i.e How Long?, Ice Age. I have a few very small criticisms but I can't even be bothered to be negative at this point.

    I feel very lucky to have seen this tour, especially in an "intimate" club show. If you still have a chance to check it out before they're done I highly recommend it.

  2. #62
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    Absolutely amazing show. My apologies to anyone who got stuck behind me. The stage in that place was way too low and for some reason everyone 6' and taller decided to get as close as they could. Everything was awesome except for that lone douche bag that decided to get absolutely wasted and thought he could start a pit. I'm sorry to anyone who got hit when I threw him on his ass for going retarded in front of my gf.

  3. #63
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    My two cents ... amazing. Production value alone would have been worth the price. Truly felt that the music came to life even more through the visuals and hearing the songs live.

    DIIV did a very respectable job for an opening band too.

    Great to see you and your wife again IJD. Always nice to reconnect with old friends from ETS. Miss the good old days Too bad about the Sasquatch but hope it worked out for you after that.

  4. #64
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  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by FernandoDante View Post
    Wow, I just saw that you posted this! Thanks so much, Fernando!

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anxdiety View Post
    Absolutely amazing show. My apologies to anyone who got stuck behind me. The stage in that place was way too low and for some reason everyone 6' and taller decided to get as close as they could. Everything was awesome except for that lone douche bag that decided to get absolutely wasted and thought he could start a pit. I'm sorry to anyone who got hit when I threw him on his ass for going retarded in front of my gf.
    I was only 3 people away from the stage and as someone who barely scrapes 5 feet, I very much noticed the field of tall people at the front.

  7. #67
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    I'm amazed that a bootleg hasn't surfaced yet of the show. I noticed that a lot of the camera/cell phone pics have turned out terribly as the auto focus on them was completely confused as to what to focus on. No images I've seen thus far do the show any justice. I'm hoping an audio recording surfaces as I can't wait to hear the versions of the songs again. I'm not sure if it was the audience singing along or the reverb at times but that portion was extremely moving. It was also awesome by the second half of the show as the audience relaxed and got into it. At first everyone seemed uptight and uncertain but by the latter half it was a sea of people grooving along. It was probably because they realized they were getting shit for pictures/video.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anxdiety View Post
    I'm amazed that a bootleg hasn't surfaced yet of the show.
    Be patient. The show was just three days ago. I know for a fact it was taped. Give the taper time to transfer and upload the recording.
    It wasn't me by the way.

  9. #69
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    To those of you who live in Toronto: I have 2 extra Welcome Oblivion records (brand new, sealed) that I'm selling for $20 each ($27 + shipping from the website). PM me if you're interested. Pick up preferably at Yonge/Eglinton but I'm somewhat flexible.

  10. #70
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    The editing process will soon begin on RITC/TOIOU's project. If you haven't sent in your footage yet, please contact me : ppchevigny@filmssix.com
    You can upload any footage you have on DropBox or WeTransfer and send me a link. We need the original, uncompressed data.
    Please include your full contact info so we can get in touch if we need to : name (or username if you'd rather remain anonymous), full address and phone number.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anxdiety View Post
    I'm amazed that a bootleg hasn't surfaced yet of the show.
    Here is becomingtom's recording. It's from an iPhone, which did a surprisingly good job of recording live concert audio!


  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by gladcarrot View Post
    Here is becomingtom's recording. It's from an iPhone, which did a surprisingly good job of recording live concert audio!

    Thanks for all the help gladcarrot I appreciate it!

  13. #73
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    Thanks a ton for the link. Greatly appreciated.

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