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Thread: 2013.04.29 - New York, NY @ The Apollo Theater

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    within view of The Rockies
    41 Post(s)
    Quote Originally Posted by butter_hole View Post
    the people standing behind you will thank you
    Considering the seating arrangement, it wouldn't have been a problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by FULLMETAL View Post
    Especially, if it's distracting you from what's happening on stage. In terms of courtesy, the bloke shooting the video probably should have dimmed his screen or something.
    I hate that too, so when I popped my camera up for a quick shot or video, I made sure it was low (between heads instead of above them) and my screen was dimmed as far as it would go the whole show. There was a guy directly in front of me, I swear his screen was all the way up, and he would text or e-mail during the show, it was like a flashlight in my face. That, and the girl 2 seats over seemed to think you should use a super bright LED flash when you take pics of a show where a main component of the visuals is a front-projected video. She kept looking at her screen after each photo like "wtf why didn't this turn out it's all white" so I leaned over between songs when it was quiet enough for her to hear and told her "you'll want to urn your flash off to get any photos".

    Anyway, it was a great show, glad I was able to make it out. Made a lot of new friends, since this is a new area for me I didn't know anyone going in. Met the Inverse Phase guy (quit lurking and post ) More later.
    Last edited by sick among the pure; 04-30-2013 at 01:57 AM.

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