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Thread: Gears of War - Scratch one Grub

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    Gears of War - Scratch one Grub



    Love this game and how bro-fueled it is. I've been playing with a bunch of punks on Horde mode and need some new team mates. Who's down?

    I still need to download the Season Pass as well. But yeah, love these games. Lots of fun.

  2. #2
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    Tony, hit me up on XBL and I'll play with you guys.....

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk!

  3. #3
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    I can't wait till the RAAM DLC. 12 days...

  4. #4
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    I need the season pass as well. online its ok, way better than GOW2. I hate, hate, hate that goddamn sawed-off.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    I need the season pass as well. online its ok, way better than GOW2. I hate, hate, hate that goddamn sawed-off.
    Sawed-Off is easy to dodge or counter now for me. Just gotta catch that small glimpse of it from an enemy or the reload sequence from them. I can roll and pop a gnasher bullet in their lousy face.

    Recent news, I beat the campaign on Insane difficulty and got the new ghost protocol weapon skin. pretty neat.

  6. #6
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    I got the Season Pass, and so far it's definitely been worth it...three more DLC's too? Noice. Gamertag: octobermidnight

    Currently level 64 but now that I'm kinda burned out on Skyrim for a while I'm back in....hit me up!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    I got the Season Pass, and so far it's definitely been worth it...three more DLC's too? Noice. Gamertag: octobermidnight

    Currently level 64 but now that I'm kinda burned out on Skyrim for a while I'm back in....hit me up!
    Added! Love to play with some ETS'ers

    I'm level 60, almost 61.

  8. #8
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    Awesome. Big fan of Horde and KotH. In Horde..holllly shit, I have everything maxed out other than silverback, for that I'm at level 4...but it's like half a mil to get the **** for it...loving it still though. And I'm pumped that Clocktower is back! Always dug the hell outta that map.

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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Awesome. Big fan of Horde and KotH. In Horde..holllly shit, I have everything maxed out other than silverback, for that I'm at level 4...but it's like half a mil to get the **** for it...loving it still though. And I'm pumped that Clocktower is back! Always dug the hell outta that map.
    All I play usually is Ranked KOTH matches. Occasionally Team Deathmatch and Beast. I like Horde 2.0 but it's very time consuming.

    I like Clocktower but that's all anyone ever votes for when in lobby, I'm sick of it already.

  10. #10
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    Marathon'd the campaigns of all 3 games recently. Decent fun. Going on a chainsaw-bayonet rampage in 3's Horde mode, however, is transcendental. Screw bullets.

  11. #11
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    I beat Horde on Insane the other night a few weeks ago. Rarely have I felt so accomplished in a night of gaming.

    My favorite playlist has and always will be Alpha. 4v4, Lancer/Gnasher only, and Good Times(tm) all around.

  12. #12
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    I'm on Rank 89. I need a life.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by novacide View Post
    I'm on Rank 89. I need a life.
    No, the few people I seen that have the Seriously 3.0 achievement need a life.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    No, the few people I seen that have the Seriously 3.0 achievement need a life.
    How can any rascal even have that by now... All Onyx medals? They must have either hacked it or been dicks and played 16 hours a day since it's come out.

    Anyway if you can get a group of 5 people together it's quite fun to troll in Team Deathmatch and only use chainsaws or retro charges.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zipfinator View Post
    How can any rascal even have that by now... All Onyx medals? They must have either hacked it or been dicks and played 16 hours a day since it's come out.

    Anyway if you can get a group of 5 people together it's quite fun to troll in Team Deathmatch and only use chainsaws or retro charges.
    Unsure, I'm sure it's both populations - modders and losers.

    I am really decent in most matches, minus a few lame games here and there. I got messaged by a guy after we lost the match and he called me a cunt and sent another calling me a huge piece of shit since I was last in points on our team both times. We play another match and I come in second place on the team with 34 kills. Stupid asshole, He was still in first but calling people names for bad games is rude as fuck. I reported him and blocked all telecommunications from him anyways. Dipshit.

    I'm always looking to play, if you're on and we're frandz then send me a lobby invite!

  16. #16
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    How is it possible to have Seriously 3.0? Don't you need to have participated in a lot more Gears 3 events than have even existed?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by beat View Post
    How is it possible to have Seriously 3.0? Don't you need to have participated in a lot more Gears 3 events than have even existed?
    Individual things in the Beta were considered events and sometimes events are glitched to where it pops up as one adding to the medal after each match, even if you've played the event before.

  18. #18
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    Why does online Gears bring out the absolute worst type of people? Seriously, the attitude of these dickbags is just appalling. I can't wait to get my Rank 100 so I can never play this online shit again. Rank 90 now.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by novacide View Post
    Why does online Gears bring out the absolute worst type of people? Seriously, the attitude of these dickbags is just appalling. I can't wait to get my Rank 100 so I can never play this online shit again. Rank 90 now.
    I know what you mean. I'll play it and enjoy it. With muted mics and no mic at all. I'll tell you all a story...

    It was a ranked KOTH match and it was me and 4 randoms vs a clan. Well through the course of a match my entire team quit, minus me. After the match ended I heard one foul mouth on the other team talking shit, to which (also to my mistake) replied on the mic saying well, it wasn't really a fair match anyways with my team quitting. The guy said "you should've quit too, you little bitch" to which I said "how? I'm the only guy that actually stayed the whole match and had balls to lose if i was going to." I was then barraged with tons of fuck you's and terrible insults from everyone on the other team afterwards.

    I hope they enjoyed their shit talk and lame one-sided match because I reported every single one of their asses to Microsoft for trash talking and insults.

    I was also in a match with a guy on my team in KOTH, oddly we were in two matches back to back on the same team. After each match he sent nasty messages to me because I was last on the team and not doing well. Lo and behold, the third match we were on a team again...I came in second place on the team, after him, yet I still had more kills. Stupid cocksuck.

  20. #20
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    I'm in a party playing with friends 99% of the time while playing gears so I haven't had to deal with anyone like that. When I happen to not be in a party though pretty much everyone has been silent. I guess I've been lucky with that. I remember back in the Gears 1 days before there were XBox Live parties though...

  21. #21
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    THAT brings back good memories...I was never annoying, but I will freely admit that no one could talk trash in Gears 1 MP like me.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    THAT brings back good memories...I was never annoying, but I will freely admit that no one could talk trash in Gears 1 MP like me.
    I'll admit I was quite a trash talker in those days too... I was 14 or 15 though so that's my excuse for it!

  23. #23
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    This is why I never play with a Michael unless I'm in a party. Fuck the general online gaming community.

  24. #24
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    Soooo....what's everyone use for their primary loadouts and characters in Multiplayer?

    I go A little like this recently:

    Ghost Protocol Skin Lancer
    Green Liquid Metal Skin Gnasher

    COG: Griffin / Commando Dom


    Team Metal Skin Retro Lancer
    Imulsion Skin (or Deadly Cute skin) Gnasher

    Locust: Savage Theron / Kantus/ Savage Kantus

  25. #25
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    I can't wait to play these!

  26. #26
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    DLC Blunder #2.

    First the Horde Command was hours late due to 'Technical Difficulties' and now me as a season pass holder, can't even download RAAM's Shadow easily as there's a glitch that says I have to pay 1200 MSP to get it. I swear, this is annoying. I wanted to play some before class this morning but I guess that won't happen as I am about to walk out of the door. I find it lame that I bought the season pass and people that didn't are playing this before I do. I know they will fix it but buying the pass (minus the price of everything in totality) and not getting it without waiting or a problem kinda defeats the purpose of it in the first place?


  27. #27
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    It's being looked in to according to all the usual people on Twitter, another Microsoft thing, EPIC are the ones that forced them to put the text 'DO NOT buy it here' in the grey section on the right while the blunder is being corrected. I sincerely hope they're doing this on purpose to teach people to be patient. They said it'd be released on Dec. 13th so as long as it drops before midnight everyone's arguments are invalid. It's the very reason why theaters had to start having midnight shows and albums online are available RIGHT AT MIDNIGHT. People's patience nowadays is at absolute zero. Even if it's tonight at 9pm, we'll all have it tomorrow...this game has enough content to satisfy everyone for another 24 hours.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    It's being looked in to according to all the usual people on Twitter, another Microsoft thing, EPIC are the ones that forced them to put the text 'DO NOT buy it here' in the grey section on the right while the blunder is being corrected. I sincerely hope they're doing this on purpose to teach people to be patient. They said it'd be released on Dec. 13th so as long as it drops before midnight everyone's arguments are invalid. It's the very reason why theaters had to start having midnight shows and albums online are available RIGHT AT MIDNIGHT. People's patience nowadays is at absolute zero. Even if it's tonight at 9pm, we'll all have it tomorrow...this game has enough content to satisfy everyone for another 24 hours.
    I'm not one of those hop heads that lose their temper and throw a fit but I did still find it extremely annoying at such a dumb mistake. Either way, it's downloading now. Big file. 2 gigs ugh.

  29. #29
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    My friend is off work today and saying that even though its 2gB it's probably still just slow because the servers are being pounded, me and him both have 15mB connections and he said it's hella slow.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I'm not one of those hop heads that lose their temper and throw a fit but I did still find it extremely annoying at such a dumb mistake. Either way, it's downloading now. Big file. 2 gigs ugh.
    A lot of stuff went live for Xbox today, including the YouTube app. Everything has been available now for a few hours. Keep calm, broski.

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