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Thread: Little Things That Piss You Off - more bitching about your mom

  1. #961
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    So, I got up this morning around 12:45 to get a snack. I went back to bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow I heard what sounded like breaking glass- and it appeared to be coming from my living room.

    Scared the shit out of me. I very cautiously came out of my room, flipped on all the lights in my apartment, and checked everywhere. Nothing. Completely false alarm. I have no idea if it was something outside or what, but I swear I heard the sound of glass breaking and it was loud. Weird.
    Does Stone Cold Steve Austin live nearby? That might be it.

  2. #962
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    Quote Originally Posted by the duder View Post
    Does Stone Cold Steve Austin live nearby? That might be it.
    Can I get a "HELL YEAH"?

  3. #963
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    Stuck throttle on the Sable. My car wants to kill me.

  4. #964
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    I've spent aaaages waiting for something and getting psyched up for tomorrow night and now it's cancelled. It's nobody's fault at all, but I'm just so pissed off generally at everything at the moment, just don't want to take it out on anyone.

    Fuuucking hell...

  5. #965
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    Person who doesn't respond to important emails - someone who said they were available and would teach some aerobic classes (she solicited work actually), and now 'she has to check' before committing and hasn't gotten back to me. I made plans based on her stated availability, and now they are in jeopardy. Don't solicit work from me unless you can deliver. Unprofessional.

  6. #966
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    My guy-friend's living situation pretty much echoes my own right now—the people we're living with are happy to use the food/toiletries we buy for ourselves but get snotty when we use the communal stuff. Uh, okay. Only difference is the person I'm living with is in her 50's and should know better...

  7. #967
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    /health insurance bullshit
    Last edited by aggroculture; 09-02-2012 at 10:04 PM. Reason: Because i calmed down

  8. #968
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    I just found out that the pipe under my bathroom sink was leaking, leaving a puddle of water in the cabinet under the sink. I think I fixed it, but damn is that annoying.

  9. #969
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    Dear Tinactin, I bought you to cure my athlete's foot, not to cause a painful allergic reaction in both my feet. Fuck you forever.

  10. #970
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    Try telling that to John Madden.

    Seriously that sucks. Good luck with the feet.

    While we're on the subject of fun everyday ailments. Constipation: the common cold for guests of hell. It was one wonderful Labor Day weekend thank you.

  11. #971
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    Thanks, the swelling has gone down since yesterday, and I can sort of walk again today. Yesterday was a slow shuffle like an old man. Add to that the fact that I was sleeping in a motel because of out-of-town work, and it was all kinds of suck.

  12. #972
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    Nasty dirty computers and keyboards at work - have to take my own cleaning wipes in.

  13. #973
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    I get it people you have issues, and I seem to keep mine in check (as far as you can seem to tell). Well guess what it aint easy, so if i get sick of hearing about all your shit that you brought on yourself, it's not that i don't get it i just don't have the patience. If i can manage so can you. This is what happens when a motherfucker can't get a clean day off from work and outside bullshit, just fucking 1 day.

  14. #974
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    apparently while on vacation I sold a textbook on amazon that I forgot was even on there, now I have angry e-mails from Amazon and the buyer because I hadn't shipped it yet. now my seller rating is lowered since I had to cancel the order, I don't even have that book anymore. sorry to whoever needed that book for their class

  15. #975
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    Being unemployed. During my whole four years of college I worked at a gallery and also for the photo department. I had to move back home, and was hoping to get employed in NYC. That didn't happen- though something in me hopes the guy will email one day saying at least "No work for you, sorry!"...sigh. It's been two weeks since I've been unemployed and it's getting old fast. The job hunt begins soon, now that I've officially given up on the place I sent my resume/cover letter too.

  16. #976
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    You'll find something, don't worry. Took me ages to find the job I have now, and it's a decent job that pays well!

  17. #977
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    Quote Originally Posted by halloween View Post
    Being unemployed. During my whole four years of college I worked at a gallery and also for the photo department. I had to move back home, and was hoping to get employed in NYC. That didn't happen- though something in me hopes the guy will email one day saying at least "No work for you, sorry!"...sigh. It's been two weeks since I've been unemployed and it's getting old fast. The job hunt begins soon, now that I've officially given up on the place I sent my resume/cover letter too.
    I'm in a similar situation. Since I've moved, I'll admit, I've been a little slack in my job search, but now that I'm literally OUT of money (and my rent was a liiittle bit late, so I have to pay an additional $45 in late fees - won't be making THAT mistake again), I'm kinda desperate for whatever I can get. But what irks me about the whole situation is that my mom's harping on me to get a job, and when I tell her that I spent all day yesterday looking for work and came home with 13 applications, she blows up at me because I tell her I brought them home rather than filling them all out in person. It's not like I was being lazy by not filling it out in person, but I had other places to go all day. I didn't have time to sit down and write everything out. And then, to top it all off, she tells me that she's not gonna help me out financially until I have a job, and rubs in the fact that "It could be two or three more weeks until you even get your first check from your next job, so you'd better figure something out." Thank you. Like I didn't already know that. S'kinda why I was asking you guys for some help in the first place. But we've since talked a bit more, and if I need the money for something, they'll help. But I'll have to manage the money pretty well. I can do it, I just need a kick start getting there.

    Blah. I just hope one of these jobs pans out. And I especially hope it's one of the jobs I'll like. (There's a really cool Indian store downtown, and as soon as I walked in, the SUPER cute girl working the counter just went all smiles and we hit it off, and not in a "look happy for the customer" way. I should've asked her name and number. I've decided I WILL next time, though. I might even go in there just to "follow up on an application." No guts, no glory!)

  18. #978
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    It's amazing how overwhelming a part time job can be, but at least I'm doing something more than sitting at home, alone while wallowing in depression.

  19. #979
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    Today during band practice, some asshole from across the street (and three houses down) jumped our locked front gate and started ringing our bell and banging on the windows. This is the SECOND fucking time this asshole has done this. Nobody in the neighboring buildings has ever complained, and we've asked if we're bothering them and they say "no, we can hear you guys a little bit, but it's not a bother." This motherfucker comes over yelling about how we've crossed a line and how he's not going to tolerate it.

    He says "I'm trying to write my book!!!!" So, upon inquiry, it turns out this guy likes to write outside. And the bass frequencies bother him. We don't play that fucking loud. This asshole is literally jumping over the locked gate and yelling at us. He's trespassing. I'm not sure whether to throw a pair of earplugs at him and tell him to shut the fuck up, or call the cops. We're within our legal rights to play at the time we're playing at (we finish before 8). Fuck this guy.

  20. #980
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    1) Get a telescope and watch him as he's writing.
    2) Get a tone generator, crank the amp, and start with a frequency above human hearing thresholds.
    3) Watch him closely and start to lower the frequency
    4) When his eyes cross and blood starts coming from his ears due to the barely audible ultra high frequency, pat yourselves on the back.
    5) Profit? And get yourselves to the hospital, you may also be having aneurisms...

  21. #981
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    the kicker is that I can't even see the front of his house without walking a bit out. He does not even live that close.

    The previous time this dipshit did this, he claimed he was a doctor, and decided to warn us that by playing at such loud volumes (which, by the way, are nowhere NEAR the volumes you'd hear at a club show... maybe closer to what you'd hear in a movie theater) we were incurring brain damage.

    This time, he admitted he's a freelance acupuncturist.... and in my book that's hardly a "doctor" who should be whining at me about how my loud music is giving me fucking brain damage. Then, as he went away, he tried to sell us on his book, which is going to be "really important. People are going to be talking about it. On the radio. You'll see. I'll give you a copy."

    Last edited by Jinsai; 09-07-2012 at 05:26 AM.

  22. #982
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    I'm in a similar situation. Since I've moved, I'll admit, I've been a little slack in my job search, but now that I'm literally OUT of money (and my rent was a liiittle bit late, so I have to pay an additional $45 in late fees - won't be making THAT mistake again), I'm kinda desperate for whatever I can get. But what irks me about the whole situation is that my mom's harping on me to get a job, and when I tell her that I spent all day yesterday looking for work and came home with 13 applications, she blows up at me because I tell her I brought them home rather than filling them all out in person. It's not like I was being lazy by not filling it out in person, but I had other places to go all day. I didn't have time to sit down and write everything out. And then, to top it all off, she tells me that she's not gonna help me out financially until I have a job, and rubs in the fact that "It could be two or three more weeks until you even get your first check from your next job, so you'd better figure something out." Thank you. Like I didn't already know that. S'kinda why I was asking you guys for some help in the first place. But we've since talked a bit more, and if I need the money for something, they'll help. But I'll have to manage the money pretty well. I can do it, I just need a kick start getting there.

    Blah. I just hope one of these jobs pans out. And I especially hope it's one of the jobs I'll like. (There's a really cool Indian store downtown, and as soon as I walked in, the SUPER cute girl working the counter just went all smiles and we hit it off, and not in a "look happy for the customer" way. I should've asked her name and number. I've decided I WILL next time, though. I might even go in there just to "follow up on an application." No guts, no glory!)
    Yikes, that's tough. I'm so extremely grateful that my dad is so awesome and understanding, he hasn't been bugging me about my situation, letting me stay home and he understands that doing photography is a priority for me, so even though I don't have a job- I'll be starting as a volunteer as a darkroom monitor at the local photography center in town. I won't be able to do much work though without money to pay for material, but I had an idea for a kickstarter project and my dad has been completely supportive and not skeptical at all about the whole thing. Job searching within my town is going to be a completely different monster than NYC, because the options are...a lot less. I'll show my resume and all they'll see art handling and gallery experience... I've touched fancy artwork but never a cash register =[

  23. #983
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    Quote Originally Posted by halloween View Post
    Yikes, that's tough. I'm so extremely grateful that my dad is so awesome and understanding, he hasn't been bugging me about my situation, letting me stay home and he understands that doing photography is a priority for me, so even though I don't have a job- I'll be starting as a volunteer as a darkroom monitor at the local photography center in town. I won't be able to do much work though without money to pay for material, but I had an idea for a kickstarter project and my dad has been completely supportive and not skeptical at all about the whole thing. Job searching within my town is going to be a completely different monster than NYC, because the options are...a lot less. I'll show my resume and all they'll see art handling and gallery experience... I've touched fancy artwork but never a cash register =[
    I really don't think you should give up on NYC.

  24. #984
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    I should be on a plane, flying to Paris right now but instead, I'm sitting on my couch on a saturday night.

  25. #985
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    So should we all... I haven't been to Parins since I was 15, and aside from ETS folks in England, I have a good friend living there right now.

  26. #986
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    I'm not in Paris either

  27. #987
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    if you only call or text me to ask about your apple devices, you aren't a friend. you're a non paying customer. which is why i don't really answer my phone much anymore.

  28. #988
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    I really don't think you should give up on NYC.
    I guess I shouldn't, but it's hard to do job searches in a city that's 5 hours away. I'm not sure how to make this work out, at least not as soon as I'd like. I'm still looking for jobs, but I don't really know where to look- I keep checking the sames sites I know, waiting to see if there's something out there for me to apply for, that I'm qualified for...

  29. #989
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    It's a real crap shoot, but sometimes Craigslist actually turns up results. Last two jobs have been found through them. I worked at one for 2 years, and the latest one is run and staffed by solid people, and pays well. Don't count it out!

  30. #990
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    Quote Originally Posted by halloween View Post
    I guess I shouldn't, but it's hard to do job searches in a city that's 5 hours away. I'm not sure how to make this work out, at least not as soon as I'd like. I'm still looking for jobs, but I don't really know where to look- I keep checking the sames sites I know, waiting to see if there's something out there for me to apply for, that I'm qualified for...
    I''m assuming here that what you are looking for is near what you just finished studying. What about your school's resources? You drop serious coin for so many years, those folks are suppose to take care of their alumni.

    Insomnia. I thought it was an anxiety problem, now I know it's an iphone, no one else in my bed problem. It's too easy to wake up, roll over start reading crap and then - poof you're awake for two hours. I'm an idiot.

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