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Thread: Little Things That Piss You Off - more bitching about your mom

  1. #151
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    Thank you, very much.

  2. #152
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    Oh good, it's a week before Christmas and I've only got £100 in the bank. A certain hotel chain is going to get a bit of a shock when their entire web presence goes down on NYE because they didn't pay me.

  3. #153
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    Facebook updates that digress into banal conversions between two people THAT HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ORIGINAL TOPIC but rather become reflections on I HAVN'T SEEN YOU IN AGES!!!

    Like this:

    Person 1: "I can't believe that Britain would continually reject reformations to the gold standard until the 1930's at the expense of economic growth!"

    Person 2: "Absolutely, a lesson to be learned perhaps, in light of the United Kingdom's current position in post recession Europe."

    Okay. As a reader I'm still with you. I may even join the conversation. Then this happens:

    Person 1: "Oh Hi Person two! How's your knee? We should totally go out sometime! Miss you loads! I can't believe what he did you by the way."

    Person 2: "Oh hi! Yeah I'd love that! Yeah he's a bastard. Let's show off to everyone about what best friends we digressing into this one-to-one drivel at the expense of both everyone else and the original topic".

    Fuck off, you brain dead imbeciles.

  4. #154
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    Migraine headaches.... They hurt like a son of a bitch. I think it's because of stress, I don't usually get them until the spring.

  5. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    When people condemn introverts and loners for very unsubstantial reasons. I've seen that happen a lot.
    Ha. Yeah. (Probably the same people who say, in any situation, "It's OK because everyone else [in my stone age herd] is doing it" regardless of the consequences.) It became clearer than ever to me when I posted in a comment section that, you know, it's physically possible to not spend Christmas with family members you dislike. "I've quit family Christmases myself." != Their business, right? But it got this big bunch of downvotes, lolz. AND THAT IS WHY I'll be sure to repeat my advice regarding enemy-free Christmases... on Facebook. (In the third person.) The universe. It will 'splode.

    *thinks long and hard (huh huh huh) to think of something for the thread* Oh yeah. Writing "I could care less" when you meant "couldn't." D:

  6. #156
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    I don't have water or heat until at least tomorrow. The water because my house got robbed while I was out of town for work and they stole my goddamn plumbing (and pocketwatch, Rammstein ticket, passport, etc.) for the copper. FREALS?? Then my furnace oil ran out. IT WAS A GREAT WEEK.

  7. #157
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    People celebrating someone's death, no matter who it is.

  8. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheepdean View Post
    People celebrating someone's death, no matter who it is.
    THIS, A THOUSAND TIMES THIS. I think we got each other when it came to Bin Laden.

    Pissing me off: the way I can't seem to get a decent night's sleep when I have to be up in early the morning (before 7, say). Doesn't matter what time I go to bed or how much I relax prior to it; I always have nightmares of some sort or wake up every hour or so freaking out that I'm going to sleep through my alarm. I've set two alarms on two separate electronic devices and that still isn't enough to assuage my fears, apparently.

  9. #159
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    Talking to a product engineer in Poland and being done with the conversation 10 minutes in. I get it, I understand, I'll talk to the customer, and get back to you as soon as possible. 20 more minutes of saying the same thing four different ways. I'm pretty sure he was just practicing his English. Sweet guy, but gah, I got shit to do. I think I just have a 30 minute limit to phone calls or meetings or anything.

  10. #160
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    People that don't know how to remain silent and actually listen to somebody else, especially when they have a tendency to say: "Let me finish!"

  11. #161
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    People that don't know how to remain silent and actually listen to somebody else, especially when they have a tendency to say: "Let me finish!"

  12. #162
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    I don't have water or heat until at least tomorrow. The water because my house got robbed while I was out of town for work and they stole my goddamn plumbing (and pocketwatch, Rammstein ticket, passport, etc.) for the copper. FREALS?? Then my furnace oil ran out. IT WAS A GREAT WEEK.
    Damn, Fixer, that's terrible. Do you think the venue would work with you on tracking who uses the ticket? I work at a ticket company, and we've dealt with similar situations.

  13. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    People that don't know how to remain silent and actually listen to somebody else, especially
    I don't know what you're talking about.

  14. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tea View Post
    Damn, Fixer, that's terrible. Do you think the venue would work with you on tracking who uses the ticket? I work at a ticket company, and we've dealt with similar situations.
    I paid for it with cash, so I've no record of what seat I was in. But on Friday on my way to work my friend made me go all misty when she texted me and said "YO! Got you another Rammstein ticket, merry xmas luv!" Love that gal!

  15. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheepdean View Post
    People celebrating someone's death, no matter who it is.
    I used to think this. But, when someone who has done a lot of evil shit has ceased to exist in this world (just like we all eventually will), I don't really think we have to be nothing but neutral to somber about it.

    I wouldn't go around celebrating someone's death, though I did mention Kim Jong Il passing to my coworkers and saying the world had a little less evil in it or... I don't know what I said. It wasn't nice. Also I posted this on Facebook:

  16. #166
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    im at work and all sweaty from working, and i know i reek. yeech.

  17. #167
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    Okay, so, I'm messy. I know this. And lately I've been basically horrible about not doing dishes and things... so that doesn't smell good. And my apartment in general is pretty messy, but given that I'm going away for 6 days, there's no way I'd leave it like that.

    ANYWAY, fuck my landlord, she called me to basically say she hopes my roommate and I are going to clean up our place before we leave, which is reasonable.

    But, then she mentioned our trash, because her husband hasn't seen any trash in the cans for a month. Well, that's because we take our trash out usually directly to the street on Friday or Tuesday. Because we're usually too lazy to do otherwise. But, we do take it out!

    I understand that I can't fault her for her assumptions but raaaaaaaaaage.

    And I've got this feeling of anxiety (because you know, landlord) and anger right now. I don't get pissed off frequently or easily, believe it or not.

  18. #168
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    Quote Originally Posted by frankieteardrop View Post
    Good one.

    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    I don't know what you're talking about.
    I'm talking about people that hate being interrupted while having their points ignored, yet somehow don't care about being that way to others at all times. It's just something else to notice that they'd say "Let me finish!" when they don't let anybody finish while always trying to take over the conversation.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 12-20-2011 at 08:25 PM.

  19. #169
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    Hearing about christmas! I"m so fucking tired of it already. And most of my work life is spent around customers who looovve christmas so I have to keep quiet and/or watch what I say.

  20. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    I'm talking about people that hate being interrupted while having their points ignored, yet somehow don't care about being that way to others at all times. It's just something else to notice that they'd say "Let me finish!" when they don't let anybody finish while always trying to take over the conversation.
    I was just joking. I interrupted your quote mid-sentence to say that. Guess the joke fell flat.

  21. #171
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    As some of you might remember, I hit a rough patch back in May. I had to stop counselling for a while because things are so hectic at work, and it turns out to be a very bad idea because I'm back at the bottom, only this time I kind of know what's causing it so it might not get so far as it did in Spring. But I'm not going to bitch about that, because depression is depressing.

    HOWEVER! I'm extremely tired and extremely emotional which is logical (apparently I'm hypersensitive or some such rot and stress will do that to you) but it also causes me to have extreme mood swings. Normally I wouldn't go into work when I'm so low, but today we had class meetings so I had to, and halfway through the day I broke down and started crying almost uncontrollably. Still not the thing that pisses me off, though.

    Some people came up to ask me if I was okay (which I hate, but I can appreciate rationally as a way of showing concern for me so I did my best not to bitch at them) and some people tried to ignore me and avoid me (which I would do too, so again, that's okay) and two people asked me if I was mad at them.

    WHAT THE FUCK? On days when my life is all about me I don't need you shoving your own insecurity-based egocentrism in my face, especially not if it's needy and clingy and only very thinly-veiled as sympathy or comfort. Fuckers.

  22. #172
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    Wow Elke, that's really something. Some people are so self-centered that it's scary! I hope things will improve for you though. *hugs*

    Piss me off: Christmas came early this year; I got pink eye and otitis. I know I have an unusually high resistance to pain but damn it, it doesn't mean that it has to be tested like this.

  23. #173
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    It's 54 F, raining on the 21st of December.

    what. the. fuck.

  24. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    I was just joking. I interrupted your quote mid-sentence to say that. Guess the joke fell flat.
    *The Price Is Right Fail+Darth No* NP, now I get it.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 12-21-2011 at 06:20 PM.

  25. #175
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    Quote Originally Posted by halloween View Post
    It's 54 F, raining on the 21st of December.

    what. the. fuck.
    Same here; similar expletive.

  26. #176
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    Gave my brother a list of things to download to a hard drive and mail to me in afghanistan like 6 weeks ago. i was expecting it in the mail this week, but he didnt even send it yet. wtf.

  27. #177
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    Acne. And all the people who told me when I was 14 that I'd grow out of it soon-- filthy lies!

  28. #178
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    It's been two fucking weeks and no news about insurance people sending plumbers to my fucking house to replace my fucking water pipes and I intend to have company on NYE and want some running fucking water and maybe some fucking heat. My furnace won't start and I need to spend $120 that I don't fucking have getting a furnace guy to come and bleed the air out of the fucking lines. FUCK!

  29. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by Endlessly View Post
    Acne. And all the people who told me when I was 14 that I'd grow out of it soon-- filthy lies!
    If you can afford it, go to a dermatologist. They really can help with this. No need to keep suffering with it.


    phobia - of email, phone, and pm's. I can see pm's and just not look at them even though I know they're from perfectly great people, or know there's a new message on the phone and leave it there for days. I hate that I do it - it is so irrational but I can't bring myself to open messages sometimes! Am I alone in this?
    Last edited by redshoewearer; 12-26-2011 at 10:00 PM.

  30. #180
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    I can't say that I'm all too fond of Facebook's new features regarding security issues. Not being allowed to add anybody I'd like to add totally defeats the purpose of a social network. I never really liked the requirement for submitting my cell phone number in order to verify my account or set a URL name for it either. An E-mail and a password should suffice. No more, and certainly no less either.

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