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Thread: Little Things That Piss You Off - more bitching about your mom

  1. #301
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    Oh my God. Someone on my Facebook just posted a picture of George W. Bush hugging a soldier and the caption "this is what a real commander n' chief looks like." Right. Just before he sent that guy off to die in a completely unnecessary war.

    Unbelievable that anyone could possibly defend BUSH in the year 2012. Unreal.

  2. #302
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    Quote Originally Posted by DF118 View Post
    I know, right? They should have mounted sentry guns set to a timer around them.

    Also, new mothers, why do you insist on taking your hideous noise machines to coffee shops? My local Beancene (a Scottish Starbucks with more wank) is turning into a nursery. I know you're all keen to show off your obnoxious little brats but if you can't control your hellspawn you shan't be allowed to have any.

    If you must, if your baby completely refuses to stop screaming no matter how many times I scowl at it, leave the fucking coffee shop.
    I love you.

  3. #303
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    Awesome. Just found out that I don't qualify for state healthcare. Because of budget cuts, adults who don't have children and aren't disabled can pretty much go fuck themselves as far as the state of Arizona goes. Which is awesome, because I lost my insurance and am quickly running out of medication that, you know, helps me to not die. Or go blind, which is a nasty side effect of diabetes. So...yeah! Have I mentioned lately how much I hate the state of Arizona?
    I will say fuck Jan Brewer, on your behalf. While I don't have diabetes, I'm dealing with some health issues (possible sjogren's or rheumatoid arthritis- we are not sure yet) that can be quite expensive....but it would probably be worse in Arizona.
    Today we found out our sweet Patches kitty has mouth cancer. He's doing okay, still marching around demanding treats, but they've given him 4 months to a year to live - we are to give him pain meds, anti-inflammatories, and watch his weight - if he loses more than a pound in a month, we'll know he's in pain and can't eat enough, and it will be time to make a decision. So far he eats fine, but his mouth was looking funny. He's a dear - we've had him 8 years. He was feral. We used to put food for him outside, and he'd never come near, but after a couple years he was sick and we were able to catch him, and took him in and helped him get well. We don't really know how old he is, but we gave him our home as his retirement home - it is sad, but not as sad as losing our young Jade to diabetes in October - that was absolutely gut-wrenching, and I'm still not really over that one.

  4. #304
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    Sorry to hear, redshoes. :-( I have a formerly-feral kitty, myself. But, they're all like our kids. I hope your sick kitty is at least as comfortable and happy and pain-free as possible during his last days.

    You are angels.

    (We have a diabetic former stray, twice-per-day injections, male, linebacker, he's about 7, one of the lights in my life, it's amazing he's hanging in there, he'd lost a lot of the use of his hind legs for a while but he recovered. So sorry to hear about Jade.)
    Last edited by allegro; 02-02-2012 at 08:23 AM.

  5. #305
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    Awesome. Just found out that I don't qualify for state healthcare. Because of budget cuts, adults who don't have children and aren't disabled can pretty much go fuck themselves as far as the state of Arizona goes. Which is awesome, because I lost my insurance and am quickly running out of medication that, you know, helps me to not die. Or go blind, which is a nasty side effect of diabetes. So...yeah! Have I mentioned lately how much I hate the state of Arizona?
    Are you on insulin or tablets? It's possible I have a surplus and I really want an excuse to send you a bunch of more interesting crap.

  6. #306
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    Quote Originally Posted by heroicraptor View Post

    WHAT THE FUCK!!!! Who are they kidding?

  7. #307
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beef of the Sea View Post
    I love you.
    Aw. I love you too.

  8. #308
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    Fucking english class is like a dark cloud that renders my writing capabilities useless. I have a fairly simple assignment write an argument paper on any topic i wish. It only has to be three pages long which i should be able to shit out in a couple hours but i can't for the life of me think of anything to argue in a paper about. Which is pissing me off cause there is plenty of shit i know i should be able to come up with but my mind is stuck. I could rant about some shit I'm sure but a good paper seems to be unattainable at this point.

  9. #309
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    Quote Originally Posted by icklekitty View Post
    Are you on insulin or tablets? It's possible I have a surplus and I really want an excuse to send you a bunch of more interesting crap.
    I'm not on insulin, but I am greatly intrigued by "interesting crap."

  10. #310
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    WHAT THE FUCK!!!! Who are they kidding?
    Lol. Paying 3 g's for this would be like paying 3 g's to watch pee wee herman talk about molesting kids, or that dude from Blues clues to talk about shooting heroin.

  11. #311
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    I'm not on insulin, but I am greatly intrigued by "interesting crap."
    I obviously meant stool samples.

    PM me your address or summat.

  12. #312
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pillfred View Post
    Fucking english class is like a dark cloud that renders my writing capabilities useless. I have a fairly simple assignment write an argument paper on any topic i wish. It only has to be three pages long which i should be able to shit out in a couple hours but i can't for the life of me think of anything to argue in a paper about. Which is pissing me off cause there is plenty of shit i know i should be able to come up with but my mind is stuck. I could rant about some shit I'm sure but a good paper seems to be unattainable at this point.
    Classic writer's block. Happens to me all the time. Hell, happens to the best of writers. I can't even start the first fucking sentence. I got As on nearly every college essay I wrote, but 99.9% of the time I was paralyzed and couldn't start the fucking thing. I'd have so much research, entire forests were killed from paper production, but I couldn't start the first sentence. I eventually learned not to write in a linear (start to finish) manner.

    Obviously, the first thing you need is a TOPIC that interests you. It's okay to cheat with the topic, so long as you write the essay yourself.

    Here's some more help.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-02-2012 at 09:45 PM.

  13. #313
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    I've got this twitch in my left hand that's been driving me nuts. Started a few weeks ago and happens pretty much every day now, sometimes multiple times a day. It's in between my thumb and my forefinger and it ends up shaking my forefinger, too. I've heard it can be caused by lack of vitamins or potassium. I eat plenty of bananas (though I've been slacking a bit lately) and am not as vigilant about vitamins as I should be. I'm going to be better about both and hope this goes away. Or it could also be stress, I've heard. I hope it's benign. I'd be surprised if it were anything to be concerned about, but it's still irking me.
    Ok. I don't know if it actually got worse or if I'm just noticing it more, but it seems to be happening...I don't even know. All day? Probably not constantly all day, but it sure feels like it. If it's not constant, then it's definitely multiple times a day. Six, seven, ten...I can't even tell. It's just constantly twitching. All hours of the day. It's actually really starting to bug me. Ugh. Stupid lack of insurance.

  14. #314
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    It doesn't piss me off too much, but it bummed me out at work today. We caught a nine year old stealing a Nintendo 3DS at work today. He lied then he tried hiding from us and we finally caught him and had to call the cops since he was stealing an amount over $200. So the cops come and question the boy on why he did it and what he's doing at our store since he lives 20 minutes away by car (he biked so I'm guessing for him it probably took nearly an hour to get here) and he said he didn't want to go back home because his dad was beating up on his mom. So his parents wouldn't pick up the phone when we called and he had to be taken to the Juvenile Detention Center, then the officer told us that he's already been in custody twice. So I had to see a nine year old get cuffed and put in the back of a squad car. I felt so bad for the kid, obviously he should not have done that, but to escape violence at home and to be arrested three times before hitting middle school, just nuts. I honestly felt bad that I had to call the police on him.

  15. #315
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    It doesn't piss me off too much, but it bummed me out at work today. We caught a nine year old stealing a Nintendo 3DS at work today. He lied then he tried hiding from us and we finally caught him and had to call the cops since he was stealing an amount over $200. So the cops come and question the boy on why he did it and what he's doing at our store since he lives 20 minutes away by car (he biked so I'm guessing for him it probably took nearly an hour to get here) and he said he didn't want to go back home because his dad was beating up on his mom. So his parents wouldn't pick up the phone when we called and he had to be taken to the Juvenile Detention Center, then the officer told us that he's already been in custody twice. So I had to see a nine year old get cuffed and put in the back of a squad car. I felt so bad for the kid, obviously he should not have done that, but to escape violence at home and to be arrested three times before hitting middle school, just nuts. I honestly felt bad that I had to call the police on him.
    That's really sad. I hope somehow this kid is able to break out of this cycle and doesn't end up in trouble his whole life. Shitty/abusive parents are the worst.

  16. #316
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    trolling articles like this genuinely piss me off:

  17. #317
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    trolling articles like this genuinely piss me off:
    Completely. Clearly, that blogger only likes rappers who battle on the street corners of Oakland. One of his other articles he called Lupe Fiasco a whiner. All the comments seems agree that he needs to go die in a fire or learn how to truly critique music.
    Last edited by Dra508; 02-08-2012 at 07:22 AM.

  18. #318
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    My crazy sister-in-law, the one who basically cut off my brother from our family for over half a decade, has now taken it into her head to start conducting an email exchange with me, my sister and my dad from my brother's email account, posing as my brother (it's completely obvious that it's her, not him, who is writing the emails). As I live in a different continent from him, and email is pretty much my only way of communicating with him, this is pretty fucked up. That I am not allowed a direct communication with my brother, but must go through her, posing as him.

  19. #319
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    One - I just found out that I have three new cousins, all in middle school and high school and that I've never even known existed until yesterday. Apparently my mom's brother, who kinda went off the grid, told his family that his parents (of course, my grandparents) are dead. His wife, who we've never met, contacted my mom and said that she wanted to meet us and introduce our cousins. So that'll be really cool. Not entirely sure what I think of my uncle completely not saying anything to our family about it, though. I've only even seen him I think once in the last 3 or 4 years.

    Two - My friend must have just discovered politics or just started watching CNN or something, because she's turning into one of those people that spams her facebook with nothing but posts about registering to vote before we have our guns and internet and rights and children and limbs being taken away. it doesn't help that she's completely illiterate, and just copy/pastes the exact same text for every status update while only changing the number of days left to vote. "8more days to register to vote!!!!!! Why should you? If you enjoy your - GUNS, Freedom of speech (MUSIC & MEDIA included) None government controlled INTERNET an basically America in general YOU NEED to vote! WE the people (you also) need to stand up for are nation before its to late.... P.S. that's just the basics... If you really lessoned to all the governments big words you would lose sleep at night..."

    Edit: Damn, I just need to get rid of Facebook. Somebody just got on there to post what they thought about Chronicle, and spilled the ENTIRE FUCKING PLOT right there on my news feed. Thanks. Good thing I didn't want to go into this movie and be surprised or anything. Asshole.
    Last edited by ImTheWiseJanitor; 02-09-2012 at 10:50 AM.

  20. #320
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    Some of my students are fucking homophobic fuckers, and I'm fucking sick of it.

  21. #321
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    Edit: Damn, I just need to get rid of Facebook. Somebody just got on there to post what they thought about Chronicle, and spilled the ENTIRE FUCKING PLOT right there on my news feed. Thanks. Good thing I didn't want to go into this movie and be surprised or anything. Asshole.
    then click deactivate account.

  22. #322
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    One - I just found out that I have three new cousins, all in middle school and high school and that I've never even known existed until yesterday. Apparently my mom's brother, who kinda went off the grid, told his family that his parents (of course, my grandparents) are dead. His wife, who we've never met, contacted my mom and said that she wanted to meet us and introduce our cousins. So that'll be really cool. Not entirely sure what I think of my uncle completely not saying anything to our family about it, though. I've only even seen him I think once in the last 3 or 4 years.
    I have a cousin who is about a year older than me that I've never met. It was a very similar situation where she wasn't in contact with my mom's side of the family at all until about ten years ago. Luckily, I believe she ended up finding her mom (my aunt) and getting back in touch just before my grandmother passed away, so she was able to see that happen before she died. But, yeah. I've never met her, I've never talked to her. My entire life, I've basically been the oldest child (on both my mom and dad's side) and all my cousins are a lot younger than me. It would have been cool to have a cousin around my age growing up. I still haven't talked to her. I tried finding her on FB but to no avail.

  23. #323
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    Dumbest motherfucker at work is switching to my shift and I'm expected to whip him into shape. I hope my boss means literally...

  24. #324
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    People that practice tolerance only insofar as it serves their own interests. Equality does not work that way.

  25. #325
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    Wet to the pharmacy to refill my asthma med only to find out my insurance will no longer pay for that med to be filled at walgreens and now I have to get it by mail order which will take a week. I'm a big fan of being able to breathe so this is something of a problem.

  26. #326
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    I have so much gray hair now. I've had bits of gray hair pretty much through my twenties, but it was never too bad before. All of a sudden I'm noticing that the sides of my head are starting to look pretty God damn gray. The top, for some reason, isn't as bad (but there's still some). Yikes.

    That being said, it's not the end of the world, and nothing I can't dye. My uncles on my mom's side are all bald, and went bald really young (I believe my mom's oldest brother started losing his hair at 17). I've dodged that bullet (so far), so as far as I'm concerned, even though it's a little distressing, gray hair isn't so bad.

  27. #327
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    I can't wait til I get grey hair so I can actually dye the bastards without having to bleach it first. I am going to be that little old lady with the blue rinse!

  28. #328
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    I am really really cold and just can't get warm tonight. I'm sitting with my knees 4 inches from a space heater that is set at 80 degrees F. Damn winter.

    edit- and this morning woke up with a raging cold/cough or something and I have to go teach aerobics in 1 hour....uuugh I hate my life.
    Last edited by redshoewearer; 02-11-2012 at 06:55 AM.

  29. #329
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    Been really letting myself sink into pits of misery lately.

  30. #330
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    Been really letting myself sink into pits of misery lately.
    Low five! Me too.

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