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Thread: Little Things That Piss You Off - more bitching about your mom

  1. #31
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    From the next room: clank clank clank clank clank slurp slurp clank slurp clank slap slap slap clank clank slap chew clank chew chew chew chew clank clank slurp slurp

    Oh my God, you imbecile. You're freaking middle-aged, LEARN TO EAT LIKE A GOD DAMN CIVILIZED PERSON.

  2. #32
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    My boss texting me about shit

    stop stop stop stop

  3. #33
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    This probably applies to anyone who has ever worked in a retail environment: When someone is paying in cash and they put the money on the counter and either slide it to you or make you pick it up. I'm pretty sure that if I put the customer's change on the counter they would complain about poor customer service. If you like the cashier handing you your change, I'm pretty sure that the cashier would appreciate you handing your payment over to him/her.

  4. #34
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    ^^^^. You know, I always think about this, knowing that what you stated would be the case, however I find myself pulling together my bills and coins while you're getting my order or bagging my stuff and sometimes I put on the counter.

    My little thing - miscommunications. I can't get it right. FML.

  5. #35
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    Hitting a deer and totaling my car on my way to a concert that was supposed to be a gift to my girlfriend for our 16 month anniversary.

    No injuries, just bruised up from airbags. And the good news is that full insurance will cover eeeverything. I just hope I can get everything handled and get a temp car soon.

    Also, does anyone think I have a chance at getting a ticket refund if my tickets were never picked up? Shot in the dark, but worth a try...

    Gah, I can't sleep in this shitty hotel....

  6. #36
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    Well, mine revolve mainly around the subway.

    I hate it when someone passes the barriers at full force and I need to wait before the damn shit stops spinning. You know lady, you have TWO GOD DAMNED HANDS. WITH THE RIGHT ONE YOU PUSH THE BARRIER, WITH THE OTHER YOU HOLD IT AFTER YOU PASSED. SIMPLE 'NUFF?

    Oh, and the second one is when there are two people and two empty seats, but.... one seat apart because there's some guy sitting on it, ignoring the fact that he could help you and the other person by moving the fuck away to make the two empty seats next to each other.

    Pff.. that feels much better.

  7. #37
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    The cops knocked on my door last night to ask about a shooting. I had heard the shots about a half hour before, and looked out my window to see people running, but I didn't tell the cops shit. I'd be living in a dream world if I thought they were actually going to protect me. Fortunately I didn't really see enough detail to be useful anyway. The cop told me there was a shooting the night before as well. Two or three months ago a 12 year old kid got stabbed to death in broad daylight. I asked him if this neighborhood was getting worse. He told me that it was never very good, and that the violence in it comes and goes in spurts. I told him I'd moved here two years ago, and he said that I had moved in during a relatively peaceful time. Shit.

  8. #38
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    People standing too close to me in line at places. Do you have to be breathing on my neck dude? Fucking take a step back!

  9. #39
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    Fire alarm in my block of flats is loud as fuck. Like, so loud it actually HURTS when I have to go and reset it.
    I guess it'll keep me alive though? Fuck, it hurts.

  10. #40
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    Having a friend who's a complete douche can be quite wearying. In the last 24 hours, I've had to console both his ex-wife and a recent ex-girlfriend. I just wanna go over to his house and kick him in the balls.

  11. #41
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    I hate that I had a short case of Bell's Palsy once, and now, every time I feel any twitching on the left side of my face, I panic a bit that it will return.

  12. #42
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    I'm pretty sure that the two dudes who live above me grow their own weed. It always smells like raw pot and more or less gives me headaches. I know that a lot of people would probably find that to be a blessing, but I find it, personally, an annoyance.

  13. #43
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    none of my favorite football teams do what i want them to do. fuckin aye. bitch bitch bitch, moan moan moan

  14. #44
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    New shit ass design of youtube and gmail. Are they now focused on tablet computers or what

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tea View Post
    Really? Doesn't that just mean a small latte made with skim milk? I don't think there's anything wrong with people watching their weight. There are some who do a crazy amount of additions and subtractions, but in the end I feel like that's what Starbucks is there for. You're paying more for baristas who will actually bother to do that for you, and if that's not what you care for then go to a Seven 11 or just have a plain cup at home or work. I do think the amount of people that indulge in Starbucks daily or more is frightening, and it feels like half the country actually runs on the stuff, but that's a different subject.
    Usually I order a grande soy iced green tea latte, no syrup- why? Because I am incapable of make one just as good at home.

    Those skinny lattes aren't so skinny. You're only saving about 40 calories, and they're 95 calories more than a regular coffee. If people want to blow money on coffee though, that's their problem. Arguably everyone has a version of that.

  16. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    Having a friend who's a complete douche can be quite wearying. In the last 24 hours, I've had to console both his ex-wife and a recent ex-girlfriend. I just wanna go over to his house and kick him in the balls.
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I did just that. Well, maybe not so much kicking him in the balls as stranding him in Downtown LA. Some people just don't know when to check themselves.

  17. #47
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    A) Government paperwork and their endless supply of excuses as to why they haven't contacted me back after weeks. I think they've run the entire checklist of cliches. Luckily, it's all taken care of tomorrow.

    B) People who are blaming themselves for their significant other's immature shortcomings. It's not your fault he's 34 and pouts like an 8 year old who just got grounded.

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by icklekitty View Post
    Those skinny lattes aren't so skinny. You're only saving about 40 calories, and they're 95 calories more than a regular coffee. If people want to blow money on coffee though, that's their problem. Arguably everyone has a version of that.
    Some of us get skinny lattes cos full cream milk makes us fart!

  19. #49
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    I just realized that I spent $88 on registering my car last week, and I hit a deer Friday, totaling my car. I might as well have just not paid it, but then again that would've bit me in the ass worse.

  20. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    from the next room: clank clank clank clank clank slurp slurp clank slurp clank slap slap slap clank clank slap chew clank chew chew chew chew clank clank slurp slurp

    oh my god, you imbecile. You're freaking middle-aged, learn to eat like a god damn civilized person.
    why the fuck are you still living with this guy? Murder him and throw him into the rio grande already!

  21. #51
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    Faux(?) Mohawks.....

    If you want a fucking Mohawk grow a set and commit.

  22. #52
    Join Date
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    14 Post(s) very poor sleep patterns lately. Seems I move just the slightest bit and the pain in my knees and hips wakes me up instantly. I don't think I've had more than 2 hours of sleep in the last few nights. My brain also does not want to seem to shut off.

  23. #53
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    Riding on a crowded public bus with a large group of people that seem to love standing at the front of it. It's just annoying because they sometimes leave a lot of space in the middle and the back of the bus, and it makes it harder for other passengers to board it. If it weren't for them, far more people would've been able to get a chance to board the bus, or not end up getting into a pointless fight over a lack of space that could've been prevented by actually going to the back of the bus. I literally can't stand it.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 12-05-2011 at 11:25 PM.

  24. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by icklekitty View Post
    Those skinny lattes aren't so skinny. You're only saving about 40 calories, and they're 95 calories more than a regular coffee. If people want to blow money on coffee though, that's their problem. Arguably everyone has a version of that.
    The baristas here will correct me if I'm wrong, but (G and I are Starbucksaholics) I believe a "skinny" anything at Starbucks means sugar-free SYRUP. If you're just talking types of milk, it's different than "skinny."

    edit: Starbucks lattes are mostly milk with very little coffee, and espresso is actually -- contrary to most belief -- less strong than regular coffee, but there's something oddly comforting about a warm milk drink with coffee from the Starbucks in your lobby in the middle of a stressful day. I do NOT apologize for loving Starbucks. Yeah, and I've bought jobs bracelets.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    Riding on a crowded public bus with a large group of people that seem to love standing at the front of it. It's just annoying because they sometimes leave a lot of space in the middle and the back of the bus, and it makes it harder for other passengers to board it. If it weren't for them, far more people would've been able to get a chance to board the bus, or not end up getting into a pointless fight over a lack of space that could've been prevented by actually going to the back of the bus. I literally can't stand it.
    This, I believe, is just part of the growing "Selfish Assholes" movement that has been growing over the last 15-20 years. This selfish "fuck you, I am Number One" movement includes but is not limited to:

    * Not waiting for people to EXIT an elevator before jamming your way ONTO an elevator
    * Sitting on a seat on the train or bus while a very pregnant woman, child, or elderly person is forced to stand
    * In the "12 Items or Less" line with 20 Items. (Worse: Pretend you do not speak English in this line)
    * Your bratty children causing stress and you don't notice and should anyone exhibit any signs that your children are perhaps total brats, you believe it's because the complainants "don't like kids"

    Note on that last one: a few days ago in the grocery store, I considered designing a Cafe Press t-shirt that said "I hate kids, especially YOUR KIDS." It's not the kids' fault, it's the PARENTS' fault, but still ... Ugh, it's so tiring.
    Last edited by allegro; 12-06-2011 at 12:49 AM.

  25. #55
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    Ugh. Got almost no sleep last night. I usually don't get much but this morning was particularly bad. I didn't get to bed until close to one this morning (had to be up at six). My anxiety got overwhelming. I could not get to sleep. I think I finally drifted off for good (as opposed to sleeping for a few minutes then waking up again) around 2:30 maybe.

    It's anxiety about something specific (that I'd rather not get into) so really, it's the specific situation that's got me losing sleep. But it's getting really bad. I'm hoping to get to bed maybe around 10 or 10:30 tonight. I figure that will give me some wiggle room just in case it takes awhile to get to sleep.

  26. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    The baristas here will correct me if I'm wrong, but (G and I are Starbucksaholics) I believe a "skinny" anything at Starbucks means sugar-free SYRUP. If you're just talking types of milk, it's different than "skinny."

    edit: Starbucks lattes are mostly milk with very little coffee, and espresso is actually -- contrary to most belief -- less strong than regular coffee, but there's something oddly comforting about a warm milk drink with coffee from the Starbucks in your lobby in the middle of a stressful day. I do NOT apologize for loving Starbucks. Yeah, and I've bought jobs bracelets.
    I went off off how stuff is named on the Starbucks nutritional info thing. Do you know what syrups they do sugar-free? Because I LOVE the smell of the hazlenut, mint, pumpkin etc drinks but they're way too sweet for me. And this sugar-free stuff isn't advertised over here.

    Quote Originally Posted by naut View Post
    Some of us get skinny lattes cos full cream milk makes us fart!
    You realise you must never let me make or order coffee for you now?

  27. #57
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    Vanilla, hazelnut and cinnamon dolce. Or, just order a "one pump" or "two pump" of the other flavors?

  28. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    This, I believe, is just part of the growing "Selfish Assholes" movement that has been growing over the last 15-20 years.
    I'd so love to see that trend reversed...oh well. I'm pretty sure "Black Friday" is where they all go out to "play".

    I need to seriously change up my diet or just see a gastrointestinal system is rebelling against me. Just about everything I've eaten over the past month has made my stomach feel like it needs a vacation. So bad at times that I wonder why I bother eating.

  29. #59
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    I don't mean to say that all loud people are bad here, but sometimes they really just come across as arrogant and obnoxious. Some loud people also have a tendency to be extremely confrontational and inconsiderate and I just wish they'd learn how to shut themselves up. I can't believe that I almost forgot to mention that here as well, but that's how irritating some loud people are to me. I obviously don't mind the friendly types though.

  30. #60
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    Co-workers who won't help you out. This is the line in the sand they draw: I'm in Services, you're in Sales - neither the two shall meet and get on the phone and talk to a product management using your experience with this customer from a Service perspective. Nope, he's mad at that product manager so he's not helping me out.

    I've know this guy for years and he is so freakin annoying like this. Considering he wants to get back into Sales, he is not motivating me to recommend him. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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