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Thread: Little Things That Piss You Off - more bitching about your mom

  1. #1261
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    Yes! That happens a lot in the north of England. The coat check is like £1, and even if you're that poor (because you need precious money for vodka mixers) there's always the corner of the club to leave your coat. Because you'll be leaving your handbag, shoes, and drink unattended there anyway, tramp.

  2. #1262
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    Quote Originally Posted by frankieteardrop View Post
    i feel this in a big way, except my band's method of distribution was via bandcamp. really depresses me how we were getting a decent local following with some expanded fanbase, and yet only 10 or so people purchased a limited CD copy of our new album. this is one of many reasons why the band split, and why i decided that unless a deal too good to be true pops up, i am done playing music. tired of beating my head against a wall to get people to pay attention.

    I completely get how you feel. At this point, I'm just making music for myself, which is still rewarding, but I'd love for people to hear it and for the cost of making it to be somehow reimbursed by the finished product. It's very hard to slave away at this stuff, and to feel that nobody gives a fuck. Additionally, it seems like the more I look at how people absorb music these days, it can seem very hopeless.

    I've decided the best way to maintain my sanity (and to not just give up on making music entirely) is to do it because I love it, and to try to finish projects faster and be less obsessive about final details. Also, unfortunately, I don't think it's realistic anymore to actually print physical copies of the stuff I make. I don't think I'll ever stop making music though, even if it sometimes feels like a thankless job I'm not getting paid for.

    Still, I'm sitting on a bunch of vinyl copies of my last album. I swear, side 2 of the vinyl version sounds amazing. Better than the CD. Even if the rest of the pressing didn't come out as well, there's something magical happening with the tone of side 2. I just can't even figure out how to get around to selling them outside of shows.

  3. #1263
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    If you guys really want to be heard, get into soundtrack work for iOS / Android apps. Sure, you'd be working to a brief, but your work can have great exposure.

  4. #1264
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    Quote Originally Posted by DF118 View Post
    If you guys really want to be heard, get into soundtrack work for iOS / Android apps. Sure, you'd be working to a brief, but your work can have great exposure.
    I'd be interested in doing that, but not sure how to offer my services to anyone. I had a friend who made the soundtrack to an iOS game that did pretty well. It's a good idea.

  5. #1265
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    apparently the people you count on the most will invariably let you down the most.

  6. #1266
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    The fact that it is 3 pm and the sun is just about down. I officially hate the northeast - why am I still here*

    *I'm sure I won't say this for two weeks in June and two weeks in October.

  7. #1267
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    So my job has slowed down drastically, and I'm sure I'll be laid off until next season anytime soon, so I'm looking for something to work at in the meantime.

    Why in the SHITTING FUCK do ANY employers still say "Bring resume to ______ or fax to ______"?! There is absolutely NO GODDAMN EXCUSE for a business to not have an email address to send a resume to in (almost) 2013! Hell, there was no excuse for that a decade ago!!

  8. #1268
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    "1 month, 13 days till my Birthday which is 1/13/83 so on 1/13/13, I'll be 30 - trippy, no?"
    "1/13/13/83/1/13/13/30 code, whoa"

    No. Are you being serious, or are you actually talking about numerology or something? Should I be measuring my skull to explain my personality traits to you?

  9. #1269
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    Jinsai, Frankie . . I've been going through exactly what you're talking about. Been walking around for the last few months wondering if I'm a crazy person or not, wondering if I've done something wrong that's blocking me from taking off musically, wondering if the music I've been making is just terrible and I can't tell.

    But when I really think about it, I think the game has changed so much that it's kind of eating people. Nobody's fault, but the money and infrastructure are gone and we're climbing around on what's left. I hate to hear you feeling this way, because it fucking sucks, and nobody should have to feel this way, but I have to admit it's a bit of a relief to know that I'm not alone. The two of you especially*; working hard; making great music; I think you're evidence of a deeply flawed system rather than flawed musicians or even strategists. Shit, even Trent went with a record company. If he can't self-release, who can? That was a big revelation for me when I stopped to think about it. I'm not quitting. Can't quit, really. But I'm definitely changing up my flow. Leaner, less investments that I expect or need to pay off, less agonizing over some of those little details; and maybe keep at it long enough for the game to change again.

    So anyway, Boss Musicians, both of you, and I feel like if seen enough to know that you definitely shouldn't take lack of financial success or reach as a shortcoming of the music.

    my $0.02

    *the two of you EXACTLY, to be honest. 'What should I do next? . . . What did Frankie do, what did Jinsai do? . . . I should try something like that.'

  10. #1270
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    "1 month, 13 days till my Birthday which is 1/13/83 so on 1/13/13, I'll be 30 - trippy, no?"
    "1/13/13/83/1/13/13/30 code, whoa"

    No. Are you being serious, or are you actually talking about numerology or something? Should I be measuring my skull to explain my personality traits to you?
    Your friend turns 30 exactly two months to the day before I turn 30. Mind=blown, Fixer. Mind=blown.

  11. #1271
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    Cable cutting out on my only night of appointment television

  12. #1272
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deus Ex Machina View Post
    *the two of you EXACTLY, to be honest. 'What should I do next? . . . What did Frankie do, what did Jinsai do? . . . I should try something like that.'
    just make sure you steer yourself clear from the "give up music all together" path, which is where i'm at for the time being, barring any too-good-to-be true opportunities and or bedroom tinkerings. otherwise, i appreciate your words here, man. you and jinsai both, for that matter.

  13. #1273
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    I was driving someone from work home, and I missed a turn-off due to traffic backing up:

    Them: "Did you miss that turn on purpose, because I changed the radio station?"
    Me: "There are too many cars to merge safely, besides I don't do passive-aggressive: it's fucking pathetic."
    Them: "Oh but it's funny though."

    That last sentence made my blood boil, and confirmed my suspicion that this person is a complete bell-end.

  14. #1274
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    Cat just chewed through the nintendo cable. Fuck.

  15. #1275
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    The incompetence of university administrators. If you go out of your way to ask my preference for classes and I tell you Thursday, then why in the fuck do you assign me classes on Thursday and Friday, and the other Thursday slots to the other instructor?
    Now he wants to keep his Thursday classes, and I'm stuck with teaching commitments for four days instead of three. I really needed that extra day.

  16. #1276
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    It's fucking December 4th, and the whole city is already decorated with New Year/Christmas shit. It's been like that for at least a week already and gonna stay until early February, as usual.
    Why won't they celebrate my birthday for 70 days instead?

  17. #1277
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    "At least a week"?! Shit, that sounds late. Seems like it was Christmas all day ever day by mid-November here. It creeps earlier every year.

  18. #1278
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    Yeah, we had it pretty much as soon as Halloween was over. Some department stores have had sections up since August, some never closed them.

  19. #1279
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    My colleagues are travelling to Mongolia and Saudi Arabia for work, and I'm stuck in Queensland buried under a logistical nightmare. Boo.

  20. #1280
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    Holy shit, somehow my computer at home got set an hour behind. You have no idea how that fucks with you when you only use that computer late at night.

  21. #1281
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    Went to the stupid Christmas festival in town last night and it felt like all I saw were couples all snuggled up together. Made me feel sick and lonely. I hate this time of year.

  22. #1282
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    Websites that won't let you use the Back Button. Yeah, I just want to stay on this page forever.

  23. #1283
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    Large organizations that not only want photography for free, they get angry when you don't give it to them.
    Last edited by Magtig; 12-10-2012 at 12:56 PM. Reason: to protect the innocent (me).

  24. #1284
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    So, this doesn't piss me off at all. This was one of those experiences that gave me some faith in people and also was a little disappointing.

    I work for Starbucks, as I sometimes say in here, and I had a woman come in and buy some cookies and stuff. Around that time, a much older woman who comes by occasionally had walked in. The woman let me know that she wanted to buy a cup of coffee for the older lady. I thought that was awesome and sweet and actually offered her a free drink because of it, but she didn't want it. Anyway, she headed out and left a pack of cookies for the woman as well. (I realized after all of this that the woman actually hadn't had enough money on her card for all of it, and I couldn't void something like the coffee without voiding the entire purchase so I payed the balance myself. It was like $1.60 or something, no big deal and I didn't have too much of a choice.)

    Anyway, I brought the older woman the cookies (and again, she comes in often enough that I know her face or whatevs) and she started contemplating if this woman knew her from her church (highly doubt it) and was asking me "Doesn't this make you have FAITH?" and stuff like that. I really doubt she meant faith in humanity. Why does it have to be a god thing? Why can't we be happy for humans being good to each other?

    But anyway, that happened.

  25. #1285
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    Re: Little Things That Piss You Off - more bitching about your mom

    At least your customers are nice, mine are stuck up rich fucks and dumb ass rich stuck up high school kids.

    Also what the fuck is up with Starbucks customers leaving their brains at the door? I have never dealt with such stupidity.

  26. #1286
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    My store has a very low level of jerks in terms of our customers. I know this and I'm glad of it. A lot of them also have waaaaay less of a sense of entitlement than I see in some stores (I've worked in quite a few other than my "home" store). I feel like Starbucks kind of trains their customers to think they can get anything they want. But, no, like I said, the experience didn't piss me off and had more to do with people having to make something about god when it had nothing to do with it than anything job-related.

  27. #1287
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    I feel like Starbucks kind of trains their customers to think they can get anything they want...
    Well, to be fair, Starbucks trains you with the "Yes" mentality.

    After working there for a year (long time ago), I realized that they would rather customers step on you and come back, then stick up for common sense. While it's tough at times, I think it teaches you a lot about tolerance.

    Always really valued by time working there.

    On topic: Been with a Client for almost 2 years now and they don't want to let me go because of the knowledge I have gained. I'm bored out of my skull and feel I am no longer gaining any personal growth.

  28. #1288
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    Oh, they've taken that even further lately. Customer service is a huge, huge part of them as a company. I understand it. It also gives people a lot of leeway to be shitty. My experience working for Starbucks kind of saw me get further misanthropic and then come out the other side. I think I'm beginning to give people more credit. I mean, shift supervisors get screwed over in a lot of ways, so I definitely don't look at my company through rose colored glasses. They are what they are. Lately my job has been pretty good.

    And anyway, there are plenty of ways to classily maintain a feeling of control/not being a doormat in situations where the customer is being dumb. And "Just Say Yes" is a great Cure song.
    Last edited by playwithfire; 12-10-2012 at 03:41 PM. Reason: By "great" I mean "catchy" and "not bad."

  29. #1289
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    Customer service in general has brainwashed so many it seems. Just because your giving said business a bit of money does not buy you the right to act like a little bitch. I cook so i don't deal with these people directly but i have heard and seen many douche bags think the world owes them itself simply because they blessed you with their business. Best was one guy tring to get my boss to pay his overdraft fee on a check he wrote that bounced. My boss simply said he was sorry but there was nothing he could do about it. I'm sure i could handle it too a point but past experience tells me at one point i would tell them to get fucked if pushed to far or just for being that dumb. I am constantly amazed by the not so people person types who still manage to serve or work customer service jobs. I have no problem being nice to someone but once they hit my fuck you button all bets are off.

  30. #1290
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    Been studying laws for three years now.Totally hate it but my parents forced me to do it so I can get a job easily in the future.(Probably at McDonald's if you ask me). I assisted to a trial today and saw how almost everything I've been forcing my brain to eat to this day isn't used in the slightiest proportion when it should. Some guy just cuts another dude's throat and the time he should serve in jail gets divided in half so the tramitations gets shortened as well.The members of the jury turn a 10 minute break into a one hour and a half vacation.So sad and dissapointing.

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