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Thread: Little Things That Piss You Off - more bitching about your mom

  1. #61
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    Air con and offices.

    There's always someone bitching that its too cold. It's 30c outside and I'm sweating in here because of someone bitching the AC was too cold.

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Note on that last one: a few days ago in the grocery store, I considered designing a Cafe Press t-shirt that said "I hate kids, especially YOUR KIDS." It's not the kids' fault, it's the PARENTS' fault, but still ... Ugh, it's so tiring.
    I will never forget that one fateful day in San Fransisco...
    We went to a very popular bakery for sandwiches. It was so packed, the line was out the door, but we were tourists wanting to try the best. This family that actually had a table had three small children that were running around the place, screaming, banging on the windows, pushing people, when the shop was already unbearably loud and we had a wait of around 40 minutes inside. We, along with maybe 5 other people complained to management, while other customers were getting in fights with the parents. An employee went over to speak with them. The father: "Well we're sorry that people don't understand what children are supposed to be like! We don't believe in saying 'no.' They have rights!" "Sorry, but we have to ask you to leave." The little boy standing there punches the employee in the leg. "Okay, GET OUT... NOW." They finally get up and leave, and the place erupts in applause- it felt like someone was going to pull out a bottle of champagne.

    Fuck bad parents.

  3. #63
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    I went to Denny's and asked for a free meal 'cause my name is almost the same as the restaurant's, but the manager told me this was the last time she was gonna warn me and next time she's calling the cops.
    Last edited by Danny Lohner; 12-07-2011 at 07:12 PM. Reason: Huh?

  4. #64
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    Are you sure it wasn't because you weren't wearing pants?

  5. #65
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    Why did I think Chef Boyardee spaghetti in a can was going to be good? I hate being broke.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    Why did I think Chef Boyardee spaghetti in a can was going to be good? I hate being broke.
    Try the cheese ravioli. Much better.

  7. #67
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    I get pissed when I write someone asking a question and they reply without answering it.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    Why did I think Chef Boyardee spaghetti in a can was going to be good? I hate being broke.
    WHY are you eating that shit? Buying dry pasta, Prego, and some ground meat is cheaper.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tea View Post
    WHY are you eating that shit? Buying dry pasta, Prego, and some ground meat is cheaper.
    Dry pasta and making your own sauce using canned diced tomatoes and canned crushed tomatoes = even cheaper, and BETTER and healthier.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Dry pasta and making your own sauce using canned diced tomatoes and canned crushed tomatoes = even cheaper, and BETTER and healthier.
    So true, but I don't think I've ever suggested that to someone without a "that's too much work" reply. And with dry pasta you can get whole grain for the same price.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tea View Post
    So true, but I don't think I've ever suggested that to someone without a "that's too much work" reply. And with dry pasta you can get whole grain for the same price.
    True, and the idea that opening two or three cans (instead of one can of chemical-laden artery-clogging shit like Chef Boyardee) and dumping it into a pot and adding your own seasonings to taste and boiling some noodles in a pot is a lot more "work" is beyond me, we live in a really lazy world. Maybe people just don't know that it's THAT easy (and CHEAP!) to make your own sauce. And this meal lasts for a few days with leftovers you can change in various ways (nuke some shredded cheese on it, for instance).edit: I know this sounds bad but I have not yet acquired a taste for dry whole grain pasta. Instead, I get the mixed versions or just plain pasta and I have small portions sizes

    Quote Originally Posted by Tea View Post
    Fuck bad parents.
    There's a growing movement. See this.
    Last edited by allegro; 12-08-2011 at 11:55 AM.

  12. #72
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    My coworker (Starbucks!) decided to put a $25 dollar minimum (not maximum, which would actually make sense to me) on our Secret Santa. There goes my participation. I think it's wrong for SO MANY reasons and they don't get it. I feel like it basically misses the point of giving gifts in the first place, and the spirit of Christmas, and says a lot about my coworkers in a negative way. Last year we did a maximum amount (it was higher than $25, though) and no minimum and it worked out great. One of my coworkers was saying how she doesn't want a "$5 gift" and even made a comment about macaroni necklaces. Wow. Also, I don't have $25 dollars to spend on this, but I'd mind it regardless. I feel like it really gets so much wrong.
    Last edited by playwithfire; 12-08-2011 at 02:11 PM.

  13. #73
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    It took 1.5 hours to get to work today (usually 45 min). Goddamn fucking traffic jams

    I'm bored and tired

    I have this stupid meeting (I HATE meetings) at 5:30 for an hour, which will probably take longer than that. About the "transition" of my division because the division head is leaving. Just appoint someone you fuckhead. And gimme the schedule for January.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    My coworker (Starbucks!) decided to put a $25 dollar minimum (not maximum, which would actually make sense to me) on our Secret Santa. There goes my participation. I think it's wrong for SO MANY reasons and they don't get it. I feel like it basically misses the point of giving gifts in the first place, and the spirit of Christmas, and says a lot about my coworkers in a negative way. Last year we did a maximum amount (it was higher than $25, though) and no minimum and it worked out great. One of my coworkers was saying how she doesn't want a "$5 gift" and even made a comment about macaroni necklaces. Wow. Also, I don't have $25 dollars to spend on this, but I'd mind it regardless. I feel like it really gets so much wrong.
    You're working at a Starbucks... in New York... and they expect expensive gifts? Under $25 and handmade does not equal macaroni necklaces- has your coworker ever had a creative tingle in her head past preschool level? Do they think a box of macaroni costs $20, so they need to set the bar higher? Fuck, even when my mother worked at one of the biggest advertising agencies in the US, they had a $15 minimum in the higher departments.

  15. #75
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    I all but completely failed all of my classes this semester. And you know what? I don't care.

    I know I should, and in a way I really do. But this entire semester was a mistake. I tried to balance a full class schedule (made up of four classes I have absolutely no interest in) with a full NIGHT TIME work schedule (and sometimes overtime). The only reason I even took them is because my mom thought I should "use my spare time after graduating (Got my associate's last year) to take more classes. I don't need the classes to get into the major I plan on taking next year at KU, either. And I've already made plans to skip spring semester before starting my college career in a major I want to take. All I'd be doing until June is working. I'm okay with that. I'm just so burnt out from having to go to class day in and day of for 9 months out of the year. I just need a break. And you know what? I just want the next 6 months to work and to do have some time out of school. I can't NOT go to school in the summer, so it's not like I'll bomb out. I know know exactly what I wanna do for a career, and I have to get through college to get there. But I want, hell, I feel like I DESERVE a break for a few months. I'd say that's fair for going to school for the last 16 years of my life.

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tea View Post
    You're working at a Starbucks... in New York... and they expect expensive gifts? Under $25 and handmade does not equal macaroni necklaces- has your coworker ever had a creative tingle in her head past preschool level? Do they think a box of macaroni costs $20, so they need to set the bar higher? Fuck, even when my mother worked at one of the biggest advertising agencies in the US, they had a $15 minimum in the higher departments.
    Yeah, a lot of my coworkers don't have to pay rent/etc. Or get government support. Which is great for them, but... what. Also, I am not your swag provider. If you just want to accumulate more, Secret Santa is not the place to do it. It was also a bit of a "fuck you" in a way. Oh, you wouldn't appreciate something I put time and effort into just because? I don't know. I'd rather have art or something over something someone put thought into over something I could go buy myself any day.

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    Yeah, a lot of my coworkers don't have to pay rent/etc. Or get government support. Which is great for them, but... what. Also, I am not your swag provider. If you just want to accumulate more, Secret Santa is not the place to do it. It was also a bit of a "fuck you" in a way. Oh, you wouldn't appreciate something I put time and effort into just because? I don't know. I'd rather have art or something over something someone put thought into over something I could go buy myself any day.
    You could always pay some kid $26 for a really fancy macaroni necklace. :P

  18. #78
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    yeah, i'm sure the christmas craft market in union square has a few expensively organic macaroni necklaces for just the occasion!

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    You could always pay some kid $26 for a really fancy macaroni necklace. :P
    hahahahaha I like how you think.

  20. #80
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    This is another reason why I'm so glad I work for Jews. "Santa? GTFO."

  21. #81
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    Okay, my boss is actually pissed off at me because yesterday I told her I can't take the scent of most candles. I'm a candle snob, whatever- but most cheaper candles have overwhelming, unnatural scents, and it distracts me from my work. I told her this because she said I have to have a candle at the reception desk for the holidays. She comes in this morning with two cheap, overwhelming icky candles for me to pick from- cinnamon or hot apple cider. I told her I'd try out the apple one because it wasn't as strong.
    Burns for half an hour, I'm pissed off at it, blow it out. She saw this right now and actually stopped talking to me. The hell?

  22. #82
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    People who can't keep their mouths shut. If you're going to gossip, fine, but don't fucking blab about stuff that doesn't affect you one way or the other when your loose lips wind up screwing things up for the people involved.



  23. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tea View Post
    Okay, my boss is actually pissed off at me because yesterday I told her I can't take the scent of most candles. I'm a candle snob, whatever- but most cheaper candles have overwhelming, unnatural scents, and it distracts me from my work. I told her this because she said I have to have a candle at the reception desk for the holidays. She comes in this morning with two cheap, overwhelming icky candles for me to pick from- cinnamon or hot apple cider. I told her I'd try out the apple one because it wasn't as strong.
    Burns for half an hour, I'm pissed off at it, blow it out. She saw this right now and actually stopped talking to me. The hell?
    Explain to her that your system just wasn't able to handle it. But offer to bring in some nice potpourri that you can handle (it'll last all season), and suggest she bring in some unscented candles for the ambiance.

  24. #84
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    Infant Circumcision. Why is it considered right for someone to cut off a part of a newborn child's genitalia, with no possibility of consent?

    Obviously not counting medically-required circumcision, my gripe is with the aesthetic procedure.

  25. #85
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    People who use the elevator to go up or down one floor...

    Really? Mr. Young Emaciated Aaron Rodgers look-a-like? The stairs were to good for you?

  26. #86
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    When I really need to go to bed, but I can't because I am impatiently waiting for a download link. . .

  27. #87
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    I'm in college. It's finals season. Why is 99% of the work compressed into 1% of the semester? OCCUPY COLLEGE

  28. #88
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    I get pissed when nobody quotes my post and tells me I have the most eloquent words typed by human hands. How do I get this across to people that it bothers me?

    Seriously, I detest anyone that uses a bluetooth earpiece in a public setting such as a lobby or checkout lane.
    Last edited by Dinki Di; 12-09-2011 at 04:00 AM.

  29. #89
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    Breast milk

    is the albatross that is ruining the life of my closest friend right now.

    He and his wife have a three year old daughter and a one year old daughter. The one year old is keeping them up at night, crying at random hours because she wants to be fed. He can’t get a decent night’s sleep and he comes to work tired and stressed, which effectively kills the ‘good times roll’ office buzz I have going

    Today we were supposed to go to this hillside cave town on the Almafi coast where part of Passion of the Christ was filmed, and then take pictures at the palace in Caserta Gardens where parts of Mission Impossible, the Da Vinci Code and the new Star Wars movies were filmed. It took me over a month to convince him to go do this with me!

    He shows up at my apartment at 9:00 this morning and is all “I just need to take a 20 minute nap and I’ll be good.” That was five hours ago. The door to my bedroom is ajar and it sounds like a Kodiak mountain bear is sleeping in my bed

    We have this box of foam ear plugs in the office for when we have to go shoot aerial photos in the heli. He grabbed a handful of them the other day and said “I need these so I can sleep at night and so I don’t strangle [insert name of friend’s daughter here].” I should have told him not to joke about stuff like that, but I laughed instead. Apparently the ear plugs aren’t working : /

    I tried to lighten the mood by telling him to be thankful he had daughters because guys never outgrow the need for breast milk. I’m 30 and I still want that shit, yes please

    His wife is 25 and from Kirgizstan and she’s super hot, too. I envy his daughter. It must be nice to wake up at all hours of the night, pitching a fit and having a gorgeous woman come running in, ready to put her boobs in your mouth. Sign me up, WTF

    I could be kicking back in Rome right now. Instead I’m indoors on a beautiful autumn day listening to my friend sleep

  30. #90
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    These are the sorts of things you should be posting in "little things that piss you off" as opposed to starting a new thread.

    There isn't going to be a 10 page long discussion about people who are pissed off because their friends have to breastfeed their kid.

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