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Thread: Little Things That Piss You Off - more bitching about your mom

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    I dislike it when people use the word is in lieu of the word are in reference to plural nouns. I'm far from being a "Grammar Nazi", and I make my share of errors when I'm writing or speaking, but that's just grating on my eyes and ears.

    I'm also still not fond of double negatives either. They literally don't add up.

    Oh yes, and I also can't stand being accused of being a "Grammar Nazi" or a "pseudo-intellect" just because I deliberate choose to not communicate in SMS language in all of my posts in Facebook. I'm sorry, but that pisses me off to no end because I didn't even claim to be smarter than everybody.

    Which reminds me to say that I'm annoyed when people that use SMS language in all their posts, no matter where they are on the Internet just because they "aren't being graded for it" or "because it's not a resume". Sure, that may be the case, but it certainly takes a lot away from their credibility. It doesn't make sense when they're pissed over others telling them that they're inarticulate either. What should they expect when they're only resorting to typing in textese, and why should that make me an asshole just because I'm not into the way they type?
    You need to open a Grammar Thread.

    Walking through a store heard two guys talking in Twitter Speak - #FML, #Notfunny #dorky

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    I dislike it when people use the word is in lieu of the word are in reference to plural nouns. I'm far from being a "Grammar Nazi", and I make my share of errors when I'm writing or speaking, but that's just grating on my eyes and ears.

    I'm also still not fond of double negatives either. They literally don't add up.

    Oh yes, and I also can't stand being accused of being a "Grammar Nazi" or a "pseudo-intellect" just because I deliberate choose to not communicate in SMS language in all of my posts in Facebook. I'm sorry, but that pisses me off to no end because I didn't even claim to be smarter than everybody.

    Which reminds me to say that I'm annoyed when people that use SMS language in all their posts, no matter where they are on the Internet just because they "aren't being graded for it" or "because it's not a resume". Sure, that may be the case, but it certainly takes a lot away from their credibility. It doesn't make sense when they're pissed over others telling them that they're inarticulate either. What should they expect when they're only resorting to typing in textese, and why should that make me an asshole just because I'm not into the way they type?
    I really hate it when people overuse "lol". It means "laugh out loud", so only use it when the thing you're replying to/the thing you said made you laugh out loud. Inappropriate use of this makes people look stupid, in my opinion, and it's even more irritating when girls I went to school with do it.

  3. #123
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    The worst is when people use "lol" to mean "lots of love". Idiots.

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    You need to open a Grammar Thread.

    Walking through a store heard two guys talking in Twitter Speak - #FML, #Notfunny #dorky
    Wow, you mean they actually spoke "hashtag" blahblahblah? Good lord, apocalypse can't come soon enough.

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentient02970 View Post
    Wow, you mean they actually spoke "hashtag" blahblahblah? Good lord, apocalypse can't come soon enough.
    Yes - #QFT

    Rather than lol - I just snort, like I just did.
    Last edited by Dra508; 12-14-2011 at 09:47 AM. Reason: Because I needed an affirmative in my shit written sentences - suck it.

  6. #126
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    I also just want to make myself clear and say that I also don't go around correcting people at all times either. (Not that any of you have said that about me, but I'm just saying.) I also know that I don't follow every single grammatical rule, but it's clearly far easier to read plain English instead a bunch of letters that looked like they were thrown against a wall. If that happens, I try to translate what was said into plain English. If the poster was actually trying, and made a few honest mistakes here and there, I won't flip out. I'm thankful that this isn't really that much of a problem in discussion forums though. However, social-networking sites are a completely different ball game. This is also making me wonder if that's why I don't see a lot of children and teenagers on forums. (Aside from security and legal reasons.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    You need to open a Grammar Thread.
    That actually sounds like a fun idea, and I'm definitely not being sarcastic. I do recall a Grammar List thread being made on the old ETS.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 12-14-2011 at 11:21 AM.

  7. #127
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    The guy in the bookstore the other day on his cellphone. He decided to announce to his phone call and the rest of the store every detail of his holiday plans: "Yeah so on Friday we're going to so and so's house to meet the new so and so in the family then we're all going caroling in such a place neighborhood for an hour or so followed by a dinner at so and so's house to each such and such...". It got so my nice relaxing browse of used books, light reading to discover new authors, looking for good buys became every book on the shelf getting interrupted with each of Fezziwig's soiree ideas and excitement. Yeah I know, I'm sounding like Scrooge but if you need to carry on like that just leave the quiet store for a bit.
    I'm betting he also sends Christmas cards to everyone he can get an address of containing a word-processed document of every event and plan in his family's home throughout the entire year. Urgh.

  8. #128
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    i wish they'd ban garlic and onions from all airport eateries. now that airlines don't serve food (or try to charge premium for their idea of "gormet" food), passengers tend to bring fragrant meals on board, which just makes the already unpleasant experience of air travel (airlines have long given up on convincing you otherwise) even worse.

  9. #129
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    ^^ Oh, God, YES!! ESPECIALLY anything from that fucking Panda Express (a/k/a Poison Panda).

  10. #130
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    One of my best friends at uni, who is also my flatmate and landlord, is dropping out for a year because he has depression, which means he won't be around next semester at all. Just found out today. I knew things were bad but I didn't know they were this bad. This is shit.

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentient02970 View Post
    Wow, you mean they actually spoke "hashtag" blahblahblah? Good lord, apocalypse can't come soon enough.
    I have a kid who goes around saying 'DILLIGAF' I figure everyone knows what it means....

    I'm fried. Just came out of a 3 hour a-calc/real analysis final.

  12. #132
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    People who still do FB updates in the third person.

  13. #133
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    Stuck right smack dab in the middle of a 12-hour shift. So far, quiet, which means boring. And I slept in late today and prepared myself with a bunch of caffeine, so sleep is unlikely to take hold.

    Also, not sure what to do about holiday cards and quickly running out of time.

  14. #134
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    i am far to chickenshit to make a move at the girl i like.

    also, said girl lives 2 hours away.

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    People who still do FB updates in the third person.
    haha. that's funny (took me awhile to understand what you meant considering i'm not on fb anymore)

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    People who still do FB updates in the third person.

    And for every one of you, there's one of me. I'm annoyed when people don't use the third person.

    Actually, the ratio's surely more skewed in your favor. Still.

  17. #137
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    Four hours left. Apparently, though, there is some actual work activity coming up soon. YAY.

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sesquipedalism View Post
    And for every one of you, there's one of me. I'm annoyed when people don't use the third person.

    Actually, the ratio's surely more skewed in your favor. Still.
    This makes me feel a little less bad for doing it on occasion. What irks me is when people say '...needs to dye my hair'. If we're going to be dicks and talk in third person, might as well keep it consistent.

    At any rate, it's a leftover from the days when Facebook used to have an irritating little 'is' before status updates so that they were, quite literally, updates about your current status. It's harmless.

  19. #139
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    I lost something rather important. Fuck.

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hula View Post
    This makes me feel a little less bad for doing it on occasion. What irks me is when people say '...needs to dye my hair'. If we're going to be dicks and talk in third person, might as well keep it consistent.

    At any rate, it's a leftover from the days when Facebook used to have an irritating little 'is' before status updates so that they were, quite literally, updates about your current status. It's harmless.
    Yeah, if you can't do it well then he doesn't do it at all.

    Wait. Shit. That consistency thing is trickier than I thought.

    Regardless, status updates seem to be (more or less?) unlimited now, but there used to be a 420-character limit, so I always used mine as a writing exercise: Beginning with my name and "is," I had to craft a complete and grammatically correct 420-character, third-person sentence, using no shortcuts (excepting "&" for "and," and numbers over ten could be rendered digitally), which made updating my status rather challenging and fun, as I happen to be a left-brained word geek. Plus, by setting arbitrary rules like that for myself, I never ran the risk of becoming the guy who updates every six minutes with something preposterously inane or once a day with rap lyrics.

    So, if we'd like to stay on topic here, a little thing that pisses me off is when people use rap lyrics as their Facebook statuses. There are so few chances to actually say something that might register to someone else—something that might catch someone unawares at a moment when they're not completely preoccupied waiting for their turn to talk instead of listening (people always seem to be less prepared for total self-obsession when online), and you go and squander one of those opportunities by copying and pasting (usually) misspelled, often moronic or downright nonsensical lyrics that not only didn't you yourself compose, but that will prompt your reader, the instant that person realizes he or she is reading lyrics, to glaze over with disinterest and completely dismiss you? Fucking idiot.

  21. #141
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    I'm going to my second funeral in four weeks, the second parent of one of my students who died. This one is even more tragic than the other, because this woman had breast cancer and went to the doctor several times, always to be told nothing was wrong. Then, when it was finally diagnosed, it was already terminal. Just before Easter this girl came to me to tell me the doctors had given her mum between a month and a year, so I could inform her other teachers. Last Friday, after refusing to eat for two whole weeks, she finally passed. And yes, I say finally. Seven kids have been watching their mother die, saying goodbye to her every morning and every night knowing it might be the last time, for eight months.

    I feel totally useless in these kinds of situations though. I always say the wrong thing. But I'm just going to assume simply being there is worth something.

  22. #142
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    Missed my Dr. appointment, wrote the wrong time down, now I have to wait ANOTHER month just to get my prescription for testosterone. I don't see why the Dr. Couldn't take 5 seconds between appointments to write it, we already went over everything last time.

  23. #143
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    I just added an ex-coworker of mine I don't like very much on Facebook. I didn't want her to be pissed off. Ugh, why. I should have just ignored it or something.

  24. #144
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    I'm thinking about defriending playwithfire because she's using Facebook the wrong way and adding people she doesn't like. ugh, why.

  25. #145
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    Because I don't want to deal with her being cranky at me irl. Tony look at my Timeline it's beautiful ugh, why.

    Also, I'll use your face the wrong way.
    Last edited by playwithfire; 12-15-2011 at 06:44 PM. Reason: johnbron

  26. #146
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    It's weird, unsettling and very annoying when people that know who I am say hi to me when they've clearly shown their dislike for me and act as if nothing's happened. Sure, I'm aware of "moving on", but a part of moving on from people you dislike is to stop communicating with them. Aside from locations and situations that require proper decorum, I'd rather just ignore them and leave them alone as quickly as possible. I just don't see the point in saying hi to people you dislike.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 12-15-2011 at 07:33 PM.

  27. #147
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    ^^^^^It's easier to ignore each other - it's much harder to be civilized. Suck it up.

    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    I just added an ex-coworker of mine I don't like very much on Facebook. I didn't want her to be pissed off. Ugh, why. I should have just ignored it or something.
    I have told peripheral co-workers that I will not friend them on facebook. I say: "I'll LinkIn with you"

    Sounds so nasty.

    ok, leaving for the drunk tank - carry on.

  28. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    Because I don't want to deal with her being cranky at me irl. Tony look at my Timeline it's beautiful ugh, why.

    Also, I'll use your face the wrong way.
    That does not piss me off.

  29. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    ^^^^^It's easier to ignore each other - it's much harder to be civilized. Suck it up.
    I know it is, and I try to deal with it the best I can. I just find it odd though, as I usually don't see people that dislike each other speak to one another. It's just creepy in some ways. On the other hand, this is why I try to not get on anybody's bad side in the first place while keeping myself at a safe distance from others.

    And to add to the thread.

    When people condemn introverts and loners for very unsubstantial reasons. I've seen that happen a lot.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 12-16-2011 at 01:27 AM.

  30. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elke View Post
    I feel totally useless in these kinds of situations though. I always say the wrong thing. But I'm just going to assume simply being there is worth something.
    If it helps at all, there is no right thing to say. When my mother was on her way out, I got pissed off at people who asked about her or said they were sorry. I thought, "Fuck off. You don't really give a shit, it's just that you'd feel guilty not saying something because society says you're supposed to." And I got equally pissed off at people who didn't ask about her or say they were sorry. I thought, "Fuck off. You're either self-absorbed and couldn't be bothered to give a fuck about what I'm going through or you're purposively not talking about it because it makes you feel awkward, and thus making life even more awkward and awful for me than it already is."

    No winning. No logic, obviously. But still no winning.

    Being there would have been worth a lot to me, though. I was unfortunately marooned somewhere where I had no friends or social acquaintances. But I guarantee your presence is welcome and appreciated by these kids.

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