Since I noticed there wasn't a thread for these guys, I figured I might as well start one. What's everyone's opinion on them? My history with the group goes back to the fall of 2010 when a friend showed me the Odd Future collective mixtape "Radical" and Tyler's first release "Bastard". I was kind of blown away by the incredibly minimal and almost off putting production by them all...especially with "Radical" with one song actually sampling a Liars track but it wasn't until I saw the video for Yonkers that I really started to pay attention and get into them even more. The video was so dark and the song, in my opinion, still holds up after several listens...I was extremely into "Goblin" when it was released but after several listens it's sustainability has grown tiresome I think. A record that was the victim of it's own hype in a way.

When I first heard them in 2010 and early 2011, they seemed dangerous and their sound musically was that of a provocateur. "Bastard" was especially evil sounding and along with Earl Sweatshirt's "EARL" mixtape, those some classic mixtapes in my opinion. Now they've got a show on Adult Swim, one of them in Frank Ocean is a star in his own right, they have an R&B trip hop group within their ranks in The Internet" and several other groups and members. I can understand why people would be turned off by the lyrics at times and although I'm not a fan of the newest Tyler track I'm still incredibly interested in what he has to say as well as Earl Sweatshirt's first record.

When I saw Odd Future last fall, I got the chance to hang out with Tyler for a bit and we talked about his newest record and basically told me it sounded like his influences but that he was even going to try and sing on a couple tracks. Guess we'll have to see.