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Thread: 2013.08.02 - Chicago, Illinois @ Lollapalooza

  1. #271
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    I think they've played Copy of A and Came Back Haunted.

  2. #272
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    So lets get this spoiler train going.
    I can't believe the board is so slow right now, they're on STAGE.
    In 2008, mobile network signals at Lollapalooza are TERRIBLE, if not non-existent. I know earlier in the day, someone who'd tweeted a photo of the merch booth said they'd have sent it sooner except that they couldn't get signal. This probably accounts for the lack of setlist details coming out of the park.

  3. #273
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathant View Post
    In 2008, mobile network signals at Lollapalooza are TERRIBLE, if not non-existent. I know earlier in the day, someone who'd tweeted a photo of the merch booth said they'd have sent it sooner except that they couldn't get signal. This probably accounts for the lack of setlist details coming out of the park.
    Thanks for the insight. At least ill watch the show in suspense!

  4. #274
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    here we gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

  5. #275
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    2013.08.2 - Chicago, Illinois @ Lollapalooza

    All the shirts were $30, would say the setlist was much the same as Fuji Rock minus Reptile. Copy of A, Sanctified, Came Back Haunted to open, Find My Way in the "slow part", no Disappointed or other new song.

  6. #276
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathant View Post
    In 2008, mobile network signals at Lollapalooza are TERRIBLE, if not non-existent. I know earlier in the day, someone who'd tweeted a photo of the merch booth said they'd have sent it sooner except that they couldn't get signal. This probably accounts for the lack of setlist details coming out of the park.
    I can confirm this. I was there from about 4pm onward today and could barely get a signal anywhere. My friend managed to post a Facebook status on her iphone 4S but I couldn't even get that far with my iphone 5. I heard a lot of other people complaining about it, as well. Nearly every time I checked my phone, it either said "No Service" or showed bars but didn't load anything.

  7. #277
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    i was looking for the gift blu ray dvd from TOIOU at the grey hound station down the street from the park and service sucked big time there too.

  8. #278
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    good show. Loved when Josh Eustis fell during HLAH.

  9. #279
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    Quote Originally Posted by interface2x View Post
    I can confirm this. I was there from about 4pm onward today and could barely get a signal anywhere. My friend managed to post a Facebook status on her iphone 4S but I couldn't even get that far with my iphone 5. I heard a lot of other people complaining about it, as well. Nearly every time I checked my phone, it either said "No Service" or showed bars but didn't load anything.
    mobile signals all over downtown are notoriously terrible. always. every day. we can't get cellular in our offices in tall buildings, not even to text. even if I stand by the window of my office on the 24th floor on N LaSalle, 90% of the time no signal or barely a signal.

  10. #280
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    No surprises, though I may have missed a song, so if someone could please double-check me, I would appreciate it. And yes, cell service was TERRIBLE there.

    Trent was pretty quiet with a few "thank you"s, "great to be back", etc.

    Stage setup was big LED light to the side, small LED screens (think "Only" from the last tour), and some shadow screens. Nothing too crazy, but they had some cool effects with the small LED screens, like showing Trent's face in red lights as he's singing the beginning of "Closer" (sorry if that's a bad explanation).

    Fun fact: Lance Hempstrong (DJ/cover band) was playing at the Petrillo Music Shell between QOTSA and NIN sets (that stage is about 200 yards away from the Bud Light Stage, so very close) and they started their set with "Supernaut". I almost pooped my pants, but then realized they were just covering it. Crisis averted.

    Copy of A
    Sanctified (they've tweaked it a little)
    Came Back Haunted
    March of the Pigs
    The Frail
    The Wretched
    Terrible Lie
    Gave Up
    Help Me I'm in Hell
    Me, I'm Not
    Find My Way
    The Way Out is Through
    The Hand That Feeds
    Head Like a Hole

  11. #281
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    That setlist is correct.

    Edit: Forgot about What If We Could? which was my favorite song of the night. It sounded great live.
    Last edited by Wish9; 08-03-2013 at 12:23 AM.

  12. #282
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    Quote Originally Posted by GreatGazoo View Post
    Copy of A
    Sanctified (they've tweaked it a little)
    Came Back Haunted
    March of the Pigs
    The Frail
    The Wretched
    Terrible Lie
    Gave Up
    Help Me I'm in Hell
    Me, I'm Not
    Find My Way
    The Way Out is Through
    The Hand That Feeds
    Head Like a Hole
    I believe What If We Could? was before The Way Out is Through

  13. #283
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    Saw this at a booth somewhere, thought of getting the coaster version of it, but didn't wanna give the guy 10 bucks for it.

    Edit: Not that I thought it was any good, just wanted to commemorate the shittyness of it, but it's not 10 bucks worth of shitty.
    Last edited by skullboy0; 08-03-2013 at 12:19 AM.

  14. #284
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    Burn was cut out.

  15. #285
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    2013.08.2 - Chicago, Illinois @ Lollapalooza

    Yep that's my setlist... Finally got one after 13 shows! Why are NIN setlists so hard to get...

    Anyway, if you look at the bottom, it reads "v2.0"... There's also an earlier revision taped underneath it.

  16. #286
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    Thanks for the pic Superfan/Moebius!
    Last edited by tiempo; 08-03-2013 at 12:11 AM.

  17. #287
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    Avoided spoilers and saw a wonderful wonderful show. Want to shout out to Peggy, in VIP section for cheerfully supplying us on the rail with water & beer. To Security for keeping on top of the douchbags in the crowd. And for all the familiar faces. :-).

    Sad for no burn but loved the usage of the screens. How the band came out on stage. It took me a few a seconds at the start to even realize it was Trent sauntering out!

  18. #288
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    2013.08.2 - Chicago, Illinois @ Lollapalooza

    Damn, the original setlist would have had them premiering "Everything"...

    (Spoiler alert San Francisco!)

  19. #289
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    I'm just glad the weather turned out okay! Great, actually, considering. After the first rain died off (which was enough to need me to situate my phones and other electronics into my bag), we were at the market shops and (I'm guessing) some Lolla worker man approached the tent we were at and told the shop employees that rain was coming again in 15 minutes (this was around 2 something, I believe), and it'd be raining for 30 minutes. That rain never came.

    Okay, NIN show, great. I watched it from the top of the dropoff on the grass, one of the best spots at Bud Light! I was really surprised so many people bailed after Queens, that allowed us to move so far up to that optimal viewing point fairly easily. Experiencing Queens was pretty bitter because I was just watching the screens. A sea of heads in front of me till the stage, which was only visible on my toes. So coming from that to what ended up being the NIN vantage...couldn't have ended better for me!

    General gripe: I wish my ears weren't already beaten down because for once I wanted the volume louder. The one time I wanted to just be shockwaved with the music, it felt like it wasn't reaching that point. Like the main synth on 1,000,000. Sometimes it was the vocals that were a little low, too. On the other hand sometimes the synth sound from Alessandro was loud-loud. Loved that shit. Of course, some ways into the show my ears adjusted and I stopped thinking about that. Really solid show, overall. As expected. Nothing much to say. Ya just can't stop him.

    Show highlight: TWOIT. Yes. And...CBH. Also, the ladies (taking turns) doing sign language off to the side for the songs--so great to watch from time to time. What a cool job! Also, there was a guy crowd-surfing while sitting in his wheelchair. I think that's the second time I've seen that in my NIN live experiences.

    Lollapalooza crowd for NIN was quite cool and respectable from where I was at. They got into the show, and weren't too in people's bubbles. One time though, there was a formed line of hooligans somewhere behind me who just jammed their way through everybody really fast to try to get further up, so there was that turbulence. Most of us lol'd, so that was alright.

    Thanks again for the joint, guy not reading this.

    I'm so tired, mostly physically. Got a little sun too (probably more than I can see now). Shower and sleep time, soon after this Metra ride.
    Last edited by Amaro; 08-03-2013 at 11:13 AM.

  20. #290
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    Had a great time tonight. NIN was effing fantastic! Eustis is a BEAST, and the HLAH fall was from rocking so hard. Illan has impressed me. So much more comfortable drumming with NIN. Piggy solo was disgusting.

    The new songs sound amazing in person. I was so hype during "Copy of A" I literally would've punched a baby seal in the face! No gripes like a few about the mix, blah blah blah. Everything was awesome. So glad NIN is back.

    audio taped it, I just need someone to help me with uploading a live stream to the RITC server.

  21. #291
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul View Post
    I believe What If We Could? was before The Way Out is Through
    Thank you! I knew I forgot something.

    It kind of sucks they cut "Burn" since they had the time. They finished about 5-6 minutes before 10pm, but oh well. But it sucks even more now that I see they cut "Everything." I'm sure it'll pop up somewhere.

    And people have already mentioned it, but they we on-point with EVERYTHING. All that practicing sure paid off. Even TR, as I don't remember him flubbing any lyrics, which is rare. Robin was dead-on and didn't really add any flair to anything...he played everything by the book. As did Ally. He can throw in some goofy stuff every now and then, but not last night. Ilan and Josh were animals as well. All of them rocked out with their roosters out.

    Oh, and they didn't have the big video screens flanking the side of the stage on at all. So if you were in the middle and couldn't see over people's heads, you were pretty much hosed for the visuals.

  22. #292
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    The visuals are great. Wait till you see Survivalism. Wow. The Way Out is Through explodes with color and light.

  23. #293
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    Quote Originally Posted by GreatGazoo View Post
    Robin was dead-on and didn't really add any flair to anything...he played everything by the book. As did Ally. He can throw in some goofy stuff every now and then, but not last night. Ilan and Josh were animals as well. All of them rocked out with their roosters out.
    I do wish that Robin had gotten a few more moments in the spotlight; in that respect, I really missed his intro for Only. It seems like they all sort of renounced any individual attention and put the focus on the whole band as a single entity. Like the intro - no ego, no fuss, just down to business.

  24. #294
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    So lets get this spoiler train going.
    I can't believe the board is so slow right now, they're on STAGE.
    Why are you unable to believe that? The board damn well better be slow while they're on stage. Put your phone away and enjoy the show.

  25. #295
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle View Post
    Why are you unable to believe that? The board damn well better be slow while they're on stage. Put your phone away and enjoy the show.
    You do realize I posted that 90 mins before the stream started and about 40 mins after the band was on stage and that I wasn't at the show thus why I was asking for spoilers....right?

  26. #296
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magrão View Post
    Experiencing Queens was pretty bitter because I was just watching the screens. A sea of heads in front of me till the stage, which was only visible on my toes.
    That was pretty much my NIN experience for about 80% of the show (except there were no side screens to augment my view). Occasionally I could see the stage without straining and instead I got a view of some guy's phone.
    Last edited by interface2x; 08-03-2013 at 10:06 AM.

  27. #297
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    You do realize I posted that 90 mins before the stream started and about 40 mins after the band was on stage and that I wasn't at the show thus why I was asking for spoilers....right?
    I didn't know you weren't there although it seemed kinda clear and I completely knew the rest which is why I made that statement which still stands. Posting details during a live stream from your living room is perfectly fine but while people are at the show I expect that section of the board to be dead.

  28. #298
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    Fuck that guy who was screaming "RAGE" or whatever during Me, I'm not/find my way.

  29. #299
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    Quote Originally Posted by interface2x View Post
    That was pretty much my NIN experience for about 80% of the show (except there were no side screens to augment my view). Occasionally I could see the stage without straining and instead I got a view of some guy's phone.
    This is a shame. I forgot to touch up on this, for NIN--no screens at all during the set, so a LOT of people center a good ways back saw shit as far as the actual stage goes, I'm pretty sure (based on my experience for Queens, except I had screens to watch for them). If I was right where I was for Queens during NIN, some ways left of the soundboard, at my height of 5'9, I'd have had an audio show. My friends and I couldn't help but feel bad for that fact. I guess I figured the screens would be some point.

  30. #300
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    It was nice to see the next generation entering the family business.

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