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Thread: Work

  1. #301
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    Foul mouthed kitchen pirate in search of new work??? I love the job but ...

  2. #302
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    Things seem to have been picking up for me. I just hope it lasts. It's not only exactly what I'm looking for, as I've had previous experience, but I'm also making much more than my old job. (They're both clerical positions.) This has been a breathe of fresh air, as I'm fitting in, getting acclimated and finding at least some purpose to get up in the morning, and at least make something of myself and have a real shot at hopefully giving my resume a much needed boost. I really want to beef it up, especially considering how college didn't work out for me at all.

    The social dynamic is pretty sweet too, considering how courteous, considerate, informative and supportive everybody is. Heck, I'm also just grateful at a real chance of self-improvement and survival to start with, especially with a job that really was meant for me, and a job I actually enjoy doing most of the time. It cleared my thoughts in its own way. It really is hard to explain, aside from mentioning purpose, survival and happiness as they can certainly provide clarity. I'll definitely keep my fingers crossed. The increased self-worth, even if gradual is just very pleasantly awesome.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 04-22-2016 at 08:30 PM.

  3. #303
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    Since the new editor change at the new paper, I've gone from "freelance event photographer" to "freelance photographer who also actively has to do the editor's job when it comes to finding and assigning myself and another photographer work, who is still short $20 from an invoice I sent a month ago and continuously add to every invoice as a remind of 'hey you still owe me $20 btw' but it's not worth losing my job over arguing about that so I just go back to researching what's coming up in the area and telling my editor 'hey is anyone assigned to this because I'll totally do it if not."
    That's a way too long job title, imo.

    Rant aside, now that nicer weather is starting to happen, more things are happening for me to shoot, and I can't complain about getting a job in my field, even if the pay is "meh" at best.

  4. #304
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    Stress. I just need a few successes. I think I've gained 10 pounds since I started this job. I gotta get my act together stat. :/

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. #305
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    Going to be on TV regarding being the victim of the job scam that happened to me last year. Really dreading it as I did not want to be on TV, but at least I have time to going into hiding as the TV show won't be on till September lol!

  6. #306
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    Got hired at a different Chrysler dealership. 45 minute drive to work as opposed to a 15 minute drive, but i'm making a buck more an hour, and i'm getting .75% commission on total parts gross, which is double at the new place as my old place.

    New Job:
    Employee Handbook
    Paid Benefits
    Yearly Bonuses
    2x monthly dealership-wide paid lunches

    Old Job:
    Employee handbook? "Ask the Owner" - the General Manager
    50/50 benefits
    "We give you a 10lb frozen turkey every year. You should be happy" - the General Manager
    No lunch breaks on fridays.

  7. #307
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    Start my new job today. The week off has been nice but I'm ready for action.

  8. #308
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    Work work work work all day plus some overtime and weekend days lately. I've been so busy that I've been cramming stuff like doctor appointments and bank visits on my lunchbreak. Get home late, eat, sleep, then bam, off again straight next morning. Goddamn I could use a few days vacay.

  9. #309
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    Last edited by Your Name Here; 07-25-2016 at 01:32 PM.

  10. #310
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    Quote Originally Posted by Your Name Here View Post
    I hate my job and I mean HATE!!!!!!!! I can't say exactly what it is I do but lets just say I'm in customer service. Over time this job has made me hate people, I have talked to fellow co workers and they have told me stories that they hate people to. Somebody I work with told me he hates talking to people and he avoids people like the plague. He said even when people try to talk to him when he was ordering a sandwich at a sub shop he was rude and just wanted to kill them, and I have had the exact same feelings. I have looked for other jobs but can't seem to find anything that even comes close to what we get paid. It's a big corporation and they are constantly fucking us over on benefits and making the job even more difficult then it already is. I want to get out I don't want to be this hateful or this angry all the time. I would work more hours for less money for a job that was more tolerable.
    This job makes me feel like a serial killer because I am smiling and being nice to people that I absolutely loathe and have visions of murdering these people and burying them in a shallow grave. I have got to get out, but I feel trapped and painted into a corner. Its a really bad situation to be in and I know people are struggling and some people don't have jobs, but if you have a really bad job and even though it pays the bills what it is doing to my mental health doesn't seem to be worth it. It's turned me into a hermit, I'm not the same person I use to be I can't tolerate people at all anymore. When I have a bad day at work (which is almost everyday) I road rage all the way home. This might be hard for some people to understand especially since I can't really give details about what I do, but this job is killing me.

    Let me just add that morale at work is at an all time low, all of my co workers are angry and pissed off some of them are avid gun collectors and they have said things to me that are quite alarming to say the least. I don't believe in guns and I don't own a gun, but I am concerned about coming into work one day and having co worker go crazy. They have said things to me but I don't know whether to take them seriously so I just keep my mouth shut and hope I find another job. The only thing I find comforting about the thought of a co worker coming into work armed to the teeth and taking everybody out is I hope they kill me so I don't have to work there anymore.
    I was told just yesterday that the average job time for someone in customer service/contact center is 12 months. That's down from the past metric of like 24 months. My fear, as you have sad, is that the contact center will become the new post office for work place violence. It's an ass whooping, I'm sorry. Probably best to just get out.

  11. #311
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    Last edited by Your Name Here; 07-25-2016 at 01:30 PM.

  12. #312
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    After 2 long years of nothingness, I went for an interview this morning and got a call this afternoon that I got the job! 60K package. Couldn't be happier. Finally things are going my way. @sprixxle will be happy to hear this...

  13. #313
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    I am so happy for you Ryan. I know that it is absolute hell on Earth. Great, great news man. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  14. #314
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    Customer called today to tell me they are not renewing their software licensing and getting out of the business (a tiny piece of their overall business). I have officially been given all the shit accounts! No seriously, the account wasn't even mine until this year. I was told they couldn't make it work (profit) and couldn't compete with (other box store). Oops that other customer is mine too and who's contract is 4 times the size. Yeah ok, nice knowing ya- good luck buh bye. :-l

  15. #315
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    I recently got a new job. It pays better than previous and is 40 hrs a week with at least 4-6 hrs of overtime per week. I make a good check. All about self improvement and for the first time in my life I'm alright with my job and am proud to have it. Who'd have thought?
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 07-25-2016 at 11:02 PM.

  16. #316
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    I've been officially laid off from my job for about a month and a couple days now and this is the first time I haven't had some form of work since high school. The company I worked for laid off about 60 people last month when some deals went bad and most of us in the content department, as well as the design and technical aspect were let go as well. Sadly, two days after they called a meeting to ensure us the last thing they wanted to do was to start a layoff process.

    It's been pretty shitty and disheartening to be out of work so close to the holidays. After sending multiple applications each day, I've only had two phone interviews and the first one sent a rejection follow up e-mail and the other one told me that they wanted to pause the interview process. I have a feeling I'm not going to be working until sometime in January when companies start to prepare for the first quarter.

    I've been lucky enough to save up a lot of money from living at home for so long, but I did a buy house this past March and so the thought of being out of work that much longer with mortgage and bill payment (on top of paying off my Christmas spending) is starting to scare me a bit. I've signed up for unemployment for the time being, but that entire process is so long and tedious. I'm hoping that the severance kicks in soon enough as well. Thankfully, I still have both supportive parents and a loving girlfriend. I know a lot of people aren't as lucky to be in my situation financially to stay a float so I'm super appreciative in that aspect, but it's such a blow to me professionally and to my ego as the glue that keeps my little family (my girlfriend, our cat, our house) together. I'm hoping something turns around soon, but we'll have to see.

    Good thing this new Nine Inch Nails EP is so good. That's been a positive this week.

  17. #317
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    Quote Originally Posted by thefragile_jake View Post
    I've been officially laid off from my job for about a month and a couple days now and this is the first time I haven't had some form of work since high school. The company I worked for laid off about 60 people last month when some deals went bad and most of us in the content department, as well as the design and technical aspect were let go as well. Sadly, two days after they called a meeting to ensure us the last thing they wanted to do was to start a layoff process.

    It's been pretty shitty and disheartening to be out of work so close to the holidays. After sending multiple applications each day, I've only had two phone interviews and the first one sent a rejection follow up e-mail and the other one told me that they wanted to pause the interview process. I have a feeling I'm not going to be working until sometime in January when companies start to prepare for the first quarter.

    I've been lucky enough to save up a lot of money from living at home for so long, but I did a buy house this past March and so the thought of being out of work that much longer with mortgage and bill payment (on top of paying off my Christmas spending) is starting to scare me a bit. I've signed up for unemployment for the time being, but that entire process is so long and tedious. I'm hoping that the severance kicks in soon enough as well. Thankfully, I still have both supportive parents and a loving girlfriend. I know a lot of people aren't as lucky to be in my situation financially to stay a float so I'm super appreciative in that aspect, but it's such a blow to me professionally and to my ego as the glue that keeps my little family (my girlfriend, our cat, our house) together. I'm hoping something turns around soon, but we'll have to see.

    Good thing this new Nine Inch Nails EP is so good. That's been a positive this week.
    I've been on unemployment a few times; once you get through the tedious application process, it kicks in pretty quickly and you get paid pretty fast. Hang in there. End-of-year is a shitty time to be looking for a job, ugh.

  18. #318
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I've been on unemployment a few times; once you get through the tedious application process, it kicks in pretty quickly and you get paid pretty fast. Hang in there. End-of-year is a shitty time to be looking for a job, ugh.
    Thank you immensely for the kind words. My mother was actually on unemployment for awhile this year too after her company got bought out so it's certainly a long process for sure.

    Again, thanks Allegro.

  19. #319
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    So it actually took me a little bit longer than January to find a job and I ended up doing some contract to hire stuff for a web-based marketing company that was down the street from my old job. Really obnoxious open floor plan, "relaxed atmosphere" type of marketing that I realized I really fucking hate. I was completely out of my element the entire time there and I realized after the first week that I made a pretty bad mistake in working in that position. Luckily I kept doing a few interviews with some other places into my third week there, as not even five days before my one month contract period was up they ended up canning me. I think they were looking for someone who was more a leader type ... but it was hard to get a hold on anything since each person had their own manager style and never explained things to me ... even after asking questions.

    Oddly enough, the day I was about to tell them I found another job that offered better pay was the day the let me go. All in all, it worked out in the end and I've been at my new salary job for a little over a month now. I'm a content writer in the marketing department of a real estate association working on new things for their upcoming website. The writing portion has been awesome and it's getting me out to discover St. Louis more ... but the only thing that is obnoxious is the cattiness and personalities with some of the people. Not at me either, but some people in the department REALLY don't care for one and another and seem to think it's okay to bullshit on people to me all the time. It gets pretty hard to do my work sometimes, but luckily I've been able to tune it out ... so far, anyway.

  20. #320
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    I started a new job in December. I'm always running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I'm expected to do everything in that office. Every day I find myself wishing I could have my old job back, but that's never gonna happen.

  21. #321
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    I resigned from my job, effective immediately, today. I know there's a much, much better & brighter opportunity on the horizon for me.

  22. #322
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    I worked in financial services marketing for a not for profit credit union for 8 years, and got laid off when they merged with a bigger credit union. I have been looking for a new marketing gig for about 18 months. In the meantime I've been freelancing with varied success and driving for Lyft. I found out I love driving... I missed having a social connection, but the "single serving friends" model of driving around people is like just the right amount of interaction.

    There are pros and cons to driving...but it's been a great way to get to know a city I only thought I knew well before.

    If anyone is thinking about gigging, driving for a delivery service like Doordash or Grubhub, or driving Lyft or Uber, I say give it a try. It's not something I would do forever, but it's definitely saved my ass with bills, and it's great because you can set your own schedule, unlike a lot of other part time jobs.

    I have a Lyft code (I don't drive Uber at all) good for first time rides and for a driver referral bonus if anyone is interested. PM me.

  23. #323
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rubeninphoenix View Post
    I resigned from my job, effective immediately, today. I know there's a much, much better & brighter opportunity on the horizon for me.
    As somebody that's been a product of just not knowing what to do with my life, I can totally relate to that. I hope to apply for something else soon/indefinitely. I get that there's always something that'll ruin things, and that not everything is what it always seems to be, but I can still merely hope for something better. It's also a matter of trying to not only find some type of balance mentally and emotionally, but also confidence and courage.

    And well, with that said, all the best to you and good luck. I know not much has been said, but it was actually a bit encouraging, refreshing and uplifting to read what you just wrote. I know I should be thankful for doing something, but the search isn't always over once you've broken in.

    That's why some opportunities are called stepping stones into hopefully bigger and better things/opportunities. I really needed that. Lord knows just how much my mind keeps messing with me.

  24. #324
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    i'm somewhat retired looking for a hobby(s) that is engaging;
    taking classes in intaglio/relief printmaking (solar plates are grabbing my attention), some painting, and then there's the guitar

  25. #325
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    As I come to the close of my medical leave, during which I had to fill out all the financial aid forms for myself in order to procure a loan for my son (he went to college at 16, so it's still my responsibility,) I find myself pondering college again. The pain I've been in is gone, now. In time, I will get my energy back. The question is, what do I want to do? I thought I was going to eventually move up from my position in this company I'm in. I gave it a go, but it was far worse than shitty. I don't even have a word for it. I'm not the first and I won't be the last to step down, back into the associate ranks, again, there. I do not want to use any education to go into that place. I also don't want anything more to do with retail. But where to spend my little time left here on earth? That's always the question. Until then, I'll remain at this job, because when I go home, I leave it there, and that is the best feeling in the world.

  26. #326
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    Quote Originally Posted by Halo Infinity View Post
    As somebody that's been a product of just not knowing what to do with my life, I can totally relate to that. I hope to apply for something else soon/indefinitely. I get that there's always something that'll ruin things, and that not everything is what it always seems to be, but I can still merely hope for something better. It's also a matter of trying to not only find some type of balance mentally and emotionally, but also confidence and courage.

    And well, with that said, all the best to you and good luck. I know not much has been said, but it was actually a bit encouraging, refreshing and uplifting to read what you just wrote. I know I should be thankful for doing something, but the search isn't always over once you've broken in.

    That's why some opportunities are called stepping stones into hopefully bigger and better things/opportunities. I really needed that. Lord knows just how much my mind keeps messing with me.
    Thank you Halo. Good luck to you as well!

  27. #327
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    I had the worst day. it wasn't just a case of the Mondays. I've been in this position for less than a year. Today I seriously wanted my old job back. I don't have benefits anymore and I'm not on salary. I get paid by the hour. If I ever got sick, then I would be completely fucked. My life got totally screwed up when I moved back home.

  28. #328
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    Everyone's sick of the department I work in. Everyone's going to another. There is an opportunity to get $3 more on the hour to go third shift again. I'm thinking of taking it. I did it for 5 years, when the kids were young and one was going to an advanced school far away from where I live. I really am thinking about doing it. It's kind of a step down, as it is just pure brute labor with less thought involved, being just stocking while the store is closed. It's easier, it's away from customers from 1-5, and I already have problems staying asleep at night. (I've been on morning for two years, and have not adjusted.) I'm not quite ready yet, though. It is more physical and I'm not 100% healed. I think the person who notified me of this opportunity did so because that's something a lot of people would like. Not everyone, but a lot. I'm not exactly a popular person, and that's just the way it is. The whole having to pretend to be fucking happy at all times doesn't always work for me. And as I get older, my opinions get more bluntly expressed. I don't go to work to make friends, though. I go because I need a place to live.

  29. #329
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    I feel like I'm able to breathe at my job, my horrible and obnoxious boss just got fired on Monday for showing up to work so DRUNK she passed out in her car and had to have three managers drive her back home.

    I've only been here 90 days, but I was just counting down the days until she self-imploded. Ever meet someone who was so far up their own ass they couldn't smell their own shit ... would throw you under the bus to save their own skin ... used every excuse in the book to get out of work related events because of their child (a 15 year old son mind you) ... and clearly so riddled with personal demons of pills and alcohol they are stumbling over themselves and yelling at you during work gatherings? Yeah, this lady was the boss from hell ... and it's amazing what a little patience and luck can do.

    Quote Originally Posted by pretty.hate.machine View Post
    I wish I could get fired so I could collect unemployment. I hate pretending to be happy and have a smile on my face, when all I really want is to not make any eye contact with any human, ever. When it walks through the door, I try to be extra cold as to have the most minimal interaction possible, counting down the minutes until it goes away. I have mild panic attacks leading up to my commute. When I walk in, everyone can tell I'm in a bad mood. And then I feel judged for not being 'Happy' because I'm not drinking the kool-aid like everyone else. I need this job to pay my bills, but it's taking a severe toll on my psyche. I have been thinking a lot about suicide/death again, even though I know better. Not trying to get attention here, just telling the truth. I should probably start journaling again. For 7 years, this job has destroyed everything decent in me, and I'm the only one to blame for fear of (god forbid) not trying to find something better. When in reality, anything would be better! I just don't like putting myself out there or trying new experiences in that way anymore. I fear being judged or being the low person on the totem pole. I'm in a managerial position now, and all of my experience is in this one area. But I never want a job like this again! Finding another career path with no experience in said area presents a challenge. I wouldn't even mind doing a couple PT gigs, i keep weird hours and I'm deeply introverted, but with that comes no benefits usually. Sigh...sorry for the ramblings. I have no other outlet.
    What field do you work in? Do everything you can to find another job ... my first out of college job in 2013 used to beat on my psyche so bad that I used to tell people that driving my car into a wall wouldn't have been so bad, as I might end up in the hospital instead of being in the office. I had a terrible manager who didn't know what he wanted marketing wise ... and then would get on my case when nothing was done or get flustered at my questions. I was only there for five months ... but it felt like forever. I ended up getting a job I was at for three years shortly after that because I was applying like crazy.

    No job is worth your sanity or health ... concentrate on you and find something new.
    Last edited by thefragile_jake; 08-03-2017 at 04:18 PM.

  30. #330
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    42 days until I quit my shitty ass job and go to America for 5 weeks... YUSSSS.

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