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Thread: Work

  1. #331
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    Quote Originally Posted by pretty.hate.machine View Post
    Sounds like the headcase got what she deserved. Even though it was at times a hellish circumstance, I am sure watching the unraveling was somewhat chuckleworthy. And yes, I know exactly what it's like to have a boss like that. Anyway, thank you for your kind words and I'm glad your situation is looking up.

    As for me, I'm just feel stuck in a hole. I'm one of those late blossoming adults and I spent my 20s partying, being a DJ, in and out of college, moving all over, experimenting with various relationships; you know, just living life. I work retail and I am an assistant manager at a cosmetics store. I stuck around because I kept getting promoted and I wasn't entirely sure what type of degree I wanted to invest in. I should have been a lot more forward-thinking and proactive, but I wasn't. But 7 years in retail, working with nothing but catty women 100% of the time, and equally shitty/dense customers is a soul sucking hell. I come home crying most nights because I hate the person who I've become. I am incredibly depressed and more negative than I've ever been, sometimes I feel like I don't even recognize myself in the mirror anymore. I have a prescription for an antidepressant medication that I need to get filled, but I am afraid to get back on that if I'm going to try to quit this job soon and be stuck with no health insurance... you can't just quit taking antidepressants abruptly. The worst part is I have to pretend to be someone I'm not, 'happy' to set the example since I'm a manager, when in reality I'd rather throw myself off a bridge. With all that I've said, it should be easy to walk away, but I make more than what some people with bachelors degrees make. I have full benefits, great PTO. The thing is, I never want a customer service job again, and there are not a lot of jobs out there for introverts who don't have a degree. So back to college really seems like the only option. Another issue is my widowed mom is financially unstable, so for the past year I've had to give her $400ish a month to help her out. So even if I wanted to go back to school full-time, I fear that my mom would end up homeless because she is super low income and disabled. We have exasperated every resource that could help her and they're just seems to be nothing out there for assistance, all of the low income housing waitlists are either full or closed in the city that I live in. Anyway, I might have to help her move back home where it's much cheaper to live, so at that point and gives me the perfect out and I can start trying to get something else going because you're right, nothing this agonizing is worth my sanity or health.
    Honestly moving back home for a year and half after getting an apartment with a toxic ex and saving money was the best thing I ever did for my health and finances. It lead to me buying my own house.

    Again, never sacrifice your own happiness!

  2. #332
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    Quote Originally Posted by pretty.hate.machine View Post
    I work retail and I am an assistant manager at a cosmetics store. I stuck around because I kept getting promoted and I wasn't entirely sure what type of degree I wanted to invest in. I should have been a lot more forward-thinking and proactive, but I wasn't. But 7 years in retail, working with nothing but catty women 100% of the time, and equally shitty/dense customers is a soul sucking hell.
    I used to work in retail, high end shoe store for women. As a full service store, among other things, we had to put shoes on people. It felt really terrible to me then. My daughter now works retail while in school. She finds some outlet in the subreddit - tales from retail. Have you thought about a trade school? Many are highly in demand now and pay very well.

  3. #333
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    Last week I FINALLY started a part time position after being unemployed since March. I'm sure that being unemployed anywhere for 5 months is a bitch, but being unemployed in NYC for that long is fucking horrible.

    I started a position at my university that is half doing admin work for the student services department, and also working with students who have disabilities - helping them read, write, plan out schedules, conduct research, etc.

    But classes start back up in a couple of weeks so I need to find another part time position immediately! This is my last semester of a full time credit load, so it will become more difficult once classes start back up. But considering how long it took me to land this one position, I am very nervous, and beyond broke.

  4. #334
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    Well today's started well. Walked in to be told via email that our PA, and the only person in the office who still speaks to me after all my bullshit with depression, is leaving...TODAY. No warning, just she's gone.

    I'm now literally on my own (we recently have an office move around so i'm on a bank of desks with 2 other people, one of which is always on site because he doesn't like how quiet i am and the other is my boss, who is moving to a new position upstairs and only in 2 days week until October) and i'll probably have to cover her work as we shared it, so i'm feeling greeeeeat...

  5. #335
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    Today reminded me that stepping down from management in that place was a good idea. If I'm going to give my heart to a place, it's going to be one that is worth it. I'm glad to remain an associate. It's not always fun, and it is only a pay-the-bills kind of job, without much meaning to it, but when I go home at the end of my shift, I leave it all behind.

  6. #336
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    Update to my situation: I finally found a new job! Much like Sarah's, it is only a part time position but it's at a pretty cool spot so I'm not complaining. Plus, there's always the possibility of picking up someone's else shift so I can definitely get extra hours.

  7. #337
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    I’ve finally come to the realization that it’s in my best interest to move on from the job I’ve had for the last 12 years. I was fairly happy for the first decade but over the last 2 years my happiness has declined. I had a neck and back injury 2 years ago that made it difficult to function and keep my mental sanity through the pain (although I did both) because the work is relentless (patient care in a busy clinic) and god forbid I tell them I need a lunch break to regroup and work more efficiently. I am a hard worker and damn good at my job but I’ve been reduced to volume and metrics and my very reasonable request for a break was ignored, not to mention there is now someone in the department secretly monitoring and reporting on every bit of minutiae with me and my coworkers. My position was verbally threatened. I don’t deserve this shit. It’s never a good sign when work makes you angry or cry with any sort of frequency.

    Sigh. My next job will likely involve a move to a different state, selling my house etc. I’m sad and disillusioned and hopeful at the same time. I’m trying to view it as a relationship and what worked for me 5 or 10 years ago does not anymore. Something better has to be on the horizon!

  8. #338
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    You know the evaluation stuff used in big companies - your goals for next year, 30% on this, 20% on that, then review on that and again. Like improve in some language, make less mistakes and so on. We are starting with online system for this, and if possible, I have three goas prepared:
    1. do not get much worse (I am good enough as it is, don't give me this "gotta get better all the time till you die" shit),
    2. do not burn out,
    3. don't be aggressive.
    :-) Hate towards authorities and corporate shit masked as funny tongue in cheek, psst.

  9. #339
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    I find that work is very much like driving, I love doing it, but hate that I have to do it with other people.

  10. #340
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    Quote Originally Posted by d1stinct View Post
    I find that work is very much like driving, I love doing it, but hate that I have to do it with other people.
    As a bus driver, this rings true.

  11. #341
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    feel like i'm being forced out slowly mostly due to my political beliefs, whatever, been here what feels like forever, seems like the culture is changing. i keep getting all the road assignments, because, i'm not married and don't have kids, which seems strangely discriminatory, but again whatever, so far it's only been LA which i can deal with, there's talk of onsite with sprint, which is Kansas, so i don't know, for now I'm just going to keep my head down yes sir no sir.

  12. #342
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    I wish that when someone cancelled a meeting they would let me know. I just got a phone call asking about a meeting that I moved to 9:30 asking if it was cancelled. I said no, I moved it to 9:30. "Well so-and-so told me that he cancelled all of them for the rest of December." well then fucking ask him!

    Firstly: dammit, if you cancel something let me know.
    Secondly: if so-and-so is your source of information who do you think you should call and ask? It sure as shit isn't me!

  13. #343
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    Big time rush in the industry I work in so it's push come to shove time and getting shipments for the warehouse before the end of the year. Soooooo it's hectic as hell and I've had mandatory overtime every weekend so my time for personal life and fun is not very high. There's also inventory NYE weekend which is gonna be hell this year due to 43 or 4 more suppliers we have and that many warehouses to count. I'm not looking forward to it....

    They give us catered free food but eh, it's time consuming as fuck now.

  14. #344
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    Uh, "I can always just quit." (very aware of the privilege behind that statement, fyi) has become a positive affirmation :/
    Last edited by playwithfire; 05-03-2018 at 03:39 PM.

  15. #345
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    i got a job in march as a transcriptionist. i work from home. it sounded like a dream. now i realize one of the best parts of working is leaving the house. i picked up a p/t retail job as kind of an escape.

    i'm in an odd place professionally right now. and socially, i guess.
    Last edited by kel; 05-23-2018 at 11:08 AM.

  16. #346
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    I feel you. The job I started in April is exactly three miles from my house so I don't get "out" much anymore. It's got some plusses to be sure (10 minute commute, no income tax) but I don't feel like I'm going anywhere anymore. The change from working in a big city to this little suburb has been weird. Nothing is outside of a 5-mile circle now so my world feels tiny.

  17. #347
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    I’m so bored at work right now I could cry. I’m the administrative supervisor at a retail company. Looking to ETS to keep me entertained

  18. #348
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    Recently at work I have been feeling extremely underappreciated, and that people that I work with (both directly and indirectly) are ungrateful towards my efforts. There are a ton of double standards in the office that I work in and I am finding it more difficult to deal with these issues as days progress.

    To make matters worse, I work remotely out of my office here in Phoenix AZ, while my direct supervisor and the rest of my team are in Tampa....This is both good and bad..I don't have anyone breathing over my neck constantly but at the same time, the people who I am surrounded by in the office don't care about my opinions, thoughts or feelings because I am technically not part of their office.

    I guess I just needed to vent, and could use a little bit of a confidence booster. I'ts times like these that I appreciate forums like ETS.

  19. #349
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    I guess i need to "vent" too:

    Lately i been so unhappy with my job, it wasn't anything special to begin with, but at least it was easy and it allowed some downtime.

    But i found out that this job is mostly a "black hole", both as creativity and growth (both personal and professional)
    It like NIN's "Every day is exactly the same", "sometimes I think I'm happy here...", but mostly I find out I'm becoming mediocre.

    SO: i gotta get out, I've been saying, this since two years ago... I guess both because of "comfort", but also of "insecurity" I always end up in the same place I started, it's a vicious cycle.

    But in the long run: it's just mediocrity; this job is a (nice comfortable) prison, it's just holding me back and just making me progressively unhappy, i don't want to end up as a bitter old man (though I'm already a bitter adult, lol...)

  20. #350
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    i feel for everyone look i try to be the "nice guy" look i'm not married and don't have children so during the school year i tend to be OK with the who travels plus i'm not that tall to traveling coach isn't a discomfort to me. i also don't want it assumed that I'll automatically go. i still like to be asked. look it's not a big deal but i do have a life outside of work. maybe just maybe. I've been asked to attend someones graduation or wedding. i just don't like to be penalized, for a life choice that i made, look i want you to be a good parent, I really do. but when you can't fulfill a work obligation because you have to leave early again because johnny's got a little league game or you need to pick up Britney from cheer squad practice just have a little consideration for your fellow co-workers is all.

  21. #351
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    I had previously said I was considering going back to night shift. I've gone back, and I've been doing it nearly half a year. My life has improved about 80%. The company and some coworkers who drink the breitbart koolaid are the only 2 downsides to my work life now. I should have done this when they removed the position I held the first time I worked nights. I never should have gone for middle management, either. I'm okay with this. I'll never be higher in the food chain, as far as notoriety and status, but I'm good, now. Living wage, steady income, stable company, union to back me up when I've needed them, and plenty of time to myself - and I can just leave work at work when I'm done. I think I'm starting to grow up, finally.

  22. #352
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    i worked in the music biz doing distribution for 25+ years. when that was no longer viable, i was unemployed except for temp jobs for almost 2 years. ended up getting hired at 1 of the great corporate satans. i'm stunned every day at the bullshit there & i really hate it. i'm stuck though now due to some serious health issues. the extent that propaganda is used in corporate usa is shocking. its what the germans were trying to do in the 1930s. they made the mistake of putting a lunatic frontman in. if things don't change, truly afraid for the next generation. i'll be dead but i think at some point the current system can't be sustained. i guess the point is, find something you love to do for your work. most of us have to spend so much of our lives working & to throw that time away to make the rich more rich is truly depressing.

  23. #353
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    Quote Originally Posted by thefragile_jake View Post
    I feel like I'm able to breathe at my job, my horrible and obnoxious boss just got fired on Monday for showing up to work so DRUNK she passed out in her car and had to have three managers drive her back home.

    I've only been here 90 days, but I was just counting down the days until she self-imploded. Ever meet someone who was so far up their own ass they couldn't smell their own shit ... would throw you under the bus to save their own skin ... used every excuse in the book to get out of work related events because of their child (a 15 year old son mind you) ... and clearly so riddled with personal demons of pills and alcohol they are stumbling over themselves and yelling at you during work gatherings? Yeah, this lady was the boss from hell ... and it's amazing what a little patience and luck can do.

    What field do you work in? Do everything you can to find another job ... my first out of college job in 2013 used to beat on my psyche so bad that I used to tell people that driving my car into a wall wouldn't have been so bad, as I might end up in the hospital instead of being in the office. I had a terrible manager who didn't know what he wanted marketing wise ... and then would get on my case when nothing was done or get flustered at my questions. I was only there for five months ... but it felt like forever. I ended up getting a job I was at for three years shortly after that because I was applying like crazy.

    No job is worth your sanity or health ... concentrate on you and find something new.
    I was never good at dealing with people like that. I always do my best to conceal my emotions, but letting go is a lot harder. I can only bottle up my emotions so much before I either snap or collapse on yourself. This is even tougher when I often try to strive for sounding and looking positive, happy, polite, biting my tongue/sucking it up and/or at least calm, not just to remain professional, but to also just be a kind and decent/good person, while staying out of trouble.

    Thankfully, most of my negative encounters were actually in passing, but it would be nightmare to be stuck in the same room being mistreated like that. I'd have to quit before I'd do something irreversible that I'd ultimately regret, as my emotions are also my own worst enemy. Thanks for the indirect reminder. Sometimes I forget to just concentrate on myself while constantly obsessing and worrying about what other people are thinking, doing and saying.

    This really has effected much more facets of my life than I ever realized. I know I won't be guaranteed to always get the best job in the world, and I know I should appreciate that I'm not doing nothing, but I'm sure I'd rather wake up not dreading what the day might bring if anything.

    Quote Originally Posted by d1stinct View Post
    I find that work is very much like driving, I love doing it, but hate that I have to do it with other people.
    If only. If anything, and if given the opportunity with decent if not necessarily excellent pay, I'd always select the job with less human interaction and less human interaction. I'm hoping to eventually get data-entry work full-time some day, but it's as of now combined with messenger and mailroom work.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nellyrific View Post
    I’m so bored at work right now I could cry. I’m the administrative supervisor at a retail company. Looking to ETS to keep me entertained
    I'd so rather be bored than stressed from where I'm at right now. Then again, I wouldn't mind peace and quiet at work at all times anyway. I always thought it was from also being an only child. You just get used to it. I remember all to well when some of my favorite moments of my last clerical/mailroom job was when it was so quiet you can hear nothing but mice clicking, keyboards tapping and files and mailings being sorted and organized. I miss that, and would rather have that for 40 hours a week again. Not to say I don't have moments like that now, but it's nowhere near like that when I have to actually go outside as a part of my work. And not to knock on people that work outside, but I don't think it's for me. I'll never also look at rain and snow the same way ever again, and always thank my lucky stars whenever I'm indoors during any type of precipitation.

    Quote Originally Posted by henryeatscereal View Post
    I guess i need to "vent" too:

    Lately i been so unhappy with my job, it wasn't anything special to begin with, but at least it was easy and it allowed some downtime.

    But i found out that this job is mostly a "black hole", both as creativity and growth (both personal and professional)
    It like NIN's "Every day is exactly the same", "sometimes I think I'm happy here...", but mostly I find out I'm becoming mediocre.

    SO: i gotta get out, I've been saying, this since two years ago... I guess both because of "comfort", but also of "insecurity" I always end up in the same place I started, it's a vicious cycle.

    But in the long run: it's just mediocrity; this job is a (nice comfortable) prison, it's just holding me back and just making me progressively unhappy, i don't want to end up as a bitter old man (though I'm already a bitter adult, lol...)
    This is what I've been absolutely experiencing, thinking and feeling so far as well, but for me I think it's more because I just absolutely hate some parts of my job so much. Although the more chill parts of it kind of make up for it. And as much as I also love my comfort zone, in this case in particular, I can certainly see why it's not doing me any favors. It's come to the point where I even turn to food as an escape or a reward, and looking back at that, I know that can't be good since it threw a tremendous wrench into whatever plans I had for losing weight. I just need to not forget that among other things.

    You also seemed to have put it better than me, and I completely agree with everything you just said. It's also why I've been feeling a bit out of it over the past few years, and have sometimes even resorted to isolate myself just to gain some clarity. It's like feeling out of it from doing nothing, since I realize that I have to accept what I can't change either way, but completely in reverse for different reasons.

    And while I've also listened to Every Day Is Exactly The Same a lot, I think this job has me listening to it almost every single morning I start my day.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 09-15-2018 at 07:02 PM.

  24. #354
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    Quote Originally Posted by Halo Infinity View Post
    This is what I've been absolutely experiencing, thinking and feeling so far as well, but for me I think it's more because I just absolutely hate some parts of my job so much. Although the more chill parts of it kind of make up for it. And as much as I also love my comfort zone, in this case in particular, I can certainly see why it's not doing me any favors. It's come to the point where I even turn to food as an escape or a reward, and looking back at that, I know that can't be good since it threw a tremendous wrench into whatever plans I had for losing weight. I just need to not forget that among other things.

    You also seemed to have put it better than me, and I completely agree with everything you just said. It's also why I've been feeling a bit out of it over the past few years, and have sometimes even resorted to isolate myself just to gain some clarity. It's like feeling out of it from doing nothing, since I realize that I have to accept what I can't change either way, but completely in reverse for different reasons.

    And while I've also listened to Every Day Is Exactly The Same a lot, I think this job has me listening to it almost every single morning I start my day.
    Well, it's a tricky situation because in a way you have confort, but also you are being held back; that's why i described it as a "confortable prison", you can't say it's "all bad", but you know on the long run it's not good.

    That's the thing about "vicious cycles", it's like smoking: of course it gives you pleasure, but in the near or long run it could be terrible for you.
    I relate what you say the food, i don't smoke and rarely drink, but i love junk food and it's common to me to use it as a "reward" for my crappy day, just like you.
    I think the first step is knowing, but as you know that's only "half the battle", if you don't take action you can do years "running in circles".

  25. #355
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    Today I went and took a urinalysis for a job I'm starting next month and I have to say, it was the easiest one I've ever taken. The tech just handed me the cup, told me where to fill it to, and left the bathroom to leave me in privacy.

  26. #356
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rubeninphoenix View Post
    Today I went and took a urinalysis for a job I'm starting next month and I have to say, it was the easiest one I've ever taken. The tech just handed me the cup, told me where to fill it to, and left the bathroom to leave me in privacy.
    Important Question: What does this mean for the future of Rubie's Doobies, and the craftsmanship that you bring to that area?

  27. #357
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    every time i think i'm going to quit my boss throws me a cool assignment physical pen test for a local co-low super fun suppose get the engagement contract tomorrow too fun busy cutting out padlock shims from beer cans.

  28. #358
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Important Question: What does this mean for the future of Rubie's Doobies, and the craftsmanship that you bring to that area?
    "Craftsmanship" is a very strong term there. I suppose it's still in the realm of possibility, just have to find that principal capital investor and we're off to the races.

  29. #359
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    I spent close to two and a half hours filling out online forms for the new job yesterday but I am very excited to begin a new chapter in my professional career!

  30. #360
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    I'll say this, the other side of my employer kicks ass. They're gonna give this family that helped evacuate people from the fire in Paradise, CA a brand new truck thanks to this IG post: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp8Z-fNB...u9YbdxyvlJobt8

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