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Thread: Work

  1. #361
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    This motherfucker still needle dicking me on hours. Our other cook is leaving and he still won't get me close to 40. It's slow we are only open 5 days but still he keeps me at 34 even when he could get me the extra 4-5 hours. That's all i want. I've been working here now 2.5 years under him for 1.5 of that. I'm sure it stems from this summer when i called him on his bullshit. But work is work, nothing personal. Unless being a team player only counts if he's the coach. I do what he asks without issue, I carry his silly ass on the daily, I've yet to miss a shift or call out the entire time I've been here yet he still thinks so highly of himself to think that I'm just gonna sit back at take it. Other dude is off to a diff spot they own as their chef needed help and gave him his banker hours. Come to find out she is losing her current main person soon. I don't want to be that guy but i may just do it. It's that or find someplace else entirely. Also about 4 weeks ago he mentioned to me about being his sous. I said yeah sure, maybe we can talk about this not in the middle of service. It came up from other's in the company as well, even the owner chef, the prospect of going on salary that is. I go and ask him couple weeks back and he's says, "well now that it's slow idk." Motherfucker it was slow when you asked me and you should know what's coming up. Yet still he must think I'm playing a fool or some shit. not to mention in a round about way about half the new items on the menu are things that have either made for employees or myself to eat. I get an item I talked with chef about on it and that's as far as my input went. Come tonight we roll out this menu and were plating shit and figuring everything out on the fly. No pre-plan whatsoever in place. He even had them put out the old menus until 5 (we open at 4) and all the old stuff we don't really even have the stuff for in house. At the risk of sounding like a real cunt, I'm a better cook than him and I'm sure it bugs the fuck out of him. It shouldn't he's my boss. I've tried managment and am not very good at the people stuff, not every good player is a coach kind of thing. I'm okay with it. It id what it is, but when this motherfucker can't make a soup in the 4 hours he's there before we open and decides to add a half gallon of milk to our tomatoe basil soup and not even bother to thicken it back up a bit, I can hardly keep my mouth shut. I'm completely over cover up his half ass bullshit all the while he act's like a god because he manages to cook something right. Whatever fuck him and his shit don't stink fucking crusty ass. I'll eat all sorts of shit because that's par for the restaurant industry but if i feel like you're jerking me around I'm done. I've got nearly 20 fucking years in the buisness don't treat me like I'm some newby who doesn't know a fuck ass when I see one. Like the saying goes, "real recognizes real" and that' why he's blind.

  2. #362
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    Our building ran out of oil over the weekend and it was freeeeeeezing this morning. My coworker calls the oil company and asks them to bring over more oil, and they said that our contract with them was terminated. Our business manager goes, "Could it be the bill was due on October 15th and I paid it on November 20th?"

    I don't know why this is allowed - but our business manager never ever pays any of the bills on time. How can you let something like this just go by, especially now that winter is here? It's not like the company is broke. Ugh, so frustrating.

  3. #363
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    Our building ran out of oil over the weekend and it was freeeeeeezing this morning. My coworker calls the oil company and asks them to bring over more oil, and they said that our contract with them was terminated. Our business manager goes, "Could it be the bill was due on October 15th and I paid it on November 20th?"

    I don't know why this is allowed - but our business manager never ever pays any of the bills on time. How can you let something like this just go by, especially now that winter is here? It's not like the company is broke. Ugh, so frustrating.
    This is what account managers do, especially in the industry i work in. We have a automated system so we can approve the invoices for suppliers so they don't put us on stop or walk off site, yet our accounts manager upstairs almost NEVER pays anything on time as he wants to hold onto the cash for as long as possible, which means despite us going to all the trouble of making sure the invoices are approved we STILL get put on stop, annoys the fuck outta me!

  4. #364
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    They're really not kidding when they say that your job will always affect your personal life. I don't completely hate it, but I know I'd rather be doing something else, yet I try to remain grateful as I still need something to do, as well as keep my resume as active as I should. It's not the worst job, but it's also not the best job either. If I don't get to wake up in love with want I do, I just want to wake up being okay with what I do and not feeling an ever looming sense of dread and discomfort every Sunday night. Some days are still thankfully much better than others, or just chill, so I'm always grateful for that.

    This is why I'm always extremely happy for those that are in love with what they do and eagerly wake up ready for work with absolute unrestrained gusto/panache/flair like SpongeBob SquarePants skipping/sprinting to the Krusty Krab and instantly make sure to remind them just how grateful and contented they should be and to never ever take it for granted. This is to the max when they clearly not find/obtain/accomplish/achieve something they love, but something they've even wanted to do all along while also finding their exact place to the point they're where they not only want to be there, but need to be there, but out of joy and love as opposed to fear and endurance. (Especially when the endurance itself is tested, or even broken at the very worst.)

    God/Science bless you people, oh so very, very much.

    I'm just looking for some motivation, perspective and encourage to keep it moving, and still hope to find a better place in this life. This also came to mind because I've seen family and friends in real life end up in love with what they do and I couldn't be any more happier for them. It also cheers me up from time to time.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 03-08-2019 at 07:29 PM.

  5. #365
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    Same. I have Indeed emailing me new job listings everyday

  6. #366
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    Quote Originally Posted by Halo Infinity View Post
    They're really not kidding when they say that your job will always affect your personal life. I don't completely hate it, but I know I'd rather be doing something else, yet I try to remain grateful as I still need something to do, as well as keep my resume as active as I should. It's not the worst job, but it's also not the best job either. If I don't get to wake up in love with want I do, I just want to wake up being okay with what I do and not feeling an ever looming sense of dread and discomfort every Sunday night. Some days are still thankfully much better than others, or just chill, so I'm always grateful for that.

    This is why I'm always extremely happy for those that are in love with what they do and eagerly wake up ready for work with absolute unrestrained gusto/panache/flair like SpongeBob SquarePants skipping/sprinting to the Krusty Krab and instantly make sure to remind them just how grateful and contented they should be and to never ever take it for granted. This is to the max when they clearly not find/obtain/accomplish/achieve something they love, but something they've even wanted to do all along while also finding their exact place to the point they're where they not only want to be there, but need to be there, but out of joy and love as opposed to fear and endurance. (Especially when the endurance itself is tested, or even broken at the very worst.)

    God/Science bless you people, oh so very, very much.

    I'm just looking for some motivation, perspective and encourage to keep it moving, and still hope to find a better place in this life. This also came to mind because I've seen family and friends in real life end up in love with what they do and I couldn't be any more happier for them. It also cheers me up from time to time.
    I have been having a hard time with my job. I feel like wasted potential and don't have the opportunities to get a promotion because I work remotely. Recently I interviewed for TWO jobs; One in November and one in January. BOTH of the interviews seemed to go stellar but then I was told that the companies decided not to hire for the role I was interviewing for in the end (I don't think they are lying, the one in January was set up by a friend of mine who is a VP, so he gives me honest and good communication regarding the status of things).

    Either way, I'm disappointed now because both of those jobs I was so hopeful for didn't work out, and now I have no backup plan. I don't NEED a new job, and I am making decent money, but I am not happy. I wish I had another job prospect lined up to be hopeful about but I don't.

  7. #367
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    My boss just sent a group email to everyone about not letting the dishes pile up in the sink in the kitchen because it's super full now. One of my co-workers just went in and did the dishes and is now bitching to everyone about not letting it happen again because he washed the dishes. *facepalm*

  8. #368
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    My boss just sent a group email to everyone about not letting the dishes pile up in the sink in the kitchen because it's super full now. One of my co-workers just went in and did the dishes and is now bitching to everyone about not letting it happen again because he washed the dishes. *facepalm*
    Do you secretly work in my office? Haha

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  9. #369
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    Haha. It's ridiculous, and he's one of the people that doesn't wash his coffee mug after using it!

    The unnecessary stress and time spent on these type of things are just such a waste time and drives me crazy.

  10. #370
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    But seriously, If anyone can offer some advice, I am open. I feel stuck. I am working a job that constantly makes me feel bad and I don't know how to get out of it. I have people message me all the time on LinkedIn but the jobs they want me for are not the ones I want. I put out applications to hear nothing back, or that the role was filled. It took me a while to recognize the fact, and come to the decision that maybe it was time to move on from this current job. And now that I have finally come to that realization, I am constantly bummed out because I CANT. I am stuck until I find something that suits me or that I am excited about. I don't k know how to just make shit happen for myself. Or when I try, it fails.

  11. #371
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    Where do you live?

  12. #372
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    Where do you live?
    Phoenix, AZ

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  13. #373
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    D'oh, I'm in NY. And I'm just realizing it says our location to the right. Silly me.

  14. #374
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    D'oh, I'm in NY. And I'm just realizing it says our location to the right. Silly me.
    Haha all good

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  15. #375
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    Ugh, I'm a loser who's 33 and has orientation on Friday for his first job, yay, disability.

    Anyway, I also have a doctor's appointment related to said disability on April 8th, asking for April 8th off should be interesting.

  16. #376
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    Quote Originally Posted by ItsChrisRoss View Post
    But seriously, If anyone can offer some advice, I am open. I feel stuck. I am working a job that constantly makes me feel bad and I don't know how to get out of it. I have people message me all the time on LinkedIn but the jobs they want me for are not the ones I want. I put out applications to hear nothing back, or that the role was filled. It took me a while to recognize the fact, and come to the decision that maybe it was time to move on from this current job. And now that I have finally come to that realization, I am constantly bummed out because I CANT. I am stuck until I find something that suits me or that I am excited about. I don't k know how to just make shit happen for myself. Or when I try, it fails.
    Not sure if this is what you are looking for or not but..... I do a lot of instruction on job search and work with placement offices where I am (at a university). If you (or anyone) ever wants some help, PM or something. In the meantime, good luck <3

  17. #377
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    Quote Originally Posted by dedevoce View Post
    Not sure if this is what you are looking for or not but..... I do a lot of instruction on job search and work with placement offices where I am (at a university). If you (or anyone) ever wants some help, PM or something. In the meantime, good luck <3
    Hey Thanks! Honestly, I am not sure what I am looking for. Maybe a combination of what you have offered above and just some words that will reassure me that I am just going through a rough patch and that everything will work out. I don't know. Maybe I'll take you up on your offer to see how I can maybe market myself better or something. Either way, its appreciated.

  18. #378
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    One of our teacher's emailed me that one of his students has been consistently absent and was wondering if there was anything we should do about it. I forward the email to the head of the department, and she writes me back that the teacher should follow up with the student's mom. I'm like um, no - it should be you following up with the mom, you're the head of the department. I let my Executive Director know, and she says that I am right that it should be coming from the head of the department, but asked if I could do it instead since I handle situations like this better than her.
    I really hate doing everyone else's job at this place.

  19. #379
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    Got a pretty solid job offee from a guy I worked a few years back. I took over his sous spot after he quit. Anyhow about a year ago he asked if I'd be his sous at the place he was running. At the time I'd just gotten my licence back and felt I had a karmic debt to pay back to my buddy for moving me and giving me rides etc. I told him so and all he replied with was, "how much." Meaning money. Now just the other day he asked me if I'd be willing to be one of his Chef's. He recently took over as a exec. or something i forget for a brewery that runs 3 spots. Offered me 40k, benies, no ridiculous hours. I msg'd him back wondering what the timeline is aa i have a lease and that I would take time to save money to move sublease etc. He told me he had 2 guys already one is leaving soon the other in 8 months, but whenever I can make it work. Obviously I told him I'd do it as I respect the guy and it's a way better opportunity than I'm most ceartainly in. Granted I am gonna have to talk with him some more. Only worked with him a few months but we did srem to agree on fundamentals etc. I did get to know him better after our working together. Idk it's kind of out of the blue but I'm hoping it pans out. As like in the movie Burnt I feel like I'm coming up on my millionth oyster where I am. After dealing with my current boss at the very least it's validating in a way if nothing else. The whole being respected by people I respect sort of thing. I'll definitely post back when I know more.

  20. #380
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pillfred View Post
    Got a pretty solid job offee from a guy I worked a few years back. I took over his sous spot after he quit. Anyhow about a year ago he asked if I'd be his sous at the place he was running. At the time I'd just gotten my licence back and felt I had a karmic debt to pay back to my buddy for moving me and giving me rides etc. I told him so and all he replied with was, "how much." Meaning money. Now just the other day he asked me if I'd be willing to be one of his Chef's. He recently took over as a exec. or something i forget for a brewery that runs 3 spots. Offered me 40k, benies, no ridiculous hours. I msg'd him back wondering what the timeline is aa i have a lease and that I would take time to save money to move sublease etc. He told me he had 2 guys already one is leaving soon the other in 8 months, but whenever I can make it work. Obviously I told him I'd do it as I respect the guy and it's a way better opportunity than I'm most ceartainly in. Granted I am gonna have to talk with him some more. Only worked with him a few months but we did srem to agree on fundamentals etc. I did get to know him better after our working together. Idk it's kind of out of the blue but I'm hoping it pans out. As like in the movie Burnt I feel like I'm coming up on my millionth oyster where I am. After dealing with my current boss at the very least it's validating in a way if nothing else. The whole being respected by people I respect sort of thing. I'll definitely post back when I know more.
    Hope it works out for you!

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  21. #381
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    Not sure if this is a good place to post this, but my company is hiring for two different positions in the Indianapolis, Indiana area: One is for a call center representative and the other is for remote PC/tablet/mobile support. I know there's a couple people in here from around Indiana. PM me for details if you're interested or know someone who may be.

  22. #382
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    I had the first phone interview for a position that I applied for yesterday. It went well, and I have a follow up interview tomorrow at 3pm. The salary is what I am looking for, and it is based not too far from where I already work, and in the same industry.

    But here is where I could use some feedback from you all: When I applied to this job, there were portions of the job description that I had never heard of/wasn't familiar with/didn't understand. I applied to the job knowing that it might be out of my pay grade and may require experience with certain things that I dont quite have yet. I DO have a good portion of experience for the job, but CONSTANTLY worry that if in the end, I was offered the job and accepted, I would be out of my depth. I would be expected to know how to do certain things that I was not familiar with and then the facade would be revealed that maybe I was not a good fit.

    However, they seem very interested in me based off of what is on my resume/linkedIn. Its too soon to tell. The conversation tomorrow will be more about the specific job duties and I guess that conversation could be used to weed out people that are not qualified enough. Maybe I am jumping the gun by worrying about this and feeling this way before the conversation tomorrow.

    Does anyone else here worry about these things? Do I just have low self confidence?

  23. #383
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    Quote Originally Posted by ItsChrisRoss View Post
    I had the first phone interview for a position that I applied for yesterday. It went well, and I have a follow up interview tomorrow at 3pm. The salary is what I am looking for, and it is based not too far from where I already work, and in the same industry.

    But here is where I could use some feedback from you all: When I applied to this job, there were portions of the job description that I had never heard of/wasn't familiar with/didn't understand. I applied to the job knowing that it might be out of my pay grade and may require experience with certain things that I dont quite have yet. I DO have a good portion of experience for the job, but CONSTANTLY worry that if in the end, I was offered the job and accepted, I would be out of my depth. I would be expected to know how to do certain things that I was not familiar with and then the facade would be revealed that maybe I was not a good fit.

    However, they seem very interested in me based off of what is on my resume/linkedIn. Its too soon to tell. The conversation tomorrow will be more about the specific job duties and I guess that conversation could be used to weed out people that are not qualified enough. Maybe I am jumping the gun by worrying about this and feeling this way before the conversation tomorrow.

    Does anyone else here worry about these things? Do I just have low self confidence?
    Trump didn't need any experience to be President. You're good to go, man. You got this.

  24. #384
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    @ItsChrisRoss :

    They may go over some of these items on the job description in the second interview.

    They’ve seen your resume and it’s gotten you to a second interview. No candidate is perfect. What they HOPE to see is a candidate who is willing to learn and grow. Do some homework in advance if you can (e.g. look up the skills mentioned - Google them) so that you can be familiar with them.

    You need confidence in yourself.
    Last edited by allegro; 03-21-2019 at 01:24 PM.

  25. #385
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    @ItsChrisRoss : One other thing you should really think about is asking yourself: “Is this a good fit for ME?”

    Nothing is worse than getting into a job and realizing that you just left your old job and you HATE the new one. Research the new company. This isn’t just an interview of YOU; it’s also YOUR interview of THEM.
    Last edited by allegro; 03-21-2019 at 06:10 PM.

  26. #386
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Mom View Post
    @ItsChrisRoss : I think one think you should also really think about is asking: “Is this a good fit for ME?”

    Nothing is worse than getting into a job and realizing that you just left your old job and you HATE the new one. Research the new company. Ask questions about them. This isn’t just an interview of YOU; it’s also YOUR interview of THEM.
    Yes, I agree with you absolutely. Although, I’m pretty unhappy where I currently am. There is no room for upward growth, I feel like I’m wasted potential and that I am plateauing in my career here. I am not learning anything new.

    At the same time, that could happen to anyone. No one knows if they’ll truly hate a new job until they start it. I’ve never had the experience of truly hating a job at the start, but after 5.5 years at my current job, I feel it’s time to make a move. It’s very scary though.

    I have job stability and security here, but I’ve been extremely unhappy recently, to the point where I am sure that it’s effecting my personal life. I’ll have a better feel for things tomorrow after my second conversation but in the meantime, I appreciate your input and feedback.

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  27. #387
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    Update: had my phone interview today as scheduled. The conversation went well but after I told her all about my work history with my current company and what I currently do, she told me that I was very articulate, clearly know my market and industry and know what I’m talking about BUT.

    The dreaded but. But she really needed someone that wouldn’t need any training. She told me that she thought I could do the job but that she would have to maybe “get me there” and in their current state, she needed someone that could just jump in and go. She let me know that there were other candidates that has previously held similar roles that had more experience than I did so they would be better fits.

    She did put me in touch with three recruiters that could maybe help me but I feel disappointed and disheartened. I know what I’m capable of and I have so much to offer, I don’t know why it’s so difficult for me to find something. At least I have the luxury of job searching while I’m employed.

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  28. #388
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    Well this is interesting... I decided to write something here, and found out I can restore some edited content, and it was this:

    "Fuck this shit. Customer complained about something in project I wasn't working on, so I had to analyze what my coworkers haven't done properly enough (maybe because this part really sucks and we don't do that much anymore), tedious task, done. Now they say it's not good, but I'm sure it is, but the worst thing is working with manager who has no fucking idea what this is about, and in trying to please fucking customer, manager abuses my department. Like, whatever it takes, no matter how stupid, our employes are not worth a shit and can be treated as shit with no fucking reason at all because this all is stupid but they are not capable to understand. Fuck I'm done here."

    So I decided to not post this some time ago, why? ;-) I have an offer from old coworker, for better money, and after 4 years I am getting a bit tired and frustrated, as can be seen above... but to make the decision... sometimes I am sure I can not do this anymore, or how long am I expected to keep at this, and sometimes all is done and I think maybe it's not that bad... and sometimes I am thinking about leaving not just work but also country and everything, sell what I have and go to enjoy the rest of my life somewhere... near ocean? Being alone and tired sucks.

    Edit: Just ordered the 2020 Gary Numan album, and I automatically changed the default delivery work address to my home address - so maybe I am really thinking about changing jobs? But leaving the country is just an escape dream? :-) Tell me more, subconsciousness!

    Edit 2: But seriously, I find it kinda sad when company prefers pleasing client to respect its own people and just saying "no" to client. I don't want to be treated like this anymore.
    Last edited by Substance242; 03-24-2019 at 08:08 AM.

  29. #389
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    A crazy mother just went off on me at 9am this morning. Holy shit. Here's to the rest of the day....

  30. #390
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    Well I interviewed for a job today at a grill in a local hotel in the Radisson corp. entity here in town. Talked with the chef and accepted. More money guaranteed(hate this word) hours most likely 4-10's so ill have 3 days off, possibility of sous which from the sounds of things I could easily get. Benies, discounts on hotel things etc. Menu is pretty basic but still good. Some things I haven't done and things I like doing, yeah Pizzas. Guy is a bit younger than me but seems to have a good outlook on how things should be similar years in the game. Now I have to break the news to my current job right before the busy season kicks off. If you've read my rants you know it's been a long time coming. Still as I like the people where I am, it must be done. All my partially petty bitching aside I feel a lot better. I know exactly how green the grass is in this business. I'm going to offer up to help when possible because I understand how things are. That said, I gave up more than I otherwise would have to stay as long as I have. It's time.

    Also I have a standing offer for a chef's position out of town from an old coworker, decent salary, benies etc as well the ability that I can take it when I am able to make the move.

    Years ago before I started in this business I vowed never to become job dependant. Now in some ways cooking is all I've done but I've managed to maintain some freedom in that regard by taking what I do seriously, which the right people recognize.

    Today was a good day.
    Last edited by Pillfred; 03-29-2019 at 11:50 PM.

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