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Thread: Work

  1. #511
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    started at starbucks this week! all the training has mostly been refreshers for me. i'm doing pretty well. definitely got overwhelmed when we got six frappucino orders at once, and two of them were completely new to me (WHY DO PEOPLE WANT THE STRAWBERRY FUNNEL CAKE ONE?!? it sounds DISGUSTING!) but i recovered.

    i did get "sir"d three times yesterday (and once today) but i'm trying to repeat my mantra of "water off a duck's back" so it doesn't get to me too much. :/

  2. #512
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    this kind of monster does! (not me, just a friend who posted today)

  3. #513
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    Starting today on a new audiobook edit. It's another novel, and this time just one narrator's reading it, but the story's told via the protagonist going through old boxes of correspondence between family members. The finished edit's probably going to be about 12 hours long, so I estimate about three weeks of part-time work to get the first pass done and over to QC before refinement/retake requests. In my full-time job, we're stuck without any access to the theatre where I work by an even further-extended lockdown, which is now in place until at least June... and so, apart from a couple of digital meetings and other busywork day-to-day, I am stuck without a lot to do. Figured I might as well take on another project.

  4. #514
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    getting back into the swing of starbucks. stayed an extra hour today because other than me and the shift manager, everyone else was new, and two of them are...not very good.

    i solo'd on drive-thru for like 4 hours without a single issue (other than a guy driving off without paying!) and as soon as one of the new people came over to take orders, she fucked up 8 orders in an hour, which all had to be remade.

    i also got sir'd like 4 times, but i ALSO got like 15 compliments on my eye makeup so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  5. #515
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liam Cooper View Post
    Are you going to get further promotion on your current job or to change it? At the moment I am working remotely but there are tons of things I don't like. So I wonder what people usually do when they are not fully satisfied with their job.
    I got vaccinated, so I'm now going into the office and working from home 1-2 days a week. My company is pretty small, and I just did a career change for this job, so I'm not really in a position to bounce for a couple of years. Thankfully, I'm pretty ok with it now.

  6. #516
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    I'm trying to get an employee access to a remote site so I have to go through that sites IT. They did the request incorrectly but one of the team emailed me saying "I fixed it". It wasn't fixed actually so I went to email him back. Outlook says "offline for seven days" so I email the IT team asking for an update and to just give the employee his user/pass.

    Dude sends me a Teams chat asking me "what exactly do you want me to do with that email I sent him." weird, he's offline but ok? So I respond "can you just give the employee his information like I asked?"

    He replies all saying "well the user didn't log in in five days so his account was disusered. Also next time you can just email me directly." Well fuck you too.

    So I take a screen shot of his Outlook information that says he's offline for seven days and paste that into the reply with the response of "Next time you're online I will. Also if you had fixed the account the first time he would have logged in within five days."

    Oh and I reply all as well because fuck him. He wants to be big dick in front of his friends like that? I've got a bigger dick.

  7. #517
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    I find that Outlook can be wonky with the "status."
    But yah, guy is a dick.

  8. #518
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    The only thing I like more than "Reply All" is forwarding someone an email I already sent to them which they claim they didn't.

  9. #519
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    Oh hey I had one of those last week. Months ago someone contacted me for a memo so I sent it to them and the email address that they specified it needed to go to. The email address bounced back to me because it was unknown. I forwarded that email to the person asking what they wanted me to do. Radio silence.

    Cut to last week when they sent an email to a bunch of people plus my boss saying "since I still don't have the memo..." so I replied all and attached both the email I sent initially and the second forward and my response was "wow you don't have a memo? that's rough."

  10. #520
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archive_Reports View Post
    The only thing I like more than "Reply All" is forwarding someone an email I already sent to them which they claim they didn't.
    Greatest inter-office E-mail self-own I've ever seen was when my boss got a message saying "I can't, I don't own a phone"... with the signature "Sent from my iPhone". We printed that one out and stuck it on the wall.

  11. #521
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    Today was the last day of school where I work. I work as a behavior interventionist so I attend school with a single client that I work with, attending all his classes and helping him maintain self-regulation and on-task behavior and stuff like that. This is my sixth year doing this job. The goal is always to work yourself out of a job, and this was the first year where I succeeded in doing that. Unfortunately you can't always succeed with the type of kids we work with, but I had a good kid this year and was able to help him work towards not needing a BI. It's a very difficult job at times, but this was a particularly rewarding year.

  12. #522
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    Sounds difficult.. Never had the patience for this kind of social work. I can imagine you need nerves of steel and an overall very positive attitude.

    I'm glad to read other people deal with Office and Microsoft Teams bullshit too. Ever since half the company's working remotely and we switched to a lot of calls instead of physical meetings I'm stuck in calls from what feels like 7 am to 8 pm, during lunch and whatever. There's no break and there's no time for getting actual shit done. I preffered Skype over Teams cause offline meant offline. Idk how it works for other companies, but here with Teams when you're offline you can still receive messages, so now I don't only have 50 unread emails in the morning but half a dozen chat messages, too.

    I already deal with our sister sites from California to Germany which sucks with the time zones and now they think about putting in Tokyo. I might just use in-ears and stay in a call all day.

    It all got so much worse with Covid. Why does everything have to be dealt with in a call..? For us the workload has definitely increased during Covid.

  13. #523
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    Quote Originally Posted by shade View Post
    Sounds difficult.. Never had the patience for this kind of social work. I can imagine you need nerves of steel and an overall very positive attitude.
    It's definitely tough, and requires a TON of patience. And yes, nerves of steel are necessary too as the kids we work with sometimes get physical. It's not always fun. Sometimes it's awful. But with a positive attitude I enjoy it most of the time. And watching the kids grow and learn is very rewarding. This year in particular was a tough one for obvious reasons, but it was still somehow my easiest and most fun year doing this job. I credit a lot of that to the school team I got to work with this year. I'm sad that I'll be moving on to a different school next year, which is something that you have to expect with this job as well. You go where the clients are.

  14. #524
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    After I got vaccinated, I moved from 100% remote to working in the office 3-4 days a week. When I got to the office, the dinosaur computer allocated to me would. not. do. For what I do, I usually have 1 program that's relying heavily on RAM and graphics, along with at least 2 browsers, outlook, teams, a couple of excel files, and maybe Spotify if I'm trying to drown out my coworker who seems to yell every time she's on the phone. Everyone in the office usest 2-3 monitors.

    Thankfully I had brought my XPS13, so I could still work, but being "on-network" ruled me out of using the VPN connection to the server. I had a work-around using OneDrive (don't ask, it was tedious), but it was seriously killing my productivity. The boss finally got me a Lenovo Thinkpad with 32G of RAM, but the processor is i5 (my XPS has an i7), and I'm suddenly seeing how important these small details are. It's fast enough....there's just a macro in excel that I have to initiate and then do something else for 30 seconds. Yes, I'm that fidgety that waiting 30 seconds feels like a waste of time.

    But holy jeebus, the screen on that laptop SUCKS. Hurts the eyes. It hurts us!
    Thankfully our accounting/ admin dude has ordered a docking station for me, so I can use two other monitors and not contend with the laptop screen.

    Unfortunately my time in the office sometimes just makes me feel more like a freak. From day one, I told my boss I needed a faster computer. It wasn't until a couple of weeks ago that I was showing him stuff and moving through my work that he just said, "ok, you do move faster than I thought."
    We all have to take behavioral reports when we're hired. The first line of my analysis was "Works at a faster-than-average pace."

  15. #525
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    Sounds like a coworkers computer. She clicks on a program and can go get a coffee while it opens. Plus hers goes into random sleep mode sessions without saving the work in Excel/Work. Its hilarious and painful to watch.

    Luckily mine runs smoothly. We get replacements every 2 to 3 years. I really do not have the patience to deal with our IT department. Most of it is outsourced to India, of course.
    2 screens plus laptop screen here, too. I never got properly set up at home. Pre-Covid, 5 days in the office, during peak Covid, 4 days in the office, now back to 5. I only work from home when it's more convenient due to appointments or something. I really need the big screens and I have a ton of things I cannot really oversee from at home. Plus, tbh, I think going to work kept me sane for the last 1.5 years.

  16. #526
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    When I worked in a lab in the UK, I could not have done my job from home 100%. I switched careers when I moved back to the US at the end of 2019, so I was lucky to not only learn the ropes remotely, but I completely ended up running things while the exec level crashed and tried to take out the company over the summer of 2020.

    I like going into the office, but I. am. not. a morning person.
    I got spoiled waking at 8am, swanning into the lab around 9.30, leaving at 6pm and having a short 20 min commute.
    My current schedule requires throwing myself into the shower at 6am, and dealing with shit traffic (Florida drivers are the WORST). So when I just feel like not dealing with it, I like that I have the ability to WFH 1-2 days a week.

  17. #527
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    Haha, a classical lab worker schedule!
    I think the peak was a former boss, textbook crazy professor for physics specialising in triboanalytics.
    The guy would not show up before 11/11.30, leave for lunch around 1, be back by 3ish and then work until 10/11 pm. I wonder if he got anything done other than work/sleep/eat/repeat?

    I used to be a bit later, but I guess I suffer from insomnia or something. I'm wide awake without an alarm at 4.40 am most mornings so now I enjoy what I call the "quiet zone" between 6 - 8 am and get some actual work done before madness starts. Still I never make it out before 5 unless I have appointments.
    But I work differently now. I take late calls remotely from my phone and go for a run meanwhile. Specially for those 1 hour ones with like 20+ people in them that never end up in anything productive and you just need to slide in once.. It's a waste of time otherwise.

  18. #528
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    Well, looks like I'm in it now because the job is up and I have to get my resume cleaned up with the specific information that HR will be looking for.

    find out in a month whether I get it or not.

    Last edited by allegate; 06-15-2021 at 12:47 PM.

  19. #529
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    shitballs. I had everything uploaded and ready to go but was waiting on a final resume review from someone. I didn't get it but was like "oh well I have until midnight so they have some time" but the system uses Eastern time and I'm Pacific. Guess what, it's tomorrow on the East coast.

    shit fucking balls.

    So I emailed the person who posted the position and explained as much. I might find out tomorrow if it's OK, but it's a Saturday so we'll see.

  20. #530
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    shitballs. I had everything uploaded and ready to go but was waiting on a final resume review from someone. I didn't get it but was like "oh well I have until midnight so they have some time" but the system uses Eastern time and I'm Pacific. Guess what, it's tomorrow on the East coast.

    shit fucking balls.

    So I emailed the person who posted the position and explained as much. I might find out tomorrow if it's OK, but it's a Saturday so we'll see.
    I think it'll be fine. Anyone who uses Friday as a cutoff just wants an established deadline. I highly doubt anyone is going to look at anything until Monday.
    Fingers crossed for you.

  21. #531
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    Well, when I say "everything was uploaded" I mean it was all there but I didn't hit the final submit button. So nothing was submitted. at all.

    And yeah, no one's going to look at it until Monday but I'm hoping this HR rep I emailed is one of those "it's Saturday I'm going to check my email" people.

    So embarrassing.

  22. #532
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    Well, that was fast. I didn't get the job but it turns out that HR screwed it up. The announcement had only eight sentences describing the duties of the position but then asked 29 questions about your work experience, none of which were reflected by the duties. So they're going to have to redo it and then in 90 days I get to try again.

    kind of stupid, but now I know a lot more about the process seeing both sides of it at the same time.

    Oh right. I was able to apply to the position because of a disabled veterans preference.

  23. #533
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    No idea if this fits better into "Work", "Random Stupidity" or "Little things that cheer you up", but it's the perfect combo of all three and I still can't stop laughing.

    So I'm in the office early, as usual, and, you guessed it, first walk into the kitchen for coffee, where I'm stopped dead in my tracks because it looks like a bubble bath explosion / Katy Perry music video in there.

    Turns out whoever decided to turn on the dishwasher the night before used dish soap instead of dish tabs.
    So it took facility engineering four water runs to fix the machine and the cleaning crew an hour to get the kitchen back in order, and I spent the first 10 minutes of my workday printing/laminating a "PLEASE DO NOT RUN THE DISHWASHER WITH DISH SOAP" sign - I never thought I could sink so low.

    The highlight of my workweek. I am still waiting for Funt to jump out from behind a desk and tell me I've been pranked and I'm on Candid Camera.....I need vacation from this nuthouse.

    This is what happens if you rid yourself of qualified people and hire minimum wage workers for facility/cleaning/maintenance that do not even speak your language. I have no idea who else could have been up to this.
    PS - the laugh it gave me made up for not getting my morning coffee on time.
    PPS - I am already assuming it won't be long until they'll just run the dishwasher without any detergent at all.
    Last edited by shade; 07-07-2021 at 05:13 AM.

  24. #534
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    Currently trying to balance the work budget for end of fiscal. Every single email from the person doing inputs has the same title so I can't sort to see what request was approved and what wasn't.

    I'm going to kill him tomorrow when he comes into the office.

  25. #535
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    Got offered a new position at my job, but the annoying part was my boss telling everyone already that I was in charge of new things when I hadn't officially hadn't accepted it/signed off on it yet. I told him I wanted to go over some things first - just had a meeting with him now with the questions I had and a request for a larger salary increase. When the salary increase came up, his whole demeanor totally changed from happy/friendly answering my questions to totally like upset that I even asked. It totally threw me off guard and made me froze - like "how dare I ask for a higher salary" when he asked why would I deserve it.

    In the end, he didn't say no - he does have to go to the board to get it approved though, he can't make the decision anyway. He said he would figure it out. But jeez - when his demeanor totally changed, it really shook me up. And still am.

  26. #536
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    That is shitty. I don't understand why people make salary discussions emotionally loaded. There's factors involved - how much you know you're worth, how much the organization can pay, etc., but there shouldn't be emotion in the equation.
    And your manager was way off base - don't go announcing shit until there is ink on the line. I am a fan of askamanager.org, and reading the articles has helped identify behavior that is/ isn't appropriate, especially as a manager.

  27. #537
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    Got offered a new position at my job, but the annoying part was my boss telling everyone already that I was in charge of new things when I hadn't officially hadn't accepted it/signed off on it yet. I told him I wanted to go over some things first - just had a meeting with him now with the questions I had and a request for a larger salary increase. When the salary increase came up, his whole demeanor totally changed from happy/friendly answering my questions to totally like upset that I even asked. It totally threw me off guard and made me froze - like "how dare I ask for a higher salary" when he asked why would I deserve it.

    In the end, he didn't say no - he does have to go to the board to get it approved though, he can't make the decision anyway. He said he would figure it out. But jeez - when his demeanor totally changed, it really shook me up. And still am.
    that's weird...most promotions involve a bump in pay so why would that be a stumble for him?

  28. #538
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    @allegate It did have increase, but I wanted more of an increase. It still totally underpays me.

    We still haven't settled on anything yet, but is still making me do the things in the new position ;-/

  29. #539
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    Update: I got it! I got the salary increase! Omg, I started tearin' up in his office. lol i'm such a goof
    Last edited by ickyvicky; 08-05-2021 at 12:37 PM.

  30. #540
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