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Thread: Work

  1. #61
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    Yeah, good point, I've read a few articles via Twitter recently that said that even if you, yourself, aren't going to code, learn to code, even if it's through Code Academy http://www.codecademy.com/#!/exercises/0

    Here are the courses offered in the NU program: http://www.scs.northwestern.edu/grad/courses/?Program=MSCIS

    "Object-Oriented Programming" is a Core Course, looks like it's the only one.

    Edit: God, this looks boring.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-03-2012 at 05:36 PM.

  2. #62
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    By the end of the day I wanted to smash my head against the floor until I was dead or until I had a hole deep enough to crawl into.

  3. #63
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    I love my job. I went where my passion is and the satisfaction of saving lives is really great.

  4. #64
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    I've *completely* changed my mind about my job. *

    Real Estate Law is like a fucking video game obstacle course, BUT ... I've been doing it so long, I know how to handle just about ANY obstacle in my sleep.

    This is a real asset in this business, it gives me a LOT of control.

    I told an ex-boss (who was my mentor, now retired) that I wanted to get out of real estate. He said, "You can't. You never will, either." Why? "Because, you're too good at it."

    While I'm not sure this is a compliment or a curse, I currently have a job where I can show up whenever I want, leave whenever I want, work from home (or from a condo in Lake Tahoe, or from Detroit, or wherever) whenever I want, and make a lot per hour, and work from home in my office and be with my old blind doggie.

    And my boss backs me up with everything I do, and sends me emails saying "I'm so glad you work for me."

    Sure, I could be making a LOT more money, but that would mean a LOT more hours ...

    Do I *WANT* to?

    *edit: For now.
    Last edited by allegro; 12-16-2014 at 08:53 AM.

  5. #65
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    ^^^^ Do you feel this way now that marriage is there and sort of a safety net?

    It is quite wonderful to be good at something and also be appreciated for it. Was changing about money or just doing something more challenging? If more challenging, feel your spare time (har har) with that.

  6. #66
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    Nah, marriage didn't change anything, I've always had financial security.

    But the PRINCIPLE of not getting health insurance at this job kinda bugs me. I haven't worked without insurance benefits since I was, like, 18. Not counting the times I worked freelance, natch (at which time I bought MYSELF health insurance, since I was self-employed).

    G and I have decided that I'll kinda "live with it" (this job) right now, since this schedule is kinda fitting into some other stuff we have going on in our lives at this very moment .

    But, yes, I'm bored. Appreciated, yeah. But, I'm still really bored. Or, I guess, BURNED OUT. I barely want to get out of bed in the morning.

    Problem, though, is will introducing "challenge" end up meaning 60 hour weeks and no vacation for over a year? I've been there, did that for most of my life, and it means one foot in the grave.

    Honestly, my best girlfriend and I have been dreaming of starting our own business for a long time but we just can't figure out doing WHAT.
    Last edited by allegro; 12-16-2014 at 08:54 AM.

  7. #67
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    ^^ Why don't you go to a business broker who could sell you a business rather then starting from the ground up? If anything it might give you an idea of what's out there. Or, invent silly banz.

    Having health insurance really is the balls. I can't imagine not having it. Fuck, I can't imagine not having a job. I've had one since I was 16.

  8. #68
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    I got a $15 movie theatre gift card from my boss today because I've been improving my skills and helping other teams out in the field. Also I entered 4 of my photos in a continent-wide company photo contest. Top prize is $25,000. Competition is stiff, but you never know!

  9. #69
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    There's one way to ensure you win: Murder all of your colleagues. Might even get some good photos out of it, double bonus.

  10. #70
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    It's gonna take a while. There's 24 branches of the company in Canada alone.

  11. #71
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    I'm finally coming around to realize I work in a department of people that just want to retire....NOW. You can imagine what the motivation level is.

  12. #72
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    I really really really love my boss! He's been so helpful in preparing me for work outside of college. He introduced me to the president of my school when she was visiting the gallery (which I work at) and she now wants me to hang art work from her collection, around her house. I got to ask for a real pay rate (freelance installing is GREAT!) and look at a fancy art collection, heh.
    I recently applied for an artist residency too, for after graduation. I've been so excited about that, constantly thinking about and planning the installation/photo project that I want to realize there.

    I've been ridiculously happy recently because of all this- I only hope I can create a life for myself by installing art professionally and finding time to make my own art too. I'm feeling so overwhelmed, knowing graduation is only a month or so away...

  13. #73
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    Monday was a super crazy extra busy shit storm of a day that pretty much drained the life out of me. Well I just got a facebook message from one of the Doctors I work with pretty much telling me that I saved the day and went above and beyond the work that was required of me. It feels good to be recognized because lately I have felt like the only one who actually does work. And she also sent the same rave review to my supervisor. double win!

  14. #74
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    I work pretty much permanent nightshift on a bar/restaurant/reception in a busy casino. The only place in the city that sells alcohol after 2am. You can probably imagine...

  15. #75
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    I need the weekend to get here. I also need to get a job that isn't Starbucks at some point because I'm pretty done, but I'm going to need my insurance for a while, so that's not on the table until I handle all of that stuff.

  16. #76
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    I need a new job/profession as cooking is starting wear me out. I like it but it's come to the point where i can't really afford to try and get in at a "good" place cause im pretty sure i make more now than i would at most of the places in town. That and i just feel like i have the gumption. Meanwhile the job i do have while it pays decent enough and is easy just really kind of sucks the life out of me. I've passed my apathetic "no fucks given" phase some time ago but at the same time it's hard to get anything done when our gm is around for about 25 hours a week. So due to his eternal absence no one really gives a fuck outside what affects them directly. I kind of like being able to self supervise but it would be nice to have at least some structure in place. Which wouldn't be so bad if the asshole could take ideas and treat them as worth while that are not his own. We've been getting a new menu now for going on over a year and still nothing, and the only changes he made was to take stuff off it. I'm guessing his nearly complete set of Shun knives that he has at home qualifies him as some sort of culinary aficionado cause he can spend far too much money on steak knives. Not to mention this dick fuck has on occasion taken to calling some the servers "cunts", yes, to their face. Lucky for my job i never witnessed it in person. Im all for yelling at a dumb server etc, but even then i know some restraint. I guess thats what i get for working at a side street money dump of a restaurant. The up side, or one of the few good things is that the assistant no longer gives two fucks and will usually pour a round of shots after work. Which was once nice but now that i have cut back on drinking doesn't do much for me. The other up side is that we can pretty much try and run whatever we come up with as a special, if the girls remember to offer it up. All in all not terrible but with any collective effort it could run a lot smoother.

    tldr: I need to pay off my bills get back into school, do something other than cook and hope to enjoy the idea of eating out again someday. Sorry for the ranting nature, ive had far to too much coffee today.
    Last edited by Pillfred; 06-12-2013 at 04:20 PM.

  17. #77
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    after spending a majority of my working career jumping from retail, manufacturing and gas station positions, i finally grew up and got a profession. a good friend of mine is a manager at our local newspaper and i found out he was hiring an entry position (pressman apprentice) and he gave me a shot. ive been there two months now, the pay is good(better than ive ever had) but will jump considerably once i leave the apprentice program, hopefully in under a year. only downside is i work 10pm to whenever we get done, usually 6 or 7 am. no holidays or weekends off since the paper comes every day. but its an enjoyable job and with my wife taking 4 months off when our baby comes, the extra income will help, currently we are enjoying the extra money while we can. i dont know if i love my job, but im not complaining. dream job would still be a radio dj, as lame as that is.

  18. #78
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    Might be a short one tonight, but I wouldn't mind that because THREE DAY FUCKING WEEKEND STARTS THE SECOND I PUNCH OUT.

  19. #79
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    This week at work has felt too long, need my seven days off from tomorrow, must hibernate! As of next week I will have been working nightshift for three years.

  20. #80
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    Working on a new project for a HORRIBLE TV show that promotes football, frat life and objectification of women. KMN.

  21. #81
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    ok so i need a little help. 3 months ago a good friend and close family friend(officiated over my sisters wedding and played a vital part in mine) was able to offer me a great job with the local paper(an ew scripps division) as an apprentice pressman. pay is a amazing and the benefits are great as well as it got me away from the hell of a job i had for the past year and a half. this was also going to be a career and not just another job like ive been going through for 16 years of employment. the downside has been that it is third shift and will ALWAYS be third shift since that is the only way to get the paper done by 2 am each day. well, its killing me and im not getting to see my wife since she works days, there is also the matter of our first child coming in 6 weeks and do i want to miss most of the day while she is awake sleeping?
    a good friend has offered me a chance at another job which would be monday through friday and 3$(cant imagine!!) more an hour plus it could possibly be a career as well.
    the problem being that they spent the past 3 months training me and only today am i officially on the schedule(being a union job i had to wait three months) and if i leave they go back to trying to find someone else and the 8 guys that work there go back to crazy overtime hours since a trainee is not officially on the schedule and cant be counted each night. i just dont know if i could go to my friend and tell him im leaving or should i be able to? should i just tough it out and hope that third shift eventually works for me or get out while i can before its too late?

  22. #82
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    That's a tough one indeed. I'm kinda in a vaguely similar spot, I'm cutting my way back at my old job and taking a pay cut but my new job is a 4 min walk from home. I guess it's what's more important to you. You may end up being one of those 8 getting crazy the overtime at some point down the road. Then again something may come up down the road. Probably didn't help much but just consider what you think will be best for you and yours.

  23. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninedead View Post
    ok so i need a little help. 3 months ago a good friend and close family friend(officiated over my sisters wedding and played a vital part in mine) was able to offer me a great job with the local paper(an ew scripps division) as an apprentice pressman. pay is a amazing and the benefits are great as well as it got me away from the hell of a job i had for the past year and a half. this was also going to be a career and not just another job like ive been going through for 16 years of employment. the downside has been that it is third shift and will ALWAYS be third shift since that is the only way to get the paper done by 2 am each day. well, its killing me and im not getting to see my wife since she works days, there is also the matter of our first child coming in 6 weeks and do i want to miss most of the day while she is awake sleeping?
    a good friend has offered me a chance at another job which would be monday through friday and 3$(cant imagine!!) more an hour plus it could possibly be a career as well.
    the problem being that they spent the past 3 months training me and only today am i officially on the schedule(being a union job i had to wait three months) and if i leave they go back to trying to find someone else and the 8 guys that work there go back to crazy overtime hours since a trainee is not officially on the schedule and cant be counted each night. i just dont know if i could go to my friend and tell him im leaving or should i be able to? should i just tough it out and hope that third shift eventually works for me or get out while i can before its too late?
    Is the other job a good one? You mention a possible career but is it a good position? Life is short. I know you might have loyalties with where you are now but spend as much time with your wife and child as possible, that's the most important thing. You won't remember much of the rest on yer death bed. Its not a great situation to be in but it sounds like further down the line (unless you can change shift) that you'll end up leaving anyway.

  24. #84
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    Yea the job would be a career with mead johnson.

  25. #85
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    I think I need to make a set of meeting Bingo cards out of this list:

    top 30 most irritating jargon phrases used at work:
    1. Going forward
    2. Drill-down
    3. End of play
    4. Touch base
    5. It's on my radar
    6. No brainer
    7. Best of breed
    8. Low hanging fruit
    9. Reach out
    10. Dive deeper
    11. Think outside the box
    12. Positive momentum
    13. On my plate
    14. At the end of the day
    15. Run the numbers
    16. Touch points
    17. Keep your eye on the ball
    18. Back to the drawing board
    19. Get the ball rolling
    20. Bang for your buck
    21. Close the deal
    22. When the rubber hits the road
    23. Shift paradigm
    24. Move the needle
    25. Game-changing
    26. Move the goal post
    27. Value added
    28. Win-win
    29. Across the piece
    30. All hands on deck

  26. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentient02970 View Post
    I think I need to make a set of meeting Bingo cards out of this list:

    top 30 most irritating jargon phrases used at work:
    1. Going forward
    My manager used to say that all the time. Drove everyone nuts.

  27. #87
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    I'd like to add,

    I know, I know
    In reference and response to any sort of issues brought up.

  28. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentient02970 View Post
    I think I need to make a set of meeting Bingo cards out of this list
    My team actually has a buzzword bingo card we use. Can I add:

    Let me take this offline. ??

  29. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninedead View Post
    ok so i need a little help. 3 months ago a good friend and close family friend(officiated over my sisters wedding and played a vital part in mine) was able to offer me a great job with the local paper(an ew scripps division) as an apprentice pressman. pay is a amazing and the benefits are great as well as it got me away from the hell of a job i had for the past year and a half. this was also going to be a career and not just another job like ive been going through for 16 years of employment. the downside has been that it is third shift and will ALWAYS be third shift since that is the only way to get the paper done by 2 am each day. well, its killing me and im not getting to see my wife since she works days, there is also the matter of our first child coming in 6 weeks and do i want to miss most of the day while she is awake sleeping?
    a good friend has offered me a chance at another job which would be monday through friday and 3$(cant imagine!!) more an hour plus it could possibly be a career as well.
    the problem being that they spent the past 3 months training me and only today am i officially on the schedule(being a union job i had to wait three months) and if i leave they go back to trying to find someone else and the 8 guys that work there go back to crazy overtime hours since a trainee is not officially on the schedule and cant be counted each night. i just dont know if i could go to my friend and tell him im leaving or should i be able to? should i just tough it out and hope that third shift eventually works for me or get out while i can before its too late?
    When it comes to your career, you are the only one that matters. You can't stay at a job just so you don't upset other folks. Here's the thing, the union and the company put you on a 3 month trial that frankly should be a two way street. They can cut you after that period and you know what, you can cut them.

    I say take the other position so you can be there for your family. It's true, on your death bed, no one cares where you worked.

  30. #90
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    Corporate jargon bingo: all already said plus:

    Synergy - euphemism for someone is going to be out a job.
    Up the value chain
    Leverage and extend
    Customer experience
    Help me understand - anyone who says this I want to punch in the neck. You just were not paying attention
    On conference calls: "sorry I was on mute" - translation: really I don't give a crap about this call and wasn't paying attention.

    I'll think of some more.

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