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Thread: Work

  1. #91
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    After starting my new job I'm not sure I can stay at my old one. They have better food but I'm so tired of the constant bitching. It's valid and I agree I'm just over it.

  2. #92
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    I love what I do at my current job, but the work environment is horrible and it's time for me to move on. I have my third and final interview at Twitter tomorrow and I am super excited about it,
    but I feel like this at the moment. I really hope I don't feel like it during:

  3. #93
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    In it to win it.

  4. #94
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    I like the company of people I work with but I'm also mentally suffocating from corporate America.

  5. #95
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  6. #96
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    I started a new job!! I'm working with kids in an after school program that runs clubs and activities. The comic above me reminds me of how this program, that has been around for 9 years, is being "rebuilt" as my boss puts it. For various reasons last year was terrible and he had to fire a lot of people and now I'm part of a new team that is responsible for thinking of new ways to run this after school program. It's been crazy thinking about it since this is the first time I have ever ever ever worked with kids- from k to 6 and soon 7th and 8th graders. Learning how to work with kids AND create a brand spankin' new structure, schedule, and curriculum is crazy! I'll be doing art specifically and that's proved to be difficult with this age range and just for my own creativity for "what can I make them do with these supplies!?" It's not exactly stressful but it's definitely challenging in a really exciting way. I feel like I'm learning what works and what doesn't and that my opinions are actually heard and respected. It's a really small team which is going to get expanded soon, but I really enjoy working like this. Going from a federal (FEMA Corps) job to a small town community job is funny to think about but has helped me realize that this is the level of involvement I enjoy the best. I quit FEMA Corps because I didn't like just being told what to do and now here I am being ASKED what to do!
    It's been a week and a half, I feel like I've learned so much so fast about working with these kids and about my self. I also have been working the morning, before school, program which I honestly enjoy a lot. Kids at 7 am are such a different experience than kids at 3 pm! So far I'm loving these hours only because I live 2 minutes away from the school so having four hours in between "shifts" at home is great. I take a nap, make a nice lunch, read, and still have time to watch an episode of something.

    At one point I thought "I can't believe that making art and playing games is my JOB!" but I stopped short and realized my job is deeper than that, it's about helping kids with whatever developmental stage they are at, helping their social skills, and being there for those with certain needs (like the kid with cerebral palsy, the kid with tourettes, and that kid that we know gets abused at home...) It's interesting seeing my brain processing all this new stuff for example over last weekend when it was thundering during the night, I had dreams where I was consoling kids who were afraid of the thunder! Already this week though I'm learning how to "leave work at work" as I've stopped stressing out over "WHAT DO I DO!!" and realize that every day is new but the kids are the same.

    P.S. Having kids give me their drawings is SUCH A COOL FEELING!

  7. #97
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    I got the job!

  8. #98
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    Re: Work

    Quote Originally Posted by JessicaSarahS View Post
    I got the job!
    Woot! Congrats.

    I'm going to cut way back on my hours at my old job, I can't believe a thing my boss tells me... Our salamander (over head heater, think big toaster oven) has been busted for three days now. He said he called they just never showed up yet. Which is bulls hit, every time in the last 7 years I've made a call or had a manager worth a fuck do it they've at least been out the same day.

    Same shit with our pasta shocker, only that took three fucking weeks, no biggie were only a pasta joint. Other cook finally calls and boom they show up the same day, said they never got a call.
    It's fine if you forgot, kinda, just don't lie about it, you're the boss.

    When other cook decides to suck at life I can deal with it, maybe a bit more work and catching up but when the boss won't fix shit or be expected to do what needs to be done there is nothing I can do to get around it.

    Oh well this is my last full week. I must say however I took great enjoyment out of letting him cook for one of the owners and royally fuck up his pizza...
    Last edited by Pillfred; 09-13-2013 at 09:10 AM.

  9. #99
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    I really like my job, I enjoy what I do. It's challenging and requires me to learn something new practically every day. I just can't stand the people I work with or for. They lack integrity. They're shady as fuck. The managers let the other shifts get away with murder, they come in hours late and leave early while still logging their full 8 hours because they cover for each other, they constantly make mistakes that make our whole operations desk look like a bunch of idiots because if it happens on first shift, it usually falls back on second shift while me and my coworkers are there... And we have no clue what the fuck has gone on by then because our battle hand offs are shit!

    Sometimes I think the other two shifts have something on the managers. They get away with far too much illegal and immoral crap that myself and my shift partners have pointed out to both our supervisor and manager and nothing is ever done about it. Not just immoral stuff though, but things involving safety as well, they are literally putting people's lives in danger and all our supervisor says when we tell him the mistakes they consistently make is, "oh well.. What can I really do about it?"

    It's very frustrating when you truly enjoy the job you do, but can't stand the management or your coworkers. Makes it hard to go to work day after day =/

  10. #100
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    "We have a job for you. But firstly, do you mind getting covered in blood and guts?"

    Enjoyable commission email yesterday

  11. #101
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    i could use some legitimate, non-internet sourced advice on changing careers. i've been at my job as an av technician for 8+ years now... the responsibilities are growing and my skill set has increased considerably, but the pay hasn't changed and the stress has my blood boiling through the roof. i applied to (and received a terrible offer from) another bank in need of AV, and turned it down because it was a lesser move. i feel i may have peaked out, that maybe there aren't any better jobs in this field, so i'm considering a career change, with or without the option of going back to school. i'm not terribly sure i can afford it (but we can make it work i'm sure), but i feel trapped and some days, get manic about being here.

    my wife is advising me to find a new job in the short term, then take steps for the big change, but i feel like a better use of my time would be to plan for the bigger change right away, instead of wasting time applying for a new job. she says it will take the stress off, but even a change of scenery won't make a difference if i'm deeply unhappy with the work i do. the last thing i want to do is go from a horrible, soul sucking, put-my-head-in-the-oven job to one that pays more or less the same, with potentially worse hours, potentially just as stressful/crappy conditions.

    in short, i'm looking for the fine line between more money and doing something i enjoy. both are of equal importance, though i know that's a difficult balance to find. but the way i see it- if i'm going to do something i dislike, i'd like to be compensated adequately for it... so perhaps something that commands a higher paycheck is a priority if i had to fall on one side of that fence.

    so with that in mind, can anyone point me in the right direction or offer any tidbits that might help?

  12. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by frankie teardrop View Post

    so with that in mind, can anyone point me in the right direction or offer any tidbits that might help?
    That's really difficult and depends on what you want to do. What field would you like to work in?

  13. #103
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    i'm considering teaching and since writing this post, have begun the application process to the NYC teaching fellows program.

  14. #104
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    Job hunting is such an awful activity. I've never had this much free time before and its starting to drive me nuts.

  15. #105
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    Ok, now I'm realizing that kids give me their drawing has become a cheap way of saying " I don't want this." Yet, I'm still keeping them for some reason... Today I also had an epiphany! I was looking at books about after school programs and working with kids in general thinking it could help me somehow but I realized that the most challenging part of this job isn't going to be solved through reading but rather purely through experience and knowing the kids. It's kind of a rough thought because I've always had this idea that the more I read about any topic the more I can learn. At the same time it's a relief because I've become familiar with these kids and know that only continued involvement in their lives is what's going to teach me the most and that I'm not "missing" something by not reading a book. Several of my coworkers have worked with kids (some for several years) and even they are having a hard time so I'm seeing that the community these kids come from is playing a huge roll in their behaviours and it's not purely because of my personal inexperience.

    I just can't believe it's friday.

  16. #106
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    This thought just occurred to me out of sheer curiosity after seeing how some libraries, schools, including colleges block certain sites, or even the entire Internet from their computers. Does your workplace by any chance block ETS? (Assuming that you work on a computer. I'm just saying, since not all jobs are like that.)

  17. #107
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    Not mine, I could jack all day if I were so inclined.

    Also, boss man put up an add for a km, previous management experience preferred, not required... This dude is truly stupefying.
    Last edited by Pillfred; 09-20-2013 at 08:27 PM.

  18. #108
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    I go on ETS at work but cannot post, I used to be able to. Some people go on YouTube and watch iPlayer and everything. Previous job I had most websites were blocked but not on this job.

  19. #109
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    Great, I have an interview on tues and i'm getting a cold

  20. #110
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    Does this thread also include job hunting and job interviews and advice concerning those two topics? I'm not sure if there's a thread on those topics, but if not, I don't see why they shouldn't be discussed here. What are the hardest questions for you when it comes to a job interview?

    These three seemed to be the most difficult ones I've seen and heard of.

    1. Why should we hire you?

    2. What are your weaknesses?

    3. Where do you see yourself in X amount of years from now?

  21. #111
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    Finally just left being a manager at fucking Noodles & Co, one of the shittiest experiences of my life to be a theater manager at the Alamo Drafthouse. I start on wednesday and am beyond excited. It's going to feel great to wake up in the morning and go to work and do something that I actually care about for a company that I've thought was really cool for years.

  22. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    3. Where do you see yourself in X amount of years from now?
    i hate this question. they're basically asking if you're in it for the long hall, but if it's a menial job, it's kind of depressing to admit that you still want to be at that kind of job in five years time... ideally we'd all like to climb the ladder, but when you get asked this question for a temporary or sub-par job, it's pretty meaningless (as are most interview cliches).

    i've always wanted to answer it with "in a mirror" but i've never had the balls.

  23. #113
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    Finding my job incredibly dry and boring this days. Only been with this company just over a year so don't want to jump ship too fast but man sometimes just bored shitless! Grr

  24. #114
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    I went for an interview today, great opportunity. It went well but I had to do a surprise numerical test (which is always fun). Fingers crossed.

  25. #115
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    Ugh, been off for 5 days. Next cheque is going to be a shit one. Working tomorrow, at least.

  26. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    2. What are your weaknesses?
    The only way to answer this question:
    Quote Originally Posted by Successful Interview

    "I don't think honesty is a weakness"

    "I don't give a fuck what you think"

  27. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    2. What are your weaknesses?
    Be sure you actually specify a weakness AND how you work to correct that issue. Don't act as if you're awesome at everything. They want you to be honest and proactive.

    I have an interview with the county tomorrow. I'd kick such ass at this job. It's an awesome fit and a great opportunity for an actual, stable career with room for growth. So nervous, but SO excited. I'm currently in the highest ranking group. I hope I remain so tomorrow!

  28. #118
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    Re: Work

    Quote Originally Posted by ibanez33 View Post
    The only way to answer this question:
    I'm going to have to start using that if I ever join the real world again.

  29. #119
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    Do people actually go crazy from a quiet workplace? I find that silence at a workplace would actually alleviate my stress and help me focus.

  30. #120
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    I blast NIN on my speakers from a USB and no one minds. I find it's too much like a morgue otherwise.

    I especially love being on the phone while "HEY MOTHER FUCKING PIG" is playing in the background... although I turn it down when I'm on the phone, lol

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