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Thread: Work

  1. #121
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    I'd love to be able to get away with that though, I'll admit.

  2. #122
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    I'm kinda situated in an area where telesales are behind me and I have my own little area where it doesn't disturb anyone. It works for me!

  3. #123
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    I just thought I'd ask a quick question on long hair and men in the workplace. And to just let everybody know, I really would cut it all off if I had no choice. I'm not going to starve and end up homeless for long hair, even though I like to grow it out. (I just thought I'd get that out there, because people have thought I'd do that for long hair.) And well, don't get me wrong, I like having long hair, but I wouldn't deprive myself of food, clothing, and shelter just to have long hair.

    So, I was just wondering, as I've actually liked almost every single hairstyle Trent had. I could see how his hair was from say, The Fragile era and later on in the Pretty Hate Machine era can be acceptable in most cases, but would having a hairstyle like the one he did on The Downward Spiral era be pushing it? And to be more specific, I'm talking about a position where you'd have to work in a corporate office in most cases. I could obviously see his long undercut from the Pretty Hate Machine and his flat-out long hair from The Perfect Drug eras would more than likely be complete no-nos, but I have seen offices that allowed long hair, but of course, I shouldn't expect all, or most of them to be that lenient and accepting.

    So yes, as far as the "shortest" styles of longish hair go, would this be pushing it in most office settings for males? (Even if neatly combed or put into a small ponytail?)

    -And yeah... I'm one of those fans that also loves his hair.-

    I could see the following hairstyles being accepted in most case scenarios regarding a corporate office though.

    And well, sorry if the images are too big, but they didn't seem to be that big. Anyway, I'm just curious as to what it's like for those of you that work in office settings.

  4. #124
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    I work in an office on the top floor. All the mechanical ventilation sh** is on the roof above me so when Im at work it constantly sounds like I am up in an aeroplane.

  5. #125
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    I can't stand my job. I've been here since May. I'm a marketing director for a real estate company...but they haven't had marketing since 2009 so my boss is a little behind on the current marketing trends and most of the time I feel like I never have proper guidance.

    I have anxiety and this job has been making me stressed, depressed and even more anxious than I've been in quite some time. I've been interviewing for other positions and really want to just quit....but I wonder if I should do that right now? I have a good amount of money to support myself for about a month and half's worth so I'm wondering if I should just sever my ties here and give myself 100% to finding a new position. I can barely make time for interviews now without having to miss some of work since I'm at my office 9-5.

  6. #126
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    i work in retail, and my company is failing, and considering i have no other real skills other than retail as far as on the job training goes, i'm kind of screwed when the whole thing topples over, because my only real options are... other failing retail companies. they gutted the management team a few days ago as a "test", an attempt to cut costs without cutting non-management employees. it's just amazing how badly the corporate machine is failing here in America.

  7. #127
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    I tried substituting irrational hatred, but I can't take it. Today I walked after fuck face tried to justify his pure laziness. Even though I feel like a raging asshole in some aspects, the assistant said she'd cover for me, to some degree. Maybe it's cause I got creamed when I started out in the kitchen by old timers, but fuck some shit is just basic....

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by thefragile_jake View Post
    I can't stand my job. I've been here since May. I'm a marketing director for a real estate company...but they haven't had marketing since 2009 so my boss is a little behind on the current marketing trends and most of the time I feel like I never have proper guidance.

    I have anxiety and this job has been making me stressed, depressed and even more anxious than I've been in quite some time. I've been interviewing for other positions and really want to just quit....but I wonder if I should do that right now? I have a good amount of money to support myself for about a month and half's worth so I'm wondering if I should just sever my ties here and give myself 100% to finding a new position. I can barely make time for interviews now without having to miss some of work since I'm at my office 9-5.
    Do you need them as a reference? Will they be S.O.L. if you leave without giving 2 weeks notice (this can come back to haunt you)? If no, leave.
    @Kris : I think you already know the answer to your questions: Most of TR's former hair styles are good for rock stars and the unemployed and Starbucks employees. Not corporate.

    (And NEVER in the law environment, egad.)
    Last edited by allegro; 09-30-2013 at 11:16 PM.

  9. #129
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    I work in special education in an elementary classroom. I like my students, and while I'm very good at my job, I hate it. I'm getting my BA in business administration. I would love to have an office job but no one will look at my resume because it has special education written all over it. I find it very difficult to switch careers now, even at my age of 32.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Do you need them as a reference? Will they be S.O.L. if you leave without giving 2 weeks notice (this can come back to haunt you)? If no, leave.
    It's hard to say if I need them as a reference, this is my first technically "real job" after college and while I was lucky enough to find something in my field basically right out of school...I think because there was a period of not finding anything, I jumped on the chance to work here and now I'm feeling the effects of a business that doesn't understand the ideas of marketing structure....I'm not saying I need my hand held the hold time, but I get very frustrated at the lack of guidance here. I guess technically I do sort of need them as a reference in the fact that my position as "marketing director" looks attractive in future interviews.

    There are some projects we've been working on...but again, they seem very spur of the moment..."HEY JAKE, DO THIS NOW" kind of things...which isn't bad but I just wish we had more of a marketing plan besides "OH SHIT, THIS ISN'T WORKING. DO STUFF ON THE INTERNET AND DO IT NOW!". These projects we're working on might put them in a SOL position...and I know how that can haunt me in my career later on. I just know that I never feel comfortable at work really and every day I leave exhausted from the amount of personal and professional stress I get from working there.

    I'm really considering leaving soon...thanks for the input allegro!

  11. #131
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    Look for work, something better comes up give notice and move on. You get what you can from a job, as they do from you. When it doesn't work it's best to move on.

    (yes, I'm considering taking my own advice)

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    @Kris : I think you already know the answer to your questions: Most of TR's former hair styles are good for rock stars and the unemployed and Starbucks employees. Not corporate.

    (And NEVER in the law environment, egad.)
    That's true, but I wanted to see if there was the off-chance of getting a response from somebody that actually got away with it. I actually saw somebody work at an office with hair that was like Marilyn Manson's hair back in 1995-1996, but cases like that are obviously one in a million. And yes, I've figured that even his donning TDS era hair would be pushing it too. (I only wondered about that since it seemed to be the shortest and most controlled out of his longer hairstyles, but I also think his hair in 1991 and 1999 have to be able to pass for it. That is unless it doesn't allow for even the ears to be covered even if for just a little bit, depending on how the dress code policies actually are.)

    And to add more to this, I've actually seen people get away with dreadlocks too, but of course, such appearances were extremely scarce in that environment too.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 10-01-2013 at 12:50 AM.

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by thefragile_jake View Post
    It's hard to say if I need them as a reference, this is my first technically "real job" after college and while I was lucky enough to find something in my field basically right out of school...I think because there was a period of not finding anything, I jumped on the chance to work here and now I'm feeling the effects of a business that doesn't understand the ideas of marketing structure....I'm not saying I need my hand held the hold time, but I get very frustrated at the lack of guidance here. I guess technically I do sort of need them as a reference in the fact that my position as "marketing director" looks attractive in future interviews.

    There are some projects we've been working on...but again, they seem very spur of the moment..."HEY JAKE, DO THIS NOW" kind of things...which isn't bad but I just wish we had more of a marketing plan besides "OH SHIT, THIS ISN'T WORKING. DO STUFF ON THE INTERNET AND DO IT NOW!". These projects we're working on might put them in a SOL position...and I know how that can haunt me in my career later on. I just know that I never feel comfortable at work really and every day I leave exhausted from the amount of personal and professional stress I get from working there.

    I'm really considering leaving soon...thanks for the input allegro!
    I think you need the reference regardless of how discombobulated your current work is. On your resume and in interviews you can really re-translate so much of what you do. You're in Marketing - figure it out. No guidance? You're a self starter, able to work independently. You're the only one? You are the CMO! And on and on. I've never done this, but maybe you tell them that it's not going to work out and maybe help find a replacement, part time it, and look for a job. Everyone wins? Someone else might comment on whether that's realistic, but it sounds like an excellent exit plan to me!

    I just got a new manager. It's a bit odd, but it's the first time manager who was my peer before and frankly I have years of experience on him. He's just an eager beaver. I'm a bit twisted that it wasn't suggested that I apply for the job, or that I didn't even throw my hat in the ring even though I currently have no desire to go back in to management (I did a while back and while great experience - I felt like they all wanted to be mother'd and my maternal instinct is limited). Anywho - I say twisted in that I've been buzzing along in the same position for so long, they say you should actually move around a bit. I'm turning into a old bell shaped head (reference to old telephone pensioning pulling worker for you young folk) and I'm afraid I'll be put on the dinosaur-can't-be-taught-new-things-list-let's-lay-her-off. Ugggh.

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by thefragile_jake View Post
    It's hard to say if I need them as a reference, this is my first technically "real job" after college and while I was lucky enough to find something in my field basically right out of school...I think because there was a period of not finding anything, I jumped on the chance to work here and now I'm feeling the effects of a business that doesn't understand the ideas of marketing structure....I'm not saying I need my hand held the hold time, but I get very frustrated at the lack of guidance here. I guess technically I do sort of need them as a reference in the fact that my position as "marketing director" looks attractive in future interviews.

    There are some projects we've been working on...but again, they seem very spur of the moment..."HEY JAKE, DO THIS NOW" kind of things...which isn't bad but I just wish we had more of a marketing plan besides "OH SHIT, THIS ISN'T WORKING. DO STUFF ON THE INTERNET AND DO IT NOW!". These projects we're working on might put them in a SOL position...and I know how that can haunt me in my career later on. I just know that I never feel comfortable at work really and every day I leave exhausted from the amount of personal and professional stress I get from working there.
    I had two jobs just like this when I was around your age, management-level Marketing and Advertising positions; you DO need this job, you need the experience, you need to convince them what they need, you need to do research, you need to put together presentations and reports to back up your strategies, you need to do marketing research to show whether or not what THEY want is working, you need to be assertive and stand behind your opinion, that's your job, that's why they hired you as Marketing Director. It shouldn't be just a title, it should be a description of your job. This is one of the hardest things to do when you're young and becoming a Real Live Adult and given a position like this: doing your job without needing direction. You have to fly solo. Yes, it's scary. But, unless you want the "assistant" title forever, now is a good time to start making your job title valid.

    I'll let you in on a little secret: No company understands the idea of marketing structure. It's your job to help them understand. And, unfortunately, you're going to be surrounded by clueless management and sales people who think up "great" ideas that are total turds and it's gonna be your job to test it, track it, and show how it's not working, or provide data to show why it won't work. Stamping out fires and "emergency" marketing to "respond to market fluctuation" (read: we need to suddenly generate profit) is gonna be a part of your job forever. Don't they teach you this in school? Didn't think so. Unfortunate, because that's the primary function of Marketing. It's a Bottle-Of-Tums job. It can be a lot of fun, and it can be really fucking miserable. But, yes, it's a good idea to put together a Marketing Plan and have some meetings to suggest it and it may take a YEAR for you and management to come up with The Annual Plan but REMEMBER: NO plan will ever be set in cement. Sure, that would make your job a fuckload easier, but it never works out that way. Because business is dynamic, and marketing has to respond very quickly.

    Hang in there! If you need help or a pep talk, PM me! :-)
    Last edited by allegro; 10-01-2013 at 08:23 PM.

  15. #135
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    I love all of allegro's post except for the snipe on Sales - f u - Marketing people are all vapor, Sales people get the results.
    Last edited by Dra508; 10-01-2013 at 08:27 PM. Reason: I can't spell - deal with it.

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    I think you need the reference regardless of how discombobulated your current work is. On your resume and in interviews you can really re-translate so much of what you do. You're in Marketing - figure it out. No guidance? You're a self starter, able to work independently. You're the only one? You are the CMO! And on and on. I've never done this, but maybe you tell them that it's not going to work out and maybe help find a replacement, part time it, and look for a job. Everyone wins? Someone else might comment on whether that's realistic, but it sounds like an excellent exit plan to me!
    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I had two jobs just like this when I was around your age, management-level Marketing and Advertising positions; you DO need this job, you need the experience, you need to convince them what they need, you need to do research, you need to put together presentations and reports to back up your strategies, you need to do marketing research to show whether or not what THEY want is working, you need to be assertive and stand behind your opinion, that's your job, that's why they hired you as Marketing Director. It shouldn't be just a title, it should be a description of your job. This is one of the hardest things to do when you're young and becoming a Real Live Adult and given a position like this: doing your job without needing direction. You have to fly solo. Yes, it's scary. But, unless you want the "assistant" title forever, now is a good time to start making your job title valid.

    I'll let you in on a little secret: No company understands the idea of marketing structure. It's your job to help them understand. And, unfortunately, you're going to be surrounded by clueless management and sales people who think up "great" ideas that are total turds and it's gonna be your job to test it, track it, and show how it's not working, or provide data to show why it won't work. Stamping out fires and "emergency" marketing to "respond to market fluctuation" (read: we need to suddenly generate profit) is gonna be a part of your job forever. Don't they teach you this in school? Didn't think so. Unfortunate, because that's the primary function of Marketing. It's a Bottle-Of-Tums job. It can be a lot of fun, and it can be really fucking miserable. But, yes, it's a good idea to put together a Marketing Plan and have some meetings to suggest it and it may take a YEAR for you and management to come up with The Annual Plan but REMEMBER: NO plan will ever be set in cement. Sure, that would make your job a fuckload easier, but it never works out that way. Because business is dynamic, and marketing has to respond very quickly.

    Hang in there! If you need help or a pep talk, PM me! :-)
    I just got back from the Nine Inch Nails concert in St. Louis a little bit ago...and words can't explain how much this means to me what you guys said. I'll take it to heart guys. Thanks a million.
    @allegro , I might take ya up on that offer.

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    I love all of allegro's post except for the snipe on Sales - f u - Marketing people are all vapor, Sales people get the results.
    Ha spoken like a true sales person :-)

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Ha spoken like a true sales person :-)
    Represent- *pounds chest twice and chucks a deuce.

  19. #139
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    Yeah but it's the engineers who manage to squeak out the products/services that sales promised as miracles out of thin air. Oh and it always needs to beat that "you promised" schedule.

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentient02970 View Post
    Yeah but it's the engineers who manage to squeak out the products/services that sales promised as miracles out of thin air. Oh and it always needs to beat that "you promised" schedule.
    That's only because those Product Managers write these road maps that promise everything including that it will make coffee some time in Q32014. I work with what I'm given - that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

  21. #141
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    After much thought I give them this weekend. Fuck.

  22. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    Represent- *pounds chest twice and chucks a deuce.
    You know the difference between sales and marketing, right? Sales can only lie to one person at a time.

  23. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timinator View Post
    You know the difference between sales and marketing, right? Sales can only lie to one person at a time.
    Engineer. Whatever.

  24. #144
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    I'm getting close to throwing in the towel on my job.

    I mean...it's a great job. You meet some great people from all over the world, get paid to travel extensively, and more or less get treated like a rock star while you're working.

    However...you have no idea when or for how long you'll work in a given year, so forget budgeting. You have no idea whether you'll be working with great people or a bunch of unprofessional people with the worst tempers you've ever encountered. Sick day? What's that? If you've got the flu, you carry a bucket with you while you work, and go back to bed (for four hours) in a 70 MPH, 400 square foot apartment with 11 roommates and no real toilet. And forget a home life...I'm pushing 30, and the closest thing I've ever had to an actual relationship was a long distance one, so I still don't know what it feels like to come home at the end of the day and spend the night with a partner. Ending a date with "yeah, I'd love to see you again - how does two months from now sound?" doesn't win anyone's affection, and I don't blame them.

    And yet, I'm still not convinced I'm ready to give it up. Argh. Why can't I be attracted to normal person jobs?

  25. #145
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    So I quit shit job today, got another 20 minutes after I got done at my good job. I win.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pillfred View Post
    So I quit shit job today, got another 20 minutes after I got done at my good job. I win.
    Wow, that is AWESOME!!

  27. #147
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    Fuck yeah! I got a new job! I'll be going somewhere with a far better benefits package (although I'll start with a bit less pay), someplace that actually encourages and nurtures growth. It's a place where I can honestly have a career. I'm so damn excited.

    In two weeks I'll finally be out of the cesspool that is my current company. They treat their employees like shit, they make the most nonsensical business decisions, and they've somehow managing to get worse and worse year after year. They are freaking the fuck out behind the scenes because there's so much I do that no one else ever bothered to learn. It's going to bite them in the ass, and it could have honest-to-god serious consequences--fines and citations are a very real possibility. I sincerely hope they fuck themselves because they truly deserve it.
    Last edited by aurelius; 10-11-2013 at 11:47 PM.

  28. #148
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    I'm in a similar boat atm. May get a supervisor position at my new job, that and the chef said he's going to be leaving in a year or less and if taking over is something I may be interested in. (very tentative, we're not even open yet)

    Maybe we're encountering some kind of karmic payback for having to suffer under fools.
    Last edited by Pillfred; 10-11-2013 at 11:40 PM.

  29. #149
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    work has been super stressful and busy lately, here's a list off things that are pissing me off:

    one tech fired, one on a "mental health break" for the foreseeable future, another really good tech moved away; all three were full time leaving us very understaffed.

    A new doctor was hired, now we have 3 doctors on during evenings instead of two. We don't have enough rooms to load appts in a timely manner which pisses off clients that have to wait, especially when we get over booked with walk-ins.

    getting in trouble for overtime when I am stuck at work over an hour past close every night (there is no way I am getting out at 8 when there are 5 appointments at 7:45 and only 3 doctors)

    hours extended on Sunday from 8-2PM with two doctors seeing appointments, used to be only one. Of course we have to be the only vet open on Sunday (so we can steal clients from all the ones that are closed)

    new computer server that forces us to go through a very slow log in process every time a computer is needed

    its time for yearly staff surveys!

    clients yelling at me for stupid things (what part of "you will not get back anything you drop off with your pet because it will be radioactive" do you not understand??) sorry I had to throw away your expensive Harrods bag because it got radiation on it. I warned you, there was a release form signed, not my fault. next time use a zip lock bag like everybody else

    un-neutered cats on rabies quarantine stinking up the hospital, here's to six months of extra foul cat piss!

    clients refusing to euthanize obviously suffering pets

    high maintenance bunnies and their crazy owners

    high maintenance bunnies dying and crazy owners sending death threats to the doctors. not cool.

  30. #150
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    The company I do work for may be picking up a contract with Fox. And two of the shows we would then be doing merchandising for are Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Arrested Development. OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!
    Last edited by Baphomette; 10-14-2013 at 04:58 PM.

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