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Thread: Work

  1. #241
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    I wish I'd followed my Grandfather's advice: "you never get rich working for somebody else."

  2. #242
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    I often think about what I'd do if I could work for myself, being a freelancer in someway. I really want to continue with my videography work that I'm sometimes getting paid for, if I can make that a full time gig- it would be great!

  3. #243
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    I've known people who made a LOT of money doing wedding videography work. Sure, they never had a weekend to themselves, but they made a friggin' LOT of money!

  4. #244
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    I am seriously considering doing such work. I've never wanted to do wedding photography or any sort of work with photography commercially actually, despite having a degree in photography...it was all about the fine arts, not about selling yourself! I don't feel a personal artistic connection with video so I feel pretty confident in doing commercial video work. I got paid $300 last year to record and edit a J.S. Bach concert (I've been recording this particular group of singers for a while now and am currently editing their performance from last week). It then gets broadcasted on my local community television station! It's been a godsend this TV station, working as a volunteer on a myriad of video situations has really made it clear that I should be doing this full time! Though I enjoy the camera work a lot more than the editing...

    As for photography, I'm even starting to move away from straight photography in my artistic work. It feels too much of a machine's work and not enough of my own handy craft. I drew for all my life until I had a fling with photography in high school and now I want to be able to do both, plus some print making again. Now if we're talking really hypothetical, I want to do more ceramic work...Anyways. I really need a job that's going to support my artistic explorations. I even have a short movie idea in the works (inspired by Infinite Jest, no less...) That looks like it will be done this summer even!! I just need to get my group of friends on board and save a date!

  5. #245
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    It's all good but, fuuuuuuck!

  6. #246
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    20% tip on a bar tab of over $300. How fanfuckingtastic! They weren't even all that crazy, just drunk and loud with their laughter. They thought I was cute and grateful for my patience. All I had to do was wash the million glasses they went through, they entertained themselves so I wasn't too worried. On a monday night! Go figure! I should be asleep but I feel a bit wired from tonight.

  7. #247
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    Ten till five. Such a sweet time of day.

    Cheers to all in GMT -7! [best coast]

  8. #248
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    I had the most surreal experience at work today. A guy walked into the bar (haha, couldn't help myself) and proceeds to just have a coke all the while staring at the TV that was showing crazy stuff about ancient fish. Every so often he'd share something about himself and I took this to be a conversation starter except he wouldn't answer any questions or comments. Several minutes would go by before he would say anything again so eventually I stopped trying to make a conversation out of it and resorted to listening, making eye contact and nodding.

    Working at a bar has been the most interesting place to study human behavior, I'm leaving in a week and I'm honestly going to miss it. Unless I become a therapist, there's no other job I can think of where grown people will admit such personal stories. In my bar I get a lot of "locals" because it is a little dive-y but at the same time I see another extreme which is the tourist crowd because the place is a brewery. I can do people watching any day but in this role they're allowing me to do the watching because it's my job to be aware of when they need my attention for another drink or in a lot of cases, perhaps less consciously on their part, when they just want to talk. One person told me "your job is to just pour beer" but honestly I take to heart that my job is quite a bit more than that. In any service industry there's the expectation to leave the customer with a good "experience" and I often see people come in whose only interaction is with me so I try to make it a positive one. I see a lot of miserable looking people who look like they want to be left alone but end up being extremely receptive to the slightest conversation cue. Except the guy I just mentioned above, that was surreal.

  9. #249
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    Quote Originally Posted by halloween View Post
    Working at a bar has been the most interesting place to study human behavior,
    Being someone that really enjoys the strange sense of community in most bars (interestingly enough, I see more social interaction and diversity of people at the divey bars than the "sports" or more eclectic bars) and also having a girlfriend who used to work at a divey bar, I've always thought bartenders could write some great books about people and interacting with them. I used to be a regular at a "brewery bar" and saw the same as you: regulars who bring a paper, tell the jokes, meet and greet and tourists or passer-bys who sometimes get into the local conversation by just asking questions. You're right, there are always those (sometimes myself included) who just don't want any interaction other than paying for drinks and then drinking the drinks. But in general, there are always people who have a story to share that they wouldn't otherwise share with people outside the bar. I recognize the good bartenders as those that help bring that social interaction out, be it from telling a quick joke, asking how patrons are doing that day, or just talking shop from time to time. I've met some of the most interesting and memorable people at bars and even though bartending can be a tough job it has to be rewarding in having so much fascinating interactions with people, even if it's over just a couple drinks.

  10. #250
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    28 hours two days. Is that all you got!? (Please stop)

  11. #251
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pillfred View Post
    28 hours two days. Is that all you got!? (Please stop)
    In my job, that's called....well, we don't actually have a name for it. Because that's just how it always works. I feel ya.

  12. #252
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    Thank you. You're a roadie? (Sorry) I imagine it's about the same. However, I'd rather it be this than something else. I'm a sous chef so yeah, cal me kitchen bitch. Keep on brother. #drunktank

  13. #253
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pillfred View Post
    Thank you. You're a roadie? (Sorry) I imagine it's about the same. However, I'd rather it be this than something else. I'm a sous chef so yeah, cal me kitchen bitch. Keep on brother. #drunktank
    What do you do after a long day like that? Get take out? No seriously curious.

  14. #254
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    Bar pizza on a good day? Otherwise if I have groceries something in a bowl. Noodles and black beans. Or a snickers. I usually just eat to fill the void anymore. Chunky peanut butter by the spoon, eggs, potatoes, meat... whatever really.

    My relationship with food is stupid anymore.

  15. #255
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    I just found this thread. I work in construction [I'm a Quantity Surveyor - not sure if this job role even exists outside the UK]. We just finished building a £14m hospital for private patients [those not using the NHS]. It's something I'm quite proud of, but it's been insanely challenging.

    We had a time lapse camera on site which recorded the majority of the build - http://nuffield.reachtimelapse.co.uk/cambridge/ - if anyone is interested. I also have a load of photos from the inside if anyone is interested in seeing them. It's nice now to have a period of time where I'm not having to leave home at 5.30am and return at 8.30pm, so I'm actually getting some time at home with the wife!

  16. #256
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    I just keep telling myself, "there's no crying in baseball." However, I still like my job.

  17. #257
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    Today is my last day with the company I've worked for the last 19 years. Moving directly to the new one tomorrow, same job.

  18. #258
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentient02970 View Post
    Today is my last day with the company I've worked for the last 19 years. Moving directly to the new one tomorrow, same job.

  19. #259
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    Final interview this morning with CEO......... I will not sleep tonight........................

  20. #260
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    I've got a second interview with this company named Lockton as a Content Design Specialist tomorrow morning. I want this job sooooooo bad, but I am absolutely terrified about not getting it. It'll be my first real office job after working shitty Service Industry type jobs for a decade, if I get it. It's hard to even picture what my life would be like, not having to work from 2pm to midnight every goddamn night and not ever having weekends or holidays off.

  21. #261
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    This weekend kinda blew in terms of work. I didn't get Friday off (field workers did), I had to come in on Saturday to prepare a bid, and I was on my toes Sunday with the expectation of getting a call and being asked to do something else. Thankfully I did get to enjoy Sunday all to myself.

  22. #262
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    I've got a second interview with this company named Lockton as a Content Design Specialist tomorrow morning. I want this job sooooooo bad, but I am absolutely terrified about not getting it. It'll be my first real office job after working shitty Service Industry type jobs for a decade, if I get it. It's hard to even picture what my life would be like, not having to work from 2pm to midnight every goddamn night and not ever having weekends or holidays off.
    Good luck!

  23. #263
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    Why can't we do an ETS lotto draw and all become rich together and have a massive ETS unprotected orgy?

  24. #264
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    Echoing the Sperm

  25. #265
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    I'm feeling pretty good about my interview this morning. My friends who work there and have been trying to get this for me, came down to give me a pep talk before I went in, so that helped me a bit. Now the long agonizing wait to find out if I actually got it or not. Fingers crossed!

  26. #266
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    So what's everyone's bathroom situation like at work?

    Where I work people treat the bathroom like it's a goddamn break room and turn the whole thing into some kind of absurd social bonding experience. Personally, I hate this. Maybe I'm too uptight or anti-social or something, but sometimes I will specifically go out of my way and walk all the way to the other side of the building just so I can use the bathroom in peace without bumping into co-workers and supervisors who think this is the ideal chance to catch up. Like, dude, can't you see I'm occupied here? I do not want to gaze deep into your eyes as we urinate side by side and you tell me that your dog passed away the other day (true story).

    Someday I'll be a rich executive with a key to my own private bathroom and I won't have to deal with this weirdness ever again.

  27. #267
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    The company I freelance for just created an ad using Comic Sans.

    That's a valid reason to quit, right?

  28. #268
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    The company I freelance for just created an ad using Comic Sans.

    That's a valid reason to quit, right?
    Lol wtf. Yes, absolutely.

  29. #269
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    In the parts department at the unnamed chrysler dealership i work at, we have a new guy on the counter. His name is Scott. Scott claims to have 30+ years of parts sales experience, which is all at an autozone (and hey, selling parts at autozone and at a dealership are night and fucking day, dude). He has cried not once, not twice, not THREE TIMES, but 5 times that I HAVE SEEN. Dude, just quit already. Dealership life is NOT for everyone. You need thick skin to deal with the idiot customers, ignorant and bigheaded techs, and the stuffed shirts in the new and used car sales department.

    come to find out, his expereicne was wholesaling, which means he only has one avenue by which customers contact him, the phone. Back in our parts dept, we have phones, walk up customers, in-house mechanics, and the sales departments. He cannot take it, and in the process of doing so, has lowered our productivity greatly. Our GM, however will not fire him, because it has been 90 days TODAY, and will have to pay him unemployment.

    Oh yeah, no AC, too.

  30. #270
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    I got a new job!!!!

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