This motherfucker still needle dicking me on hours. Our other cook is leaving and he still won't get me close to 40. It's slow we are only open 5 days but still he keeps me at 34 even when he could get me the extra 4-5 hours. That's all i want. I've been working here now 2.5 years under him for 1.5 of that. I'm sure it stems from this summer when i called him on his bullshit. But work is work, nothing personal. Unless being a team player only counts if he's the coach. I do what he asks without issue, I carry his silly ass on the daily, I've yet to miss a shift or call out the entire time I've been here yet he still thinks so highly of himself to think that I'm just gonna sit back at take it. Other dude is off to a diff spot they own as their chef needed help and gave him his banker hours. Come to find out she is losing her current main person soon. I don't want to be that guy but i may just do it. It's that or find someplace else entirely. Also about 4 weeks ago he mentioned to me about being his sous. I said yeah sure, maybe we can talk about this not in the middle of service. It came up from other's in the company as well, even the owner chef, the prospect of going on salary that is. I go and ask him couple weeks back and he's says, "well now that it's slow idk." Motherfucker it was slow when you asked me and you should know what's coming up. Yet still he must think I'm playing a fool or some shit. not to mention in a round about way about half the new items on the menu are things that have either made for employees or myself to eat. I get an item I talked with chef about on it and that's as far as my input went. Come tonight we roll out this menu and were plating shit and figuring everything out on the fly. No pre-plan whatsoever in place. He even had them put out the old menus until 5 (we open at 4) and all the old stuff we don't really even have the stuff for in house. At the risk of sounding like a real cunt, I'm a better cook than him and I'm sure it bugs the fuck out of him. It shouldn't he's my boss. I've tried managment and am not very good at the people stuff, not every good player is a coach kind of thing. I'm okay with it. It id what it is, but when this motherfucker can't make a soup in the 4 hours he's there before we open and decides to add a half gallon of milk to our tomatoe basil soup and not even bother to thicken it back up a bit, I can hardly keep my mouth shut. I'm completely over cover up his half ass bullshit all the while he act's like a god because he manages to cook something right. Whatever fuck him and his shit don't stink fucking crusty ass. I'll eat all sorts of shit because that's par for the restaurant industry but if i feel like you're jerking me around I'm done. I've got nearly 20 fucking years in the buisness don't treat me like I'm some newby who doesn't know a fuck ass when I see one. Like the saying goes, "real recognizes real" and that' why he's blind.