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Thread: Work

  1. #31
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    I'm an animator, the complete lack of sleep is terrible, but it's fun.

  2. #32
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    I have a "music industry" desk job. The office is small but with nice coworkers, and I get to listen to current music and research it all day. It's great, except the pay is not. And I'm actually in one of those "good buddies" situations with my boss, who I have to deal with all day, so I'm really lucky there.

  3. #33
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    I'm a free lance worker for the business school in my university. Whenever they need something I don my cape and precede to do research, print stuff, code things, edit papers or any crazy thing they come up with. Though I do love my job, I don't get to work enough hours so I might become a burger flipper at my school.

  4. #34
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    I don't have a "real life job", but i work at school being a monitor at my dept. (photo), and also have been working at my school's professional art gallery (meaning it's not a student run/student work gallery) for the past three and half years. The gallery job is my favourite, i've learned a lot about general construction and of course art handling and installing. And my boss is the most awesome guy! I'll miss him when I graduate =[

    I used to think because of this gallery job that i'd like to go into that area after school, but something tells me it's going to be so vastly different that it might not be as fun...

  5. #35
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    Mine is pretty fun. I work at Target overnight while going to school - unloading trucks, moving freight to the sales floor, and stocking it. My sleep schedule is pretty crazy and it led to a no-call, no-show last night. Hopefully I'm not in danger of losing the job. It pays pretty well.

  6. #36
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    It's been over 14 years since I've interviewed for a job. Today, I had one. Is it still necessary/expected to where a suit when you interview for an office job? I didn't wear one and talking with my friends (who've already migrated over to this place) over lunch the general opinion is that I should have (as they both did). The dress code at this place is more like khakis & polo. Thoughts?

    Regardless, it seemed like the interview went pretty well.

  7. #37
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    I currently work as an MSD clerk handling dafety paperwork and physical inventory of chemicals for a chemical manufacturer. Its kind of cool. i get to listen to my ipod all day. But it gets kind of repetitive. Oh well. its a job right? Now if they would only make me a permanent employee rather than a temp. (fingers crossed)

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by ItsJustDave View Post
    It's been over 14 years since I've interviewed for a job. Today, I had one. Is it still necessary/expected to where a suit when you interview for an office job? I didn't wear one and talking with my friends (who've already migrated over to this place) over lunch the general opinion is that I should have (as they both did). The dress code at this place is more like khakis & polo. Thoughts?

    Regardless, it seemed like the interview went pretty well.
    It's would always wear a suit for an office job regardless of the dress code. However, I've known one or two people who've turned up to a shorts and t-shirts place dressed causally, and still got the job- but that's very much been because of a very laid back environment and interviewer. You sell yourself better as a suit though- it indicates that you mean to perform. Did anyone draw attention to it in the interview?

    The number one thing to take away from an interview, is that it's all about the experience. If you blew it, you can learn from that and you wont make the same mistake again. I should add that that I've blown hundreds of the damn things.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by DF118 View Post
    It's would always wear a suit for an office job regardless of the dress code. However, I've known one or two people who've turned up to a shorts and t-shirts place dressed causally, and still got the job- but that's very much been because of a very laid back environment and interviewer. You sell yourself better as a suit though- it indicates that you mean to perform. Did anyone draw attention to it in the interview?

    The number one thing to take away from an interview, is that it's all about the experience. If you blew it, you can learn from that and you wont make the same mistake again. I should add that that I've blown hundreds of the damn things.
    No one drew any attention to it during the interview. I only became aware of it after the fact because my friends said something when we met up for lunch. Obviously, regardless of the outcome, that will be the last time I make that mistake.

  10. #40
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    Yeah, to be honest, you could be totally fine- a good employer will see past something like that if he recognises your value. If they don't they're not worth your time. Good luck!

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by DF118 View Post
    Yeah, to be honest, you could be totally fine- a good employer will see past something like that if he recognises your value. If they don't they're not worth your time. Good luck!
    Yeah, that was my father-in-law's opinion on it as well (and he's been responsible for hiring a number of people over the years). Also, I just realized I used the wrong "where" in my original query. It's been a long day.

  12. #42
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    I've been a death investigator for the last 4 years. It's my dream job and I absolutely love it. The only problem is the pay isn't that great so it looks like I'm going to have to find something part-time to supplement my income. Turns out it's really hard to get a job anywhere else because all of my work experience is in government and investigations--not exactly what they're looking for at Starbucks, Target, etc.

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by brightshadow View Post
    I've been a death investigator for the last 4 years. It's my dream job and I absolutely love it. The only problem is the pay isn't that great so it looks like I'm going to have to find something part-time to supplement my income. Turns out it's really hard to get a job anywhere else because all of my work experience is in government and investigations--not exactly what they're looking for at Starbucks, Target, etc.
    Ugh, that must be tough. Talk about overqualified heh.

  14. #44
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    love my job but lately I feel like my supervisor is babysitting me, its very frustrating. She has been the supervisor for about 5 months now and has completely burnt herself out working way too many hours and trying to do everyone's work for them. If she would just let me do my job the way I like to do it both of us would have less to worry about.

  15. #45
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    I may have to quit my job, my wife has to move. I am torn on this. I like my job a lot, but the idea of something new is exciting....and terrifying.

  16. #46
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    I work for an amazing IT security company and just had a cruise on Sydney harbour Friday night. Amazing business, amazing people.

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by ItsJustDave View Post
    It's been over 14 years since I've interviewed for a job. Today, I had one. Is it still necessary/expected to where a suit when you interview for an office job? I didn't wear one and talking with my friends (who've already migrated over to this place) over lunch the general opinion is that I should have (as they both did). The dress code at this place is more like khakis & polo. Thoughts?

    Regardless, it seemed like the interview went pretty well.
    Follow up to this post. Thankfully, it appears that the lack of a suit wasn't an issue. Got a call this morning with an offer.

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by ItsJustDave View Post
    Yeah, that was my father-in-law's opinion on it as well (and he's been responsible for hiring a number of people over the years). Also, I just realized I used the wrong "where" in my original query. It's been a long day.
    It's entirely possible that your get-up will contribute towards you standing out from the crowd, especially if they interviewed hundreds of people.

    Quote Originally Posted by ItsJustDave View Post
    Follow up to this post. Thankfully, it appears that the lack of a suit wasn't an issue. Got a call this morning with an offer.

  19. #49
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    mixed feelings about my job. love the spouts of downtime and the respectable hours, despise the bureaucracy of the place. could do better, but complacent with 7 years of time spent here.

  20. #50
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    I'm looking for a change of pace. For several months I've been working month to month doing the easiest thing to get by and working with the most scatty corporate clients. I need a big, scary, creative project to sink my teeth into again, but I have no idea where the fuck I should be looking.

  21. #51
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    I've been in law far too long (23 years) and I'm bored and completely burned out. Right now, I have a flexible job where I can do pretty much whatever I want but that makes me even more bored. After I get a few personal matters squared away, I'm going to seriously look into getting back into corporate; hopefully something COMPLETELY different than what I'm doing, now. Even if i have to TEMP for a while to get a foot in the door, whatever.

  22. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I've been in law far too long (23 years) and I'm bored and completely burned out. Right now, I have a flexible job where I can do pretty much whatever I want but that makes me even more bored. After I get a few personal matters squared away, I'm going to seriously look into getting back into corporate; hopefully something COMPLETELY different than what I'm doing, now. Even if i have to TEMP for a while to get a foot in the door, whatever.
    I know a company in Chi town that'll be looking for a contract manager sometime real soon.

    I'm a sales engineer. I've been doing it far too long and am way too comfortable. I need to make more money too. I think I'm going to start looking within my company for a full sales position. add a whole lot of change to my wallet.

  23. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I've been in law far too long (23 years) and I'm bored and completely burned out. Right now, I have a flexible job where I can do pretty much whatever I want but that makes me even more bored. After I get a few personal matters squared away, I'm going to seriously look into getting back into corporate; hopefully something COMPLETELY different than what I'm doing, now. Even if i have to TEMP for a while to get a foot in the door, whatever.
    I know a company in Chi town that'll be looking for a contract manager sometime real soon.

    I'm a sales engineer. That's someone who knows more about the product then a sales person, but gets paid less then a sales person. I've been doing it far too long and am way too comfortable. I need to make more money too. I think I'm going to start looking within my company for a full sales position. add a whole lot of change to my wallet.
    Last edited by Dra508; 02-28-2012 at 09:18 AM.

  24. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    I know a company in Chi town that'll be looking for a contract manager sometime real soon.
    I love you.

  25. #55
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    What I love about my job:

    What I hate: I'm mostly the bearer of bad news at the worst possible time. Imagine spending a few months designing a new complex chip and have me tell you (just before it's ready for manufacturing) that it's no good and you need to do it again.

  26. #56
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    I have had jobs that most people only dream about.

    I started a new job seven weeks ago for a software company. They make virtualization, project management, service desk, and other business software. It's a big multinational. I don't code things, I make sure that customers are getting the most out of the software we sell them. My title is "Customer Success Architect". Which is so lame it kicks ass. Sort of. In my mind.

  27. #57
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    Look at this, what do you guys think?


  28. #58
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    Just got a sideways move to a new role that is totally where I want to be. Love the company and the people I work with, and with this new move I am on cloud 9. It requires a lot of study but is stuff I can put in my pocket and if I play my cards right consult with if anything should happen.

  29. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Look at this, what do you guys think?

    As long as they have a good placement office. Finding a job in that area might be tough. Didn't we shed a lot of those type jobs?

    However, as a women, you'd probably be a great candidate. Few and far between and the HR dept might push hard for your placement so they can report a better ratio. Oh - how cynical I am, but it's true - there are not enough women in this industry. Dam schools.

  30. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Look at this, what do you guys think?

    Only take it if it has a couple of programming modules. It doesn't matter if you can't code for shit. Nobody cares unless you can claim you're "technical" (and a lot of people are a lot more genuinely technical than they think).

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