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Thread: Work

  1. #391
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pillfred View Post
    Well I interviewed for a job today a grill in a local hotel in the Radisson corp. entity here in town. Talked with the chef and accepted. More money guaranteed(hate this word) hours most likely 4-10's so ill have 3 days off, possibility of sous which from the sounds of things I could easily get. Benies, discounts on hotel things etc. Menu is pretty basic but still good. Some things I haven't done and things I like doing, yeah Pizzas. Guy is a bit younger than me but seems to have a good outlook on how things should be similar years in the game. Now I have to break the news to my current job right before the busy season kicks off. If you've red my rants you know it's been a long time coming. Still as I like the people where I am, it must be done. All my partially petty bitching aside I feel a lot better. I know exactly how green the grass is in this business. I'm going to offer up to help when possible because I understand how things are. That said, I gave up more than I otherwise would have to stay as long as I have. It's time.

    Also I have a standing offer for a chef's position out of town from an old coworker, decent salary,benies etc as well that I cam take when I am able to make the move.

    Years ago before I started in this business I vowed never to become job dependant. Now in some ways cooking is all I've dine but I've managed to maintain some freedom in that regard by taking what I do seriously, which the right people recognize.

    Today was a good day.
    Congrats! Glad it worked out for you! Be sure to keep us posted!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. #392
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    In the Waiting Room area in the Main Office, there's a small table next to the couches that has some coloring sheets and crayons for kids to color with while they wait for their classes with their parents. When I have down time, I'll print out some different coloring sheets with different characters each week like Pokemon, or Hello Kitty, Batman, etc. Or if there is a holiday coming up, I'll print out sheets related to that. The kids and parents enjoy it.

    Yesterday I was absent from work, and my co-worker notified me that our boss said to her that she no longer wants us to "mass media" coloring sheets. She'd rather have this printed out because she thinks it looks "nicer":

    I just want to be like, really??? This is YOUR WORRY as a boss?? What the coloring pages look like??? *smh* *facepalm*

  3. #393
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    at some point next month, we're having an "open house" for our vendors & clients (for some reason). we're doing various things to upgrade the office a bit and make it look nicer, which is great because we don't have a lot of projects out in the field that can be worked on at the moment.

    so, yesterday at the office, i started working on a new equipment rack in our conference room. some of the items are getting replaced, some are just moving from the old rack to the new rack. i worked on it from about 9:30 (when i got back to the office after picking up the new rack) until 4:15. the problem is that i couldn't take the network down while there were people working in the office, so for some reason, i volunteered to come in at 5:30am today (we are normally expected to be at the office between 7:00 and 7:30) so i could disconnect the network (and phones) and move all the associated pieces into the new rack before anyone else got there.

    i was successful (started at 5:35, finished at 7:15), and managed to get a bunch more done today before i left at 2:10 (giving me 8 hours and 35 minutes for the day), so i'm very pleased. however, i was hoping to be able to finish everything tomorrow, and i probably won't be able to, because i have to run new wires to all four security camera locations & replace the cameras.

    i am exhausted and i just want to finish this so i can feel good about accomplishing it. hopefully they'll let give me time on monday to wrap it up, and hopefully i don't dream about it all weekend (like i did last night).

  4. #394
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    Got the, i meant to say, talk yesterday... from one owner, my immediate boss gave me 3 mins then bailed. Well, apparently not so much. I've seen teh cool owner/chef two times now. He has to know ... didn't say shit. Speaks volumes, in a good way. I respect one of these people.

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  5. #395
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    So today, my work participated in our local Pride festivities. I got to throw stuff at people from a moving vehicle & wave a rainbow flag around. It was great.

  6. #396
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    My office has been trying to create a full-time job for me since I graduated last year, and it seems like it is getting closer to happening. We proposed an office restructuring in January and were told to try again in March because those proposals could only happen twice a year now (which they never told anyone, lol). Our direct Dean has approved it. Now it has to go through one more Dean, then the actual Dean, then the central office, etc, etc, etc. But I am more optimistic about it than I have been in the past.

    They were also proposing an in-between 30 hour a week job instead of my current 20 hours until a full-time position is created, that is nearly double my hourly rate right now, so that would triple my income. But our direct Dean wants to bypass that and put the creation of the full-time job on the "fast track" (which, in the NY bureaucracy, will probably be the beginning of the fall semester (seriously)).

    I am hoping with everything that it goes through. It would be my first salaried position EVER, would pay an actual living wage, has a great pension, awesome insurance, free tuition so I would save about 20k in student loans... It would just help in so many areas, and it would make it feel like coming back to school was worth it. I know coming back will pay off after I finish grad school, but it hasn't done much for me yet.

    And even if it doesn't go through, it continually makes me really happy to work in an office that is this supportive of me and acknowledges my work and potential to take on much more. It sounds like a cliche, but it really does feel like we are a little family. Nearly everyone here came to my graduation party, met my entire family who came from Nebraska, let me make my own schedule, etc. I love this place, and I really hope that I can join them on a full-time basis.

  7. #397
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    Really frustrating how we don't have a HR department or someone we can report to, other than our Executive Director, about other employees. Everyone has complained about this one co-worker multiple times to our Executive Director, and all she says is, "She's not going to change." Then why don't you fire her then??!! For some reason she just doesn't want to do anything about it.

  8. #398
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    Really frustrating how we don't have a HR department or someone we can report to, other than our Executive Director, about other employees. Everyone has complained about this one co-worker multiple times to our Executive Director, and all she says is, "She's not going to change." Then why don't you fire her then??!! For some reason she just doesn't want to do anything about it.
    ah, like my coworker who thinks "gay people are pure evil" and that "the blood of jesus runs through [his] veins" and also thinks it's funny to threaten to bash people's heads in with his hammer while simultaneously preaching about people needing to learn respect. but he's good at running wires so i guess they can't fire him?

  9. #399
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    It feels kinda disrespectful when client, instead of asking internally in their really big big company, lets us to figure out how something THEIR works. It's like managers there are scared shitless to show some "weakness" or something... and those vendors (me) will figure it out somehow, haha, they always do, all is fine here. Not. :-)

  10. #400
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    Went in for orientation today for a new job, turned out I was a half hour late. Knew I should have went "early". I go back sunday so there's that. Still feel super silly.

  11. #401
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    Last week I got a verbal offer for my first salaried job ever! It will be a six month appointment to start while they conduct a search committee (it is a newly created position), but my department is the search committee, and they already know they are going to pick me. But to comply with law and policy you have to post the job for a certain amount of time, screen for diversity, interview a certain number of folks, etc. Even the notoriously difficult HR Director said that she hopes that I apply for the job when it is posted and she would love to see me be the finalist. It is one thing to come from my director, but to hear this lady say it was... strange.

    They are trying to get it pushed through so that I can be placed by the 19th. I get full benefits on day one, which would mean FREE TUITION for the rest of my current degree, in addition to the at least one more I hope to get - not sure what this would be yet. My director tells me I need to be looking at doctoral programs instead of just another master's, but I hesitate because anything I'd go into would likely be quantitative-heavy, which is my biggest struggle.

    A few months ago I made it to the final round for a two year government fellowship, and then didn't get picked in the end. After that, I told the career services manager that I was moving back to Nebraska to work at Walmart again, as I graduated with my BA over a year ago. So glad this is happening with a team that I absolutely adore, at a university that I truly believe in. MAYBE COMING BACK TO COLLEGE WAS WORTH IT.

    Now, who understands retirement finances? I only have 30 days to pick a pension plan, and I don't understand this shit AT ALL!

  12. #402
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    had a phone call with my boss today where i laid out a lot of my issues and concerns, made a request to be moved into a different position (essentially one that would have to be created), and when he said that was (understandably) not possible at this time, i said i don't think i can come back.

    he was extremely kind, extremely understand, and is going to work with some of the people i had issues with to get them to be more sensitive/understanding of others to try to create a better work environment for everyone there, even if i don't come back.

    he also said that no bridges have been burned, me taking care of myself is paramount, and that if i ever want to come back, i'll be welcome because i'm really good at what i do.

    so, i'm feeling a bit relieved but also nervous about the future.

  13. #403
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    Got moved to Sautee this past week. Only burnt one order of scallops and forgot about a salmon. Not bad for three days. By the end of next week I should have it down. Once again I've found a spot that gives me hope that some places do it the right way. It's a smaller Corp. spot but I like it, and pretty much everyone. Sun on a dog's ass ... .

  14. #404
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    started applying for jobs.

    already heard back from Reverb which i applied for last monday that i didn't get the job (because they're already in the final stages of bringing on new hires...so why the fuck is the listing still posted???)

    today i applied to a record store/small label (their application was a lot of fun...lots of questions that i actually enjoyed answering like "what is your turntable setup?" and "what are your favorite five records to come out in the last couple years?")

    also going to apply to some music gear shops around the area.

    it's weird going from a skilled labor job to applying for retail but i'll honestly take whatever i can get right now as long as it doesn't completely suck out my soul. i hate capitalism!

  15. #405
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Now, who understands retirement finances? I only have 30 days to pick a pension plan, and I don't understand this shit AT ALL!
    Select a high risk plan and DO NOT TOUCH IT. Don't even LOOK AT IT.

  16. #406
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    "Do you ever fantasize about quitting your job?
    Part of you wants to bounce ASAP. The other part says be reasonable.
    Which damn voice should you follow?!
    Please. Don’t quit your job until you watch this video..."

  17. #407
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    I am now more than ever thoroughly convinced that keeping your professional life and personal life absolutely separate, or at the very least, separate as much as possible is still one of the best pieces of advice I've ever received and put into practice. It has given me my privacy, personal space and sanity. From also observing my family and friends that have ever discussed their jobs or careers in passing, that ultimately also still remained to be all too real and very much true. It really boiled down to just minding your own business, being quiet and just remaining responsible and productive while also simply just being responsible for yourself and just tuning out if not necessarily downright ignoring other people's behavior and opinions, especially if their behaviors and opinions are anything but beneficial and constructive.

    It has really come to my attention more and more because a lot more people than I realize either don't know or even care to separate their personal lives and professional lives, while also having a tendency to be extremely nosy and intrusive while also sharing way too much information about themselves. It just never seemed right to me, even if it was also sometimes work-related. Seeing that for myself and hearing such accounts from family and friends has further encouraged me to just keep to myself and keep it moving.

    At the same time, I don't think it's also absolutely wrong to make friends or talk either, but it just seems to get out of hand, or just ends up to be too much for me. It's also been revealed to me more and more that keeping to myself and minding my own business actually not only increases productivity and simplicity, but it also decreases stress and confusion. It truly is something else, because aside from co-workers, even some types of bosses and supervisors also combine their personal lives and professional lives. I don't know. I just go to work to get things done, just do my job and leave once time's up. That's all it is to me.

    I also realized that in reverse in terms of learning experiences, treating work like school is also very effective.

    Before doing or saying something I also think to myself, "Would this have flown in school? Would any school let this slide?" If the answer is no, I just don't do it, and it's helped me stay out of so much trouble, even in my personal life outside of work and school. Which is why in hindsight, it helped me further realize that school is not just for education and academic advancement in terms of getting a job and/or a career in the future, but also on how to be functional adult that's also a responsible and productive member of society that's also not morally and ethically bankrupt. And not that I haven't heard it before, but as with most people when I was younger, it really went in one ear and out the other back then.

    With all that being said, I didn't realize how much I'd want to sleep right away as soon as I got home. It's far from the most tiring job, but at the same time I get tired enough to just want to nap as soon I go home. Although, aside from weight issues, I think it's also because I could've eaten a lot more for breakfast and on my lunch break than I should've without even realizing it. I got to work on that too, yet again, since I've relied on food and drinks way too much to keep me happy and calm/have peace of mind. (Which is just not the best course of action for mental health, apparently.)
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 10-14-2019 at 07:11 AM.

  18. #408
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    Quote Originally Posted by Halo Infinity View Post
    I am now more than ever thoroughly convinced that keeping your professional life and personal life absolutely separate, or at the very least, separate as much as possible is still one of the best pieces of advice I've ever received and put into practice.
    i feel like this is somewhat impossible for some people to achieve. a big part of the reason i flipped out back in august, ended up in the ER and then a PHP/IOP program, and ended up leaving my job is because i was holding so much in that it all exploded at once. as a queer, trans/genderqueer feminist, being in an environment with a bunch of macho dudes who don't see women as people, have no respect for any kind of emotion, and constantly made me feel like a freak without knowing it (because i wasn't out in any way at work) was a toxic environment. and the entire field that i worked in is like that, so i also decided to not look for another job doing what i've done my entire adult life (and longer).

    not saying that's everyone's experience, but for me, because i'm an extremely emotional person with really strong opinions and i'm hell-bent on speaking my mind about inequality/injustice/etc., it doesn't work.

  19. #409
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    Do any of you have a co-worker who makes love to their food? I mean 'mmm' and 'umph' and smacking of lips and just in general making more noise while eating than I've heard a single person make ever. He clacks his utensils on his teeth when he eats. He eats a homemade coconut oil by the spoonful. He chews gum like a horse and smacks it around like you wouldn't believe.

    I have no idea how to approach him because my initial thought every time he starts is "Jesus Christ were you raised in a barn" and that's just not conducive to a good conversation.

  20. #410
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    i feel like this is somewhat impossible for some people to achieve. a big part of the reason i flipped out back in august, ended up in the ER and then a PHP/IOP program, and ended up leaving my job is because i was holding so much in that it all exploded at once. as a queer, trans/genderqueer feminist, being in an environment with a bunch of macho dudes who don't see women as people, have no respect for any kind of emotion, and constantly made me feel like a freak without knowing it (because i wasn't out in any way at work) was a toxic environment. and the entire field that i worked in is like that, so i also decided to not look for another job doing what i've done my entire adult life (and longer).
    I've also met homophobes, transphobes and misogynists in the workplace, which were generally corporate office environments. Most of them were thankfully not people I worked with for hours on end though, as they were just seen mostly in passing and they usually found me to be weird or stupid just because I was quiet or at the very least not as talkative as the majority of other employees. I wasn't out either, but it also left me uncomfortable at the least and livid at the most. I don't blame you one bit either. It's just not worth all of the mental and emotional anguish and torment. I've also had my share of meltdowns as well, and learning more and more about the consequences of meltdowns as an adult has certainly made me understand where you're coming from.

    I was mostly referring to nosiness and oversharing in general, but people like that also tend to be like that, as I've heard homophobic, transphobic and misogynistic rants at work before, and such types also don't know how to mind their own business, let alone care. Bullying in general also kills me from the inside out.

    I also understand that people tend to be curious, but work shouldn't be the time or place for nosiness and oversharing. It made me wonder why they wanted so much information out of me from even just meeting them for the very first time. But sometimes aside from attempting to make friends, it still goes back to bullying yet again.

    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    not saying that's everyone's experience, but for me, because i'm an extremely emotional person with really strong opinions and i'm hell-bent on speaking my mind about inequality/injustice/etc., it doesn't work.
    Oh absolutely. Even though I have a different way of dealing with it, I still see what you mean. And while I'm very much aware that conflict and depression and anxiety are inevitable to me, I also hope to find a job that reduces it, if not necessarily eliminates it altogether. I'd select that job in heartbeat if so. In a way, the clerical side of my office job is where I'm at my most comfortable and secure as I actually enjoy data-entry and organizing files. I also just feel right at home at a cubicle. It's the messenger side I don't like so much, or even at all, because security guards and file clerks, to put it lightly, are not always the best people to meet, like ever. Not all, of course, but some of them were just extremely vile to say the least. (I'm also working at a law firm, hence my visits to various courthouses and encounters with security guards and file clerks, so there was even an incident where a judge lashed out at me for little to no reason, but in most cases, most judges were actually cool/chill. I also got along with lawyers and receptionists the most too.)

    I've also been finding less time to post not just from being busy and cutting down on forums/social media, while realizing what others meant when they told me that reading and typing online also felt like work or a chore in and of itself, but also feeling more tired in my 30s than my 20s, but that could also be my weight issues. Speaking of emotions, that's another thing I got to work on, because I'm also a very emotional eater. It's easy to turn to food after bad experiences at work.

    As for being tired, it's just routine now. Once I get home from work, all I want to do is just eat, and just get ready to sleep afterwards as I drift of to YouTube or whatever else is on the Internet. I never thought I'd be tired to the point of not even feeling like gaming, which said a lot to me, which is another reason why I now tend to save posting more for weekends and vacations.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 10-25-2019 at 10:00 PM.

  21. #411
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    I feel like this job is my swan song so to speak. It's good, overall, in every way I could hope for. I think once I hit my official 20 years of cooking I done. I have no real desire to go managment/Chef of any kind. I'm good at it the enjoyment of it is waining. Even when its busy and were killing it I feel kinda bored. Reminds me of a Rollins quote where he said something like, "One day I woke up and was out of lyrics." That said I've found some intriguing things recently on indeed that I'm going to apply for. I can always find work cooking and feasible stay where I am for some time. Think it's time for something new.

  22. #412
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    Quote Originally Posted by Halo Infinity View Post
    I am now more than ever thoroughly convinced that keeping your professional life and personal life absolutely separate, or at the very least, separate as much as possible is still one of the best pieces of advice I've ever received and put into practice. It has given me my privacy, personal space and sanity. From also observing my family and friends that have ever discussed their jobs or careers in passing, that ultimately also still remained to be all too real and very much true. It really boiled down to just minding your own business, being quiet and just remaining responsible and productive while also simply just being responsible for yourself and just tuning out if not necessarily downright ignoring other people's behavior and opinions, especially if their behaviors and opinions are anything but beneficial and constructive.
    I'll be 100% honest: I'm a scab. Physical threats to myself and my family are an everyday occurrence when at a contract site. I've had mice thrown at me (supposed to be rats, dumbos), steel-toe boots, tons of beverages, even rubber snakes (that one was fun). There are careers/jobs where the only separation you can get is deciding not to sperg out and go to jail. People threatening you and your family's lives tends to go home with you, no matter how hollow the threat.

  23. #413
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    Being working in NY for two weeks and it sucks completely (something to do with software updates). First time in America, Manhattan is great (9/11 Memorial :-(, bridges...), but what does it matter, usually I can't tell where I am, inside buildings it's hard to say. I can't remember last time I was this frustrated with work. Is this the life we really want_

  24. #414
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    Ugh, the holiday season literally almost killed me... I was supposed to have the 20th through the 22nd off, I would have been in such a better place mentally if I hadn't agreed to work the 21st and 22nd.
    Getting one day off in the 12 days before Christmas is not exactly ideal for your mental health

  25. #415
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    Welp, I think it's official that I'm the last person to hear everything at work.
    Also, I'd like to thank management, my good for nothing union, and Governor Fat Bastard (D-IL) for making me a minimum wage slave.

  26. #416
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    @binaryhermit what do you do?

  27. #417
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    I work at a grocery store.

  28. #418
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    yeah, retail in any capacity is rough around the holidays. up until 2011 i'd spent my entire adult life in retail management. sam goody for five years, the gap for another five, then i managed a hot topic for five more after that. the schedule is the worst part. i'm exhausted just thinking about it. hope you've had some time off since then.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kel View Post
    yeah, retail in any capacity is rough around the holidays. up until 2011 i'd spent my entire adult life in retail management. sam goody for five years, the gap for another five, then i managed a hot topic for five more after that. the schedule is the worst part. i'm exhausted just thinking about it. hope you've had some time off since then.
    Ha I used to work at a hot topic in high school! Said I would never go back to retail, but after 10 years working in various production/warehouse related jobs, I'm not a receiving manager at a hardware store. Some retail, but it's my job to make sure the trucks get unloaded and shelfs stocked, so it's bearable.

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    looking back, hot topic was a lot of fun. i didn't fit the aesthetic, but i really believed in the company's mission and genuinely loved the products. the ceo at the time, betsy mclaughlin, was a total bad ass. we were flown to los angeles every october to train and prepare for the holiday season, but they made each trip fucking amazing. attended many private shows including marilyn manson, janelle monae, weezer, korn, alice cooper, bruno fucking mars in the corporate parking lot in the middle of the day ...

    the company changed drastically in 2011, the year i left. but, damn, i have a lot of really fond memories of that time.

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