I submitted a deletion request on 11/18 for the boss who resigned. Easy peasy.

Yesterday I got an email saying my ticket had been completed. shortly after that I started losing access to everything. I put 2 and 2 together fairly quickly and tried to contact IT. The IT support page uses your Active Directory account to log in and since I was deleted...well there was no log in. I get someone else to do it for me and about two to three hours later I'm back, I have access, and everything is as it should be.

I get to work today and I'm deleted again. Fully disabled this time, I can't even log into the computer. I call IT again and they say "you're not deleted" I say I sure am, I'm looking at it. Go round a few times and then the swears start flying because I have two accounts in the AD system and they don't know which one is correct. I tell them which one it is - because this is old hat to me, I've known about the two accounts for years and one even has the incorrect SSN attached to it - but that's not good enough. Apparently they need to go national IT for assistance because this is beyond local help. Sure, fine.

So here I sit. I cannot access any work stuff but I'm on the network. I can't access any communication like Outlook or Teams but I can browse ETS and YouTube.

Well, at least I'm getting paid?