Quote Originally Posted by Maximilian View Post
That main riff is very 80s, I love it
Defiantly sounds like they took a step back to their older material's sound, which isn't a bad thing. They were starting to get a little to on the heavier/progressive side of things with Meloria. Honestly, Meloria is my least favorite record of theirs. I'd even put the popstar EP above it. Popstar has some really good stuff on it.
I think what makes this band work great is that campy 70s/80s rock feel you get from the riffs/sound. I also like the cheesy lyrics about worshiping Satan and plagues and evil and demons coming for you. That's what Ghost was.

If they're going back to the sounds of their first/second records, then I'm not going to complain. Just can't get behind the masks and the "new" singer.