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Thread: Boston Marathon

  1. #331
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentient02970 View Post
    "The photographer could have shot them" Wow, how idiotic an idea is that? With that many armed police just down the street you do NOT want to be whipping out any firearm even if you are pointing at the "bad guys". God, I hope there aren't mobs of dumb people thinking this.

    Having said that, I agree, just standing in a window during this is a ballsy move.
    Of course there are mobs of people thinking like that.
    Just look at N.Y. State senator Greg Ball who said torture should be used in this case.
    Basically said that if the information obtained through torture could save just one human life than do it.

  2. #332
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    These guys really don't seem that smart....

    The 11 Most Mystifying Things the Tsarnaev Brothers Did

    Kind of crazy how they managed to evade such a huge police force for so long.

    Meanwhile, we have Bloomberg wanting to infringe on the constitution to make us "safer." We have already given up portions of freedom in the name of safety in the post 9/11 world. The fucking FBI didn't think these guys were an issue in 2011. The giant police force couldn't handle these very... unskilled individuals. Who the fuck is dumb enough to believe that we are going to be safer?

    Bloomberg Says Interpretation of Constitution Will ‘Have to Change’ After Boston Bombing

  3. #333
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    Maybe it was the only way to put him on death row since Massachusetts doesn't have the death penalty.
    Maybe. But why even have laws if you are going to circumvent them at your discretion like this? Either blowing up a group of people gets you the death penalty in MA or it doesn't.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post
    In domestic law pretty much any kind of bomb qualifies as WMD. The term WMD in the sort of context you heard Bush throw it around in is foreign policy ie international.

    So for domestic law, a weapon of mass destruction is something that can kill a load of people and damage a load of property, within an international relations context it's something that can seriously damage/destroy cities and/or thousands of people
    Sure seems like we need a terminology change or unification.

  4. #334
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    Last edited by Space Suicide; 04-23-2013 at 04:58 PM. Reason: At request

  5. #335
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    I'll admit that's some weird shit, but those are always worded like its obviously right and you're an idiot if you don't believe it. It's all just a bunch of vague shit thrown together. And doesn't explain why the brothers had bombs during the shoot out anyway. I don't know, conspiracy theories have never held much weight with me. Our government is shady, but I don't think as shady as these loons believe. Bomb the Boston marathon to take away our guns?

  6. #336
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    Some of this will be proven or disproven with time (like that email supposedly written a week ago predicting all this). If they start going after reloading powder... shit is going to get crazy.

    I still fall back on the only possible conspiracy being negligence. You can't have that many people in some orchestrated event without someone credible coming forward. Look at all the little shit the government can't keep under wraps to begin with.

    Black/Beige uniform of the baddies - uh... so they are smart enough to pull off an orchestrated conspiracy but dumb enough to wear uniforms that make it easy to identify their association? uh...

    metrick fuckton of armed police to find one kid - I think we just have hollywood expectations of what police can do. The reality is that even a force that big failed to find a single 19yo kid who seems to have been running without a plan. In my opinion, that's just one more reason to laugh when people tell you that the omnipresent police will protect you and you don't need weapons to protect yourself. It's excessive expectations and/or incompetence... not conspiracy.

  7. #337
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    I'll listen to everyone. I'm not going immediately reject an idea but I will demand solid proof. go go skepticism! I did the same with the 9/11 stuff. After seeing that unfold it is pretty obvious that these situations are chaotic. People are chaotic. Reality is chaotic. Hyperanalysing a set of data will create tons of spurious patterns. Just look at the false identification problem that came from reddit when this was unfolding. Some of the patterns will be easily justified when you consider outside datasets. Every so often you just might find a needle in the haystack though.

  8. #338
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    Boston Marathon

    And isn't the false identification stuff from reddit the reason the FBI released the photos when they did? Earlier than they wanted to?

  9. #339
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    The photos of "Suspect 1" being apprehended in that conspiracy theory photo montage are the "naked guy" who was in the wrong place at the wrong time, didn't cooperate with authorities fast enough, and was taken down and stripped (to make sure he didn't have explosives), because the police weren't sure he was an "innocent."

    And if I remember correctly, the two "alternate suspects" were actually undercover officers. They were photographed right after the bombings conferring with other authorities.


    (And that link should probably have a GORE tag.)

  10. #340
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    1. If either of those craft guys put their backpacks down with a bomb in it, then why the hell are they not missing their packs AFTER the bomb goes off?
    2. The suspect on the ground wasn't Tamerlan Tsarnaev. He was some random guy they came across who looked suspicious, and they made him strip in case he had a bomb strapped to his chest like Tamerlan, who they found before that incident even took place....
    3. There is only ONE brother in the photo where Dzhokhar is turning the corner. The other guy that's supposedly Tamerlan is actually some random Asian guy that has nothing to do with the bombing.

  11. #341
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    Why was the dead body photo mirrored except to achieve deception or incite misrepresentation of something.

  12. #342
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post

    Sure seems like we need a terrminology change or unification.
    Why? Are you getting confused, lol.

    Definitely not unification, the separate usage has a purpose

  13. #343
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    Check out for some of the newest and more convincing theories. Most of what was posted in that image gallery are the "older" ones.
    Supposedly... kid's backpack was seeing at his apartment during the search. His Uncle worked with the CIA. etc

    again, just stating what is there. not agreeing with it!

  14. #344
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    hah, holy shit

    Tamerlan Tsarnaev was an Alex Jones fan

  15. #345
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    hah, holy shit

    Tamerlan Tsarnaev was an Alex Jones fan
    Yeah, and the frustrating and predictable part where they hit the nail on the head: "There’s no doubt that Jones will take this report as confirmation of everything he’s been preaching. The report, he will claim, was planted in the AP — the government controls the media, after all — and is a naked attempt to discredit him and definitive proof that the globalist cabal views him as a serious threat"

    This is the most baffling part of these conspiracy theories. Everything's a fucking conspiracy. Every news story. If it's a big enough deal for the Westboro Baptist Church to show up and protest about how gays are invoking god's unrelated wrath, it's inevitable that Icke and Jones will formulate an outlandish conspiracy about it... when the obvious truth is that if the government was capable of all these horrific acts, and they viewed Alex Jones as a legitimate threat, why wouldn't they just take him out?

    The fact that Alex Jones and pals are relatively unconcerned about this should alert everyone to the fact that they're either completely insane or that they totally don't believe the stuff they're saying... and if the latter is the case, they're as reprehensible as the Westboro Baptist Church assholes.

  16. #346
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Yeah, and the frustrating and predictable part where they hit the nail on the head: "There’s no doubt that Jones will take this report as confirmation of everything he’s been preaching. The report, he will claim, was planted in the AP — the government controls the media, after all — and is a naked attempt to discredit him and definitive proof that the globalist cabal views him as a serious threat"

    This is the most baffling part of these conspiracy theories. Everything's a fucking conspiracy. Every news story. If it's a big enough deal for the Westboro Baptist Church to show up and protest about how gays are invoking god's unrelated wrath, it's inevitable that Icke and Jones will formulate an outlandish conspiracy about it... when the obvious truth is that if the government was capable of all these horrific acts, and they viewed Alex Jones as a legitimate threat, why wouldn't they just take him out?

    The fact that Alex Jones and pals are relatively unconcerned about this should alert everyone to the fact that they're either completely insane or that they totally don't believe the stuff they're saying... and if the latter is the case, they're as reprehensible as the Westboro Baptist Church assholes.
    Alex Jones' reaction

  17. #347
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    I'm not even sure. I wouldn't be surprised if he believes every bit of it. I don't think he should be anyway responsible for the bombing though. Jones doesn't promote that kind of shit from what I've seen.

    I have an acquaintance who Alex Jones dedicated a bunch of airtime toward attacking him. He was frequently playing the skeptic in "skeptic vs conspiracy theorist" debates. One day he publicly mentioned that the conspiracy theorists were hurting the libertarian movement (cause they fucking ARE) and Jones fucking imploded. It was the most juvenile ego stroking rant I've seen from Jones. The guy has issues.

  18. #348
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    And really, he is in the same business as Fox News. He markets fear.

  19. #349
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    I'm not even sure. I wouldn't be surprised if he believes every bit of it. I don't think he should be anyway responsible for the bombing though. Jones doesn't promote that kind of shit from what I've seen.
    I think he's a liar, but that doesn't mean he's intentionally inciting this sort of thing, any more than the Westboro Baptists are killing soldiers. He's an ambulance chaser with an agenda. Although, the thing that Alex Jones does promote is a complete divorcement from reality.

    I have an acquaintance who Alex Jones dedicated a bunch of airtime toward attacking him. He was frequently playing the skeptic in "skeptic vs conspiracy theorist" debates. One day he publicly mentioned that the conspiracy theorists were hurting the libertarian movement (cause they fucking ARE)
    I'm so glad we're talking about libertarians again. This is terribly unexpected.

    The whole libertarian movement is flypaper for extremism in order to generate whatever support it desperately can. It doesn't discriminate in a reasonable way. It's propped up Ron Paul as its hero. Deal with it when lunatics like this jump on your coattails.

  20. #350
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I think he's a liar, but that doesn't mean he's intentionally inciting this sort of thing, any more than the Westboro Baptists are killing soldiers. He's an ambulance chaser with an agenda. Although, the thing that Alex Jones does promote is a complete divorcement from reality.

    I'm so glad we're talking about libertarians again. This is terribly unexpected.

    The whole libertarian movement is flypaper for extremism in order to generate whatever support it desperately can. It doesn't discriminate in a reasonable way. It's propped up Ron Paul as its hero. Deal with it when lunatics like this jump on your coattails.
    Yes, that's the common way to downplay it. It doesn't really match the reality of the GOP stumbling over themselves to claim a "libertarian" label or the fact that they've dropped all of their conflicting social views from the platform. We've been doing lots of dismantling and infiltrating of the GOP over the years. Getting a fraction of a percent of voters isn't really the top of the list. In fact, most of us openly reject people like Alex jones, Glenn Beck, etc.

    Anyway, I know you really like to express your opinions on libertarians but the commentary was about Alex Jones.

  21. #351
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    This is really awesome to see. For the first time since 9/11 there are more people UNWILLING to sacrifice personal freedom for safety than those who are willing. So. Fucking. Awesome.

    Polls Show Growing Resolve to Live With Terror Threat

  22. #352
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    I know you really like to express your opinions on libertarians but the commentary was about Alex Jones.
    No, most of us really don't like to express our opinions on libertarianism. You brought up a non-sequitur of a story vaguely connected to Alex Jones, but mostly about libertarianism. Before you came along there was a guy here named "technician" who was a lot like you with more self awareness. He pretty much drove most people nuts with his libertarian idealism, and now you're doing the same thing but not as well. Shit. I just realized that you're actually making me miss that guy.

    Last edited by Magtig; 04-23-2013 at 11:26 PM.

  23. #353
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    He makes me really miss Tech, too. I've been THINKING that for months. We gotta track him down.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-23-2013 at 11:27 PM.

  24. #354
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    The fact that "libertarian" is basically an irresistible trigger word for some of you is very telling... but you should really try to stay somewhat on topic here.

    We now have a GOP representative jumping into the conspiracy boat...

    Stella Tremblay Says U.S. Government Planned Boston Bombing

  25. #355
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    And here is a hilarious one that reminds people of a recent shameful political history

    Sarah Palin Calls for Invasion of Czech Republic

  26. #356
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    The fact that "libertarian" is basically an irresistible trigger word for some of you is very telling... but you should really try to stay somewhat on topic here.
    He says with no hint of irony.

  27. #357
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    The fact that "libertarian" is basically an irresistible trigger word for some of you is very telling

    I know! The potential reality of your philosophy is so scary to my fragile world view.

    EDIT: Maybe we really do need a dedicated Libertarian thread.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 04-24-2013 at 03:56 PM.

  28. #358
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    And here is a hilarious one that reminds people of a recent shameful political history

    Sarah Palin Calls for Invasion of Czech Republic
    Is that for real? I know she's a moron but that is almost Onion worthy

  29. #359
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    Quote Originally Posted by kdrcraig View Post
    Is that for real? I know she's a moron but that is almost Onion worthy
    Nope. You can breath at least a little easier.

  30. #360
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    Cool. Never heard of that Onion competitor, good to know. Her bad mouthing Fox News seemed pretty unlikely
    Last edited by kdrcraig; 04-24-2013 at 09:24 AM.

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