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Thread: Boston Marathon

  1. #241
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    Quote Originally Posted by jessamineny View Post
    It's been such a tense day. Maybe a bit of levity? How awkward can a one-night stand get? Imagine being stuck in her apartment all day during a citywide lockdown.
    Haha, holy shit.
    I really want to know naked guy's story. I bet it rivals this.

  2. #242
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    Quote Originally Posted by SM Rollinger View Post
    I read an article the other day, about a father that found in this 7 or so year olds backpack, scrawled in crayon, something to the effect of "its ok to give up some of my constituntional rights, so that im safer"
    And you believed it? Kind of reminds me of a David Cross bit where he reads from a Christian book about a woman on a flight who met a Satanist who told her she was fasting for the death of all Christians. It's just a story intended to scare people into buying into an idea. That's no different than the news reporting about a new virus found in Asia, or even all this recent talk about North Korea.

    I'm not one of those "America is the greatest country in the world, and our government does no wrong" type of people, but I fear people like you more than I fear our government. We have a bunch of dumbasses in our government who I don't trust to run an Arby's, let alone run our country (hence why this country is becoming more like an Arby's at 3AM). I can't be afraid of them because they are silly people. People like you go around spreading just as much fear as the media and the government. You add nothing to the conversation other than "Be afraid. Be very afraid."


    We're not living in a police state, we're living in a paranoid state. Too many people running around claiming to know the truth and too many people buying into it because they want something to hold onto. The world is a chaotic and highly complex place. Learn it. Dig it. Love it. Hate it. Just be aware of it. The truth isn't that simple. Anybody who pretends it is is just trying to scare you into buying a big pile of manure. Don't fall for it. Don't believe the lies on all sides.

  3. #243
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Haha, holy shit.
    I really want to know naked guy's story. I bet it rivals this.
    Didn't he just happen upon the scene of the shootout with the suspects? I thought he was acting uncooperative, so they weren't sure he wasn't related to the bombers in some way... so they stripped him to make sure he didn't have explosives on him.

  4. #244
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    Serious condition and in a hospital for life saving treatment - probably without insurance?

    Fuck, just let him go if he lives. He'll be fucked for life anyway. (Mostly sarcastic; facepalm away if you like.)

  5. #245
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    Are they really thinking of trying him as an enemy combatant?
    Isn't he an American citizen who committed a crime on American soil?

  6. #246
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    Quote Originally Posted by jessamineny View Post
    Didn't he just happen upon the scene of the shootout with the suspects? I thought he was acting uncooperative, so they weren't sure he wasn't related to the bombers in some way... so they stripped him to make sure he didn't have explosives on him.
    I was at the HTDA show while everything unfolded. I heard about it all after the fact. People made it sound like it was someone streaking or something at a very bad time.

  7. #247
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    Are they really thinking of trying him as an enemy combatant?
    Isn't he an American citizen who committed a crime on American soil?
    He is a citizen. Try him in court. Innocent until proven guilty. Show the world that the US has some standards and principles.
    If we dont do this I will be pissed but not surprised.
    Last edited by DigitalChaos; 04-19-2013 at 09:17 PM.

  8. #248
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    i really hope they try him regularly...

    Has anyone else seen his twitter? It's just.... normal... like he was just a regular social networker... i don't get it.

    He had completely embraced american life and culture... and he was a popular guy. i don't understand the motivation.

  9. #249
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    He had completely embraced american life and culture... and he was a popular guy. i don't understand the motivation.
    I read some speculation earlier that his brother may have drawn him into his own little scheme, seemingly he didn't really assimilate into the US lifestyle at all.

  10. #250
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    People like me Broswel? What do you think im some conspiraty theorist (birther, 911 truther, ect)? Wrong, I believe what I see with my own eyes, and im smart enough to know what is a real threat and what is a precieved threat, I dont live my life in fear. Nor do I spread it around.

    Back on topic, i doubt this guy will get a trial. With they way the US treats "terror" suspects, regardless of citizinship or not. I agree with DigitalChaos, we need to show the world we still have standards. Otherwise, were going to keep having "terror" incidents like this.

  11. #251
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    He's GONNA GET A TRIAL. That's already been established. Stop being so negative. We don't need that shit right now.

    Yes, agreed that we need to do everything we can to play by the rules so that we send the right message to our own citizens, let alone other countries. He's been kept alive thus far, that's very impressive.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-19-2013 at 09:36 PM.

  12. #252
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    Re: Boston Marathon

    He'll get medical treatment like a king. Much better than your average joe without insurance. They're going to make damn sure he makes trial after all of this.

  13. #253
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    For one, if he DOES die in custody the speculation of why the two did it will get Kennedy Assassination-esque.

    Edit: Oh god, my cousin invented this cocktail. It sounds pretty delicious, frankly:

    The Suspect #2 -
    Hide a cherry in the bottom of a cocktail glass.
    Agitate in a shaker:
    1 oz Absinthe (an alcohol that seems like any other but can cause more damage)
    1 oz of OJ
    1 oz water (Watertown)
    LOTS of bitters
    Strain into the cocktail glass.
    Last edited by Fixer808; 04-19-2013 at 09:40 PM.

  14. #254
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    Yeah my husband has already expressed his fear of a Jack Ruby.

  15. #255
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    Are they really thinking of trying him as an enemy combatant?
    Isn't he an American citizen who committed a crime on American soil?
    Please, like I said earlier in the thread - if you're asking questions like this, it helps if you post the source. Eric Cantor made it clear years ago, we don't even use the term "enemy combatant" anymore, that's Bush era bullshit.

    I've seen an incredible pattern on Facebook and Twitter of people who are completely looney about a phantom menace to the second amendment and Obama takin' our guns, turning around and saying, don't mirandize him, treat him like a terrorist. Including Senator Lindsey Graham. What a shithead.

  16. #256
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathant View Post
    I've seen an incredible pattern on Facebook and Twitter of people who are completely looney about a phantom menace to the second amendment and Obama takin' our guns, turning around and saying, don't mirandize him, treat him like a terrorist. Including Senator Lindsey Graham. What a shithead.
    The comments on that tweet are encouraging, I'm not being sarcastic

  17. #257
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    Re: Boston Marathon

    After the extreme caution they went through to take him ib ALIVE. I highly doubt they'll let him die in custody to the very best of their abilities. He's going to trial. He's an American citizen and he committed a crime. What more is there to understand about that. He's going to trial, then jail (unless they decide to execute).

  18. #258
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathant View Post
    Please, like I said earlier in the thread - if you're asking questions like this, it helps if you post the source. Eric Cantor made it clear years ago, we don't even use the term "enemy combatant" anymore, that's Bush era bullshit.

    I've seen an incredible pattern on Facebook and Twitter of people who are completely looney about a phantom menace to the second amendment and Obama takin' our guns, turning around and saying, don't mirandize him, treat him like a terrorist. Including Senator Lindsey Graham. What a shithead.
    I actually saw some people saying the whole thing was the mask for the passing of CISPA. And then, in a strange twist, I was able to talk them into ignoring infowars in the future.

  19. #259
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    Interview with the mother...
    She is also saying that they were setup (just like the father said). Kind of hard to reconcile that when they are literally throwing bombs out of the car. However, her comments about the FBI counseling him for 5 years..... WHAT?!

    If this turns into something where the FBI was working with them I might actually give credit to some of the conspiracy stuff. There have been many situations where our government was trying to catch people by allowing terror plots to move forward in a "controlled" way but end up losing control and shit goes bad. Stuff along these lines: !

  20. #260
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  21. #261
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    worst "gotcha photo ever" 4 decked out swat guys standing over a skinny, limp kid with a bloody nose...

  22. #262
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    worst "gotcha photo ever" 4 decked out swat guys standing over a skinny, limp kid with a bloody nose...
    ...applying medical assistance, having determined he's not wearing an explosive vest, from the looks of it. Twitter feeds from reporters on the scene indicated that the suspect requested medical assistance before he came out. There's a twitter photo of him stepping out of the boat, as well as stills from the ambulance where his face is covered with blood. Given the amount of bullets fired in his general direction over the previous 24 hours, it's probably a safe bet that he caught a few. And hey, maybe he wasn't belted in when he ran his brother over while fleeing.

  23. #263
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    I know some may disagree with me but to me this is all really sad. How did these 2 kids' lives go so wrong?
    Last edited by allegro; 04-20-2013 at 12:31 AM.

  24. #264
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathant View Post
    Please, like I said earlier in the thread - if you're asking questions like this, it helps if you post the source. Eric Cantor made it clear years ago, we don't even use the term "enemy combatant" anymore, that's Bush era bullshit.

    I've seen an incredible pattern on Facebook and Twitter of people who are completely looney about a phantom menace to the second amendment and Obama takin' our guns, turning around and saying, don't mirandize him, treat him like a terrorist. Including Senator Lindsey Graham. What a shithead.
    Unfortunately, this just in from CNN: Official, Citing Safety Exception: Government Doesn't Have to Read Miranda Rights to Bombings Suspect

  25. #265
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathant View Post
    ...applying medical assistance, having determined he's not wearing an explosive vest, from the looks of it. Twitter feeds from reporters on the scene indicated that the suspect requested medical assistance before he came out. There's a twitter photo of him stepping out of the boat, as well as stills from the ambulance where his face is covered with blood. Given the amount of bullets fired in his general direction over the previous 24 hours, it's probably a safe bet that he caught a few. And hey, maybe he wasn't belted in when he ran his brother over while fleeing.
    According to the scanner chatter, he was hit squarely in the face with one of the flashbangs, so that was probably one of his injuries.

  26. #266
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathant View Post
    Please, like I said earlier in the thread - if you're asking questions like this, it helps if you post the source. Eric Cantor made it clear years ago, we don't even use the term "enemy combatant" anymore, that's Bush era bullshit.

    I've seen an incredible pattern on Facebook and Twitter of people who are completely looney about a phantom menace to the second amendment and Obama takin' our guns, turning around and saying, don't mirandize him, treat him like a terrorist. Including Senator Lindsey Graham. What a shithead.
    Unfortunately, this just in from CNN: Official, Citing Safety Exception: Government Doesn't Have to Read Miranda Rights to Bombings Suspect

    I hope that we are ONE HUNDRED PERCENT SURE that this thing in Texas was an accident, or shit might start getting pretty hectic in a big hurry.

  27. #267
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Unfortunately, this just in from CNN: Official, Citing Safety Exception: Government Doesn't Have to Read Miranda Rights to Bombings Suspect
    Already cited earlier in this thread, it's based on a SCOTUS decision in the interest of public safety. "What you say can and will be used against you in a Court of Law" and the right to "remain silent" vs. his possible knowledge of other bombers or bombs.

    Re West, Texas: Rachel Maddow did a show about that, the company running that fertilizer plant has been served many citations, did a "controlled burn" of hazardous substances a while ago with zero notice and with a middle school full of kids only yards away (the school evacuated at that time), company slapped with $1,200 fine. That school is now leveled.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-20-2013 at 12:38 AM.

  28. #268
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I know some may disagree with me but to me this is all really sad. How did these 2 kids' lives go so wrong?
    I'm struggling with how to express those feelings myself. My instinct is to apply the Lee Boyd Malvo model to this situation - the younger brother being misled by the older brother. Details of the Watertown shootout that came from reporters on the scene really have me thinking. Apparently, in the shootout, the older brother exited the vehicle and exchanged gunfire with the police, but was struck down. At this point, the younger brother got in the vehicle, and in the process of fleeing the scene, ran his brother over. Of course, details straight from the people directly on the scene will filter out as the days and weeks go by, but if that was the case, was that some kind of turning point for the younger brother? He didn't go on to commit any further violence, on other people nor on himself. And he's only nineteen years old... I can't even imagine.

    Even if details come to light about what led them down this path, I don't think it's going to 'explain' the reasons in any satisfying way. But I'm admittedly fascinated by the whole week that's gone by. And the surviving kid is the one who wheelchair-dude made eye contact with and was able to describe to police, which ultimately led to identification. It's all just, wow.

  29. #269
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    Quote Originally Posted by jessamineny View Post
    According to the scanner chatter, he was hit squarely in the face with one of the flashbangs, so that was probably one of his injuries.
    that's kinda funny...
    (assuming he is guilty of the bombing)

  30. #270
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Interview with the mother...
    She is also saying that they were setup (just like the father said). Kind of hard to reconcile that when they are literally throwing bombs out of the car. However, her comments about the FBI counseling him for 5 years..... WHAT?!

    If this turns into something where the FBI was working with them I might actually give credit to some of the conspiracy stuff. There have been many situations where our government was trying to catch people by allowing terror plots to move forward in a "controlled" way but end up losing control and shit goes bad. Stuff along these lines: !

    Looks like this is probably what she was referring to:

    Based on this, it's very doubtful there is any FBI/government involvement. The government does get wrapped in this stuff at times but it's almost always due to negligence and failure when it happens. The parents claims are understandable considering the emotional situation and the fact that they live in a very corrupt place.

    There is a larger than normal group of people wanting to claim conspiracy here. I don't know what it is. I tried my best to give it some credit but... just not happening.

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