i AM scared that this may have been a "false flag" attack.
I don't buy every little conspiracy theory, but GWB worked for my grandfather here in stratford tx and died mysteriously in an "accident", shortly thereafter...and was pretty much ERASED from history, even though he built one of the first and most successful high capacity cattle feed yards ever.
Local legend says that he was killed by the mafia, but after his death, presidency of his company went to a guy named Bob Gow. Gow has been implicated in everything from the kennedy assassination to fucking 9/11. And he was a member of Skull and Bones, along with W. So i don't think it was the mafia.

I got facepalmed a couple of times for expressing my fear that this may have been a false flag attack earlier in the thread.
Hence, i am writing this to let you guys know that if i come off like a conspiracy nut, it's just because i have a good, healthy fear of it cause it hit so close to home.