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Thread: Boston Marathon

  1. #61
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    I went to school in Boston and I'm still waiting to hear from a few friends that live there. It's surreal to see places that I used to frequent covered in blood.
    Edit: Yeah, Facebook has been useful for once; it's how I've figured out that people were ok.

  2. #62
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    My office is along the marathon route about a mile from the finish line. I decided not to go in today because dealing with the crowds can be annoying. Really glad I didn't go in!

  3. #63
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  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by cynicmuse View Post
    I went to school in Boston and I'm still waiting to hear from a few friends that live there. It's surreal to see places that I used to frequent covered in blood.
    Edit: Yeah, Facebook has been useful for once; it's how I've figured out that people were ok.
    Same exact situation for me- except add "mailing list" to facebook, because of my theater group- some of those were running the day before! Crazy...Some people were just working in the buildings near by too.

    So goddamn sad...

  5. #65
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    I have a friend who just recently moved to Boston and works at the Starbucks that is literally next door to the blast zone. She was walking to work when it happened. Just fucking insane.

  6. #66
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    Interview with the guy in the cowboy hat from one of the worst pictures earlier today. Poor guy is shaking and obviously in shock, but it turns out he's a hero.
    Last edited by Magtig; 04-15-2013 at 08:22 PM.

  7. #67
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    Sorry if it's already been said, but according to CNN, Doctors are "digging ball bearings" out of the wounded. It sounds like whoever is responsible for this wasn't aiming for mass destruction or death, but to maim and injure anyone near the bomb sites. This attack is so sadistic I can't wrap my head around it.
    Fuck whoever did this so very, very hard.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by substanceabuse View Post
    This attack is so sadistic I can't wrap my head around it.
    Fuck whoever did this so very, very hard.
    ..and thus is the problem with western culture. You know those people in Pakistan we've been bombing for the last few years, they're really really mad about that....

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by PooPooMeowChow View Post
    ..and thus is the problem with western culture. You know those people in Pakistan we've been bombing for the last few years, they're really really mad about that....
    Yes, I'm well aware of everything wrong that the U.S. has done in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. etc. etc. Would you rather me say, "Well guys we had this coming! America is reaping what they sowed!" Jesus christ get over yourself.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    i really wish i hadn't clicked on that pic of that dude with his legs. I really hope he survives. I am so distraught right now. Too sad.
    I got lightheaded at that picture, the shock...but on the upside, it probably doesn't hurt.

  11. #71
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    yeah a little realism wouldn't hurt. better than having a fit over 3 deaths.
    EDIT: Point being, I'm not about to pretend I care any more about those 3 people and how ever many are injured, any more than I am the 55 or so who died in Iraq today. or the 12 that died yesterday, or the ones that died the day before that.
    Last edited by PooPooMeowChow; 04-15-2013 at 08:41 PM.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by PooPooMeowChow View Post
    yeah a little realism wouldn't hurt. better than having a fit over 3 deaths.
    Seriously? Wow. I was gonna reply, but...not worth it.

    Link to a photo set at CNN:

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by PooPooMeowChow View Post
    yeah a little realism wouldn't hurt. better than having a fit over 3 deaths.
    Realism? Is that what you're calling this, because any of these would be closer: obnoxious, condescending, pious, heartless, tactless, etc.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by PooPooMeowChow View Post
    ..and thus is the problem with western culture. You know those people in Pakistan we've been bombing for the last few years, they're really really mad about that....
    So you believe that US civilians deserve torturous deaths because of what a massively unrepresentative system does - supposedly - on their behalf?

    Or are you so dumb/arrogant that you think that poster somehow has no idea what US foreign policy is like/what international opinion is

    Or something else?

    Quote Originally Posted by PooPooMeowChow View Post
    yeah a little realism wouldn't hurt. better than having a fit over 3 deaths.

    Realism entailing what? Giving less of a fuck over 3 deaths than you do about a forum post???

    PM if you have a reply, don't spam the thread with self promotion
    Last edited by Sutekh; 04-15-2013 at 09:07 PM.

  15. #75
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    He said it poorly but he does have a point that here is an imbalance in compassion for people who we can associate with... especially when we are connected to the ones causing harm on the other side. It's nothing new though. It happens all the time. It's good for people to point it out though. The same thing happened in the gun thread. Lots and lots of focus on the rare chances of children dying in school shooting while there is virtually no attention on the kids in poor urban areas who have a much higher chance of being killed. Someone brought attention to that too.

    It's a bit early to be drawing those comparisons though. How about we at least wait until we know who did it and why.
    Last edited by DigitalChaos; 04-15-2013 at 09:20 PM.

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post
    Or something else?
    I took it to mean that he thinks he's more enlightened than the rest of us because he's so evenhandedly psychopathic.

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by PooPooMeowChow View Post
    yeah a little realism wouldn't hurt. better than having a fit over 3 deaths.
    EDIT: Point being, I'm not about to pretend I care any more about those 3 people and how ever many are injured, any more than I am the 55 or so who died in Iraq today. or the 12 that died yesterday, or the ones that died the day before that.
    Except that one of those three was an 8 year-old kid. Shut up and think before you post next time.

  18. #78
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    thought about going to the marathon today, glad I decided to stay home. My roommate was not so fortunate, he works as a nurse at one of the hospitals and just got home now, was supposed to be out at 4. showed me some crazy pics he took of the emergency room.

  19. #79
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    The 5 Worst Media Reactions to the Boston Marathon Bombing

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by PooPooMeowChow View Post
    yeah a little realism wouldn't hurt. better than having a fit over 3 deaths.
    EDIT: Point being, I'm not about to pretend I care any more about those 3 people and how ever many are injured, any more than I am the 55 or so who died in Iraq today. or the 12 that died yesterday, or the ones that died the day before that.
    I'm not downplaying what many would consider the tragedy of a soldier being shot and killed, but that's what is expected by a lot of people when you go into war. Not even necessarily expected but it comes with the territory. It literally comes with the job (yes, literally). That is war and soldiers go to war.

    Three deaths is just as bad as one or a hundred or a million. The death of one group of people does not negate the death and injuries of another group. People died and were maimed, and for what? They were at marathon. They weren't in a war zone or in a foreign country with a gun and a battle plan. They were at a marathon. People getting their limbs blown off and dying for no reason and you sit behind your computer screen and talk about "realism" as if you're more aware than the people who actually see this as a tragedy?

    Imagine waking up, going about your day as usual, going to a marathon you'd been looking forward to (wasn't it also for charity?), and then getting your legs blown off and watching other people around you lose their limbs and die, all of this happens out of nowhere and not on a battle field. Your life is changed forever and will never be the same again. There is no going back. Then preach about "realism" on this particular subject. I get what you're trying to say but what you're saying is bullshit. I may sound melodramatic but it's all I can imagine what some of these people went through/are going through. And that's just what my brain can fathom or comprehend of a situation like that.

  21. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magtig View Post
    Interview with the guy in the cowboy hat from one of the worst pictures earlier today. Poor guy is shaking and obviously in shock, but it turns out he's a hero.

    He has a hell of a story...

    He is an immigrant citizen of the U.S. who lost his son in Iraq and is now a peace activist and speaker.
    Saved from a burning car, 26% burns, no insurance...
    Beaten by 8 members from a right-wing group during an anti-war march...
    His remaining son commit suicide...

    Also, another angle of him helping the guy. It looks like he is literally holding the arteries so they don't bleed out: (NSFW of course)

  22. #82
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    ... and this is what Carlos walked up to when he started helping the people. That is some intense shit. Few people could deal with this. This guy definitely deserves the hero label.

    super fucking gory... like more than anything posted so far... you've been warned.

  23. #83
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    Jesus! It's like a war zone!

    Fucking unbelievable! No punishment could redeem such a heinous act!

    People enjoying a marathon, and some inhuman scum thinks they will be a suitable target. I just have to keep thinking of Patton's quote.

    March on, Boston!

  24. #84
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    Where did this whole "Muslims did it" thing come from? I could be talking out of my ass here, but seems more like domestic terrorism. Couldn't tell you WHY, though.

  25. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by slave2thewage View Post
    Where did this whole "Muslims did it" thing come from? I could be talking out of my ass here, but seems more like domestic terrorism. Couldn't tell you WHY, though.
    I don't think anyone ever said Muslim. You mean Saudi? Saudi was claimed by a few sources... as was "right-wing" and a bunch of other things that were completely pulled from the media's ass:

  26. #86
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    What I don't get is, why the hell do people want to look at pictures of dismembered and wounded people?? Not just this thread, elsewhere too. Click this, it's ESPECIALLY gory!! That's some sick voyeurism right there.

  27. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
    What I don't get is, why the hell do people want to look at pictures of dismembered and wounded people?? Not just this thread, elsewhere too. Click this, it's ESPECIALLY gory!! That's some sick voyeurism right there.
    I'm into it and I have no idea why. I can't even handle much gore in tv or movies but I spent my whole break at work tonight going through those pictures.

    NSFW: A 65-image album for the other freaks like me.

    The guy Carlos was helping in the wheelchair is Jeff Baumer, and has had both of his legs amputated.

    Csilla Schneider, 27, said she learned that her 24-year-old brother had both of his legs amputated Monday. Her brother, Jeffrey Bauman, was waiting for his girlfriend to finish the race when the blast happened, she said.
    Ms. Schneider spoke outside Boston Medical Center, where she had visited her sedated brother.
    "You can talk to him, and he can hear you, but he can't respond," she said. "I don't think he knows yet" about the extent of his injuries.
    Source: cross-referenced here to confirm that it's him (there was another Jeff Baumer in the race who was uninjured).

    To paraphrase another user from Reddit, "Jeff is going to be the poster-child for this attack; When people talk about this later on, that image is going to be the first one they think of, and America is going to be standing patiently by his side for his recovery".

  28. #88
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    A first-person account from a marathon volunteer, who was right past the finish line. A real testament to the spirit of community. And you have to read to the end.

  29. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post

    If it turns out to be Islamists, America could lurch to the Right, if far-right militiamen, expect Obama to get some serious momentum for gun reform.

    Oh yeah. Where were all the gun owners yesterday? They're armed to defend themselves, after all.

  30. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
    What I don't get is, why the hell do people want to look at pictures of dismembered and wounded people?? Not just this thread, elsewhere too. Click this, it's ESPECIALLY gory!! That's some sick voyeurism right there.
    Amen. When I used to work for a newspaper, my editor actually used the exact line "if it bleeds it leads" once while we were having a discussion about which of three stories I'd shot should be next day's cover. When I looked visibly uneasy, almost appalled, by what he said, I got a very insincere sounding "just kidding" - and sure enough, the "bleeds" story was page one news the next morning.

    I very quickly stopped watching/reading the news yesterday, because I think I've chosen my friends wisely. What I mean: go to any major news website, and it's bloody photos with headlines about massacre and the like. Go on my facebook page, and 99% of my friends are posting positive stories about people who are helping in the aftermath. A bomb exploded. Not to belittle it by any means, but it's fucking old news now. It happened, and it's done. Let's spend a little less time repeating ourselves about that simple and irreversible - albeit tragic -act, and a little more time highlighting the good human beings who came rushing out to help - and continue to do so.

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