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Thread: Welcome Oblivion Remix Contest

  1. #61
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    Didn't know the time limit was at 17pm eastern time, missed submission time by 15 minutes dang it...

    This is more frustrating then it appears

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Indefinite_Cure View Post
    Didn't know the time limit was at 17pm eastern time, missed submission time by 15 minutes dang it...

    This is more frustrating then it appears
    RIGHT????? The same thing happened to me. Fuck it, everyone can have it. I put a lot of work into this one... Let me know what you guys think.

    Last edited by TomVX; 05-30-2013 at 08:21 AM. Reason: Better link.

  3. #63
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    This is my friend/musical collaborator Susan a.k.a. It Was July's amazing remix of "Strings And Attractors"


    She's an amazing vocalist and producer. You can find her original work here: http://itwasjuly.bandcamp.com

    Unfortunately, I didn't have time to submit my own remix... I was trying my hand at "On A Wing"

    Susan and I met on the official NIN's forums, she stumbled upon my music thread on the "Your Music" section of the forums and asked about collaborating on something. So we came up with this... http://neorev.bandcamp.com/track/no-...ng-it-was-july

  4. #64
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    Good luck, everyone!

    Wait, the Indaba accounts only last for one year? Even the free ones? Lame.

  5. #65
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    just missed this contest and the DL links seem to be disabled. does anyone have the zip files that they could share?

  6. #66
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    It seems getting votes through facebook is pretty tough going, i've nearly 1k of followers on there an most of them are put off by voting because of Indaba wanting full access to their facebook page. It puts me in a bad light for trying to get them to do it as well.

    Of course it could have nothing to do with this and it may just be because i've put out a shit remix.

    Hope everyone else is doing well though.

  7. #67
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    It was so frustrating to have put effort on a mix and miss the deadline by 15 minutes that I put it up on soundcloud for your enjoyment, it'll be there as long as I don't get anything telling me to remove it: https://soundcloud.com/indefinitecur...and-attractors

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reaps View Post
    It seems getting votes through facebook is pretty tough going, i've nearly 1k of followers on there an most of them are put off by voting because of Indaba wanting full access to their facebook page. It puts me in a bad light for trying to get them to do it as well.

    Of course it could have nothing to do with this and it may just be because i've put out a shit remix.

    Hope everyone else is doing well though.
    I let it have access to the friends list, but I keep forbidding it access to post on my behalf (it asks every time I vote and I just keep selecting skip). It's really obnoxious and I bet that turns a lot of people off. I voted for all ETS remixes as a way to at least bump people up (you can and should vote for yourself as well if you haven't).

    I'd love it if we got to see our scores from the grand prize evaluations (not related to facebook votes), but I doubt that gets released.

  9. #69
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    I have it, though I compressed it to FLAC (still 24-48, of course). PM'ing.

  10. #70
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    If my counting is correct, the submission totals are:

    On the Wing - 295
    How Long? - 492
    Strings and Attractors - 460

    Assuming an average track length of 4:24 (the average of the three source songs) gives you about 91.5 hours or 3.8 days worth of continuous remixes. I don't envy the people who have to wade through all that to find the winning entries.

  11. #71
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    ToToM (who did the awesome Bootleg Is Resistance series of mashups) did a mashup of all three tracks, plus a few Nine Inch Nails tracks:


  12. #72
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    Ahahaha... it extremely amusing to see some of the people that are ranked in the top three for each song are completely terrible. Like - you know they had to have use some sort of hack to get up there in the popular vote? Right?...

    I mean, come on - one of them has a guy adding his own vocals to it while the other is some sort of latin inspired, beat missing cover of the song.

  13. #73
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    Welcome Oblivion Remix Contest

    The whole stupid thing is a joke. I promptly put my version on soundcloud because I dgaf.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Torgo View Post
    Ahahaha... it extremely amusing to see some of the people that are ranked in the top three for each song are completely terrible. Like - you know they had to have use some sort of hack to get up there in the popular vote? Right?...

    I mean, come on - one of them has a guy adding his own vocals to it while the other is some sort of latin inspired, beat missing cover of the song.
    Then again, one man's trash is another man's treasure.

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Torgo View Post
    Ahahaha... it extremely amusing to see some of the people that are ranked in the top three for each song are completely terrible. Like - you know they had to have use some sort of hack to get up there in the popular vote? Right?...

    I mean, come on - one of them has a guy adding his own vocals to it while the other is some sort of latin inspired, beat missing cover of the song.
    This is exactly why the actual winner ($500 prize) is supposed to be based on a scoring of the track's merits in four categories. Winning the popularity contest only gets you a free year of Indaba Pro, which, whatever. And even to win that, HTDA gets to pick three from the top ten, so just because someone managed to convince more people to install the stupid voting app in facebook than anyone else doesn't guarantee they get anything.

  16. #76
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    I did get a lot of my friends to vote for me. I am currently 8th on the popular vote category (and will most likely fall until the voting closes). I did like a few of the remixes I heard in there, but some of the most-voted, most-played and commented on ones sound lazy at best. People like me and @DVYDRNS composed the whole thing ourselves and only kept the vocal stems. I mean, sure, mine may not be a very good remix. After all, it's the first remix I ever did. But at least I put some fucking effort on it, and tried to make it as listenable and fresh as possible. The ones that get the most attention feel like slightly tweaked rehashes of the originals. The only thing that assures me is that HTDA themselves will have the final word on both prizes.

    I wish everyone the best, but Indaba's system needs to be improved. The current version of their site is still in its beta phase, and, in my opinion, wasn't ready for this sort of thing.

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by wizfan View Post
    I did get a lot of my friends to vote for me. I am currently 8th on the popular vote category (and will most likely fall until the voting closes). I did like a few of the remixes I heard in there, but some of the most-voted, most-played and commented on ones sound lazy at best. People like me and @DVYDRNS composed the whole thing ourselves and only kept the vocal stems. I mean, sure, mine may not be a very good remix. After all, it's the first remix I ever did. But at least I put some fucking effort on it, and tried to make it as listenable and fresh as possible. The ones that get the most attention feel like slightly tweaked rehashes of the originals. The only thing that assures me is that HTDA themselves will have the final word on both prizes.

    I wish everyone the best, but Indaba's system needs to be improved. The current version of their site is still in its beta phase, and, in my opinion, wasn't ready for this sort of thing.

    Same here with the "only keep the vocal stems" approach (although i also lifted the "snare" sound for the end section)... not that there is anything WRONG with keeping more of the track than that, it's just not my style. I'd love to hear your version, you should put a link to it up! Here's mine... https://soundcloud.com/tomvx/htda-ho...crashed-burned

    Indaba has been around for a couple years now.... beta or no they should have their systems worked out by now. I'm not going to knock them too hard though, they DID give us the opportunity to remix this!

  18. #78
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    Look for bgalbraith's last post in the previous page, all ETS member remixes are listed there, including mine.

  19. #79
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    Indaba seems to be a more social ACIDplanet. I signed up for Indaba a while back for the Scott Pilgrim remix contest but never entered, so this is my first time seeing how this all plays out. I used to be prevalent on ACIDplanet years ago when Vrenna was hosting the Tweaker remix competitions. There were popular people who went around commenting on everything to get listens/plays; they just enter every single thing and have their following comment/circlejerk about how great it is even though it's honestly a mediocre track. With Indaba, it's more of the same, except now there's a voting system in place to actually move tracks around. Indaba's layout is good for people to randomly and easily go through tracks and listen/vote; I've barely promoted mine and it's getting plays/votes/comments/etc (not sure if that's ETS at work or random people though). I think it's better than hosting it on remix.nin.com, because The Social Network remix thing resulted in people going around giving out zeroes to every track and lowering score averages.

    I'll also echo what people are saying here about the overall quality. I went through and listened to several "popular" tracks and...yeah. But, different strokes for different folks. However, it's important to keep a level head about it. If you're proud of your own work, that's what counts. It shouldn't be measured by hours of time spent or votes tallied. It's nice to feel validated by comments and whatnot, but it's also good to challenge yourself with these sorts of things, take criticism in stride, and learn from the whole experience so as to apply it to other competitions/personal recordings.

  20. #80
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    Late to the post party, but I didn't submit to this because of the ownership and "don't post anywhere else" clauses, and also because I didn't actually want to submit a remix using the stems. That way I can do an HTDA project in the future. =] But my best wishes and good luck to anyone that entered!

  21. #81
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    If you haven't gotten a chance to check out my remixes, i'd appreciate you taking the time to listen/vote for them. I tried to make each remix sound more like NIN but without using guitar(s), so I hope you enjoy them:

    Strings and Attractors (n30fr05t remix): http://indaba.us/aDBt

    On The Wing (n30fr05t remix): http://indaba.us/gF28

    How Long? (n30fr05t remix): http://indaba.us/cDC9

    and, if you've already listened to them/voted for them, thank you for the support

  22. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon View Post
    All files are 24-bit/48kHz WAV.

    How long? | (7) basic stems | 150MB
    How long? (Advanced pack) | (30) advanced stems | 671MB (rezipped from 687MB)

    On the wing | (5) basic stems | 154MB
    On the wing (Advanced pack 1) | (13) advanced stems; (5) extra stems | 813MB
    On the wing (Advanced pack 2) | (13) advanced stems | 359MB

    Strings and attractors | (4) basic stems | 118MB
    Strings and attractors (Advanced pack) | (15) advanced stems; (3) extra stems | 761MB
    Hi! Thanks for this! The link is dead though...

    Anyone else can upload the files for "on the wing"? Thank you in advance!

  23. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by shagg_187 View Post
    Hi! Thanks for this! The link is dead though...

    Anyone else can upload the files for "on the wing"? Thank you in advance!
    If I can get a copy I'll see about seeding a torrent for a long while.

  24. #84
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    Winners will be announced on July 3! Good luck, everyone!

  25. #85
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    Announcement pushed back to July 10. I guess they're not done listening to every single remix.

  26. #86
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    Hooray! Another week delay!
    I like how they wait until 5 minutes before the deadline to shift it back. What are they doing?

    Huh, never mind. Looks like that is just an automated trigger if they haven't pushed the winners by a certain time. Looks like they are posted now.
    Last edited by bgalbraith; 07-09-2013 at 04:32 PM.

  27. #87
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    Strings & Attractors: I think I like this more than the original. Great stuff.

    On The Wing remix really picks up after the first half. I like this, but maybe it's a little long and sparse at the beginning. Nice to see a familiar name; melodywhore was on the old tweaker message boards and was a runner-up in two tweaker remixes contests over on acidplanet.com

    How Long?: Kind of... dubstep-inspired? It's very in-your-face and bombastic, and feels like it's clipping horribly, and not in a cool way. Can't stand this.

  28. #88
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    thanks for the comments and the shout-out! i entered all three contests and i didn't have the extra stems as i am just a lowly basic account holder at indaba.

    if you're interested in checking 'em out, here is my indaba page: https://beta.indabamusic.com/people/...e?tab=overview

    on the wing, i completed first. i didn't follow the original's structure as i was going for an extended version. sparse is usually what you'll find coming from me as i enjoy taking the minimalist approach... or at least leading to some built-up cacophony. i used reason 7 as my main daw and fucked shit up in sound forge when appropriate. one of the truly interesting things about this remix is the intro/verse resonant synth you hear is actually a loop of trent's vocal running through reason's alligator filter. the bottomless bass is provided by that wonderful korg polysix rack extension. in the mid part, i combined some of the original noise with my own elements doing some old-fashioned ACID chopping and slicing here and there. the "live" sounding drums kind of reminded me of vrenna for some reason and that is why it is in there.

    how long was a more direct approach using mostly just the vocals. i thought that the contrasted feels between the verse and chorus made it a bit more challenging. on all of these, actually. i think it was this mix that i struggled with the chorus drums because the original sounded so great... and having it as a place-holder was probably not helping.

    strings and attractors i almost didn't do. but i chose to go for a more unconventional mix.

    all in all, it was a decent contest. it certainly is humbling to be chosen as one of the winners. especially considering reznor's one of my major influences. one of the hardest things i had to do was keep this under my hat for FIVE days... i was notified on july 3rd but didn't see the email until the 4th and i couldn't say anything to anyone about it until it was announced on the 9th. drove me nuts. one of the things i like about indaba over acidplanet is it's a site more focused on opportunities. acidplanet was more focused on the acid software and anything you made with it (essentially... users were never limited to using just acid in order to participate in that community).

    i wonder if indaba will be hosting a NIN remix contest after the new album is released.
    Last edited by melodywhore; 07-30-2013 at 11:58 AM.

  29. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by pushingreality View Post
    The Social Network remix thing resulted in people going around giving out zeroes to every track and lowering score averages.

    I'll also echo what people are saying here about the overall quality. I went through and listened to several "popular" tracks and...yeah. But, different strokes for different folks. However, it's important to keep a level head about it. If you're proud of your own work, that's what counts. It shouldn't be measured by hours of time spent or votes tallied. It's nice to feel validated by comments and whatnot, but it's also good to challenge yourself with these sorts of things, take criticism in stride, and learn from the whole experience so as to apply it to other competitions/personal recordings.
    I swear there are a couple remixer's who made it a full time job to rate other people's mixes down. I got a lot of good feedback too, but there seemed to be a lot of negativity in the remix community. Ninremixes.com was even worse...

    Since 94, I have been trying to decipher what sounds were that Trent was using. Couldn't count how many hours I spent on TDS and TF in my headphones. I spent many an hour making music dreaming I was in NOLA hanging at Nothing Studios and a chance to peek behind the curtain/into the vaults. To think we would have all of the song stems that we do now, and all of the new tricks we all learned remixing some of those tracks I would never believe it. Seeing how song stems are still a rarity from bands, I still can't believe that a majority of ones out there are from Trent!

    Criticism is tough but your work is only a part of you and not what defines you as a human. Everybody has different creative levels and for me the joy is in the making. I love constructive criticism and usually welcome it. Honest input is really hard to get and if coming from the right person/place can be invaluable. As I get older, any other criticism isn't as stinging.

  30. #90
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    Does anybody know if there are plans for the multitracks to be u/l'd onto remix.nin.com or NINRemixes.com? I had them saved on my laptop until my friend dropped it & busted my Hard Drive. I would be Soooo grateful for any help!!!

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