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Thread: Stone Temple Pilots

  1. #91
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    First review of Scott's new album:

  2. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    12 Bar Blues was awful to me.

    I think Cool Kiss was the only song I remember liking:

    I also wish we'd seen more of the Magnificent Bastards:
    this song ruled:
    LOVED 12 Bar Blues. It's one of the most underrated albums from the 1990's, IMHO.

  3. #93
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    New Scott Weiland, "The Way She Moves."


  4. #94
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    On topic of 12 Bar Blues, I LOVE Barbarella.

  5. #95
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    STP have a new spring tour, details on their website. Looks like they dropped the "with CB" moniker from their name, as Ticketmaster and their site just list the band as "Stone Temple Pilots." I wonder if that has anything to do with their lawsuit with Scott being settled. According to a video posted and twitter updates, the band is still working on their upcoming album.

    So now STP and Scott will be touring at the same time. The two Boston shows are about a month apart. It will be fun attending both shows to compare.

  6. #96
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    Got my ticket for the Boston show.

    New interview with Dean and Eric. They are four songs into a full length album:

  7. #97
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    Some new acoustic performances from Purple, with Chester singing.

  8. #98
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    ^the tracks sound ok, but i miss Weiland's voice, still, Chester is doing a good job and i coulndn't find anything wrong with his performance (and i'm not even a fan of him...)

  9. #99
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    This band sucks now. Shadow of their former selves, no disrespect to the other guys involved but they act like Bennington is a good replacement when he sounds like such a tryhard copycat in every sense of the word. Should've just kicked Weiland out and made a new band with Bennington under a new moniker. This will NEVER be Stone Temple Pilots to me and adding WITH Chester Bennington doesn't pull a fast one on me.

  10. #100
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    wow, I'm quite surprised how good he sings those songs in an acoustic einvironment. Yet, he sound like he's just immitating Weiland. Very well at that, but yeah, this is not STP but a cover band. You just can't go on like that with a singer as remarkable as Weiland. Same goes for AiC to a certain extent (at least Cantrell is there for the songs that feature him more prominently).

    It's really sad that I probably will never see Weiland with any of his bands live. No STP and no VR. Sadly as their are one of my most favorite bands when it comes to just listening to some guys rocking out.

  11. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    This band sucks now. Shadow of their former selves, no disrespect to the other guys involved but they act like Bennington is a good replacement when he sounds like such a tryhard copycat in every sense of the word. Should've just kicked Weiland out and made a new band with Bennington under a new moniker. This will NEVER be Stone Temple Pilots to me and adding WITH Chester Bennington doesn't pull a fast one on me.
    They actually dropped the "With Chester Bennington" moniker.

    I'm a huge Scott Weiland fan and feel sorry that he was fired, but I can hardly blame the other members for kicking him out. These guys are in their late 40's now and getting too old for this sort of thing:

    Chester is reliable and professional, so I can totally see why they'd want to work with him over Scott. I also have no problem with them keeping the name. The three other members have spent over 20 years of their lives building up that brand and they shouldn't have to stop using that moniker just because their frontman can't keep it together. As a live act, STP with Chester sound great, IMHO. Caught the Boston show in 2013 and am seeing them again in April. I'm also seeing Scott next month.

    As for Chester sounding like Scott--I see your point. He does sound somewhat Weiland-esque on the excellent High Rise EP, although he still has his own identity. Since that was just their first collaboration together, I expect Chester to find his own voice with the upcoming album.

    ETA--this sounds good:
    Last edited by GulDukat; 02-28-2015 at 01:19 PM.

  12. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    They actually dropped the "With Chester Bennington" moniker.

    I'm a huge Scott Weiland fan and feel sorry that he was fired, but I can hardly blame the other members for kicking him out. These guys are in their late 40's now and getting too old for this sort of thing:

    Chester is reliable and professional, so I can totally see why they'd want to work with him over Scott. I also have no problem with them keeping the name. The three other members have spent over 20 years of their lives building up that brand and they shouldn't have to stop using that moniker just because their frontman can't keep it together. As a live act, STP with Chester sound great, IMHO. Caught the Boston show in 2013 and am seeing them again in April. I'm also seeing Scott next month.

    As for Chester sounding like Scott--I see your point. He does sound somewhat Weiland-esque on the excellent High Rise EP, although he still has his own identity. Since that was just their first collaboration together, I expect Chester to find his own voice with the upcoming album.
    Oh, I don't blame them for ditching him again but banking on the STP name is just laziness. If they got the interest, talent and fans people will follow. I followed the DeLeo brothers with that disastrous Army of Anyone thing they did with Richard Patrick (barf). They're just banking on the STP name because I bet even some casual idiots won't even know Weiland isn't with them. Some music fans today still think Slash is in GNR...fucking hilarious.

    It's the same as current day Smashing Pumpkins, where Billy needs that name to sell music he couldn't sell otherwise because he's tapping into familiarity. I love the new SP music and Billy but the current day SP is NOT SP to me. It's a solo act with a familiar name. Just like Guns N' Roses, I know Axl owns the name/rights but to me it's not really GNR. It's just Axl solo singing the hits with sessions members, who have been around so long that they aren't session members anymore.

  13. #103
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    I really liked Chinese Democracy and the recent GN'R shows that I've seen. That said, fans do have a point when they say "that's not really Guns N' Roses without Slash, Duff, etc." For me, it is what it is and I'll continue to follow Axl as long as he tours and releases new music.

    It's a totally different situation with The Smashing Pumpkins, IMO. James and Jimmy contributed to the group, but it was always Billy's vision and a band in name only, sort of like The Wings. I have no issue with him using the name.

    The DeLeo brothers and Kretz used a different name in the late 90's (Talk Show) and (without Kretz) in 2006 with Army of Anyone. Both projects (despite being rather good, IMO) flopped. So sure, them using the name is about using a familiar brand to help with ticket sales, singles, etc. and I have no problem with that. They've spent their entire adult lives building up the STP brand and they shouldn't be kept from using it and have their careers hurt because of Weiland's antics.

  14. #104
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  15. #105
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    Scott Weiland was pretty awesome last night. The Brighten Music Hall is pretty small and I stood at the side of the stage, maybe 20 feet from the band. What a difference from last time. When I saw him two years ago, about a week after he was fired from Stone Temple Pilots, he seemed pretty wasted (he was late, slurred speech, sloppy), but he was definitely on his game last night. Scott, who is 47, looked and sounded like he could have been in his early 30's. He's in great shape and gave a good performance, playing a mix of old-school STP and songs from his upcoming album, 'Blaster.' The new material has a sort of Black Keys/Jack White garage sound but with a retro 70's feel. Scott's band, the Wildabouts, now reduced to a four piece (including Scott), was a lot tighter than the 2013 show. On the last show they seemed like a tribute band at a dive bar, but last night they actually played the STP material a lot better, although they are still no match for the DeLeo brothers and Kretz. I had a lot of fun at the 2013 show, but it was sad to see Scott in such bad shape. Glad to see that he's taking care of himself these days.

  16. #106
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    Scott and Chester singing "Wonderful" from 2001--sounds fantastic.

  17. #107
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    Album sampling of Art of Anarchy's new album, due 6/8. Features Scott Weiland on vocals:

  18. #108
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    Scott Weiland's guitarist, Jeremy Brown, has passed away.

  19. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYRexall View Post
    On the day of their album release, too. Not to sound insensitive, but Scott kind of needs this tour to happen, with all the heavy debt he's accrued. Will be interesting to see what happens.
    I would imagine that the tour will be cancelled or at least delayed. It's not just about losing a member of the band--think of the trauma and distress this is causing Scott, the other members and their crew.

  20. #110
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    Modzilla is a direct ripoff of White Stripes' Icky Thump
    Bleed Out is a direct ripoff of Nirvana's Stay Away

    Not sure why they just didn't make a cover album. There's some catchy hooks here and there, but it's mostly generic riff rock with cookie-cutter Weiland lyrics - very forgettable stuff.

  21. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by Presideo View Post
    Modzilla is a direct ripoff of White Stripes' Icky Thump
    Bleed Out is a direct ripoff of Nirvana's Stay Away

    Not sure why they just didn't make a cover album. There's some catchy hooks here and there, but it's mostly generic riff rock with cookie-cutter Weiland lyrics - very forgettable stuff.

    Those two songs do have the same riff. I prefer "Modzilla" though-I just prefer Weiland's vocals and the song's structure.

    Again, some strong similarities.

    Blaster is not breaking any new ground. It's a sort of White Stripes/Nirvana/T Rex hybrid that goes for the White Stripes/Black Keys lo-fi sound that's been popular for the past decade or so. That said, I really enjoyed the album. It's nothing original but it's well written, melodic and catchy. It's not a classic or the best thing that Weiland's ever done but it's an enjoyable album.

    Let's see what Stone Temple Pilots come up with with their new album.

  22. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYRexall View Post
    This, THIS and more this. It's the first album I've heard from a renowned 90's musician since SP's Oceania album where I actually wondered aloud "WTF is this shit?"

    I had some high expectations for this album because I loved his first two solo records. This one has none of the artsy weirdness of his prior albums and suffers immensely for it. There's a song on there called "Beach Bop" or something and it's fucking embarrassing. That 2010 comeback album he did by email with STP absolutely smokes this one.

    It's sad because the dude can still write an aching pop song when he's inspired. "Circles" is up there with the best ballads he's ever written; sun-splashed countrified pop with a killer vocal melody. But you have to wade through an entire album of faceless riff rock schlock to get to it.

    Really hoping I'll warm to this if I spend more time with it, but for now...meh.
    De gustibus non est disputandum.

    Funny how fans of the same artist can have such divergent opinions. I absolutely loved Oceania and would rank it as their fourth best album, behind SD, MCATIS and Adore. I too enjoyed Scott's first two solo albums, with all of their "artsy weirdness," but I don't think it's such a bad thing that he's made a more straight-forward rock album this time around. Listening to "Hotel Rio" right now and again, he's not reinventing the wheel, but it's a solid meat-and-potatoes retro-70's song. "Amethys" has a kind of Tiny Music feel and is another good track.

  23. #113
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    Scott Weiland has always been a bit of a musical chameleon/magpie from STP's debut onward.

    This might sound crazy, but I think the De Leo brothers should have done another Talk Show album with Dave Coutts. Somewhat underrated that album.

  24. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    Scott Weiland has always been a bit of a musical chameleon/magpie from STP's debut onward.

    This might sound crazy, but I think the De Leo brothers should have done another Talk Show album with Dave Coutts. Somewhat underrated that album.
    Fantastic album.

  25. #115
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    Blaster debuts at 133, behind Journey's Greatest Hits (1988).


    Last edited by GulDukat; 04-13-2015 at 04:42 AM.

  26. #116
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    Sad. I hope Scott Weiland wasn't behind this:

  27. #117
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    Saw Stone Temple Pilots last night in Boston --pretty awesome show. They must have played for a good two hours--a bulk of the setlist was from their first two albums, 'Core' and 'Purple,' but they played a fair amount of songs from their later-day 90's albums as well, a lot of deep album cuts. This was my fourth STP show and second with Chester Bennington as their lead singer. It still feels kind of strange to see the band with a new lead singer, but Chester's a great frontman/vocalist, and I say that as someone who is not really a huge fan of Linkin Park. Hopefully once STP release a new album with Chester, it will cement this new lineup and they will be seen more as their own band and not a cover one. The band was in great spirits and my throat is a little sore from singing along to "Plush" and "Dead and Bloated."

  28. #118
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    Pretty cool, Dean goes off on a "fan" shouting for Scott.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 04-30-2015 at 10:55 AM.

  29. #119
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    This is sad...just sad. Now I fully understand why STP kicked Scott out of the band:

  30. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by cahernandez View Post
    This is sad...just sad. Now I fully understand why STP kicked Scott out of the band:
    To be fair, the next day (last night) he was in much better form.

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