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Thread: Stone Temple Pilots

  1. #211
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    Core and Purple were definitely part of the soundtrack of my youth. While the productions that came afterward never much resonated with me personally, I never lost appreciation for the range and quality of Scott’s voice.

    Quote Originally Posted by SarahConnor View Post
    Does anyone live that hard anymore?
    I don’t know. But man, it does feel like the musical figures that loomed large for me growing up (Layne, Peter, Kurt, and now Scott) are disappearing too soon. And I’m sorry if this is selfish or judgmental, but for the natural talent they had, they wasted too much of it on that lifestyle.

  2. #212
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    I listened to Velvet Revolver's debut Contraband last night and forgot how much that album rocked.

  3. #213
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    VR is definitely underrated. Libertad was a bit hit and miss, but contraband is one of my all time balls out rock n roll records. I actually remember the day I bought it coming right from the dentist in 2004.

  4. #214
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlb View Post
    VR is definitely underrated. Libertad was a bit hit and miss, but contraband is one of my all time balls out rock n roll records. I actually remember the day I bought it coming right from the dentist in 2004.
    I thought Contraband had better singles, but front-to-back, Libertad was a better album, as the songs had a little more melody. There is a DVD titled Let it Roll from the 2008 tour which is great and worth checking out.

  5. #215
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    I like Libertad more. Weiland's influence shows a little more on that one. Contraband was more safe, and straightforward. Libertad was the band, as a unit, opposed to a collaboration album. Both are good though.

  6. #216
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    I know there are a few songs that were not on either album. A compilation of those songs, like "Messages" along with maybe some demos, live tracks, etc. would be cool.

  7. #217
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    Last edited by Your Name Here; 07-25-2016 at 11:52 AM.

  8. #218
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    I'm kind of bummed that he played a club here earlier this year and I didn't go. Always admired his vocals and even his wacky dancing. Also, no one did the megaphone cooler than Weiland.

  9. #219
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    Quote Originally Posted by Your Name Here View Post
    I can't even listen to his music right now and I love his music.
    I was listening to his music yesterday and that's when it started to sink in. His work has been part of my musical vocabulary for over 20 years and now he's gone, forever.

  10. #220
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    Last edited by Your Name Here; 07-25-2016 at 11:53 AM.

  12. #222
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    I was listening to his music yesterday and that's when it started to sink in.
    I was watching their live DVD this morning and when they got to "Plush" it kind of hit me: we'll never get to hear him sing that again.

    So incredibly sad. I can't overstate how special STP has been for me over the last almost 20 years that I've been a fan. I kind of almost wish I had seen him the last time he came out here solo, just as a show of support for someone I was a huge fan of. I avoided it because from everything I had seen it seemed like the shows were pretty bad. I heard that they were starting to get better, though. Very glad I had the opportunity to see him and STP a few times.

  13. #223
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    When all is said and done, he really did leave a great legacy. Classic STP will be around for a long time.

  14. #224
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    i was in 4th or 5th grade and i saw him perform 'crackerman' live on TV in a silver dress, fishnets, and an orange wig. i was forever changed. and now forever grateful.

  15. #225
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    This hits me too damn hard. Especially since I covered Big Empty at my high school talent show years ago.
    I share many fond memories with friends while listening to STP. They were greatly influential to me while growing up.
    There is now an emptiness with Scotts passing.

    Rest In Peace and thank you for all the great music and memories Scott.

  16. #226
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    Quote Originally Posted by Your Name Here View Post
    I struggled with the same addiction problems he had. Although it took me twenty years to quit heroin and cocaine and to understand my addictive nature of leaving one addiction for another I eventually got clean. It was hard and there are times even to this day I just want to dive into a mountain of blow and then get faded, but I don't because I know what the outcome will be. I have lost many good friends to addiction and we always say "you have two choices you can quit or die" and some of my friends chose the later.
    I feel like Scott and I were the same in so many ways we are both huge Bowie fans and we knew the ways of addiction and we both had our asses kicked by our addictions.
    Ahh, so are you a fellow (ex) speedballer? I'm SOOOOO fucking lucky that i have bad veins-otherwise i'm sure i'd be dead. But i always had to have someone hit me, which meant i was buying, which meant i obviously couldn't get high every day.
    Coke and heroin just make you feel way too fucking good, especially mixed.
    Why does the best feeling in the world have to be fucking russian roulette?

  17. #227
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    OMFG, what an EXQUISITELY delicate performance.

    Last edited by Hazekiah; 12-06-2015 at 07:29 AM.

  18. #228
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    This is a really good unreleased song from the 'Happiness in Galoshes' album. No idea why it was left off because it was one of the best songs from that album, IMHO:

  19. #229
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  20. #230
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archive_Reports View Post
    A brutal and honest read for sure. My heart really feels for her and her children. Her words sting and are filled with sorrow. It's just too sad that any child has to feel the feelings addressed.

  21. #231
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    Wellll, in all fairness...it's not exactly as if his history wasn't WELL documented before they started having kids together.

    Still sucks for the kids, of course. Just sayin'.

    But, yeah. It's a pretty sad story.

    Ugh. At least his son Noah got to share this...not...awful...in...hindsight...at...all...m oment with his dad, right?


  22. #232
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    Wellll, in all fairness...it's not exactly as if his history wasn't WELL documented before they started having kids together.

    Still sucks for the kids, of course. Just sayin'.

    I don't think you mean it to come off this way at all, but that seems incredibly dismissive and a little on the victim-blaming side of things. Just because you know someone has flaws doesn't mean you don't love them, or hope they can overcome them, and if we all only ever opened ourselves up to people who are problem-free and perfect then we'd never open up to anyone. Besides, none of that article seemed to be built around making anyone feel bad for her -- it seemed to focus entirely on the impact these issues have on children and what we can all (hopefully) do to at the very least alleviate those issues for innocent and at-risk kids who never signed up for an emotionally distant and in turn abusive/damaging addict of a parent.

    I've not chimed in on any of this much since I have zero connection to STP and I honestly wouldn't recognize any of their music if you played it for me and didn't tell me who it was, but it's a tragic loss nonetheless and reading that article which I saw last night really impacted me. A lot of what she says could apply to a lot of artists I think most of us are aware of, and it has a lot of good to say about why we should never mythologize and idolize this sort of behavior and these sorts of issues. It's incredibly sad to hear that this man was never able to get himself together and be a healthy parent and healthy individual and hopefully someone out there dealing with similar issues will have this wake them up to their need for help before they end up in the same situation.

  23. #233
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    Still sucks for the kids, of course. Just sayin'.

  24. #234
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    I feel sorry for her and the kids but I don't think she and Scott had the best track record before the kids arrived. But I guess its the life they lived. I'm sure he wanted to spend more time with his family. Who knows the truth really...
    We all have problems and I think most people refer to Scott as still feeling like a person who didn't fit in with anyone else, alone. He talks about it in some of his interviews in the past.

    I had tickets to see them for their last album tour back but couldn't go as I had to head home from Europe back to Australia for a wedding. But I wish I did...

    Such a great talent and shame he couldn't keep it together. Same thing happened to Layne Staley probably my other most favourite singer of our generation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Archive_Reports View Post

  25. #235
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    I came here to post one of my favorite unreleased STP tracks, and while searching for it, found out that Scott re-worked it and released it as a solo single. I'm kinda disappointed in myself that I didn't realize that, and that I haven't really delved into Scott's solo work despite being a die-hard STP fan.

  26. #236
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    TMZ obtained a copy of the search warrant Bloomington, MN cops got to search Weiland's bus after his death — and it shows they found at least 2 bags of a white substance. They've already said that substance tested positive for cocaine.

    Also on the bus — a generic version of Xanax, 2 different brands of sleeping pills, Buprenorphine … a synthetic opiate painkiller, and Viagra. There was also Ziprasidone … which is used to treat bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Scott was diagnosed as bipolar in 2001.
    There it is.

  27. #237
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    There it is.
    Yeah, it does appear like it was an OD. When I saw him this year, he was in better shape than he was two years ago, so I had really hoped he was going easy on that shit and getting his life together.

    On another note, I am listening to his final album now, Art of Anarchy's self-titled debut, and it's not bad. It's a little generic, but Weiland did the best he could with the material and his personality, craftsmanship and ability to create strong melodies make this a better-than-average, modern sounding rock album.

  28. #238
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    Free download of Art of Anarchy's album, Scott's final project.

  29. #239
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    They actually dropped the "With Chester Bennington" moniker.

    I'm a huge Scott Weiland fan and feel sorry that he was fired, but I can hardly blame the other members for kicking him out. These guys are in their late 40's now and getting too old for this sort of thing:

    Chester is reliable and professional, so I can totally see why they'd want to work with him over Scott. I also have no problem with them keeping the name. The three other members have spent over 20 years of their lives building up that brand and they shouldn't have to stop using that moniker just because their frontman can't keep it together. As a live act, STP with Chester sound great, IMHO. Caught the Boston show in 2013 and am seeing them again in April. I'm also seeing Scott next month.

    As for Chester sounding like Scott--I see your point. He does sound somewhat Weiland-esque on the excellent High Rise EP, although he still has his own identity. Since that was just their first collaboration together, I expect Chester to find his own voice with the upcoming album.

    ETA--this sounds good:
    I posted this a few months back and that's how I felt then. I kind of thought they would release a new album with Chester and one day Scott would return. Now, with the departure of Chester and the death of Weiland, I think they should retire the band, or at least the name and leave the legacy alone. I think they had potential with Chester, but it didn't work out, and it would be a mistake to go with a third singer. I would be interested in new music from the DeLeo brothers, but Stone Temple Pilots died with Scott.

  30. #240
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