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Thread: halo twenty eight. hesitation marks. 09.03.2013

  1. #2161
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    Quote Originally Posted by fuckit View Post
    question: how DID most people react when the fragile was released? i know that critically it did well in general (aside from that immature pitchfork review), but how was the fan base's reaction?

    July 19, 2000
    Na Na Na, Nah: A Guide To Listening To The Fragile Without Feeling Like A Big Loser

    So, you've just bought your very own copy of The Fragile, but you don't know what to do with it. Don't worry, you're not the only one in this situation. At least, I don't think so... but even if you are, this super, handy-dandy guide will assist you in listening to this totally rad album properly. After following these easy steps, you'll be accepted by your peers in no time at all. If they still don't accept you, then they can all just go to hell.

    Let's get started! Tally ho!

    First of all, be sure you're buying the right album. With so many different ones out there to choose from these days, there's always the chance that you'll mistakenly grab the wrong album and not even realize it until you've already gotten home. Don't make this mistake! Take a moment to double-check to make sure the album you're holding in your grubby little hand is The Fragile by Nine Inch Nails (it says so on the spine of the CD case).

    Once you've purchased the CD (if you purchased the cassette or vinyl versions, just pretend i'm saying "cassette" or "vinyl" instead of "CD"), you should open the case and examine the contents. There should be two CD's (or three records) and a lyric booklet.

    In the booket you will find LYRICS! If at any point while listening to this album you find yourself wondering what the hell Trent was saying, you may use this as a reference. Unfortunately, we may never know what the hell he's mumbling at 3:57 in "The Wretched" (if anyone figures it out, please don't hesitate to enlighten me).

    Also, if you'll flip over to the back, you can read about the people who helped make this album. If you thought Trent Reznor did it all by himself, you're WRONG, BUDDY!

    Now, let's talk about the music!

    In order to make things easier for YOU, THE READER, I made these adorable little icons to represent different aspects of The Fragile's songs. Study them carefully, or there will be very dire consequences awaiting you.

    Resentment Toward God
    Sexual References
    General Angriness
    Dr. Dre
    Slow Song
    Unintelligible Whispering
    Getting Funky
    Marching Band
    Abrupt Ending
    Drowning References
    Backward Masking
    Loud, Rockin' Song
    Touching Piano Melody

    Disc 1 (Left)

    Somewhat Damaged
    This is the first song on the album! This song is really loud and angry. It makes me want to break stuff. If you have a tendency to break stuff while listening to loud rock 'n roll music, I would recommend against listening to this song near a lot of glass. Unless you're into bleeding.

    The Day The World Went Away
    I've found that this is a good song to play at a good old-fashioned campfire while roasting weenies and s'mores. One time I changed the words so that it said "The Day The Weenies Went Away." That was very funny. It's annoying when the cord that runs from the guitar to the amp gets caught in the fire, though.

    The Frail
    If you listen carefully, you may notice that this song is built on the same melody as The Fragile. It's a quiet, introspective piano instrumental. Not a real "party" song, but it does give you an opportunity to pick up all the stuff you broke while listening to the first two songs, before your parents get home.

    The Wretched
    This is a song about a whale! ...No, actually, it's a song about God reaching down from Heaven and beating people up with his big arm. I think that would be pretty fun to watch. What the hell is he whispering?

    We're In This Together
    Here we have one of only two NIN songs that contain the word "we". It's also the only NIN song to contain the words "impossible", "beaten", "fate", "flows", "together", "very", "awake", "fingers" (plural), "farther", "beside", "king" and "queen". Can you spot the grammatical error in this song?

    The Fragile
    This is what's known as the "title track", because the name of this song is the same as the name of the album. I bet you didn't know that. If I could think of more to write about this song, I'd --

    Just Like You Imagined
    This is one of thoe most complex, mind-bending NIN songs ever, and there aren't even any words! "Imagine" that! Trent and his filthy cohorts threw everything and the kitchen sink into this track. I tried to play this on the piano once, and my fingers got all cramped up. Never do that!

    Even Deeper
    Trent brought fellow hip-hop artist Dr. Dre into the studio to mix this track. It turned out pretty well, but some of you may prefer the "old skool" sound of Down In It and Kinda I Want To. Also, the bass on this song sounds really crappy in my car.

    This song is fun! It sure took Trent long enough to come up with the idea of having a marching band play in one of his songs (even if it is just a phony marching band that he made on a computer). I wish I could make marching band songs on my computer. I'd make a whole damn album of marching band songs. I guess I'd need a Mac for that, though.

    No, You Don't
    A fast-paced song reminiscent of something from the Broken EP. I had an idea for a cool video for this song once... it involved Ernest Borgnine being tied to a flagpole in his underwear and being force fed blueberry pancakes. This song gets really loud at the end, and then it gets quiet. Just so you know.

    La Mer
    "La Mer" is French for "The Sea" (not to be confused with "Le Merde", which is French for "The Shit"). This is a mellow, relaxing song with a funky fresh beat and some woman talking about something or other in French, � la "Let's Talk About Cars" by the Butthole Surfers.

    The Great Below
    Trent closes the LEFT DISC with this song, which is similar to "Hurt" from The Downward Spiral. It's basically about walking out into the ocean and drowning. Kids: Please do not attempt this without a certified lifeguard (or David Hasselhoff) on duty.

    Disc 2 (Right)

    The Way Out Is Through
    DISC TWO START NOW! This song starts out quietly, builds up with some "pulsing synths" (it's required by Federal law to use the term "pulsing synths" when describing this song), and then ROCKS at the end. I would have liked to see this song performed live, but alas, I did not get to, probably because Trent Reznor hates me and everybody is out to get me.

    Into The Void
    The beginning of this song reminds me of Final Fantasy music. Of course, lots of things remind me of Final Fantasy music while I'm deliberately concentrating and inhaling the contents of an aerosol container. This song's hot, it's got a funky beat, and I can bug out to it! You might recognize the line "tried to save myself but myself keeps slipping" from the Michael Bolton song of the same name.

    Where Is Everybody?
    "Where is everybody?" asks Trent Reznor in the chorus of this song, amidst more ultra-funky beats and booty bass. They all went out to get pizza, Trent. Sorry... you snooze, you lose.

    The Mark Has Been Made
    This is my personal favorite instrumental on the album. A lot of people seem to think that this is a half-assed attempt at a song, for some reason. They must not be familiar with "Screaming Slave". This song sounds kind of like early Tom Waits, slowed down, and put through a funk blender (I made that up myself).

    This is a pretty straightforward, solid NIN song (as opposed to all those liquid NIN songs). One thing this song definitely has, is pizazz. Well, actually, I just said that because I've been itching to use the word "pizazz" in a sentence all day. But I guess it's still a pretty pizazzy song anyhow. Oh, and pulsing synths.

    Starfuckers, Inc.
    No other NIN song has as many instances of profanity as this little gem. The oral sex reference is also worth noting. See "Star... What?" for an exclusive review of the music video for "Starsuckers, Inc." (also known as "Starfuckers For Kids").

    Another instrumental. This one is fast and short. It goes kinda like this: "Wooowwwwwoowwwoowwwoowwwwowwww, Woowwwwwwooowwoowwwwwoooowwwoowwwwwww". I listen to this song when I'm ready to get my groove on. You should, too.

    I'm Looking Forward To Joining You, Finally
    Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's... Minimalist Trent Reznor! This song has very little to it, but it's still pretty good. Trent Reznor proves that you don't have to be a Beatle to use a tamborine and still come off sounding cool.

    The Big Come Down
    This song is cool! It's really loud and noisy, and Trent Reznor yells a lot in it. That adds up to one heck of a neat song. The only thing that would have made it better is if he had sung the entire song in falsetto (� la "Heresy"). But that's okay. Maybe he'll sing entirely in falsetto on the next album (to marching band music, at that!)

    Underneath It All
    I couldn't seem to put any of my cool icons to this song, since it doesn't seem to apply to any of them. It's kinda weird, but I tend to like things that are kinda weird, and this song is no exception. Maybe it would be less strange if I could recognize one single instrument in it. It sounds almost as if the song was made on a machine of some sort! How odd.

    Ripe (With Decay)
    Hooray For Decay! This is the last song on the album. It's also an instrumental. This song, along with "The Day The Weenies Went Away", would sound lovely played beside a toasty campfire. If you listen carefully toward the chewy caramel center of the song, you'll hear a sample from the popular video game Pole Position. Seriously! Well, I think...

  2. #2162
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    Quote Originally Posted by nick999 View Post
    Ive got a really bad feeling that this is going to be the last new NIN album for awhile, if ever. Dont know why, but fuck....that would suck.
    I think you're right, although, it did take the simple task of writing two new songs to inspire him to just write an entire album..
    Who knows, though. I think as long as he has something of use to say, and the music doesn't feel forced or stale, he'll keep making records.
    I mean, look at Bowie, that guy is a million years old and just put out a new album. Sure the context will have to change, since he can't keep
    ROCK BAND Trent going forever, but all he's ever known is music. And at this point, to leave it behind would be a pretty crazy thing to do.

  3. #2163
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    Dang. I was hoping this was going to leak today for whatever reason.

  4. #2164
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    Well, look at it this way: if there's another five year gap between HM and whatever NIN comes next, we'll probably get soundtracks and HTDA in the meantime because Trent literally cannot stop making music. It's like he'd die if he stopped.

  5. #2165
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    I hope it leaks soon. I bought the record, But it just dawned on me. I will be going camping the week of the record release date. SO I wont get the record in-till afterwards.

  6. #2166
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    Quote Originally Posted by Final Destiny View Post
    Well, look at it this way: if there's another five year gap between HM and whatever NIN comes next, we'll probably get soundtracks and HTDA in the meantime because Trent literally cannot stop making music. It's like he'd die if he stopped.
    I have a feeling that he must be active to further prevent falling back into addiction. don't kill me people. just a thought.

  7. #2167
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    also, All time low is apparently a cyber funk track reminiscent of "closer", at least according to NME's new article

  8. #2168
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    No offense, folks, I just want to fap over the current album at hand. I'm a little worried positive energy is beginning to take a backseat...

    We can get this thing to leak by harnessing our collective chi.

    EDIT: post directly above mine--much better

  9. #2169
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    Quote Originally Posted by fuckit View Post
    question: how DID most people react when the fragile was released? i know that critically it did well in general (aside from that immature pitchfork review), but how was the fan base's reaction?
    The usual, everyone thought it was total crap. It wasn't TDS. Seemed everyone bitched endlessly about the playlist as well and there were countless alt playlists floating around.

    I'm actually quite surprised that it's finally seen by many as an amazing album. Even as recently as the With Teeth/Year Zero era, there was A LOT of shit talking about it.

  10. #2170
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    Quote Originally Posted by Final Destiny View Post
    Well, look at it this way: if there's another five year gap between HM and whatever NIN comes next, we'll probably get soundtracks and HTDA in the meantime because Trent literally cannot stop making music. It's like he'd die if he stopped.
    I'm actually really curious what he's gonna do at the end of this touring cycle...

  11. #2171
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    Quote Originally Posted by fuckit View Post
    I have a feeling that he must be active to further prevent falling back into addiction. don't kill me people. just a thought.
    That would make sense. Wasn't that why he started bodybuilding, too? Keep himself active to bat the urges away.

    Of course, this isn't something we should speculate too long about. Personal business and all.

  12. #2172
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    Quote Originally Posted by butter_hole View Post
    I'm actually really curious what he's gonna do at the end of this touring cycle...
    He said he has the next two years mapped out in the Zane interview, so I assume he's going straight into making new music. Not exactly surprising i guess.

  13. #2173
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    The Rolling Stone article said he planned to be on the road "for most of the next year."

  14. #2174
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    Quote Originally Posted by fuckit View Post
    I have a feeling that he must be active to further prevent falling back into addiction. don't kill me people. just a thought.
    I think he's just a workaholic (bad choice of words, I know). Some people are just like that. They just can't not do anything. Even before rehab he seemed to be like that.
    Last edited by Bad Wolf; 08-20-2013 at 10:47 PM.

  15. #2175
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bad Wolf View Post
    I think he's just a workaholic (bad choice of words, I know). Some people are just like that. They just can't not do anything. Even before rehab he seemed to be like that.
    I agree to an extent that he could just be a workaholic, but i don't think he was a machine like he is now pre WT. he was a perfectionist, sure, but he did say that during the dry years between TDS and TF he was fucking around and avoided making a new album.

  16. #2176
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    Quote Originally Posted by modul8tr View Post
    The usual, everyone thought it was total crap. It wasn't TDS. Seemed everyone bitched endlessly about the playlist as well and there were countless alt playlists floating around.

    I'm actually quite surprised that it's finally seen by many as an amazing album. Even as recently as the With Teeth/Year Zero era, there was A LOT of shit talking about it.
    That's pretty much how I remembered it. A lot of negativity. And now some of those same people love the album (except Starfuckers Inc). One person I know said she grew to like the album after seeing it payed live. She disliked it at first and now it's her favorite NIN album. Others just grew into it.

    I liked it before it was cool.

  17. #2177
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    Quote Originally Posted by Final Destiny View Post
    Well, look at it this way: if there's another five year gap between HM and whatever NIN comes next, we'll probably get soundtracks and HTDA in the meantime because Trent literally cannot stop making music. It's like he'd die if he stopped.

    NIN fans are spoiled now. Five year gap between PHM and TDS - broken which while admittedly awesome is also not very long.
    Five year gap between TDS and TF - a few miscellaneous soundtrack songs, I'm afraid of Americans and the Quake soundtrack
    six year gap between TF and WT - deep and still. And while Still is awesome, there's only a handful of new songs.
    At this point Trent gets sober and is unsure about WT which went through some changes because he wasn't sure if he could make music while sober ( a quote of his I still get a chuckle out of)
    Two year gap for his next album, one year gap for the next and a couple months for the next (meaning that Trent released the same number of albums in 2008 that he did in all of the nineties)
    Now we're back to the traditional five year gap. During this five years we got two full movie scores (one of which was three discs long), an EP with a different band and a full album with that same band. That's four and a half discs of music during his "time away." not to mention creating two new lives which may very well have his musical genes for our kids or grandkids to enjoy.

    Trust me. He's not going anywhere. Even if his music keeps taking different forms and might not even be called NIN at some point, I don't think there will be a time when he's alive and in decent health where there isn't at least something coming out with his name on it.

  18. #2178
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    The primary things I remember are lambasting of WITT as the latest moment NIN "sold out and went commercial pop", and freaking out because Dr. Dre was involved on one track so it was obviously a rap album. I do seem to recall a kind of universal love for The Frail/The Wretched, though.

  19. #2179
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    Quote Originally Posted by nick999 View Post
    Agreed. But what about the chorus?? I think the chorus is what a lot of people have been looking for. Harsh layered guitars and an aggressive beat.
    Except it sounds like a Lenny Kravitz song from 10 years ago...

  20. #2180
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    OK, I am officially stoked for the release of this album now!! I'm not even sure if I can wait til release date anymore I'll probably crack and listen to the leak, if there is one before September 3rd. But I give credit to the NIN team and Columbia records for keeping the record on pretty good lockdown for this long. Most new records would have leaked by this point in time now.

    Anyway, I think it must have been reading through the shitstorm that was the "Everything" thread when I finally realized just how goddamn pumped I am to hear this album. Up until a couple hours ago it was like, OK... yeah, new NIN... it's coming, gonna buy it, gonna be cool...

    Now it's FINALLY hit me, new FUCKING NIN!!!!!

    Guess part of me really wants to see what all the fuss about this Everything is (i'm holding out as perviously mentioned, for the full album to hear it first). Plus I partially feel I ruined this album experience enough as it is. Here's what I have heard so far (and to some extend maybe even Overplayed the last 2 weeks...oops):

    Came Back Haunted - Studio & Live
    Copy of A - Studio & Live
    Disappointed - Live
    Find My Way - Live

    That's like 1/3 the album there, so minus the "intro" and "outro" there are only 8 new songs for me to discover.

    I'm really looking forward to hearing "All Time Low" (because it says explicit on it, and I like me some obscene words in my NIN songs, lol), and "Various Methods of Escape". I donno what it is, but that track sounds very interesting. It almost sounds like it will be an instrumental, but part of me feels maybe he thinks he has exhausted his instrumental songs with Ghosts, The Slip, his Soundtracks etc from the last 5 years that he really wanted to write some tracks with words. I hope that song has lyrics in it, sounds like a badass song.

    The last 3 songs before the "outro" have me a TAD worried based on the titles: "I would for you", "In two" and "While i'm still here" as they all sound like they will be really soft, quiet love songs. I have a feeling this is going to be a new trilogy of songs like the Eraser/BYIT/RWIB part of the [With_Teeth] live show. At least 2 of those sound quite sappy to me. Hopefully i'm wrong... but when you have track names like "Came Back Haunted" and "Eater Of Dreams" written next to "I Would for you" and "While i'm still here" it makes you wonder.

    Well, I guess that's my "pre listening Hesitation Marks" review, if you can even call it a review, not really reviewing anything, sharing pre-opinions I suppose.
    Anyway, looking forward to hearing what the album has to offer, regardless of whether the remaining tracks yet to be heard are brutal in your face industrial floor stompers, or ballet love songs to his wife, still going to be a great listen!

    Besides, "Lights in the sky" and "AATCHB" are probably 2 of my favourite NIN songs, so don't go thinking i'm hating on his slower material.

  21. #2181
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post

    July 19, 2000
    Na Na Na, Nah: A Guide To Listening To The Fragile Without Feeling Like A Big Loser
    I wish that Meathead could write something similar about Hesitation Marks...

  22. #2182
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    Quote Originally Posted by fuckit View Post
    also, All time low is apparently a cyber funk track reminiscent of "closer", at least according to NME's new article
    link to the article, please...
    I looked for it but with no luck...

  23. #2183
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davide Marengo View Post
    link to the article, please...
    I looked for it but with no luck...
    check nin spotting. or my post history.

  24. #2184
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    (So we have something to talk about, besides Everything.)

  25. #2185
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    Quote Originally Posted by OSLIN View Post
    (So we have something to talk about, besides Everything.)
    I'm with you on that. I can only imagine the butthurt if Everything was the first single or song played live. I'm ready for the album though. I'd like to enjoy it with some beers this weekend before I start back to school next week.

  26. #2186
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    Oh my fucking God how has this album not leaked yet!? GRRAAAARGGGGHHHH
    Just had to get that out of me

  27. #2187
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    ARrggggggggghhhhh! (Felt left out)

  28. #2188
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    more like:



  29. #2189
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    Lol nin puns.

  30. #2190
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    0 Post(s)'s dead in here today. Where is that "one more day...." guy at?

    p.s. now is a good time to take a leak.

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