Quote Originally Posted by cynicmuse View Post
You need to get GA tickets during the nin.com presale if you want rail. That's the only way that you're going to end up there. Assuming that you get presale tickets, then you just have to show up early enough that day to be close to the front of the line. Back in 2008, 1pm or so was sufficient for the LITS show in Seattle; I ended up in front of JMJ. I've got no idea how early you need to show up these days.

If you're on the rail, your front side is protected. However, there's still going to be movement from the sides and from behind you, including jackasses who think that they can power their way to the front. I got lucky because I had a few 6'+ guys right behind me, so it wasn't too bad. However, there were still a few crowd surfers that I had to hold up before they got caught by security. I definitely had some bruises from that show.

My personal preference is to stand back in front of the sound board, because then I don't have to spend time thinking about whether I need to worry about someone dropping on my head or if I'm going to get flattened by the mosh pit. I also get the full effect of the visuals. It's really a matter of personal preference; some people like the mosh pit and/or rail experience. I don't.
Thank you so much for that! I understand the risk of being crushed or kicked in the head by crowd surfers. As much as I would love to be in the front and wait all day to be there, I don't want to be in the position where I have to leave my spot because the crowd got too rough. I think my best bet is to be near the side of the stage.. be close enough, but not in the middle of the madness. I was lucky to get pre-sale tix for How to Destroy Angels and got front row. Crossing my fingers for this show. Thanks again!