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Thread: 2013.11.24 - Edmonton, AB @ Rexall Place

  1. #1
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    2013.11.24 - Edmonton, AB @ Rexall Place

    I'll be in attendance!

    Autolux will be the supporting act.
    Last edited by Callahan; 06-09-2013 at 10:52 PM.

  2. #2
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    Got my tickets for this show! any other ETS peeps checking it out?

  3. #3
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    Got tix for this show - Row A!! Will anyone actually be at this show way up in Canada?! haha Im from Los Angeles. Actually going to meet people in Saskatoon (fly) and drive to this from there. I cant find a detailed seating chart though. I hope the seats arent too much to the side. (dont mean to sound ungrateful) but the Los Angeles Forum Lights in the Sky NIN.com seats were in line with the front screen - so I pretty much missed the screen effects entirely except maybe the rear screen. It was an interesting vantage point but couldnt see the screens -made up for it in Vegas - the last show.

    Obviously we dont know what hes going to do for this tour - just hope I can see it!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Powhatan View Post
    Got tix for this show - Row A!! Will anyone actually be at this show way up in Canada?! haha Im from Los Angeles. Actually going to meet people in Saskatoon (fly) and drive to this from there. I cant find a detailed seating chart though. I hope the seats arent too much to the side. (dont mean to sound ungrateful) but the Los Angeles Forum Lights in the Sky NIN.com seats were in line with the front screen - so I pretty much missed the screen effects entirely except maybe the rear screen. It was an interesting vantage point but couldnt see the screens -made up for it in Vegas - the last show.

    Obviously we dont know what hes going to do for this tour - just hope I can see it!
    Coming all the way from LA?? be prepared for some...cooler weather... I'm hoping they will allow the line up to be indoors, because if we're waiting outside, it'll be a long and cold wait!

    As for the seating chart, check out this pic:

    If you opted for seating, I'm guessing you'll be in section 120/136. I had some friends sitting in that area, and they never had any complaints!

  5. #5
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    I LOVE cold actually I have visited Saskatoon in winter - but that did give me a thought - I hope the road will be open from Sask to Edmonton at that time - does it close?
    I am sec 120 Row A I just cant do floors at a show like this. When I was younger sure, and small shows sure - but stadium GA for me isnt fun anymore and more to the point - many I go with are even less tolerant of GA floor - so....
    I hope Row A is elevated from the floor a bit and my seats in 120 are not on the complete side of the stage like the Forum. I was looking for a seating chart with actual numbers for the seats.
    Whatever the case - I wont mind the cold - promise - haha -

  6. #6
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    Are you going to Vegas Callahan?
    Ill be there on the Sat date.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Powhatan View Post
    Are you going to Vegas Callahan?
    Ill be there on the Sat date.
    Yep, I'll be there! Have tickets to both shows in Vegas, unfortunately, they are from the Ticketmaster presale though, wasn't lucky enough to get the nin.com sale.

    Vegas/Edmonton/Calgary are the shows that I'll be checking out. I was planning on doing more! but I may be moving in January...so I have to be a bit cautious with the spending. I'm guessing there'll be more dates in 2014 that will eventually be announced, hoping there'll be a couple more I can check out then.

  8. #8
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    What did you get for Vegas. NIN presale was just GA so nothing special there. Where in Canada do you live?
    Do you think there will be road issues between Saskatoon and Edmonton in November?
    Here in California lots of roads get closed where it snows for the winter - I have no idea what its like up there.

  9. #9
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    I'm from Calgary and will be heading to the Edmonton show as well.

    As for the roads, they might be bad depending on the weather, which can get pretty gnarly in November, but won't likely be closed unless there is a massive whiteout, blizzard and/or massive accidents. Not sure on the exact figures, but road closures aren't terribly common unless it is something pretty extreme. I will certainly be planning on leaving plenty early so that if the weather is bad and I have to do 60km/h the whole way I can still get there on time.

  10. #10
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    ok cool - thanks. I expect in a storm situation anything is possible - what I didnt know is if some roads just close for the winter like many do here - for instance the main pass from the LA side of the Angeles Crest mountains to Palmdale is completely closed off in winter - even though we dont get a TON of snow up there - but they have rock slides and they dont bother to clear them till end of winter.
    We will leave Saskatoon early in any event that day.

  11. #11
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    A friend and I scored floor tickets!

    Hells yeah.

    Mini-Alberta ETS meetup, haha.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Powhatan View Post
    What did you get for Vegas. NIN presale was just GA so nothing special there. Where in Canada do you live?
    Do you think there will be road issues between Saskatoon and Edmonton in November?
    Here in California lots of roads get closed where it snows for the winter - I have no idea what its like up there.
    I got GA for the Vegas shows, so that's still a bonus! and I live in Calgary.

    In regards to the roads, I'm sure you'll be fine. Even in a storm, it's pretty rare for a road to close down. If a storm happens, just don't rush the driving! People with their big trunks and 4 wheel drive tend to get a bit cocky when it's snowing, even though it would still be icy and slippery. Pay attention to the weather, and just leave extra driving time if it looks like it's going to be a rough drive.

  13. #13
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    I'm in section 136 for this show! Seems like awesome tickets. Cannot wait. Had some troubles with the pre-sale, but finally got it sorted. Super stoked for this!

    Chances of roads being closed in November is pretty slim, it's usually like Jan/Feb/March sorta time, deep winter

  14. #14
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    Opening band - Autolux

    For the record, I believe Autolux is opening for this show. Definitely get there in time and check them out.
    They are FANTASTIC.

    If you dont know them, Its Greg Edwards' current band (guitar) - he was from the 90s band Failure (one of the most underrated bands of the 90s), hes also been tied to Replicants and Lusk - both bands that involved Tools older bass player. Lots of great experimental stuff put out through those different bands/projects.

    Youtube quality SUCKS - Their records have a lot of great beautiful noise on them - go buy their albums and listen to them on something good!!
    Future Perfect
    Transit Transit

    Whats funny is I always miss them live when they play here in LA - I have to go to fu#$ing Edmonton, CA to see them.
    Last edited by Powhatan; 06-24-2013 at 03:18 PM.

  15. #15
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    Absolutely thrilled to be attending this show. Will be my third time seeing Mr. Reznor. (My second seeing Finck, though I actually preferred North. Surprisingly, yes.)
    I read a few posts but since I'm internet shy, I'm a little apprehensive to mention meeting up with anyone. Though I can assure you that if I were to meet a fellow ETS'er, I would most certainly buy her/him a drink.

    I will be attending with my friend Monika, we will be on the floor. (Fuck Yes, no issues with presale!) We're both really relaxed, easygoing people and absolutely chill to hang out with. We always love meeting new people and are excellent conversationalists.

    Almost equally important to me is seeing Autolux! I discovered this band through Echoingthesound years ago after learning of their opening spots for Nine Inch Nails on the '05 tour. I have since been a huge fan! This was well worth my money, so screw all the others who are bitching about the pricing.

    The way I see it, I saw Trent & Co. in 2008 and paid like, way less. That show was probably the best I've seen in terms of lighting and stage theatrics. Just imagine what kind of production they've got set up for this tour. Okay, I'm salivating now.

    Anyways, PM me if you want to meet up, possibly make a new friend(s). I have a deficit of companions who are Nine Inch Nails fans, and I absolutely love waxing extensively all things Bent Razor related. I mean, well you know what I mean.
    Last edited by mercyshallow; 07-08-2013 at 11:57 PM. Reason: I think I'm funny.

  16. #16
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    Anyone else thinking of going to the Calgary show as well? I have an extra ticket, NIN.com presale ticket at that, for the floor in Calgary and the person I was gonna go with dropped out, so for now I have an extra. Gonna be driving down there mid afternoon the day of the show, and heading back to Edmonton afterwards.

  17. #17
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    Anyone from Calgary going to this show that wants to either give me a ride to Edmonton or get a ride with me? Preferably heading back Monday morning as I'd like to stay in Edmonton and make it back for the yyc show early. All you'd have to do is drop me at my hotel and pick me up next morning. Or vice versa if I drive. Same night return could work too. PM me.

  18. #18
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    Nov.1 - Floor tickets and some Level 1 seats near the stage available on Ticketmaster...

  19. #19
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    Hi ets. My cfl team (that's Canadian football for you American folks) made the grey cup (that's the Canadian Super Bowl) And I'm gonna skip Edmonton to head to Regina. If anyone would be willing to pick me up the show posters it would be much appreciated. I'll pay shipping to Calgary or better yet if you're doing Edmonton and Calgary I'll meet you at the Calgary show.

  20. #20
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    3:30 am Friday Greyhound to Edmonton... oh what I do for this band.

  21. #21
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    Flying in from Los Angeles Sunday morning - flying back to Los Angeles Monday afternoon.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Powhatan View Post
    Flying in from Los Angeles Sunday morning - flying back to Los Angeles Monday afternoon.
    Least it won't be -18 on Sunday when you're there, but wow, what a show for you to go to! The coldest one on the tour, lol.
    Especially coming from LA, that will be quite the shock.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    Least it won't be -18 on Sunday when you're there, but wow, what a show for you to go to! The coldest one on the tour, lol.
    Especially coming from LA, that will be quite the shock.
    I actually love winter and hate LA for its lack of (btw its like in the 50s (F) here in LA today and I watched a guy outside yell how freezing it was - haha - even I think its silly how people react here.
    Anyway, I am looking forward to it. I just hope there are no delays in flight. I have a layover in Seattle and arrive in Edmonton at 12:30PM. Not a lot of room for flight delays.

    I have a special Canadian friend driving up to meet me there from Saskatoon the day before- also she has 2 friends in Edmonton we will crash with. Im glad it worked out - though my trip will be brief. Its my 4th of 4 shows.

    Anyone wants to say hello to me - we can talk about how we each envy each others location this time of year.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Powhatan View Post
    I actually love winter and hate LA for its lack of (btw its like in the 50s (F) here in LA today and I watched a guy outside yell how freezing it was - haha - even I think its silly how people react here.
    Oh man, it was like... 65-70 degrees F during the day in vegas last weekend and people were wearing winter coats and toques. I was like WTF is this! lol, people are funny.
    We went to LA in Feburary a few years back and people were bundled up in jackets and scarfs and it was like 55-60F. I guess it's all relative to what you're used to. If you're used to 100-110 degrees F for most of the year, I would imagine 55-60 would feel a tad chilly to you.

    I guess it kinda makes sense in a weird sort of way... it's like Trent said "I just want something I can never have" guess that applies to weather as well, haha. There was a guy in Vegas when we were there, said he was from Texas and was loving the cool Vegas weather, haha. I guess if you come from a place that's like 80-100 degrees hot all year round, you do attend to appreciate things like cooler weather. Quite the opposite for people in Canada though, we appreciate the warm weather when we get it.
    Last edited by ManBurning; 11-20-2013 at 04:39 PM.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    Oh man, it was like... 65-70 degrees F during the day in vegas last weekend and people were wearing winter coats and toques. I was like WTF is this! lol, people are funny.
    We went to LA in Feburary a few years back and people were bundled up in jackets and scarfs and it was like 55-60F. I guess it's all relative to what you're used to. If you're used to 100-110 degrees F for most of the year, I would imagine 55-60 would feel a tad chilly to you.
    Whats really funny is the women in short skirts and big furry ugh boots. Always cracks me up. but yeah - in the 50s is when all the scarves and big coats come out and I even see women wearing gloves - Im from California and its funny to me. I was in Vegas too last Saturday and was in a T shirt walking outside watching everyone else bundled up. haha

    I DO worry about the planes and ice - but I guess Edmonton probably has that issue worked out.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Powhatan View Post
    I DO worry about the planes and ice - but I guess Edmonton probably has that issue worked out.
    Haha, oh yeah! That reminds me... they have to de-ice the plane wings before flight in most of Canada. I used to live in Winnipeg, where it can get down to -40C (which I believe is also -40F... I think it's the same once it gets to that point), and I remember going away in Winter (specifically this time of year to Edmonton for NIN) and they had to de-frost the wings. Totally forgot about that. Vancouver doesn't really get sub-zero weather. We get Seattle weather. Between 25-45F all winter, lots of rain.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    Haha, oh yeah! That reminds me... they have to de-ice the plane wings before flight in most of Canada. .
    Done that a few times in Minneapolis. as long as I get THERE on time Ill be happy.

    Anyone tell me what Edmonton is like late at night - like food after the show on a Sunday night - something besides Tim Hortons.
    Last edited by Powhatan; 11-20-2013 at 04:50 PM.

  28. #28
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    Packed and ready for the bus. If anyone sees a long haired guy walking around on the floor with a NIN shirt and toque on, it's probably me. Feel free to say hi and all that jazz...

    We'll see my fellow ETSers there!

  29. #29
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    I hope section 120 isnt too off to the side. The two shows Ive seen in stadiums were just border but not too much. I cant even find one map with actual seat number detail so I have no idea WHERE in 120 I will be - but I am row 1 - so is that the floor or elevated up a little?

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Powhatan View Post
    I hope section 120 isnt too off to the side. The two shows Ive seen in stadiums were just border but not too much. I cant even find one map with actual seat number detail so I have no idea WHERE in 120 I will be - but I am row 1 - so is that the floor or elevated up a little?

    I hope I did that .gif thing right. I got that From a Google search, of course - but it seems to be Rexall Place.
    I guess you're talking about specific seat numbers though! I'm not sure I've ever seen a map like that! At least I tried!

    Anyone know what time they hand out the presale wristbands? Anyone want to meet up for drinks or anything before or after the show?
    Last edited by mercyshallow; 11-23-2013 at 05:16 AM.

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