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Thread: Silent Hill

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by exilajei View Post
    Picked up the HD collection on PS3. I had never gotten around to playing SH2 or 3 back in the day, so I can't exactly compare it to the originals, but there's definitely some minor annoyances. The frame rate dips a lot (at least in SH2) and the fog effect looks sort of strange. Textures do look great though for the most part.

    Not as scary as I was expecting though. Maybe it'll start to pick up after a few more hours? Just got to the hospital.
    Got to the hospital and haven't played since. Have yet to fire my gun. Spoiler: I tried to melee both nurses, but they killed Maria . Wandered off to play Resident Evil 4. Got the sudden urge to play it after they announced RE6. I'll play it again though.

  2. #32
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    I've neeever played a Silent Hill game, so I thought it'd be a good idea to get it off the PSN store since it was one of the giveaways from this month.

    I've gotta say, aside from the whole weird directional control thing (controls are from the perspective of wherever your character is facing), it's a pretty solid game, and even the controls aren't that hard to get used to. I'm only at the school, but I'm already getting freaked out just from walking around this place. I'll probably check out the HD collection next, since I'm sure it'll be harder to find 2 and 3 to play on my PS2. I guess I'll just play whatever I can from there. Maybe I'll try Downpour since it's the most recent.

  3. #33
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    Hopefully Downpour will arrive today. I've heard many bad things about the HD collection, to the point where Silent Hill 2 looks worse than it did on the PS2. I reckon a used copy wouldn't be too hard to find.
    In other news Downpour was a right pain to find here in the UK, Game (with their current woes) arn't stocking it, so neither is Gamestation, nor HMV, no supermarkets, and I checked Asda, Sainsburys and Tesco near me and couldn't find one copy. Actually make me kinda hope Game pulls through its administration and comes out better as if games, if they are not AAA titles, can't be found, how are we gonna get those little gems that slip under the radar, or how is a new studio going to fair? Meh... off topic.. Anyway, I'm not optimistic about Downpour, but I didn't really read the reviews very carefully and am at least looking forward to a new story.

  4. #34
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    I thought the HD collection looked pretty nice. Granted, I only played the second game. And I order my games online (Amazon). The selections here are pretty weak, and I don't feel like dealing with pretentious snobs who work at gamestop.

  5. #35
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    Apparently there is something up with the fog in Silent Hill 2. I say apparently as I'm yet to get my copy, but it supposedly just isn't as prevalent and swirling as it was on the original PS2 and Xbox releases. Nitpicking probably.

    Been playing Downpour a bit. So far its not bad, but some glitches really kill it in places. The frame rate shudders around noticeably and I got stuck in a basement for a hour trying to get through a door that stayed locked after I bashed off the padlock. It took reloading the last checkpoint and doing a whole section again. Frustrating. If I hadn't read a guide (which I hate doing) I would have been totally stumped and pissed.

    Glitches aside, I'm still enjoying it, its by the numbers, but feels, atmospheric-wise, like Silent Hill 4 (which I liked a lot, despite its flaws).

  6. #36
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    I had Silent Hill 2 once upon a time and traded it last year actually for some nice pocket change, $5.00, at the time. HD Collection might be neat but not on my 'to get right now!' list.

    I must say, I like both Resident Evil and Silent Hill but have rarely played any of both series at all. I played about 2 chapters in Resident Evil 5 and played Silent Hill 2 for perhaps maybe 2 hours in total when i did have it. I rented Silent Hill: Homecoming last year as well. Played for maybe 3 hrs and had to take it back. I wouldn't have rented it as I wanted the Simpsons Game but the box I picked up evidently wasn't the Simpsons Game even though it was in the Simpsons Game spot. Fail. I didn't mind it, I know people that like the series said Homecoming sucked but I didn't think it was that bad when I played it. Besides, the music was top notch.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 04-15-2012 at 10:11 AM.

  7. #37
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    ^ I reeeally wanna play Downpour, but every time I've been in the rental store the last couple weeks, it's been checked out. Blah!

    Anyway, I have a PS2 stashed away, and I'm able to get original copies of Silent Hill 2 and 3 in great condition off a friend for about 20 bucks. Should I just do that rather than get the HD collection? (Apparently, it's pretty hard to get them used anywhere, and getting them new costs anywhere from $80 to $90 bucks each.)

    I only ask because I know exactly what people are saying about the lack of fog and mist ruining the look of the game, now that I've played the first one on PS1 and seen a ton of videos comparing the HD collection to the originals. I can see where some of the hardcore people are saying it takes away from the "horror" factor that they can see roads drop off in the distance and monsters standing in the middle of the road waiting for your avatar to trigger its attack. The first game is basically built on not being able to see much more than like, 10 or 15 feet away from you at any time, and it was scary as shit. I don't know what I'd think if that was messed with in the HD collection. But then again, I have no real opinion on the matter since I haven't actually played any game other than the first. I guess I just don't want to start playing the HD collection and be disappointed. :P I also thought about just getting the HD collection after they release the patch they're working on, and see what everyone thinks of it once they patch some things.

    Why didn't I get into these games sooner??

  8. #38
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    This was the main song I was talking of:

  9. #39
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    Silent Hill soundtrack appreciation!
    The classic has got to be:

    I didn't mind Homecoming. It wasn't anything special, but the story got going half way through and had a nice climax. Silent Hill 4 sort of did the opposite where it just sort of ran out steam about half way through. I tried playing a bit of Origins on the PSP the other day. That one is really bad, I can't bring myself to even finish it. Other than that though I'd still recommend any other Silent Hill to those who are curious, a few graphic issues with fog wouldn't take anything away from SH2 or 3's gameplay and story, and that what its all about really.
    Last edited by liquidcalm; 04-15-2012 at 03:56 PM.

  10. #40
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    Oh no, I asked for the HD collection for my birthday on Tuesday and now I'm slightly regretting it


    Removing the fog horn in that scene (one of those little sound effects that MAKE the game)', is akin to the Darth Vader saying 'nooooo' at the end ofReturn of the Jedi on blu-Ray - just Why?

    I only really wanted these HD games because I'd like to get rid of my PS2 and these games, Resident Evil CVX / 4 and the metal Gear ones are the only games I've still got for that and I can live without The Room - but I may rethink this now

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    Oh no, I asked for the HD collection for my birthday on Tuesday and now I'm slightly regretting it


    Removing the fog horn in that scene (one of those little sound effects that MAKE the game)', is akin to the Darth Vader saying 'nooooo' at the end ofReturn of the Jedi on blu-Ray - just Why?

    I only really wanted these HD games because I'd like to get rid of my PS2 and these games, Resident Evil CVX / 4 and the metal Gear ones are the only games I've still got for that and I can live without The Room - but I may rethink this now
    I'm glad there are other elitist jerks like me. Removing or changing anything in Silent Hill is complete blasphemy. KEEP YOUR DAMNED GREASY CHEESE BURGER HANDS OFF IT YOU DAMNED YANKS! Just as a disclaimer, I'm part American by the by.

    I'm very unsure about Downpour. After Homecoming, I really kind of lost faith in the series. I enjoyed it to an extent but only if I kept reminding myself that it isnt a real Silent Hill game and I was playing a different franchise all together, regardless if I was lying to myself or not. Also, the fact Korn did a song for it was kind of pissing on the series big style. Did not appreciate. From what I've heard, Daniel Licht did a decent job of the music otherwise though. He's no Akira Yamaoka but he seemed to try to keep the musical theme from the very little I've heard.

    Book of Memories needs to go away. Its as if they had a major brainstorm over the franchise and accidentally kept all the notes of how not to make a Silent Hill game. I remember hearing a quote from one of the develpors "Long term fans of the franchise need not worry, a popular pyramid headed enemy makes an appearence" or something close to that effect. That is not a selling point. He should not be in the game either. I may eventually play it when I own a vita out of morbid curiosity. However, I will buy a pre owned copy only (if a pre owned version ever exists). It may sound arrogant, but I dont want the developers of that game getting any of my money. I do not want to be held responsible for a Book of Memories 2 regardless how little I potentially contribute to the cause

  12. #42
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    If anyone hates their copy of Silent Hill HD Collection enough to part with it and its an Xbox copy you should drop me a PM. I am reading resounding hate almost everywhere but I on the other hand would like to have it.

  13. #43
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    I like it. From what I hear, the changes made aren't too radical. It's not that bad though.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    I like it. From what I hear, the changes made aren't too radical. It's not that bad though.
    Fog changes and less of it, missing foghorn noise in SH2 and voice actor differences. The rest is the same.

    I retract my last statement, I said fuck it and traded a few games in to get the last copy at the local Gamestop. Sweet.

  15. #45
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    You have an option on the voice acting though. In the second game, at least. Not sure what the foghorn is though. Silent Hill noob here.

  16. #46
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    Technically, it's about the movie, but...

    From what I hear, the movie's been done for a while now, and the distributor (or somebody) was just sitting on it, waiting to decide when to release it. Because, you know, releasing it in the same month as 3 other Silent Hill releases or just slating it for Halloween wouldn't make any sense.

    By the way, I went and bought Silent Hill 2 and 3 for the PS2. I figure I might as well play the originals, then try the HD collection later on, and if I wanna upgrade, maybe I can sell off 2 and 3 and pick up the HD collection.

    ANYWAY....Personally, I kinda like the first Silent Hill movie. I know it gets a lot of crap for screwing up the franchise and whatnot, but as a stand-alone story of Silent Hill, I like it.

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    ANYWAY....Personally, I kinda like the first Silent Hill movie. I know it gets a lot of crap for screwing up the franchise and whatnot, but as a stand-alone story of Silent Hill, I like it.
    I really like the first movie, I've never played any of the games so I'm not seeing anything they may have screwed up. But I thought it was a pretty cool, twisted movie, will definitely go see the second one if they ever release it.

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by kdrcraig View Post
    I really like the first movie, I've never played any of the games so I'm not seeing anything they may have screwed up. But I thought it was a pretty cool, twisted movie, will definitely go see the second one if they ever release it.
    Personally, I didn't see how they "screwed it up" myself. I know that they wanted to make it similar to the first game, but changed a whole lotta things regarding what happens to Alessa and Sharon (who was supposed to be Cheryl from the game) and that they decided to change Harry Mason into Rose Da Silva. Other than a few little things, I don't think it was a bad movie at all. Although it would have been awesome to see a movie more true to the game, there were things from the game that would have just been weird in a movie (basically any of the bosses) The inclusion of Pyramid Head was cool, though!)

  19. #49
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    Aaand, looks like we're gonna have Silent Hill: Revelation 3D on October 26th!

    Edit - Silent Hill 2 and 3 just came in the mail - Damn, these things are in good shape for pre-owned. My buddy probably takes better care of his shit than anyone I know.
    Last edited by ImTheWiseJanitor; 04-19-2012 at 11:04 AM.

  20. #50
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    Finally got round to playing the first 5 mins of my Silent Hill 2 HD game - not liking it at all, the atmosphere is gone due to not enough fog and everything is too 'bright' and colourful and the game 'staggers' a bit every time James runs for a bit (is that the frame rate dipping?) - I just don't really see any excuse for this sort of problem in this day and age, the PS2 version never did this, how can the quality go backwards??

  21. #51
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    ^ This is why I ended up buying the PS2 versions instead. I'm glad I did, because Silent Hill 2 was one hell of a game. I don't know how different it would be if my first time playing would've been with the HD version.

  22. #52
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    Has anyone finished Homecoming? Silent 1,2,3, The Room. Homecoming is/was decent but only half way through it. Started it when it first came out, dropped it for about a year, picked it up again for about a week playing randomly. Never finished, no real desire to go back. Should I get Downpour or is it as lackluster as Homecoming?

  23. #53
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    I'm about to start Homecoming! Got it dirt cheap the other day for a local place's close out sale. I heard it was pretty lackluster, but I reeeally hope it's better than Downpour.

    Downpour wasn't the worst game ever. But it wasn't too great, either. The enemies and environment weren't threatening at all, even on hard difficulty - just more of pains in the ass. I'd rent it, or get it for as cheap as you can, but I'm not buyin' that thing for full price, that's for sure. :P

  24. #54
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    I've finished Silent Hill 1-3, and Homecoming. I quite enjoyed Homecoming, but not as good as earlier ones. I got to the last battle in The Room once but failed to win, haven't been really bothered to play all the way through again to stop Eileen practically running to her death. I'll probably wait till it's cheaper to get Downpour

    Yes, Alrea you were much better off getting the PS2 versions!

  25. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    I'm about to start Homecoming! Got it dirt cheap the other day for a local place's close out sale. I heard it was pretty lackluster, but I reeeally hope it's better than Downpour.

    Downpour wasn't the worst game ever. But it wasn't too great, either. The enemies and environment weren't threatening at all, even on hard difficulty - just more of pains in the ass. I'd rent it, or get it for as cheap as you can, but I'm not buyin' that thing for full price, that's for sure. :P
    I'm about halfway through Downpour and I'm enjoying it more than Homecoming. Not that Homecoming was bad.. the story seemed held back by terrible supporting characters, but the story itself is okay and has a fair amount of lore and reasoning behind it. I'd play it again if I ever had time (which I never seem to have any more)..

    If SH4 worked on my PS3 I'd still play that, its a flawed gem in my opinion, but alas its one of the few Ps2 games I have that just completely borks up on the old 60gb.

  26. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    I've finished Silent Hill 1-3, and Homecoming. I quite enjoyed Homecoming, but not as good as earlier ones. I got to the last battle in The Room once but failed to win, haven't been really bothered to play all the way through again to stop Eileen practically running to her death. I'll probably wait till it's cheaper to get Downpour

    Yes, Alrea you were much better off getting the PS2 versions!
    I'm REALLY glad I did, for a couple reasons. One, because SH 2 and 3 were amazing, and two, because buying a PS2 again gave me the chance to get a few other games I loved playing as a kid. :P

    Quote Originally Posted by liquidcalm View Post
    I'm about halfway through Downpour and I'm enjoying it more than Homecoming. Not that Homecoming was bad.. the story seemed held back by terrible supporting characters, but the story itself is okay and has a fair amount of lore and reasoning behind it. I'd play it again if I ever had time (which I never seem to have any more)..
    I've heard a lot of mixed opinions on Homecoming, so I'm just going into it with an open mind like I have the rest. SH 1, 2, 3, and Downpour are the only ones I've played all the way through so far, but Downpour is probably my least favorite...Mainly because there were so few parts where I actually felt scared, or like Murphy was in real danger. The story was good, the sidequests were creative, and I didn't really see the ending(s) coming until the latter portion of the game...even the music was pretty decent without Yamaoka. There were just a bunch of things they could have worked on for another month or two to really make it a great game. It would be okay as its own game in a world without the rest of the "Silent Hill" franchise, but as a Silent Hill game, it falls a little flat for me in some parts. Like I said, I'll probably buy it once it's cheaper. I don't hate it at all. It just could've been a lot better.

  27. #57
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    I bought the HD Collection back in April and have yet to play it other than for one day. Sad face.

    I need to.

    I have Homecoming, I love the soundtrack and the overall atmosphere. As far as new Silent Hills it holds up. I like the somber feeling and demonic dreaded reasons of the children's deaths and how they relate to the adults and boss battles.

    I have Downpour, again rarely played it since I got it. I need to.


  28. #58
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    Patch fixing issues with the HD Collection has just been released for the PS3. Meanwhile, I must wait for the 360 patch. Sighface.

  29. #59
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    I really hope that the patch helps things a bit! I want to buy this HD collection, but with the number of complaints it's been getting, it's impossible to justify buying it when I already have the original games.

  30. #60
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    I bought the collection since I'm laid up for a bit. It was nice to FINALLY play the Maria sub-scenario (I previously had the LE SH2 PS2 version so never played it before), but the fog was ABYSMAL.

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