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Thread: Assassin's Creed - Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

  1. #91
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    Effing WANT. I'd wear that thing every chance I got.

  2. #92
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    Looks like this stupid trend is with this game now too,

    The ACIII Season Pass will include five pieces of additional content including the three-episode “The Tyranny of King Washington” expansion. This DLC will bring an all-new single-player campaign that represents an alternate version of the "history of the events following the American Revolution".

    Of course, the Season Pass will also include new content for the game's multiplayer. No specific details were given, but "new maps and characters" were promised.

    All of the content included in the season pass will be released within six months of Assassin's Creed III's launch date of October 31st. The pass will cost 2400 MSP, or can be pre-ordered for $29.99 from GameStop or Best Buy. In addition to the 25% savings you'll receive against buying the packs individually, Season Pass holders will also have access to the first DLC pack one week before their general release.
    I want this game but never pre-ordered because frankly even though I like this series I haven't ever ponied up and beat any of the games so this does not warrant a launch buy for me. With this season pass inclusion I might do everyone's famous rage line when season passes are announced: I'll just buy this with all DLC with it sometime next year. I'm up to my elbows with games I need to beat as it is already. ACIII can wait.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 10-04-2012 at 02:01 AM.

  3. #93
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    I really don't get people's problem with season passes. It just gives you all/most of the DLC for a cheaper price than buying them all separately, don't really see what there is to bitch about. I did it with L.A. Noire and it was awesome.

  4. #94
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    I don't get it. You're essentially buying everything DLC-related in bulk for a fraction cheaper. Sometimes its cool. But sometimes its necessary. Undecided about this one (don't really care about multiplayer). But for some games, its easily a deal.

  5. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by kdrcraig View Post
    I really don't get people's problem with season passes. It just gives you all/most of the DLC for a cheaper price than buying them all separately, don't really see what there is to bitch about. I did it with L.A. Noire and it was awesome.
    I noticed some people are upset because with these Season Passes because devs seem that they're more worried about DLC after the game than the game launch itself. Not to mention with the tacking on of season passes a brand new game these days is like anywhere from $90.00 to $100.00 anymore.

    I don't have any problem with season passes as I've bought a few: L.A. Noire, Gears of War 3, Borderlands 2 and a few others. But sometimes its cheaper for me in the long run to buy them when they come out separately instead of paying one lump sum for something I'm not gonna get for awhile.

    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    I don't get it. You're essentially buying everything DLC-related in bulk for a fraction cheaper. Sometimes its cool. But sometimes its necessary. Undecided about this one (don't really care about multiplayer). But for some games, its easily a deal.
    I'm passing on this season pass and game. AC always drops in price and so does its DLC. I like the multiplayer but not really feeling DLC and buying it.

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by kdrcraig View Post
    I really don't get people's problem with season passes. It just gives you all/most of the DLC for a cheaper price than buying them all separately, don't really see what there is to bitch about. I did it with L.A. Noire and it was awesome.
    Quoted for truth. People will srsly bitch about literally anything, and I mean anything. You're a fan of the game? You know before it's out that you'll probably want the DLC? You wanna save some money? Why not.

    You're not a fan, then wait for a GOTY edition or whatever. Developers are stressing DLC as much as the game because of the public, not the other way around. It's 2012, and video game nerds are among the most fickle of any type of media. Imagine if Borderlands 2 came out or ME3 and there WASN'T any DLC. People would just piss and moan about that.

    Sometimes it just boils down to there being actual important things to whine about in life. I remember being 17 and buying an N64 and literally just enjoying a video game. Not talking trash while playing CoD. Not pissing at developers because they took too long to release DLC. Just buying a video game and fuckin' enjoying it. I'm old.


  7. #97
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    Anyone pick this up? Not surprisingly, once the embargo lifted the first reviews were 10/10, saying it was a masterpiece. Now it's down to an 83 on Metacritic, with some saying it's a bit long in the cutscene dept. and kinda more of the same. Still, I think it'll be a fun game and why not, ya know? People already selling sealed copies on Craigslist for $50...might wait until that drops to the $40 range and give it a go.

  8. #98
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    I cAught that their having a day 1 patch for this game. just horrible that companies are sooooo concerned about getting games to market asap, that they cant even finish them before their out the door. i remember a time when the internet dint exesist and if your gamke had bugs, then thats too bad (as i post this from myy xboxs internet browser).

    i really was a big fan of this series before i just got franchise fatigue waaay bad. especially since ac2 and ac brotherhood both felt like they could have easily been combined into 1 game. its too bad ubisoft has to be so greedy, the subject material of these games is awesome. im just sick af a new one coming out every year (same goes for call of duty and i guess you could add halo to that list now too)

  9. #99
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    I got it, surprisingly when I wasn't going to.

  10. #100
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    Ugh cannot wait till Friday. Ans the two ac2 side games pretty much funded this one. With out those, who knows.

  11. #101
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    Decided not to wait until Friday... going to probably trade in Dishonored (unwillingly) and pick it up tomorrow.

  12. #102
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    This game fucking rules.

  13. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    This game fucking rules.
    Someone I work with ranted and raved about how this one's amazing. Enough that I caved and decided not to wait.

  14. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Someone I work with ranted and raved about how this one's amazing. Enough that I caved and decided not to wait.
    I like the feel and subject matter. Anything from 1700-1990 I love in American History. So interesting to me and few games have ever been placed in Colonial Times, let alone something this scale.

    I got this game for a late birthday present from my friend. Otherwise I wouldn't have gotten it. Glad he did and I can!

  15. #105
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    I can see why they need the day 1 patch. I've seen a handful of small glitches just in the first hour I've played it. Nothing substantial, but stuff that seems like it could've been easily fixed with a little more time in the shop. It really would've been fine if they'd just bumped the release date back a couple weeks to iron things out, though.

    But aside from that, I'm really digging it do far! Had to take a break to check out ZOE and the Metal Gear Rising demo, though.
    Last edited by ImTheWiseJanitor; 10-30-2012 at 06:49 PM.

  16. #106
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    I was moving and glitching so horribly in a fight at the end of Sequence 2. Awful.

    Fun game though, love the atmosphere and story thus far. Too bad Sequence 2 at the end pissed me off by how many times it had to be re-done.

  17. #107
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    Got this today and I'm super pumped to play it tomorrow. Going to finish the main storyline of Arkham City tonight, and conveniently, I have an off day tomorrow. Gonna wake up, rip off the wrapping, and pop in ACIII. Can't wait.

  18. #108
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    To anyone who's already playing the game: Do you need AC, AC2 etc. to get into AC3?

  19. #109
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    If you haven't played the games, some of the story might seem a little confusing. But I doubt it'd make a major difference since its a new character.

  20. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    If you haven't played the games, some of the story might seem a little confusing. But I doubt it'd make a major difference since its a new character.
    Quoted for Truth.

    Only thing that might make less sense is Desmond's storyline in the present but they have a summary at the beginning of III detailing what happened in I and II. It lightly fills you in.

    III is a new entity and a whole story on its own. No way can you get lost.

  21. #111
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    I was mostly referring to Desmond. So much happened with him in the previous four games. I'd imagine they make a few references that someone wouldn't catch

  22. #112
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    Beat Sequence 6 just now. These Sequences are long. Each take me about an hour and a half to two hours to complete.

    These grid objectives to reach the max percentage of synchronization for each sequence memory is hard as hell. Ugh!

    Going to play the crap out of this and beat it before Halo 4 next Tuesday. Will also buy the season pass sometime soon and try to beat this shit as much as I can to get 100% in achievements (hahahaha yeah, right).

  23. #113
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    I have a feeling that hunting will take some getting used to.


    I'm really in no rush to finish. I'm most likely going straight into multiplayer when I get Halo anyway. So I'll probably switch between the two until I finish this.
    Last edited by Piko; 11-01-2012 at 08:34 AM.

  24. #114
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    This game is sloppy as fuck. Checkpointing is retarded, fail conditions are often unreasonable, and as usual, the contextualvmapping makes it difficult to acconplish what your trying to do sometimes. The load times make the checkpointing even more frustrating, if it keeps up ill be returning the game....

  25. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    This game is sloppy as fuck. Checkpointing is retarded, fail conditions are often unreasonable, and as usual, the contextualvmapping makes it difficult to acconplish what your trying to do sometimes. The load times make the checkpointing even more frustrating, if it keeps up ill be returning the game....
    Checkpointing kinda makes me upset when you fail and have to go all the way back to the start of the objective. Unreasonable how? Only reason I've failed anything is due to wandering off or getting my ass handed to me in a one on ten man fight.

    How so?

    Load times aren't an issue for me. Or maybe I don't care that much.

    Maybe install the game to the HDD for smoother load times?

    I'm having no real major issues or gripes with this game.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 11-01-2012 at 08:19 PM.

  26. #116
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    Unreasonable in the sense of how easy it is to get caught and how shotty some mechanics are. I guess im just use to games now that allow multiple approaches. So when i face a hard reset to the beginning of a mission after already completing a tedious, uninteresting objective i get pretty pissed. Especially if its because the mechani s failed to work, or i got spotted just one time. Also: objectives in games should not be uninteresting and tedious.

    Also this game has that really annoying habit of playing a cutscene, and then having you run for ten seconds/minutes only to start another cutscene. Just play through the cutscenes to the end! Thats not interactive story telling! Its pushing a buttom here and there.

    That said i do enjoy the overall story in spite of bad writing and voice acting. Its got a nice vobem and when the game actually lets you play its pretty nice.

  27. #117
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    What you're saying, and more and more reviews like this that are popping up (not just reviews saying 'durrr. it sucks.' but actually going in depth as to why it's just not as good as the previous ones despite some good points) have made me still hold off on buying this. I probably still will once I can find it on craigslist for like $30 but even doesn't sound promising once you sidestep all the hype and fanboys.

  28. #118
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    I think it's the best since II. I don't think Ubisoft will ever Top ACII as hard they try.

    The game is good, fun and daunting in some areas but it's a great story and has some cool angles in this era of history. The game gets a solid 8 or 9 out of 10 from me.

    It is HOWEVER grossly overrated and overhyped though. It's good but it's not that good.

    Beat Sequence 8 this afternoon. 4 more to go.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 11-02-2012 at 12:50 PM.

  29. #119
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    Im not saying its bad, and in many ways i like it more than the previous ones. I just think some of the missio ns are too structured and to leashy.

    I think the best thing about it is also the worst thing about it. The game takes about 8 hours to let you off the leash. And its because the story places a heavy emphasis on story building and character development. It doesnt have to, but it totaly sacrifices gameplay until it stops doing this. I respect the game for trying here. A lot. But i wish some better script writers and actors would have been hired, in which case this section would feel more justified...

    Sequence 5 which takes place 4-5 hours into the game is called "training begins". Even my wife facepalmed.

  30. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    Im not saying its bad, and in many ways i like it more than the previous ones. I just think some of the missio ns are too structured and to leashy.

    I think the best thing about it is also the worst thing about it. The game takes about 8 hours to let you off the leash. And its because the story places a heavy emphasis on story building and character development. It doesnt have to, but it totaly sacrifices gameplay until it stops doing this. I respect the game for trying here. A lot. But i wish some better script writers and actors would have been hired, in which case this section would feel more justified...

    Sequence 5 which takes place 4-5 hours into the game is called "training begins". Even my wife facepalmed.
    I liked playing as Haytham and playing as young Connor was neccessary slightly but I do agree, it took quite forever to finally don the Assassin's outfit. There's 12 Sequences and in the Assassin's attire you only play 7 of them. Standard game size.

    I don't really care for the detection. I killed a guy that was facing me and he had no yellow meter above his head yet I still failed as I was detected? WTF? I killed him fast and swift with no alerts yet I failed because I didn't get him from behind. I don't recall the other games being like that.

    I don't like the combat system in this game. I preferred the old one from ACII-Revelations.

    Oh well.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 11-02-2012 at 01:05 PM.

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