Quote Originally Posted by Jordan View Post
I'm interested in upgrading my sound system. I will start with a nice set of headphones, amp and DAC. Unfortunately I don't have the ability to test most products before I buy so I'm forced to purchased based on online reviews. I know, not ideal. Being that I listen to NIN by far more than anything, I want some cans that match that style of music. I am curious if any of you have recommendations? I've been considering the Sennheiser HD650 or the HD800, Woo Audio WA2 or WA22 headphone amp, and a Resonessence Concero HD DAC. Thanks.
Cross-post from here.

Those are huge price swings for the headphones and amp. The difference between the HD650's and the HD800's is around $600. The difference between the WA2 and WA22 is $900–$1000 (assuming "factory" attenuator on the WA2).

I would first figure out within $50–$100 how much you want to spend on each piece. There are so many choices within the price ranges you've presented, it would be easier if there was a more solid number to lean towards. I know tone can get lost in typing; I'm making this recommendation hoping to curb you from feeling "ripped off" later.