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Thread: The Marvel Thread - Multiverses and other Shenanigans

  1. #3301
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    Yeah, I was also thinking of Iron Fist while watching it. Like "THIS is how the ninja & Kung Fu stuff SHOULD be handled."

  2. #3302
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    yeah, that doesn't look like any other Marvel film. I'm not sure how I feel about the Ten Rings not being actual rings - I don't know the characters at all but it is a huge change from what I do know - but maybe it won't matter.

    The one good shot of the rings that you get, fully powered-up, fairly sure that's not the Mandarin at that point. Spoiler: the clothing is a little form-fitting for an older man so I have to think it's his daughter.
    It looks like he's got 5 of the rings (bracelets?) on his right arm in this still. I'm willing willing to bet his left arm also has 5 bracelets. Maybe they're just changing them from rings on his fingers to bands around his arms. Either way, between the Infinity gems/stones on the Infinity gauntlet and this, Marvel sure loves their mystical, super-powered jewelry!

    Last edited by sonic_discord; 04-20-2021 at 12:38 AM.

  3. #3303
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  4. #3304
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    I wonder if there's a reason the ten rings are different between Iron Man 3 and this movie. I mean yeah there's the whole "not the real Mandarin" thing but also there's the scene above and there's the iconography that was used before:

    Also the image I was referring to wasn't that one but a different one. I retract my statement about it possibly being his sister.

  5. #3305
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    aw that's cute.

  6. #3306
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    spoilers but not really.

    Sometimes I wonder if people are watching the same show. Unless I'm totally misreading this in which case my comprehension skills are subpar this morning.
    Last edited by allegate; 04-23-2021 at 01:18 PM.

  7. #3307
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    I loved the finale. I think I liked TFATWS more than WandaVision because this stuck the landing way better.

    Spoiler: You’ll never hear me bad mouth Kathryn Hahn but that show needed a bigger villain and a better last episode overall. Having Evan Peters be just a throwaway joke was incredibly short sighted.

  8. #3308
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    I think TFATWS really tapped into what is going on in the US right now. It was very present with how we need to do better.
    I thought the first 2 episodes were slow, but everything was on point from 3-6. And the nailed the ending. I'm psyched for the next Captain America film, and I'm really hoping that Bucky is always a part of that. They have great chemistry.

  9. #3309
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    the ending was a little too on-the-nose with the speech and the reveal and the pat on the back from Bucky to John Walker after the weird Lincoln quote. other than that? pretty damn good. The helicopter chase, the Batroc fight Spoiler: RIP, the speech (I know what I said, I can like it and think it's hokey)...great stuff. Glad they announced Cap 4 today at the same time so you know that Black Falcon...I mean Captain going to get a movie.

    I teared up when he took Isiah to the display. I know that it was literally the smallest thing Sam could have done (removed from the show and looking it as an actual act, it really was) but in the moment it was beautiful.

    I can't wait to see Cap and Bucky and Falcon and Patriot vs. The Thunderbolts.

  10. #3310
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  11. #3311
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    Really not happy with the finale... I was pretty bored throughout and even the fight scenes, something this show was very good at, weren't all that great, plus horrendous CGI. The Flag Smashers really didn't work for me and I absolutely did not care what was happening to Karli. Did the other super soldiers even have names?

    BUT I have to applaud this show for its intention, ideas and message. While the speech was very on the nose, it's words like this that are very much need today and have always been. And they can't be voiced often enough! I like what this show has set up so far though, so count me in on Cap 4 and I'll take this show as an "just okay" introduction for some cool stuff in the future.

    Loki here we go...

  12. #3312
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    You’re nuts, dude. Batroc vs Sam by itself was great which reminds me, shout out to GSP, who did a great job here. Spoiler: You didn’t see a body so I’m long shot hoping for a return. I thought Carli and crew vs Bucky and Walker was a good brawl as well.
    Last edited by Swykk; 04-24-2021 at 07:04 AM.

  13. #3313
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    My only complaint? I didn't dig the white part of the costume that came up around his head. It looks weird to me.

  14. #3314
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    You’re nuts, dude. Batroc vs Sam by itself was great which reminds me, shout out to GSP, who did a great job here. Spoiler: You didn’t see a body so I’m long shot hoping for a return. I thought Carli and crew vs Bucky and Walker was a good brawl as well.
    Eh Spoiler: blinkandyoumissedit but there was a body that hit the floor.

    I'm not so crass as to link the video here. (Which actually means I'm on my phone and copy/pasting between tabs is a pita. :P )

  15. #3315
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlb View Post
    Really not happy with the finale... I was pretty bored throughout and even the fight scenes, something this show was very good at, weren't all that great, plus horrendous CGI. The Flag Smashers really didn't work for me and I absolutely did not care what was happening to Karli. Did the other super soldiers even have names?

    BUT I have to applaud this show for its intention, ideas and message. While the speech was very on the nose, it's words like this that are very much need today and have always been. And they can't be voiced often enough! I like what this show has set up so far though, so count me in on Cap 4 and I'll take this show as an "just okay" introduction for some cool stuff in the future.

    Loki here we go...
    Does everyone forget about What If?

    The fact that this show with these ideas is in a marvel property on a Disney "channel" with this kind of budget...I have to wonder if Feige was like hey it's in service if the snap story, that's it and that's how it was approved. Because this is some heavy stuff.

    Also: how likely is it that we get a West Coast Avengers vs The Thunderbolts movie? Squirrel girl is coming guys.

  16. #3316
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    If Squirrel girl is coming, I'll be very interested in how the implement her. I find it hilarious that there is almost no explanation as to why she can defeat such huge villains in the comics. Thunderbolts are indeed coming if they take the route of Zemo leading them like he does in the books. Also like the juxtaposition of Val possibly forming her own team up sort of how Fury did with the Avengers. All of this makes sense since the Avengers are disbanded so this gives room for new heroes to pop up in future shows and films. This is only the tip of the iceberg...

    Finale was great. I teared up numerous times during those touching scenes; Sam really does his thing and I thought the speech was just fine. The show does an amazing job making you care for characters you're supposed to hate like Walker. I liked that he was being good and teaming up with our heroes, even with his dinner plate shield. Strong series and enjoyed it much more than WandaVision

    The whole Agent Carter thing AND Karli were the weakest aspect of all of this. I was tuning out whenever the Flagsmashers were on screen... Just very predictable, and Carter is one of the most boring characters in the entire MCU and the comics.

    Oh right, and we have Cap 4 coming!
    Last edited by Self.Destructive.Pattern; 04-24-2021 at 05:59 PM.

  17. #3317
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    Marc Bernardin on the latest Fatman Beyond echoed some feelings about the TFAWS finale that i also had felt regarding how John Walker was redeemed too fast. I was expecting him to confront Sam about the shield and try to get it back from him or just have a big entitled temper tantrum declaring himself as the true Captain America. I get that we were building up to him becoming U.S. Agent regardless but i still would have liked to have seen more conflict there from him.

    The show could have been benefited with a couple more episodes.
    Last edited by thelastdisciple; 04-25-2021 at 10:15 AM.

  18. #3318
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    I felt the same. As with most thing in 2021, blame Covid. There was apparently a whole plague subplot that they had to cut which is either hilarious or terrifying, I'm still vacillating on that one. The show was definitely rushed but given the world, they still did a pretty good job making sure it had what it needed. It had it quickly, yes, but it had it.

    Also I know less than nothing about Squirrel Girl other than there was going to be a TV series with her but it was cancelled. Pretty good casting though.


    and Carter was supposedly snapped so how could she actually be the Power Broker? That needs to be explained, I think. I mean, they showed her picture in Endgame so either she was snapped or she wasn't and it was convenient for people to think she was.

    Or third option since we're coming up on Secret Invasion...
    Last edited by allegate; 04-25-2021 at 05:19 PM.

  19. #3319
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    Yeah, the final episode did feel rushed. Walker was the most annoying thing. It reminded me of X- Men Apocalypse, where people commented about how Magneto was forgiven for having killed a bucket load of innocents. Walker bashing that guy with the shield happened yesterday, almost, and now he's one of the good guys? Come on.

    Carter's big reveal left me ambivalent. In the comics she's the one who killed Steve Rogers. Of course it's more complicated than that. In the series, she never acknowledge being the Power Broker. So maybe she's just a red herring.

    What I loved most about it is that when people were calling Sam "Cap", it felt right. And it felt good.

    Oh and Zemo was way too happy in his cell. He's planning something. It was his butler who blew up the truck with the remaining Flagsmachers after all.

    At one point during his speech, Sam mentioned " an insane god". I wonder who that could be?

    On to everyone's favorite trickster!

  20. #3320
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    isn't the insane god Thanos?

  21. #3321
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    Yeah, the final episode did feel rushed. Walker was the most annoying thing. It reminded me of X- Men Apocalypse, where people commented about how Magneto was forgiven for having killed a bucket load of innocents. Walker bashing that guy with the shield happened yesterday, almost, and now he's one of the good guys? Come on.

    Carter's big reveal left me ambivalent. In the comics she's the one who killed Steve Rogers. Of course it's more complicated than that. In the series, she never acknowledge being the Power Broker. So maybe she's just a red herring.

    What I loved most about it is that when people were calling Sam "Cap", it felt right. And it felt good.

    Oh and Zemo was way too happy in his cell. He's planning something. It was his butler who blew up the truck with the remaining Flagsmachers after all.

    At one point during his speech, Sam mentioned " an insane god". I wonder who that could be?

    On to everyone's favorite trickster!
    Pretty much how I felt. I didn't dislike it, but it felt a little on-the-nose, meh, and predictable. Glad to see Sam finally get his moment. Some other thoughts:

    - The Sharon Carter thing was weird; wish they went into that a bit more.

    - I agree with those who felt John Walker was redeemed too quickly. I expected shit to hit the fan during the last episode, and it never really did.

    - Even after a whole series with him, I STILL wish they would have done more with Bucky.

  22. #3322
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    With the change of the title card I wish they could have gotten rid of the Winter Soldier bit, go all the way and be Captain America & Bucky Barnes. You spend six episodes about him wanting to not be the Winter Soldier any more and you still call him that?

    edit: they updated the twitter account, pretty cool.

    Last edited by allegate; 04-26-2021 at 03:52 PM.

  23. #3323
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    isn't the insane god Thanos?
    That was my first thought too but Thanos was known as the Mad Titan; I don't remember anyone referring to him as a god.


    Then again, Sam never interacted with Loki so... hum.

    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    With the change of the title card I wish they could have gotten rid of the Winter Soldier bit, go all the way and be Captain America & Bucky Barnes. You spend six episodes about him wanting to not be the Winter Soldier any more and you still call him that?
    Captain America and Bucky Barnes, last surviving member of the Howling Commandos?

    Problem is that in the MCU universe most people know him as the Winter Soldier, not as Steve Rogers' BFF. He's been recognized as Sgt Barnes a few times in the series thought which is good.

  24. #3324
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    That was my first thought too but Thanos was known as the Mad Titan; I don't remember anyone referring to him as a god.
    I'm thinking that once he had the Infinity Gauntlet, he was essentially a God, or weilding God-like powers.

    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    Captain America and Bucky Barnes, last surviving member of the Howling Commandos?

    Problem is that in the MCU universe most people know him as the Winter Soldier, not as Steve Rogers' BFF. He's been recognized as Sgt Barnes a few times in the series thought which is good.
    I know what you're saying, but "The Winter Soldier" just sounds so much cooler and badass than "Bucky Barnes." Maybe they could go with the "White Wolf" name, but I feel like he should get a new suit from Wakanda, too, if that were the case. Maybe in Captain America 4 or a potential season 2 they can address that?

  25. #3325
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    Yea, I took the "Insane God" comment in reference to Loki. I don't remember anyone considering Thanos a god, but I could be wrong.

  26. #3326
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    the amount of work people are doing to dunk on Feige when he's literally talking to the Disney execs and praising Zhao is incredible. I mean, the context clues are right there at the end of the first paragraph.

  27. #3327
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    That's soical media now, doesn't matter who it is or the context, if there's an easy dunk everyone will take it for the likes...

  28. #3328
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    I think TFATWS really tapped into what is going on in the US right now. It was very present with how we need to do better.
    I thought the first 2 episodes were slow, but everything was on point from 3-6. And the nailed the ending. I'm psyched for the next Captain America film, and I'm really hoping that Bucky is always a part of that. They have great chemistry.

    I don't want to derail this thread but also feel the need to say how important it is what you just said.

    For those of you who feel tired of having the race conversation and how black people, Asian people and minorities in general are being treated, I want you think about how these people feel about the very same conversation and actions of the people in power. I'm sorry if you feel "hey i watch this show to be entertained and not to be bombarded by what's going on in real life" but we are all a product of our environment and it's up to all of us to change it.

    It's good to see how this series not letting things die down, got to keep hammering home the messages this series brought up.

  29. #3329
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    To follow up to that, imagine growing up in the Jim Crow era and finding out that shit's back in style again and a lot of people are just like "well, as long as it doesn't impact my life" and "ugh, keep politics out of my entertainment". Politics are everywhere.

  30. #3330
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    people who watch these shows must not be familiar with the comics, which has been speaking about it for 50 + years. look at the X-Men comics for instance, going back to the 60's and the issues they've addressed.

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